Islam is not inherently evil

Is shooting a woman in the back of the head for being accused of adultery evil? Is hanging homosexuals evil?

Yes, it is. So is beating your wife to death because the Bible tells you she should submit to your authority.

So is "kill gays" legislation in Uganda, a Christian movement supported by some Christians in America.

There is nothing in the New Testament endorsing men to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. You're very confused, dear.

People use scripture of all kinds to EXCUSE behavior.
The Quran has horribly immoral things in it and wonderfully moral things in it, can't put one label on it.
Yes, it is. So is beating your wife to death because the Bible tells you she should submit to your authority.

So is "kill gays" legislation in Uganda, a Christian movement supported by some Christians in America.

There is nothing in the New Testament endorsing men to beat their wives. There is in the Quran. You're very confused, dear.

People use scripture of all kinds to EXCUSE behavior.

So? Ignoring reality doesn't change it. Ignoring what the Quran teaches has nothing to do with people twisting Scripture. You're confused.
Some of the same people who say Islam is inherently evil, would claim the same for all other non-christian religions.
Stupid thread... another fairy tale trying to parse words to apologize for a bloody cult called islam.
The same people who condemn Islam as evil, do the same thing to other non-christian religions and atheists.
Your response is going to be that the Old Testament is violent also. Your problem is that Christianity is not the Old Testament. Islam is like the Old Testament being lived out in the 21st century. Why would you endorse a religion that still lives like people did thousands of years ago?

or how about the Spamish inquisition, th ehundred years war, the war of the roses, massacers of christians by christians via the Pope decree and protantism. The killing for black children in churches by whites, the killing of gays by christians, it still goes on in the USA and christian nations, we have learned through history to have a secular society in which the church or the religion does not have the power it once had. islamic nations must learn to do the same.

So your point is that what we are going through with Islamic terrrorism is something we are just going to have to learn to live with until Islam matures. Is that right?

I don't think anyone here has said we put up with terrorism...we fight it with all our might. But just like we don't destroy all the guns when someone commits murder...why would we destroy a religion when some terrorist uses it for an excuse to do what they probably would have done anyways.
In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, colonizers justified the slaughter and exploitation of the Indians in the New World by arguing that the Indian “savages” were wild animals, idolaters whom God had ordained to be enslaved by Christians.
Hans Koning, The Conquest of America: How the Indian Nations Lost Their Continent (New York: Cornerstone Press, 1993), p 27.

The enslavement of Africans was similarly justified through the book of Genesis. It was argued that Africans were a cursed people (drawn from the myth of the Curse of Ham or Canaan) whose skin color had blackened to mark the curse. Thus, even after the African slaves converted to Christianity they could be retained as slaves.
George Fredrickson, Racism: A Short History (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002), p 40–47.
or how about the Spamish inquisition, th ehundred years war, the war of the roses, massacers of christians by christians via the Pope decree and protantism. The killing for black children in churches by whites, the killing of gays by christians, it still goes on in the USA and christian nations, we have learned through history to have a secular society in which the church or the religion does not have the power it once had. islamic nations must learn to do the same.

So your point is that what we are going through with Islamic terrrorism is something we are just going to have to learn to live with until Islam matures. Is that right?

I don't think anyone here has said we put up with terrorism...we fight it with all our might. But just like we don't destroy all the guns when someone commits murder...why would we destroy a religion when some terrorist uses it for an excuse to do what they probably would have done anyways.

The Kingdom... Iran... etc., etc., etc. use Islam to Murder Homosexuals in Law...

This isn't the Acts of a few Cowards Perverting a Religion.

Why is that you guys Insist on Defending Islam?...

They would Kill you Bodey. :thup:


terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.

Terrorism is not evil. It's a propaganda term.

Sky Dancer, are you Muslim, or do you just have shit for brains? If Islam is a false religion, then non-abuse of its tenants is evil. It makes no difference if its tenants are abused because the religion itself is abuse of the truth.

Why do you assert, by implication, that the tenants of Islam are harmless?

It's also not as if "harm" is inherently bad. Zimmerman did righteous harm to that Afro shit Trayvon.
Islam is inherently evil.

Imagine for a moment the Bible with no Jesus, no New Testament, no Prince of Peace or indeed peace of any kind. Instead of feeding the poor with loaves and fishes, there's raping a nine year old girl. Imagine that the religion was pursuit of perfection according to the Old Testament without forgiveness or possibility of redemption with the exception of murdering innocents. Even the OT does not tell people that they can murder enough people to earn a way into paradise no matter how they have sinned in their lifetimes.

Now you approach what islam is.
Islam is inherently evil.

Imagine for a moment the Bible with no Jesus, no New Testament, no Prince of Peace or indeed peace of any kind. Instead of feeding the poor with loaves and fishes, there's raping a nine year old girl. Imagine that the religion was pursuit of perfection according to the Old Testament without forgiveness or possibility of redemption with the exception of murdering innocents. Even the OT does not tell people that they can murder enough people to earn a way into paradise no matter how they have sinned in their lifetimes.

Now you approach what islam is.

No religion is inherently's just a religion...just like a gun is just a gun. But it is what people do in the name of that religion. In fact, I don't think you can find a religion or a philosophy out there that has never been used as an excuse for PEOPLE doing evil to others. Blame the people doing the evil....just like we blame the people using guns for evil.
How do you explain the fact that the majority of Muslims are not terrorists? Surely if the entire religion of Islam is evil, then every man, woman and child who practices Islam must be evil.
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terrorism is evil. People who abuse religious tenets to do harm are evil.

Terrorism is not evil. It's a propaganda term.

Sky Dancer, are you Muslim, or do you just have shit for brains? If Islam is a false religion, then non-abuse of its tenants is evil. It makes no difference if its tenants are abused because the religion itself is abuse of the truth.

Why do you assert, by implication, that the tenants of Islam are harmless?

It's also not as if "harm" is inherently bad. Zimmerman did righteous harm to that Afro shit Trayvon.

You have your tongue shoved so far up Zimmermans ass you can taste what he had for breakfast 3 weeks ago. :thup:
How do you explain the fact that the majority of Muslims are not terrorists? Surely if the entire religion of Islam is evil, then every man, woman and child who practices Islam must be evil.

It's inherently evil.

It's up to the people whether to carry out the evil deeds or not.

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