Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?

Oh i know they won't have an impact on some if not most people. But at least MOST people who you would count as Christians because that's what they tell you when you ask, the truth is they don't believe all the miracle supernatural stuff in the bible. And the ones who do are clearly displaying cognitive dissonance. In other words they want to believe so badly and have been brainwashed and feared into "believing" on faith alone that they are able to separate logic from illogical. But most people now a days who call themselves "christians" don't believe Adam and Eve, Jonah, Noah or Moses are literal stories. They admit those are stories just to teach a good lesson or message. A lot of them even realize they probably embellished the virgin birth and miracle stories of Jesus. They just haven't put 2 and 2 together to realize the entire thing is made up. That god himself doesn't exist. God didn't make us, we made up god.

Some of them don't even care. They believe we need religion. Without it people would do bad things. It makes them feel good. I say a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel and you can't wash away history. Religion has proven to be no good. From the year 1ad to now, people have been killing in the name of religion. And I say religion is one way they keep people down. Organized religion anyways.

I would like nothing more than a spiritual church that admits they have no proof of god and that they just believe. I don't mind the people who admit they have nothing but choose to believe because they can't imagine all this without a creator.

Make fun of the Cosmos show all you want. It was MONEY. You may not admit it, but let other people decide. I encourage everyone to watch it. And keep in mind when they say things like this it is meant for you to question your church when they say question what the ancients have passed down to you. Just because a 2000 year old church tells you god talked to them back then does not make it so. Just like god didn't talk to Mohammad 500 years ago or Joseph Smith 200 years ago.

You do agree with us atheists that god didn't talk to Mo or Jo, right? Please answer this question.

You don't hate Christians because they are a religion, but because they are a COMPETING religion.

You are just as superstitious as the most benighted Catholic bowing to an Idol of Mary.

I've never told anyone not to watch Cosmos, but don't expect "Scientific American," expect "Family Guy." It is a preachy show pushing 6th grade concepts and a fair amount of complete nonsense.

But you view it as infallible, your Pope sent it to you from on high...

BTW sparky, Muhammad was from the 6th century - that isn't "500 years ago." You are bereft of facts. You don't even grasp what science is.

Oh the 6th century. I should have said give or take 200 years. PS. Just think about how badly the Christians must have been behaving back in the 6th century for a new religion to feel like it needed to be started. One that perhaps didn't treat arabs like 2nd class citizens. Ever see Lawrence of Arabia? No wonder Mohammad was so appealing to those sheep. Same reason black people in America are attracted to Islam. What did white Christianity do for them in white America from the Civil War to 1960's? Look how slave owners used the bible to get their slaves to obey they're "master". Says it right in the bible. Anyways, all religions are no good. Yours may make you feel good but its still not good. Hard to believe I know but it is true.

I'm just able to put 2 and 2 together. Do you see how Islam was made up? Can't you fathom that yours was made up in the very same way? Not possible?

The Cosmos show just explains the facts. We all know that thousands of years ago scientists figured out that the sun didn't revolve around earth and we were not the center of the universe. Who fought that? Who suppressed that knowledge? Rulers and Churches who back then were one and the same. If you were the ruler you either were a god or you forced your god on the citizens. You told them what god was ok to worship. Hard wired it into our heads.

There very well may be a god(s). There is just zero scientific evidence of it and I believe, based on the history of religion, we made it up a long time ago. Way before any of the Abraham religions.
LBJ was a Democrat who passed civil rights. It flipped the South to the GOP. Since the blacks in the 60's started voting Democratic, the whites in the south started voting GOP. Look it up.

I want a direct admission from you that you were lying.

I'm not. I think you are retarded and don't know history. Wiki southern strategy.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Partystrategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans
There very well may be a god(s). There is just zero scientific evidence of it and I believe, based on the history of religion, we made it up a long time ago. Way before any of the Abraham religions.

The catch is you cannot find God in your mind, only in your heart. There is a saying, "the mind is the great slayer of the real".
Oh the 6th century. I should have said give or take 200 years. PS. Just think about how badly the Christians must have been behaving back in the 6th century for a new religion to feel like it needed to be started. One that perhaps didn't treat arabs like 2nd class citizens. Ever see Lawrence of Arabia? No wonder Mohammad was so appealing to those sheep. Same reason black people in America are attracted to Islam. What did white Christianity do for them in white America from the Civil War to 1960's? Look how slave owners used the bible to get their slaves to obey they're "master". Says it right in the bible. Anyways, all religions are no good. Yours may make you feel good but its still not good. Hard to believe I know but it is true.

The depth of your ignorance is really quite astounding.

I take it that you are no able to feed yourself? Medina and Mecca of Muhammad's time had two religions, Polytheism (worship of idols) and Judaism.

Muhammad declared himself prophet and ruler of the Jews, but for some reason they rejected him. There was no Christian presence that far east in 570 AD.

I'm just able to put 2 and 2 together. Do you see how Islam was made up? Can't you fathom that yours was made up in the very same way? Not possible?

Ignorance and superstition are not a valid foundation for a world view,

The Cosmos show just explains the facts.

Cosmos (the new one) offered 6th grade science mixed with stringent anti-Christian bigotry in the form of cartoons with the clear intent of indoctrinating children

We all know that thousands of years ago scientists figured out that the sun didn't revolve around earth and we were not the center of the universe. Who fought that? Who suppressed that knowledge? Rulers and Churches who back then were one and the same. If you were the ruler you either were a god or you forced your god on the citizens. You told them what god was ok to worship. Hard wired it into our heads.

You are quite ignorant and lacking in education. Copernicus arrived in 16th century Florence, to a highly corrupt Catholic church, But hundreds of years before him, Greek scholars had found just as rigid of resistance to heliocentricism.

Aristarchus of Samos, a Greek Scholar for around 200 BC faced persecution for his creation of a Orrey which placed the sun in the center as a means of explaining planetary movement.

You remind me a a Klansman screaming "Nigras Lie." Well, that's true - but then, so does everyone else. Yes, the corrupt Catholic church attempted to control knowledge to their own advantage, just as every other great power in history has.

There very well may be a god(s). There is just zero scientific evidence of it and I believe, based on the history of religion, we made it up a long time ago. Way before any of the Abraham religions.

You have made Neil Tyson your god, to ridiculous effect.
There very well may be a god(s). There is just zero scientific evidence of it and I believe, based on the history of religion, we made it up a long time ago. Way before any of the Abraham religions.

The catch is you cannot find God in your mind, only in your heart. There is a saying, "the mind is the great slayer of the real".

Exactly! We made up God because we want him to exist, not because he does. And I actually feel better about myself now that I don't believe in god(s). I'm relieved to finally understand who/what/where/when and why we made up god(s). I mean there very well might be a creator of the universe but just like you don't care about an ant or bug in Africa, something that created the universe doesn't care about little old you. He didn't care about the Trilobites 20 million years ago, the dinosaurs 10 million years ago or humans today. And he never came here and talked to anyone 500, 2000 or 5000 years ago.

"When I became convinced that the universe was natural, that all the ghosts and gods were myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul, into every drop of my blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls of my prison crumbled and fell. The dungeon was flooded with light and all the bolts and bars and manacles turned to dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf, or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world, not even in infinite space.

I was free to think. Free to express my thoughts, free to live in my own ideal. Free to live for myself and those I loved. Free to use all my faculties, all my senses. Free to spread imagination’s wings, free to investigate, to guess, and dream and hope. Free to judge and determine for myself. Free to reject all ignorant and cruel creeds, all the inspired books that savages have produced, and the barbarous legends of the past. Free from sanctified mistakes and “holy” lies. Free from the fear of eternal pain, free from the winged monsters of the night. Free from devils, ghosts and gods. For the first time I was free.

There were no prohibited places in all of the realm of thought. No error, no space where fancy could not spread her painted wings. No chains for my limbs. No lashes for my back. No flames for my flesh. No Master’s frown or threat, no following in another’s steps. No need to bow or cringe or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free; I stood erect and fearlessly, joyously faced all worlds.

My heart was filled with gratitude, with thankfulness, and went out in love to all the heros, the thinkers who gave their lives for liberty of hand and brain, for the freedom of labor and thought to those who fell on the fierce fields of war. To those who died in dungeons, bound in chains, to those by fire consumed, to all the wise, the good, the brave of every land whose thoughts and deeds have given freedom to the sons of men. And then, I vowed to grasp the torch that they held, and hold it high, That light might conquer darkness still.

-Robert Green Ingersoll (1833-1899)
I'm not. I think you are retarded and don't know history. Wiki southern strategy.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Partystrategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

The Southern Strategy was to woo voters, Both parties work to attract voters in each and every election.

So, the Big Lie claims that democrats became Republicans, but you can't even name 5 - yet you still lack the honor to acknowledge that you're lying?
Oh the 6th century. I should have said give or take 200 years. PS. Just think about how badly the Christians must have been behaving back in the 6th century for a new religion to feel like it needed to be started. One that perhaps didn't treat arabs like 2nd class citizens. Ever see Lawrence of Arabia? No wonder Mohammad was so appealing to those sheep. Same reason black people in America are attracted to Islam. What did white Christianity do for them in white America from the Civil War to 1960's? Look how slave owners used the bible to get their slaves to obey they're "master". Says it right in the bible. Anyways, all religions are no good. Yours may make you feel good but its still not good. Hard to believe I know but it is true.

The depth of your ignorance is really quite astounding.

I take it that you are no able to feed yourself? Medina and Mecca of Muhammad's time had two religions, Polytheism (worship of idols) and Judaism.

Muhammad declared himself prophet and ruler of the Jews, but for some reason they rejected him. There was no Christian presence that far east in 570 AD.

I'm just able to put 2 and 2 together. Do you see how Islam was made up? Can't you fathom that yours was made up in the very same way? Not possible?

Ignorance and superstition are not a valid foundation for a world view,

The Cosmos show just explains the facts.

Cosmos (the new one) offered 6th grade science mixed with stringent anti-Christian bigotry in the form of cartoons with the clear intent of indoctrinating children

We all know that thousands of years ago scientists figured out that the sun didn't revolve around earth and we were not the center of the universe. Who fought that? Who suppressed that knowledge? Rulers and Churches who back then were one and the same. If you were the ruler you either were a god or you forced your god on the citizens. You told them what god was ok to worship. Hard wired it into our heads.

You are quite ignorant and lacking in education. Copernicus arrived in 16th century Florence, to a highly corrupt Catholic church, But hundreds of years before him, Greek scholars had found just as rigid of resistance to heliocentricism.

Aristarchus of Samos, a Greek Scholar for around 200 BC faced persecution for his creation of a Orrey which placed the sun in the center as a means of explaining planetary movement.

You remind me a a Klansman screaming "Nigras Lie." Well, that's true - but then, so does everyone else. Yes, the corrupt Catholic church attempted to control knowledge to their own advantage, just as every other great power in history has.

There very well may be a god(s). There is just zero scientific evidence of it and I believe, based on the history of religion, we made it up a long time ago. Way before any of the Abraham religions.

You have made Neil Tyson your god, to ridiculous effect.

Don't flatter yourself. Science is not just anti Christianity. Science is anti every organized religion because they are all made up. There were 999 religions that came before and after yours. What makes yours special or any different? When you realize why you reject all those other religions, you'll understand why I reject yours. But don't take it personally. You're almost an atheist too. You just believe in one more god than I do. We agree Zeus doesn't exist, right?
I'm not. I think you are retarded and don't know history. Wiki southern strategy.

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Partystrategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans

The Southern Strategy was to woo voters, Both parties work to attract voters in each and every election.

So, the Big Lie claims that democrats became Republicans, but you can't even name 5 - yet you still lack the honor to acknowledge that you're lying?

No Democrats didn't become Republicans. White voters started voting Republican when blacks finally won the right to vote. The GOP became the party for the KKK. Deal with that fact.
The catch is you cannot find God in your mind, only in your heart. There is a saying, "the mind is the great slayer of the real".

The big problem I have with mystics is this - the idea that we should not use our mind, that to think is somehow sinful or wrong.

My complaint with the Silly Bonobo is that he refuses to think, he just replaces one absurd religion with another. We humans have evolved to the top of the food chain purely on the basis of our minds. We have no claws, we have teeth that fare poorly in a fight, so how is it that we rule the earth?

It is our mind. Thinking is the root of our survival, and the survival of our species. Every good thing that surrounds us is from the mind of man - yet mystics demand we not think?

The mind is the great slayer of the fraud - that is the real problem mystics have with the mind.
Don't flatter yourself. Science is not just anti Christianity.

Again proving that you have no grasp of what science or the scientific method is.

Science is anti every organized religion because they are all made up.

Science is not "anti" anything. It is a process, not a faith. You are trying to force a methodology for discovery into the mold of the religion you abandoned and hold a grudge against.

There were 999 religions that came before and after yours.

I have no religion, you ridiculous chimp

What makes yours special or any different? When you realize why you reject all those other religions, you'll understand why I reject yours. But don't take it personally. You're almost an atheist too. You just believe in one more god than I do. We agree Zeus doesn't exist, right?

I believe in two less gods that you do, you drooling monkey. I hold neither Sagan nor Tyson as gods to be worshiped.
The catch is you cannot find God in your mind, only in your heart. There is a saying, "the mind is the great slayer of the real".

The big problem I have with mystics is this - the idea that we should not use our mind, that to think is somehow sinful or wrong.

My complaint with the Silly Bonobo is that he refuses to think, he just replaces one absurd religion with another. We humans have evolved to the top of the food chain purely on the basis of our minds. We have no claws, we have teeth that fare poorly in a fight, so how is it that we rule the earth?

It is our mind. Thinking is the root of our survival, and the survival of our species. Every good thing that surrounds us is from the mind of man - yet mystics demand we not think?

The mind is the great slayer of the fraud - that is the real problem mystics have with the mind.

This is not a religion.

Ibn al-Hazen was the first person ever to set down the rules of science.
He created an error-correcting mechanism, a systematic and relentless way to sift out misconceptions in our thinking.
Finding truth is difficult and the road to it is rough.
As seekers after truth, you will be wise to withhold judgment and not simply put your trust in the writings of the ancients.
You must question and critically examine those writings from every side.
You must submit only to argument and experiment and not to the sayings of any person.
For every human being is vulnerable to all kinds of imperfection.
As seekers after truth, we must also suspect and question our own ideas as we perform our investigations, to avoid falling into prejudice or careless thinking.
Take this course, and truth will be revealed to you.
This is the method of science.
No Democrats didn't become Republicans. White voters started voting Republican when blacks finally won the right to vote. The GOP became the party for the KKK. Deal with that fact.

Some did, some didn't.

The Southern Strategy recognized that the ONLY appeal that many of the democrats had in the South was racism, and without racism, the lock of the democrats was lost. Notice how the Republicans never promoted or supported segregation, or any of the other shit that democrats promoted.

You are simply pushing the Big Lie.
No Democrats didn't become Republicans. White voters started voting Republican when blacks finally won the right to vote. The GOP became the party for the KKK. Deal with that fact.

Some did, some didn't.

The Southern Strategy recognized that the ONLY appeal that many of the democrats had in the South was racism, and without racism, the lock of the democrats was lost. Notice how the Republicans never promoted or supported segregation, or any of the other shit that democrats promoted.

You are simply pushing the Big Lie.

The Democrats promote We the People. The Republicans promote every man for himself.

A lot of poor and middle class white people are starting to realize it isn't about color, religion, sexual preference or any of the other wedge issues. Its about $. It's about class. To the GOP we are all N(#$rs. And if you are a rich black, muslim or gay you are ok to live in their neighborhoods. No rich white dude cares if Herman Cain or Jessie Jackson moves next door but they may call the cops to have you pulled over if you are seen driving through their neighborhood with that beater you call a car.
The Democrats promote We the People. The Republicans promote every man for himself.

While you are little more than a drone, mindlessly reciting chants which have no actual meaning to you; let's examine what you have been programmed to yammer:

Essentially, you are saying that the democrats promote group identity and group rights, where the Republican support individual liberty and sovereignty.

I actually wish this were true - if it were, I would be Republican. Oh to be sure, the collectivist democrats deny the concept of civil rights and instead promote privilege that accrues to group. "gay rights" "black rights" etc. - these are "rights" which only apply to those in the group that the collectivists have divided people into. Obviously, this is not a "right," rights are inherent, not granted by our rulers.

According to the party, black lives matter. What does this mean? That white lives don't matter? Basically, yes - that is exactly the message the collectivists are sending - what is a civil right - the right to life - is really a privilege to be granted to the favored race. This is because to the collectivist, lives don't matter, only favored groups matter.

One who recognizes individuals understands that ALL lives matter, not just those who are a loyal voting block to the party.

A lot of poor and middle class white people are starting to realize it isn't about color, religion, sexual preference or any of the other wedge issues. Its about $. It's about class. To the GOP we are all N(#$rs. And if you are a rich black, muslim or gay you are ok to live in their neighborhoods. No rich white dude cares if Herman Cain or Jessie Jackson moves next door but they may call the cops to have you pulled over if you are seen driving through their neighborhood with that beater you call a car.

The class warfare that the party employs is the same demagoguery used by Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin in 1917 - with the same goal in mind.

You may be able to spark a civil war, but you won't win it if you do.
The Democrats promote We the People. The Republicans promote every man for himself.

While you are little more than a drone, mindlessly reciting chants which have no actual meaning to you; let's examine what you have been programmed to yammer:

Essentially, you are saying that the democrats promote group identity and group rights, where the Republican support individual liberty and sovereignty.

I actually wish this were true - if it were, I would be Republican. Oh to be sure, the collectivist democrats deny the concept of civil rights and instead promote privilege that accrues to group. "gay rights" "black rights" etc. - these are "rights" which only apply to those in the group that the collectivists have divided people into. Obviously, this is not a "right," rights are inherent, not granted by our rulers.

According to the party, black lives matter. What does this mean? That white lives don't matter? Basically, yes - that is exactly the message the collectivists are sending - what is a civil right - the right to life - is really a privilege to be granted to the favored race. This is because to the collectivist, lives don't matter, only favored groups matter.

One who recognizes individuals understands that ALL lives matter, not just those who are a loyal voting block to the party.

A lot of poor and middle class white people are starting to realize it isn't about color, religion, sexual preference or any of the other wedge issues. Its about $. It's about class. To the GOP we are all N(#$rs. And if you are a rich black, muslim or gay you are ok to live in their neighborhoods. No rich white dude cares if Herman Cain or Jessie Jackson moves next door but they may call the cops to have you pulled over if you are seen driving through their neighborhood with that beater you call a car.

The class warfare that the party employs is the same demagoguery used by Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin in 1917 - with the same goal in mind.

You may be able to spark a civil war, but you won't win it if you do.

I love it when the rich wage class war on us and then cry class warfare if we try to fight back.

Lenin and Stalin couldn't have been 100% wrong. Occasionally they must have said some truth just like occasionally Bush and the GOP say half truths. I'm not going to tit for tat with you. Bottom line is, if Republicans had their way, or Libertarians, there would be no public parks. Rich people would own them and they would take better care of those lands than the bad old government would. And it would cost tax payers less because a private owner would have to take care of the land. But would they? Or would they drill baby drill and dump poisons on that pristine land? You would have no public schools. No minimum wage. No worker rights. Prisons would be for profit. No US postal. Only UPS and Fed Ex. No SS or Medicare.

Police and fire would also be private for companies. How much does it pay to put out a poor persons house fire? They couldn't afford home owners insurance? Maybe their poor ass parents should have thought about that before having kids.

You are short sighted. Your way just doesn't work. With your way the population goes down and the masses can't afford to have children. Your way has never worked. Its why our "free market capitalism" is really a very well regulated ISM. Who regulates it? Well our government use to when it use to serve us, not the corporations. Today it serves the rich, not you and me. So Capitalism is proving to be just another bad ISM. If not properly regulated. And what do you want to do? Deregulate more? Anarchist.
I love it when the rich wage class war on us and then cry class warfare if we try to fight back.

You mean like when multi-millionaire Obama tells you that your neighbor making $100K a year is "rich" and stealing what is rightfully yours by not paying 90% of his wages in taxes?

Pretty much always the rich who incite the small of mind to attack the middle. Evil men like Obama, inciting envy and greed among those at the bottom and pointing them at the middle, at the Bourgeoisie.

Lenin and Stalin couldn't have been 100% wrong. Occasionally they must have said some truth just like occasionally Bush and the GOP say half truths.

Was Hitler 100% wrong? He was a vegetarian, he loved dogs, does that make him a good guy?

Josef Stalin is the most voracious mass murderer in history - not surprising that you support him.

I'm not going to tit for tat with you. Bottom line is, if Republicans had their way, or Libertarians, there would be no public parks.


Life is all a cartoon to you, isn't it? No wonder you liked the Beavis and Butt Head version of Cosmos.

Rich people would own them and they would take better care of those lands than the bad old government would. And it would cost tax payers less because a private owner would have to take care of the land. But would they? Or would they drill baby drill and dump poisons on that pristine land? You would have no public schools. No minimum wage. No worker rights. Prisons would be for profit. No US postal. Only UPS and Fed Ex. No SS or Medicare.

And we would all skin puppies on Friday nights while bowling with kittens.

Police and fire would also be private for companies. How much does it pay to put out a poor persons house fire? They couldn't afford home owners insurance? Maybe their poor ass parents should have thought about that before having kids.

You are short sighted. Your way just doesn't work. With your way the population goes down and the masses can't afford to have children. Your way has never worked. Its why our "free market capitalism" is really a very well regulated ISM. Who regulates it? Well our government use to when it use to serve us, not the corporations. Today it serves the rich, not you and me. So Capitalism is proving to be just another bad ISM. If not properly regulated. And what do you want to do? Deregulate more? Anarchist.

Sorry, I can't take you seriously. You are a child with a comic book mentality.
I love it when the rich wage class war on us and then cry class warfare if we try to fight back.

You mean like when multi-millionaire Obama tells you that your neighbor making $100K a year is "rich" and stealing what is rightfully yours by not paying 90% of his wages in taxes?

Pretty much always the rich who incite the small of mind to attack the middle. Evil men like Obama, inciting envy and greed among those at the bottom and pointing them at the middle, at the Bourgeoisie.

Lenin and Stalin couldn't have been 100% wrong. Occasionally they must have said some truth just like occasionally Bush and the GOP say half truths.

Was Hitler 100% wrong? He was a vegetarian, he loved dogs, does that make him a good guy?

Josef Stalin is the most voracious mass murderer in history - not surprising that you support him.

I'm not going to tit for tat with you. Bottom line is, if Republicans had their way, or Libertarians, there would be no public parks.


Life is all a cartoon to you, isn't it? No wonder you liked the Beavis and Butt Head version of Cosmos.

Rich people would own them and they would take better care of those lands than the bad old government would. And it would cost tax payers less because a private owner would have to take care of the land. But would they? Or would they drill baby drill and dump poisons on that pristine land? You would have no public schools. No minimum wage. No worker rights. Prisons would be for profit. No US postal. Only UPS and Fed Ex. No SS or Medicare.

And we would all skin puppies on Friday nights while bowling with kittens.

Police and fire would also be private for companies. How much does it pay to put out a poor persons house fire? They couldn't afford home owners insurance? Maybe their poor ass parents should have thought about that before having kids.

You are short sighted. Your way just doesn't work. With your way the population goes down and the masses can't afford to have children. Your way has never worked. Its why our "free market capitalism" is really a very well regulated ISM. Who regulates it? Well our government use to when it use to serve us, not the corporations. Today it serves the rich, not you and me. So Capitalism is proving to be just another bad ISM. If not properly regulated. And what do you want to do? Deregulate more? Anarchist.

Sorry, I can't take you seriously. You are a child with a comic book mentality.

90% of his wages? Is that how much a person who makes $100K pays? Boy are you dumb.

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