Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?

Oh come now. I know I didn't just destroy this anti-Islam convention.

Or did I?


Really-Is everyone as tired as I am about the non-sense that Islam is a cough, cough peaceful religion? It is a sickness, a cancer that is spreading worldwide, to incite violence against innocent people. It is NOT tolerant of other religions. If you're not of the Islam faith, regardless of your color, regardless of your country of origin, regardless if you're Muslim, you are an infidel, that should be killed. That's Islam.

Muslims have been at war with each other for centuries, over religious beliefs and their version of Islam. If they are allowed to breed and grow in your country, expect war. It's as simple as that. If they're not at war with each other, they take on the rest of the infidel world, as we've witnessed now on every single terrorist attack even prior to 9/11. They're Muslim and come from the Islamic faith, sent out to kill you and yours, "the infidels".

Cartoons of Muhammad were the Islam justification to slaughter 12 people, simply because the cartoons were offensive to Mohammad. Ask yourself, when was the last time a Christian or Jew massacred 12 innocent people while yelling Glory to God? If a Christian or Jew committed the same attriocities while pro-claiming Glory to God, millions of Chrstians and Jews would be out in the streets irradiating these monsters from them. Yet we see no Islamic Muslims standing up in mass, or even openingly, vocally doing that. One or two might show up on T.V, but never any mass Islamic movement to do anything about the monsters within their so proclaimed "peaceful religion." Of course then after every attack, we get our normal string of leaders telling us what a peaceful religion Islam is, again, and again, and again.

How much innocent blood in this world needs to be spilled before the world wakes up and says, there is something seriously wrong with Islam, and we are not going to tolerate their religion, or their mosques, imams or clerics in our countries?
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Really-Is everyone as tired as I am about the non-sense that Islam is a cough, cough peaceful religion? It is a sickness, a cancer that is spreading worldwide, to incite violence against innocent people. It is NOT tolerant of other religions. If you're not of the Islam faith, regardless of you r color, regardless of your country of origin, regardless if you're Muslim, you are an infidel, that should be killed. That's Islam.

Muslims have been at war with each other for centuries, over religious beliefs and their version of Islam. If they are allowed to breed and grow in your country, expect war. It's as simple as that. If they're not at war with each other, they take on the rest of the infidel world, as we've witnessed now on every single terrorist attack even prior to 9/11. They're Muslim and come from the Islamic faith, sent out to kill you and yours, "the infidels".

Cartoons of Muhammad were the Islam justification to slaughter 12 people, simply because the cartoons were offensive to Mohamjad. Ask yourself, when was the last time a Christian or Jew massacred 12 innocent people while yelling Glory to God?

How much innocent blood in this world needs to be spilled before the world wakes up and says, there is something seriously wrong with Islam, and we are not going to tolerate their religion, or their mosques, imams or clerics.

I will gladly explain to you how islam promotes peace----
its quite simple-------just kill everyone who does not like it
Democrats can call their Republican opponents every vile name they can think of with no hesitation. But ask them to call Islamic terrorists what they are, and they suddenly lose their courage. Curious isn’t it?
Democrats can call their Republican opponents every vile name they can think of with no hesitation. But ask them to call Islamic terrorists what they are, and they suddenly lose their courage. Curious isn’t it?

Democrats can call their Republican opponents every vile name they can think of with no hesitation.
Now Now, to put it as Obama did...''don't throw stones in glass houses''....or as the Bible, ''let he who is without sin, cast the first stone...''

But ask them to call Islamic terrorists what they are, and they suddenly lose their courage.

Islamic terrorists ARE terrorist, murdering, scum of the Earth.

As all terrorists are...

That was not hard to say at all...easy peasy and I didn't even need the easy button to press...

But if you want me to call ALL Muslims, Islamic terrorists...that I would balk on.
This video was already posted somewhere else on this site, but who can keep track? I thought I would open a discussion based on it alone.

I'm not even going to talk about the 'peace' of Islam. 'Tolerance' as shown in this video is a one way street.

A religion of Truth? Come to think of it, I do not think anyone has made that claim; something this video affirms.

Let the debate begin.


I'm not a Muslim but I don't like the way that Islam is singled out as controversial. I didn't watch your video nor do I affirm your claims about Islam; infact I happen to know that this is what the Qur'an (the book of Scripture of Islam) says about lying:

"And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know." Holy Qur'an 2:42

The religion that teaches lying is Christianity: "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4.

You are a disgusting person to make false claims about Islam and not address Bible controversies.
This video was already posted somewhere else on this site, but who can keep track? I thought I would open a discussion based on it alone.

I'm not even going to talk about the 'peace' of Islam. 'Tolerance' as shown in this video is a one way street.

A religion of Truth? Come to think of it, I do not think anyone has made that claim; something this video affirms.

Let the debate begin.


I'm not a Muslim but I don't like the way that Islam is singled out as controversial. I didn't watch your video nor do I affirm your claims about Islam; infact I happen to know that this is what the Qur'an (the book of Scripture of Islam) says about lying:

"And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know." Holy Qur'an 2:42

The religion that teaches lying is Christianity: "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4.

You are a disgusting person to make false claims about Islam and not address Bible controversies.

you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
This pretty much sums up Islam.

Tell the truth about Islam:

The great Palestinian lie:

Islam is not a victim:

Islamist dickhead:

More demands from Islam:
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
So what do you know about Islam?
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
So what do you know about Islam?

lots. I learned about islam from muslims over the past more than 45 years. ------I read the Koran at a time when
most americans never heard of it------and I was in mosques
long before muslims stopped talking openly. Also ---my husband was born in a shariah shit hole-----one of the most
classic. I know more about islam than lots of muslims do.
Most muslims never read the Koran. My comment is basd
on the way you express yourself in your posts. You have
the classic comic version of history and theology
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
So what do you know about Islam?

lots. I learned about islam from muslims over the past more than 45 years. ------I read the Koran at a time when
most americans never heard of it------and I was in mosques
long before muslims stopped talking openly. Also ---my husband was born in a shariah shit hole-----one of the most
classic. I know more about islam than lots of muslims do.
Most muslims never read the Koran. My comment is basd
on the way you express yourself in your posts. You have
the classic comic version of history and theology
Oh, go have another cup of coffee and wake up!!! Hello, irosie. It's me. RandomVariable. :bye1: I was asking the person who comes on like they are so naive and innocent and then comes back with calling others, well you actually, a fool. Thanks for the background though. Sounds like you could really write a book, and probably should.
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
So what do you know about Islam?

lots. I learned about islam from muslims over the past more than 45 years. ------I read the Koran at a time when
most americans never heard of it------and I was in mosques
long before muslims stopped talking openly. Also ---my husband was born in a shariah shit hole-----one of the most
classic. I know more about islam than lots of muslims do.
Most muslims never read the Koran. My comment is basd
on the way you express yourself in your posts. You have
the classic comic version of history and theology
Oh, go have another cup of coffee and wake up!!! Hello, irosie. It's me. RandomVariable. :bye1: I was asking the person who comes on like they are so naive and innocent and then comes back with calling others, well you actually, a fool. Thanks for the background though. Sounds like you could really write a book, and probably should.

I do not think so ----but my hubby agrees with you
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
So what do you know about Islam?

lots. I learned about islam from muslims over the past more than 45 years. ------I read the Koran at a time when
most americans never heard of it------and I was in mosques
long before muslims stopped talking openly. Also ---my husband was born in a shariah shit hole-----one of the most
classic. I know more about islam than lots of muslims do.
Most muslims never read the Koran. My comment is basd
on the way you express yourself in your posts. You have
the classic comic version of history and theology
Oh, go have another cup of coffee and wake up!!! Hello, irosie. It's me. RandomVariable. :bye1: I was asking the person who comes on like they are so naive and innocent and then comes back with calling others, well you actually, a fool. Thanks for the background though. Sounds like you could really write a book, and probably should.

I do not think so ----but my hubby agrees with you
Smart guy.
you know nothing about islam. as to the line from
ROMANS-----leave it to a Christian scholar to interpret----
and leave the Koran to muslim scholars to interpret. They have done so and from their interpretations elaborated the
filth and stench of shariah law

I guess that Romans 3:4 is why so many Christians find it so easy to lie, like the one you just told here:

"you know nothing about islam."

You don't even know me yet you assert (falsely) that I know nothing about Islam, fool.
So what do you know about Islam?

lots. I learned about islam from muslims over the past more than 45 years. ------I read the Koran at a time when
most americans never heard of it------and I was in mosques
long before muslims stopped talking openly. Also ---my husband was born in a shariah shit hole-----one of the most
classic. I know more about islam than lots of muslims do.
Most muslims never read the Koran. My comment is basd
on the way you express yourself in your posts. You have
the classic comic version of history and theology

Daayum you old

This video was already posted somewhere else on this site, but who can keep track? I thought I would open a discussion based on it alone.

I'm not even going to talk about the 'peace' of Islam. 'Tolerance' as shown in this video is a one way street.

A religion of Truth? Come to think of it, I do not think anyone has made that claim; something this video affirms.

Let the debate begin.


I'm not a Muslim but I don't like the way that Islam is singled out as controversial. I didn't watch your video nor do I affirm your claims about Islam; infact I happen to know that this is what the Qur'an (the book of Scripture of Islam) says about lying:

"And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know." Holy Qur'an 2:42

The religion that teaches lying is Christianity: "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4.

You are a disgusting person to make false claims about Islam and not address Bible controversies.

Regarding Romans 3 v 4. While Gods words always have the quality of truth and can be trusted men are duplicitous and their words not of the same level of quality. That does not teach lying. That would contradict the commandment about false witness. But it does state a fairly obvious common sense fact.

You appear to be ignorant of the Shia tradition of Taqiyya.

I'm not a Muslim but I don't like the way that Islam is singled out as controversial. I didn't watch your video nor do I affirm your claims about Islam; infact I happen to know that this is what the Qur'an (the book of Scripture of Islam) says about lying:

"And mix not up truth with falsehood, nor hide the truth while you know." Holy Qur'an 2:42

The religion that teaches lying is Christianity: "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar..." Romans 3:4.

You are a disgusting person to make false claims about Islam and not address Bible controversies.

Hmm, you say you're not a Moslem, but i suspect you are lying by the way you refer to the koran.

You didn't watch the video? Then why do you bother replying? You really have nothing of use to say here, since that is basically the subject of debate, the content of the video.

If you are going to quote the Bible, moslem, at least quote the whole verse instead of just chopping it to suit your lying point. And it is best taken in context:
3What if some were unfaithful? Does their faithlessness nullify the faithfulness of God? 4By no means! Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written,
“That you may be justified in your words,
and prevail when you are judged.”

5But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, what shall we say? That God is unrighteous to inflict wrath on us? (I speak in a human way.) 6By no means! For then how could God judge the world? 7But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, why am I still being condemned as a sinner? 8And why not do evil that good may come?—as some people slanderously charge us with saying. Their condemnation is just.
Romans 3:3-8

I do not believe I am making any false claims at all, and if I wanted to discuss the controversies of the Bible, I will do so in a thread with that as its intent.

Now bye bye boy.
The deity apparently related this information to Mohammad to be more exact.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in a living God I guess it is called?

And good luck trying to explain to a Muslim that their prophet might be confused.

Good luck trying to explain anything to a Muslim.

Do I believe in God? - Absolutely, a living God. I believe in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." That pretty much sums it up.

I question whether or not the ISIS group is primitive with no moral standard at all, or if they are demons straight from Hell. For those Muslims who are passing for spiritual, compassionate people, maybe they need to attend a hellfire and damnation revival by primitive Baptists, or sign up for Catholic conversion. Mohammed hates Jesus, and, along with others who hate Jesus, must go to his knees and admit Jesus is Lord, just before he is kicked into Hell.

Our country is beginning to see that we are going to have to kill these animals. As long as ISIS is on a rampage, we have to fight them. And I believe Obama is a Muslim and has helped ISIS emerge from obscurity to what they are now. Believe me, I wish I was wrong and everyone could just get along.
The deity apparently related this information to Mohammad to be more exact.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe in a living God I guess it is called?

And good luck trying to explain to a Muslim that their prophet might be confused.

Good luck trying to explain anything to a Muslim.

Do I believe in God? - Absolutely, a living God. I believe in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life." That pretty much sums it up.

I question whether or not the ISIS group is primitive with no moral standard at all, or if they are demons straight from Hell. For those Muslims who are passing for spiritual, compassionate people, maybe they need to attend a hellfire and damnation revival by primitive Baptists, or sign up for Catholic conversion. Mohammed hates Jesus, and, along with others who hate Jesus, must go to his knees and admit Jesus is Lord, just before he is kicked into Hell.

Our country is beginning to see that we are going to have to kill these animals. As long as ISIS is on a rampage, we have to fight them. And I believe Obama is a Muslim and has helped ISIS emerge from obscurity to what they are now. Believe me, I wish I was wrong and everyone could just get along.
Hello Linda, great to meet you. You bring up a very tricky aspect of religion. The religion of Islam is evil. Not all the members of the religion are any more evil than you or me however, minus the Islam part that is. The topic is definitely worth some exploration some time.

Allow me to make a little disclaimer about my personal relation with Jesus. I do not know who he is. YHWH came to me and I follow YHWH. This time last year I knew there was a God because he had said hello a few times in my life. I did not know who he was until he introduced himself as YHWH last spring. I know of no other God.

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