Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
This video was already posted somewhere else on this site, but who can keep track? I thought I would open a discussion based on it alone.

I'm not even going to talk about the 'peace' of Islam. 'Tolerance' as shown in this video is a one way street.

A religion of Truth? Come to think of it, I do not think anyone has made that claim; something this video affirms.

Let the debate begin.
Islam, as well as Christianity, as well as many other religions, can be used to encourage peace, tolerance, truth, empathy, love...

They can also be used for mass indoctrination/ brainwashing, mass deception, mass manipulation, social control, financial exploitation, violence, hate...

That's part of what makes these religions so beautiful. You can make use of them whether you are "Light Side", "Dark Side", or no side- like me.

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This video was already posted somewhere else on this site, but who can keep track? I thought I would open a discussion based on it alone.

I'm not even going to talk about the 'peace' of Islam. 'Tolerance' as shown in this video is a one way street.

A religion of Truth? Come to think of it, I do not think anyone has made that claim; something this video affirms.

Let the debate begin.

The tolerance Islam demands today will never be reciprocated once it is strong enough to show its true colors. Until the religion of Al Takeyya accepts the truth - that tolerance is a two way street - there can be no tolerance. Only submission to intolerance. An intolerable thought to those who cherish liberty and justice for all.
To basically echo everyone so far except for ms. religion-says-what-I-want-it-to-say: A religion is its deity. One can say they are causal, moderate, or extreme but a follower of a religion still ultimately worships its deity (monotheism). The deity of Islam says to kill non-believers. There is no if-ands-or-buts about it. The deity of Islam says to kill non-believers. The deity of Islam says to kill non-believers. The deity of Islam says to kill non-believers.
The deity apparently related this information to Mohammad to be more exact.
The deity apparently related this information to Mohammad to be more exact.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in a living God I guess it is called?

And good luck trying to explain to a Muslim that their prophet might be confused.
Hmm, islam isn't about peace, it's thousand year old cult, it excludes truth, and it advocates violence, other than that, it's just spiffy.
It is written right in the Koran, perfectly acceptable to lie to an infidel.
Would you be so kind as to provide chapter and verse in the Quran where it says that?

Thank you in advance. ..... :cool:

The principle of Al-Takeyya
The Arabic word, "Takeyya", means "to prevent," or guard against. The principle of Al Takeyya conveys the understanding that Muslims are permitted to lie as a preventive measure against anticipated harm to one's self or fellow Muslims. This principle gives Muslims the liberty to lie under circumstances that they perceive as life threatening. They can even deny the faith, if they do not mean it in their hearts. Al-Takeyya is based on the following Quranic verse:
"Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution (prevention), that ye may Guard yourselves from them (prevent them from harming you.) But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah." Surah 3: 28
According to this verse a Muslim can pretend to befriend infidels (in violation of the teachings of Islam) and display adherence with their unbelief to prevent them from harming him.
Under the concept of Takeyya and short of killing another human being, if under the threat of force, it is legitimate for Muslims to act contrary to their faith. The following actions are acceptable:
  • Drink wine, abandon prayers, and skip fasting during Ramadan.
  • Renounce belief in Allah.
  • Kneel in homage to a deity other than Allah.
  • Utter insincere oaths.

  • Unfortunately, when dealing with Muslims, one must keep in mind that Muslims can communicate something with apparent sincerity, when in reality they may have just the opposite agenda in their hearts. Bluntly stated, Islam permits Muslims to lie anytime that they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened.
According to the verse in the Quran you provided it is only allowed to lie if you fell your life is threatened.

Lying just to lie, be it to muslims or non-muslims, is forbidden in Islam.

The rest of your post is full of nonsense. ...... :cool:
According to the verse in the Quran you provided it is only allowed to lie if you fell your life is threatened.

Lying just to lie, be it to muslims or non-muslims, is forbidden in Islam.

The rest of your post is full of nonsense. ...... :cool:

It is okay for you to lie Sunni Man, the Koran is on your side.
sincerity, when in reality they may have just the opposite agenda in their hearts. Bluntly stated, Islam permits Muslims to lie anytime that they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened.
Al-Takkeya? Really? Is that like Y'Musta bejokn? The Muslim Tenet of sincerity.

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