Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?

It was a miracle that Prophet Muhammad could bring even his toughest enemies to the fold of Islam without adequate material resources. Worshippers of idols, blind followers of the ways of forefathers, promoters of tribal feuds, and abusers of human dignity and blood became the most disciplined nation under the guidance of Islam and its Prophet.
Islam opened before them vistas of spiritual heights and human dignity by declaring righteousness as the sole criterion of merit and honor. Islam shaped their social, cultural, moral and commercial life with basic laws and principles which are in conformity with human nature and hence applicable in all times as human nature does not change.

Lion -- are you the author of the above jibberish------or are
you quoting another moron?

I really enjoyed that tidbit which alluded to tribal feuds----wherever islam invaded and pillaged and murdered and imposed itself in the world it BROUGHT feuds along with
its primitive and brutal legal system. In fact the best times
for muslims were times when they invaded civilized places
and their leaders were smart enough to take advantage of
the already existing institutions and local talents-----once
the non muslims were fully genocided out of existence ----
the lands reverted into cesspit Islamic statue. The seminal
example is Saudi Arabia itself

Christianity is no different. They fought science for thousands of years and killed people who's science questioned scripture. Burning someone at the stake or crucifying them is primitive and brutal.

I often blame Christianity for holding us back 2000 years. For example, back when church and state were one, you could be killed just for suggesting the earth revolved around the sun and not the other way around.

I know of no case of a person being killed for suggesting that the earth revolves around the sun----HOWEVER you are right it could have happened. You present your post as responsive to mine and it is not. I responded to Ancient Lion who posted up an entirely fallacious description of islam today and Islam 1000 years ago -----he posted his false statement as if it were fact. Muhummad and "islam" as
an ideology never accomplished that which ancient lion claims
Athens, 2500 years ago in the time of Plato and Aristotle had a vast slave population. All of that brave Athenian talk about democracy
applied only to a privileged few. Plato and Aristotle were comfortable in a slave society. They offered justifications for oppression.
They served tyrants. This was to dominate Western thinking for more than 2000 years. Science was for a small elite. The embrace of mysticism. Their influence has significantly set back the human endeavor.

The books of the lonian scientists are entirely lost. Their views were suppressed, ridiculed and forgotten by the Platonists and by the Christians who adopted much of the philosophy of Plato. Finally, after a long, mystical sleep in which the tools of scientific inquiry lay moldering the lonian approach was rediscovered. The Western world reawakened. Experiment and open inquiry slowly became respectable once again. Forgotten books and fragments were read once more. Leonardo and Copernicus and Columbus were inspired by the lonian tradition.

Pythagoras held that the Earth moves around the sun. He correctly located our place in the solar system. For his trouble, he was accused of heresy.

Regurgitating random tidbits from Wikipedia does nothing to support your claim that "Christians stomped knowledge for 2100 years."
I guess the point is, you don't need to spot good Christians or good Republicans because their organizations are not riddled with nut-jobs trying their best to slaughter innocent people in the name of Allah. You don't want to be tarred with the same brush but the "good Muslims" don't seem to be making much of an argument, let alone a demonstration, for their lack of sympathy if not non-complicity with what their brothers seem to find a perfectly acceptable course of executing teenagers for watching a soccer game (you would think watching a soccer game would be punishment enough) or chopping the heads off people because apparently it makes them feel good to murder in the name of their particular brand of Islam.

Posted to wrong person
You do know that the Democratic voters in the south in the 1960's switched parties and joined the GOP, right? After the voting rights acts, desegregation, etc.

You do know that lies and fact are two different things, don't you?

This is a big lie program that your filthy party floats, devoid of even a hint of fact.

Tell me, which of the DNC leaders of the Dixicrats switched?

We have Strom Thurmond - that's about it.

None of you Communists can ever offer a rational response to this, you just chant your big lie in hopes that people will believe it.

Yes because extreme muslims show other theists just how stupid or wrong religion can be.

Religion is none of your business unless they engage in violence. Like the Inquisitors of Spain, you demand that all bow to your fail - you expect all to knuckle under to your Mullahs and Imams. No wonder you embrace the Muslims, you have the same intolerance of competing faiths.

I love muslims acting like fools because it points out what fools you all are. See what god can make people do?

You love Muslims murdering innocents because it brings about the destruction of society and the Totalitarian state you desire.

I also love the Mormon story, which is basically that Joseph Smith believed the same thing I do. He believed all the organized churches of 1800 were corrupt and bad. Only he prayed and asked god what to do and god told him he was right and to start a new religion. I prayed and god revealed to me that he doesn't even exist.

Joseph Smith modeled the Mormon church after Muhammad and the Muslims, did you know that?
Athens, 2500 years ago in the time of Plato and Aristotle had a vast slave population. All of that brave Athenian talk about democracy
applied only to a privileged few. Plato and Aristotle were comfortable in a slave society. They offered justifications for oppression.
They served tyrants. This was to dominate Western thinking for more than 2000 years. Science was for a small elite. The embrace of mysticism. Their influence has significantly set back the human endeavor.

The books of the lonian scientists are entirely lost. Their views were suppressed, ridiculed and forgotten by the Platonists and by the Christians who adopted much of the philosophy of Plato. Finally, after a long, mystical sleep in which the tools of scientific inquiry lay moldering the lonian approach was rediscovered. The Western world reawakened. Experiment and open inquiry slowly became respectable once again. Forgotten books and fragments were read once more. Leonardo and Copernicus and Columbus were inspired by the lonian tradition.

Pythagoras held that the Earth moves around the sun. He correctly located our place in the solar system. For his trouble, he was accused of heresy.

Regurgitating random tidbits from Wikipedia does nothing to support your claim that "Christians stomped knowledge for 2100 years."

That was from the Cosmos. Have you seen the Cosmos yet? If you watch the old one with Carl Sagan and the new one with Neal D Tyson, you will see that your religion is no different than all the other silly religions that came before and after.

Here is one story that makes me believe so: Around 5,000 years ago, in Iraq. The city was invented here. It was here that we learned how to write. No one has ever spoken across a longer stretch of time's river than this Akkadian princess, daughter of the first emperor in history, and priestess of the Moon Enheduanna.

(Enheduanna speaking Sumerian) Innana, the planet Venus, goddess of love, will have a great destiny throughout the entire universe.

Do you believe there is a goddess named Venus or did humans make that up 5000 years ago?

And Iraq is also the place where the epic tale of "The Hero's Journey" was first written down. On his travels, Gilgamesh encountered a wise man named Utnapishtim, who told him the story of a flood that destroyed the world, and how one of the gods instructed Utnapishtim to build an ark to rescue his family and the animals. The earliest surviving account of the flood legend was written down in Mesopotamia, a thousand years before it was retold as the story of Noah in the Old Testament.
You do know that the Democratic voters in the south in the 1960's switched parties and joined the GOP, right? After the voting rights acts, desegregation, etc.

You do know that lies and fact are two different things, don't you?

This is a big lie program that your filthy party floats, devoid of even a hint of fact.

Tell me, which of the DNC leaders of the Dixicrats switched?

We have Strom Thurmond - that's about it.

None of you Communists can ever offer a rational response to this, you just chant your big lie in hopes that people will believe it.

Yes because extreme muslims show other theists just how stupid or wrong religion can be.

Religion is none of your business unless they engage in violence. Like the Inquisitors of Spain, you demand that all bow to your fail - you expect all to knuckle under to your Mullahs and Imams. No wonder you embrace the Muslims, you have the same intolerance of competing faiths.

I love muslims acting like fools because it points out what fools you all are. See what god can make people do?

You love Muslims murdering innocents because it brings about the destruction of society and the Totalitarian state you desire.

I also love the Mormon story, which is basically that Joseph Smith believed the same thing I do. He believed all the organized churches of 1800 were corrupt and bad. Only he prayed and asked god what to do and god told him he was right and to start a new religion. I prayed and god revealed to me that he doesn't even exist.

Joseph Smith modeled the Mormon church after Muhammad and the Muslims, did you know that?

In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Partystrategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans.

No I/We don't want totalitarianism.
I don't think non-muslims understand- the "good" moderate muslims not killing are NOT GOOD according to the Koran. According to the Koran the "good" muslims DO KILL.

The Quran s Verses of Violence
I am saved by grace of God alone. Thank you God.

I know how I think about issues. Therefore, I know that Muslims who think like me would easily become great Islamist killers of infidels.
That was from the Cosmos. Have you seen the Cosmos yet?

I watched it, I didn't know at the time it was a Jack Chick tract. It's an extremely stupid claim, devoid of fact or basic reasoning. Apparently there was no Isaac Newton, no Michael Faraday, no Louis Pasteur, et al.

Bigoted ignorance is not science, regardless of what you priest, Neil Tyson tells you.

If you watch the old one with Carl Sagan and the new one with Neal D Tyson, you will see that your religion is no different than all the other silly religions that came before and after.

You have the memory span of a gold fish. While I enjoyed the Carl Sagan series, I found the new cartoon version to be childish. It's hard to take Beavis and Butt Head as serious scientists

Here is one story that makes me believe so: Around 5,000 years ago, in Iraq. The city was invented here. It was here that we learned how to write. No one has ever spoken across a longer stretch of time's river than this Akkadian princess, daughter of the first emperor in history, and priestess of the Moon Enheduanna.

(Enheduanna speaking Sumerian) Innana, the planet Venus, goddess of love, will have a great destiny throughout the entire universe.

Do you believe there is a goddess named Venus or did humans make that up 5000 years ago?

I believe you are no different that the primitives of that era, turning to shamans and witch doctors for answers, rather than employing logic and reason.

And Iraq is also the place where the epic tale of "The Hero's Journey" was first written down. On his travels, Gilgamesh encountered a wise man named Utnapishtim, who told him the story of a flood that destroyed the world, and how one of the gods instructed Utnapishtim to build an ark to rescue his family and the animals. The earliest surviving account of the flood legend was written down in Mesopotamia, a thousand years before it was retold as the story of Noah in the Old Testament.

You have not read the Epic of Gilgamesh, I have. Flood stories in the Euphrates region are common, clearly the valley flooded regularly several thousand years ago. (OH NOZE - CLIMATE CHANGE)

You are a religious fool, blindly following that which you have no grasp of. You have a script, which is designed to defeat the Christian opponents to your silly little religion.

Despite dozens of humiliations, you still cannot grasp that these talking points have no impact on me. For your script to work, you need me to defend the story of Noah - once again I decline to do so - leaving your talking points flaccid and foolish.

One of us knows science, actual science, the other of us is you.
This video was already posted somewhere else on this site, but who can keep track? I thought I would open a discussion based on it alone.

I'm not even going to talk about the 'peace' of Islam. 'Tolerance' as shown in this video is a one way street.

A religion of Truth? Come to think of it, I do not think anyone has made that claim; something this video affirms.

Let the debate begin.

Aren't all religions billed as religions of peace? Even Satanism (LaVey's at least) was all about sex and indulgeance. Wasn't abour being violent or criminal to anyone. What people do in the name of a religion is something else altogether. Pleanty of criminality has been claimed by Christians and Jews as well as Islam. And their own Bible and Tanach proves this as per endless commandments to kill non-members of those faiths. No religion I've studied says sit there and take it, not even Christianity. It;s easy to say turn theother cheek if you're a god. If you die, so what, you're going to your realm where you're in charge, no big whoop. But when that realm's existence isn't known for certain most people prefer to defend themselves if attacked. All Muslims are doing, we're attacking them at their home. That they snatch us when messing around in their backyards is no different to how we snatch them when they're over here. Only difference is the hypocrisy of our own side. When we do it it's called soldiering and defensive, when they do it to our own soldiers invading their own countries, it's called terrorism. That's hypocrisy of the worst kind.
Aren't all religions billed as religions of peace? Even Satanism (LaVey's at least) was all about sex and indulgeance. Wasn't abour being violent or criminal to anyone. What people do in the name of a religion is something else altogether. Pleanty of criminality has been claimed by Christians and Jews as well as Islam. And their own Bible and Tanach proves this as per endless commandments to kill non-members of those faiths. No religion I've studied says sit there and take it, not even Christianity. It;s easy to say turn theother cheek if you're a god. If you die, so what, you're going to your realm where you're in charge, no big whoop. But when that realm's existence isn't known for certain most people prefer to defend themselves if attacked. All Muslims are doing, we're attacking them at their home. That they snatch us when messing around in their backyards is no different to how we snatch them when they're over here. Only difference is the hypocrisy of our own side. When we do it it's called soldiering and defensive, when they do it to our own soldiers invading their own countries, it's called terrorism. That's hypocrisy of the worst kind.

First off, do you grasp that LaVey was running a grand spoof, right?

Further, many religions, including democrats beloved Muslims, began as instruments of war. The Sikhs of India arose to drive the Muslim invaders out, war was their calling,

Sikh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many Buddhist sects, including the renowned Shaolin of China were dedicated to war and fighting. The Aztec religion taught that only a warrior could enter the after life, etc.
Aren't all religions billed as religions of peace? Even Satanism (LaVey's at least) was all about sex and indulgeance. Wasn't abour being violent or criminal to anyone. What people do in the name of a religion is something else altogether. Pleanty of criminality has been claimed by Christians and Jews as well as Islam. And their own Bible and Tanach proves this as per endless commandments to kill non-members of those faiths. No religion I've studied says sit there and take it, not even Christianity. It;s easy to say turn theother cheek if you're a god. If you die, so what, you're going to your realm where you're in charge, no big whoop. But when that realm's existence isn't known for certain most people prefer to defend themselves if attacked. All Muslims are doing, we're attacking them at their home. That they snatch us when messing around in their backyards is no different to how we snatch them when they're over here. Only difference is the hypocrisy of our own side. When we do it it's called soldiering and defensive, when they do it to our own soldiers invading their own countries, it's called terrorism. That's hypocrisy of the worst kind.

First off, do you grasp that LaVey was running a grand spoof, right?

Further, many religions, including democrats beloved Muslims, began as instruments of war. The Sikhs of India arose to drive the Muslim invaders out, war was their calling,

Sikh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many Buddhist sects, including the renowned Shaolin of China were dedicated to war and fighting. The Aztec religion taught that only a warrior could enter the after life, etc.

No better tool to convince stupid people killing their fellows and being killed is okay than religion. Can justify anything if you say it's in your religion as we see with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam more than the others.

Isn't religion. It's people using religion as a tool for their own aims and goals. Unfortunately it's far easier to follow than it is to lead or to even question a leader. Terrorists are no more good examples of Islam than abortion clinic bombers or KKK types are Christianity. It's not the religion responsible, but rather people who know full-well it isn't but like to condemn other religions perpetuating the claim that it is. Good examples of a given faith don't make the news because they're going about their lives peacefully and positively. They don't hurt others so no one knows about them. The ones making the news aren't representing their supposed religious idenity.
No better tool to convince stupid people killing their fellows and being killed is okay than religion. Can justify anything if you say it's in your religion as we see with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam more than the others.

Whether true or not, you were dishonestly attempting to portray Islam as something other that a warrior religion. Islam and democrats share a common enemy, but that doesn't alter the nature of Islam, it just makes them allies in the democrats war on liberty and the Constitution.

Isn't religion. It's people using religion as a tool for their own aims and goals. Unfortunately it's far easier to follow than it is to lead or to even question a leader. Terrorists are no more good examples of Islam than abortion clinic bombers or KKK types are Christianity. It's not the religion responsible, but rather people who know full-well it isn't but like to condemn other religions perpetuating the claim that it is. Good examples of a given faith don't make the news because they're going about their lives peacefully and positively. They don't hurt others so no one knows about them. The ones making the news aren't representing their supposed religious idenity.

Again, utter nonsense. Religions have doctrine which define them. Islam is based on the doctrine of conquest and subjugation. Terrorists represent the acts that Muhammad himself engaged in, and commands all Muslims to follow.
That was from the Cosmos. Have you seen the Cosmos yet?

I watched it, I didn't know at the time it was a Jack Chick tract. It's an extremely stupid claim, devoid of fact or basic reasoning. Apparently there was no Isaac Newton, no Michael Faraday, no Louis Pasteur, et al.

Bigoted ignorance is not science, regardless of what you priest, Neil Tyson tells you.

If you watch the old one with Carl Sagan and the new one with Neal D Tyson, you will see that your religion is no different than all the other silly religions that came before and after.

You have the memory span of a gold fish. While I enjoyed the Carl Sagan series, I found the new cartoon version to be childish. It's hard to take Beavis and Butt Head as serious scientists

Here is one story that makes me believe so: Around 5,000 years ago, in Iraq. The city was invented here. It was here that we learned how to write. No one has ever spoken across a longer stretch of time's river than this Akkadian princess, daughter of the first emperor in history, and priestess of the Moon Enheduanna.

(Enheduanna speaking Sumerian) Innana, the planet Venus, goddess of love, will have a great destiny throughout the entire universe.

Do you believe there is a goddess named Venus or did humans make that up 5000 years ago?

I believe you are no different that the primitives of that era, turning to shamans and witch doctors for answers, rather than employing logic and reason.

And Iraq is also the place where the epic tale of "The Hero's Journey" was first written down. On his travels, Gilgamesh encountered a wise man named Utnapishtim, who told him the story of a flood that destroyed the world, and how one of the gods instructed Utnapishtim to build an ark to rescue his family and the animals. The earliest surviving account of the flood legend was written down in Mesopotamia, a thousand years before it was retold as the story of Noah in the Old Testament.

You have not read the Epic of Gilgamesh, I have. Flood stories in the Euphrates region are common, clearly the valley flooded regularly several thousand years ago. (OH NOZE - CLIMATE CHANGE)

You are a religious fool, blindly following that which you have no grasp of. You have a script, which is designed to defeat the Christian opponents to your silly little religion.

Despite dozens of humiliations, you still cannot grasp that these talking points have no impact on me. For your script to work, you need me to defend the story of Noah - once again I decline to do so - leaving your talking points flaccid and foolish.

One of us knows science, actual science, the other of us is you.

Oh i know they won't have an impact on some if not most people. But at least MOST people who you would count as Christians because that's what they tell you when you ask, the truth is they don't believe all the miracle supernatural stuff in the bible. And the ones who do are clearly displaying cognitive dissonance. In other words they want to believe so badly and have been brainwashed and feared into "believing" on faith alone that they are able to separate logic from illogical. But most people now a days who call themselves "christians" don't believe Adam and Eve, Jonah, Noah or Moses are literal stories. They admit those are stories just to teach a good lesson or message. A lot of them even realize they probably embellished the virgin birth and miracle stories of Jesus. They just haven't put 2 and 2 together to realize the entire thing is made up. That god himself doesn't exist. God didn't make us, we made up god.

Some of them don't even care. They believe we need religion. Without it people would do bad things. It makes them feel good. I say a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel and you can't wash away history. Religion has proven to be no good. From the year 1ad to now, people have been killing in the name of religion. And I say religion is one way they keep people down. Organized religion anyways.

I would like nothing more than a spiritual church that admits they have no proof of god and that they just believe. I don't mind the people who admit they have nothing but choose to believe because they can't imagine all this without a creator.

Make fun of the Cosmos show all you want. It was MONEY. You may not admit it, but let other people decide. I encourage everyone to watch it. And keep in mind when they say things like this it is meant for you to question your church when they say question what the ancients have passed down to you. Just because a 2000 year old church tells you god talked to them back then does not make it so. Just like god didn't talk to Mohammad 500 years ago or Joseph Smith 200 years ago.

You do agree with us atheists that god didn't talk to Mo or Jo, right? Please answer this question.
Aren't all religions billed as religions of peace? Even Satanism (LaVey's at least) was all about sex and indulgeance. Wasn't abour being violent or criminal to anyone. What people do in the name of a religion is something else altogether. Pleanty of criminality has been claimed by Christians and Jews as well as Islam. And their own Bible and Tanach proves this as per endless commandments to kill non-members of those faiths. No religion I've studied says sit there and take it, not even Christianity. It;s easy to say turn theother cheek if you're a god. If you die, so what, you're going to your realm where you're in charge, no big whoop. But when that realm's existence isn't known for certain most people prefer to defend themselves if attacked. All Muslims are doing, we're attacking them at their home. That they snatch us when messing around in their backyards is no different to how we snatch them when they're over here. Only difference is the hypocrisy of our own side. When we do it it's called soldiering and defensive, when they do it to our own soldiers invading their own countries, it's called terrorism. That's hypocrisy of the worst kind.

First off, do you grasp that LaVey was running a grand spoof, right?

Further, many religions, including democrats beloved Muslims, began as instruments of war. The Sikhs of India arose to drive the Muslim invaders out, war was their calling,

Sikh - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Many Buddhist sects, including the renowned Shaolin of China were dedicated to war and fighting. The Aztec religion taught that only a warrior could enter the after life, etc.

No better tool to convince stupid people killing their fellows and being killed is okay than religion. Can justify anything if you say it's in your religion as we see with Christianity, Judaism, and Islam more than the others.

Isn't religion. It's people using religion as a tool for their own aims and goals. Unfortunately it's far easier to follow than it is to lead or to even question a leader. Terrorists are no more good examples of Islam than abortion clinic bombers or KKK types are Christianity. It's not the religion responsible, but rather people who know full-well it isn't but like to condemn other religions perpetuating the claim that it is. Good examples of a given faith don't make the news because they're going about their lives peacefully and positively. They don't hurt others so no one knows about them. The ones making the news aren't representing their supposed religious idenity.

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg

Why there is no god
In American politics, the Southern strategy refers to a Republican Partystrategy of gaining political support for certain candidates in the Southern United States by appealing to racism against African Americans.

No I/We don't want totalitarianism.

Again Comrade, Name five Dixicrats who changed to Republican?

Or admit that you're lying.

LBJ was a Democrat who passed civil rights. It flipped the South to the GOP. Since the blacks in the 60's started voting Democratic, the whites in the south started voting GOP. Look it up.
Oh i know they won't have an impact on some if not most people. But at least MOST people who you would count as Christians because that's what they tell you when you ask, the truth is they don't believe all the miracle supernatural stuff in the bible. And the ones who do are clearly displaying cognitive dissonance. In other words they want to believe so badly and have been brainwashed and feared into "believing" on faith alone that they are able to separate logic from illogical. But most people now a days who call themselves "christians" don't believe Adam and Eve, Jonah, Noah or Moses are literal stories. They admit those are stories just to teach a good lesson or message. A lot of them even realize they probably embellished the virgin birth and miracle stories of Jesus. They just haven't put 2 and 2 together to realize the entire thing is made up. That god himself doesn't exist. God didn't make us, we made up god.

Some of them don't even care. They believe we need religion. Without it people would do bad things. It makes them feel good. I say a lie is a lie no matter how good it makes you feel and you can't wash away history. Religion has proven to be no good. From the year 1ad to now, people have been killing in the name of religion. And I say religion is one way they keep people down. Organized religion anyways.

I would like nothing more than a spiritual church that admits they have no proof of god and that they just believe. I don't mind the people who admit they have nothing but choose to believe because they can't imagine all this without a creator.

Make fun of the Cosmos show all you want. It was MONEY. You may not admit it, but let other people decide. I encourage everyone to watch it. And keep in mind when they say things like this it is meant for you to question your church when they say question what the ancients have passed down to you. Just because a 2000 year old church tells you god talked to them back then does not make it so. Just like god didn't talk to Mohammad 500 years ago or Joseph Smith 200 years ago.

You do agree with us atheists that god didn't talk to Mo or Jo, right? Please answer this question.

You don't hate Christians because they are a religion, but because they are a COMPETING religion.

You are just as superstitious as the most benighted Catholic bowing to an Idol of Mary.

I've never told anyone not to watch Cosmos, but don't expect "Scientific American," expect "Family Guy." It is a preachy show pushing 6th grade concepts and a fair amount of complete nonsense.

But you view it as infallible, your Pope sent it to you from on high...

BTW sparky, Muhammad was from the 6th century - that isn't "500 years ago." You are bereft of facts. You don't even grasp what science is.

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