Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?

The issue is not that people think Muslims should be exempted but rather, that everyone else IS exempted except Muslims who must daily and vociferously and publicly (preferably in large street clogging demonstrations) condemn and reject it (and preferably denounce their faith in the process) and, even if they have already done so, it must be endlessly repeated because idiots like you are congenitally incapable of hearing it. Hopefully that has clarified this little misunderstanding.

You have a very valid point in this. Yes, perhaps we would like to see something like that, which is a very unrealistic thing to want to see.

That desire is most likely fueled by the 'large street clogging celebrations' by moslems of some of these acts of terror perpetrated by those claiming moslem faith.

So maybe that is what we would really like to NOT see. After all, now that we're down that road, did we have large street clogging celebrations over Oklahoma City by anyone? Whenever an abortion center is bombed? Etc.?
The issue is not that people think Muslims should be exempted but rather, that everyone else IS exempted except Muslims who must daily and vociferously and publicly (preferably in large street clogging demonstrations) condemn and reject it (and preferably denounce their faith in the process) and, even if they have already done so, it must be endlessly repeated because idiots like you are congenitally incapable of hearing it. Hopefully that has clarified this little misunderstanding.

You have a very valid point in this. Yes, perhaps we would like to see something like that, which is a very unrealistic thing to want to see.

That desire is most likely fueled by the 'large street clogging celebrations' by moslems of some of these acts of terror perpetrated by those claiming moslem faith.

Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?
Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

So maybe that is what we would really like to NOT see. After all, now that we're down that road, did we have large street clogging celebrations over Oklahoma City by anyone? Whenever an abortion center is bombed? Etc.?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?
Depends on what attitude is behind that demand.

The issue is not that people think Muslims should be exempted but rather, that everyone else IS exempted except Muslims who must daily and vociferously and publicly (preferably in large street clogging demonstrations) condemn and reject it (and preferably denounce their faith in the process) and, even if they have already done so, it must be endlessly repeated because idiots like you are congenitally incapable of hearing it. Hopefully that has clarified this little misunderstanding.

Now, I realize that you feel that YOU are exempted as you show your solidarity by attacking those who actually reject Islamism so relentlessly while indulging in repulsive sophistry geared towards blurring the distinction between terrorism and freedom fighting, but the truth of the matter is that the original statement indicated that it is bigoted and "Islamophobic" to expect Muslims to reject terrorism.

ALL people should reject terrorism because it represents murder of innocent people chosen because they are innocent and because the murderer is driven by a political ideology that seeks to intimidate the group represented by the victim. Just because unevolved filth such as yourself seeks to distract away from the moral implications of this intentional murder with stinking piles of sophistry, the bottom line is that murder is wrong and no amount of crap from you people will ever change that.

Renouncing terrorism is not a renunciation of faith, merely the establishment of basic human decency. Decent people reject murder. Indecent things offer nothing but specious prattle that does everything but.
Depends on what attitude is behind that demand.

The issue is not that people think Muslims should be exempted but rather, that everyone else IS exempted except Muslims who must daily and vociferously and publicly (preferably in large street clogging demonstrations) condemn and reject it (and preferably denounce their faith in the process) and, even if they have already done so, it must be endlessly repeated because idiots like you are congenitally incapable of hearing it. Hopefully that has clarified this little misunderstanding.

Now, I realize that you feel that YOU are exempted as you show your solidarity by attacking those who actually reject Islamism so relentlessly while indulging in repulsive sophistry geared towards blurring the distinction between terrorism and freedom fighting, but the truth of the matter is that the original statement indicated that it is bigoted and "Islamophobic" to expect Muslims to reject terrorism.

You totally miss the issue, as usual, (why am I not surprised) and now you're flailing away hoping something will stick.

Please explain why Islam:
  • is required to have massive coordinated religious protests denouncing extremists while other religions are given a free pass
  • when Islamic leaders, groups and clerics denounce this violence it's duly ignored and repeated requests are made for the same material and links over and over.

I have seen, at this point, far more condemnation around the world for Muslim extremism then I've seen from the international Christian community for the actions of abortion clinic terrorists or the LRA in the Congo or the anti-Gay efforts in Uganda (which were aided and abetted by Christian churches).

If you are incapable of answering direct questions and will instead keep flailing away, I will be patient.

ALL people should reject terrorism because it represents murder of innocent people chosen because they are innocent and because the murderer is driven by a political ideology that seeks to intimidate the group represented by the victim.

Absolutely but they don't do they? Some of them outright endorse it and some just look the other way and some pretend it's "freedom fighting".

Attempts and calls by American ideological extremists to remove religious protections and rights from American Muslims; prevent them from building mosques, and fomenting a hostile and intolerant climate in America towards people who have committed no crimes would certainly quality as "driven by a political ideology that seeks to intimidate the group represented by the victim".

Just because unevolved filth such as yourself seeks to distract away from the moral implications of this intentional murder with stinking piles of sophistry, the bottom line is that murder is wrong and no amount of crap from you people will ever change that.

You're pretty hung up on moral and ethical "evolution" but I don't think you really know what it means. Descent into the days of superstitous conspiracy-theory run witch hunts, lynchings, restricting religious freedoms and rights, and demonizing an entire world religion regardless of their individual actions is not "evolving", it's "devolving" from a rational world view to a fear-driven irrational world view that easily condones violence against innocents in the name of "security" and nativism. Your view has more in common with anti-semites (including Islamic extremists) and racists than it does with anything claiming to be "evolved". The only difference is that people like you might not go out committing terrorism - instead you use your speech, and pen to foment hate and your vote to force your discrimination on the country. That's what you consider to be "evolved".

Renouncing terrorism is not a renunciation of faith, merely the establishment of basic human decency. Decent people reject murder. Indecent things offer nothing but specious prattle that does everything but.

Quite true. Where are your demands that other religions denounce terrorism as a tactic? Where is the world wide expectation of condemnation? Why is it you ignore, relentlessly and faithfully, every condemnation and repudiation of this violence, demanding yet more (but only from Islam)?
You totally miss the issue, as usual, (why am I not surprised) and now you're flailing away hoping something will stick.

Please explain why Islam:
  • is required to have massive coordinated religious protests denouncing extremists while other religions are given a free pass
  • when Islamic leaders, groups and clerics denounce this violence it's duly ignored and repeated requests are made for the same material and links over and over.

I have seen, at this point, far more condemnation around the world for Muslim extremism then I've seen from the international Christian community for the actions of abortion clinic terrorists or the LRA in the Congo or the anti-Gay efforts in Uganda (which were aided and abetted by Christian churches).

If you are incapable of answering direct questions and will instead keep flailing away, I will be patient.

Absolutely but they don't do they? Some of them outright endorse it and some just look the other way and some pretend it's "freedom fighting".

Attempts and calls by American ideological extremists to remove religious protections and rights from American Muslims; prevent them from building mosques, and fomenting a hostile and intolerant climate in America towards people who have committed no crimes would certainly quality as "driven by a political ideology that seeks to intimidate the group represented by the victim".

You're pretty hung up on moral and ethical "evolution" but I don't think you really know what it means. Descent into the days of superstitous conspiracy-theory run witch hunts, lynchings, restricting religious freedoms and rights, and demonizing an entire world religion regardless of their individual actions is not "evolving", it's "devolving" from a rational world view to a fear-driven irrational world view that easily condones violence against innocents in the name of "security" and nativism. Your view has more in common with anti-semites (including Islamic extremists) and racists than it does with anything claiming to be "evolved". The only difference is that people like you might not go out committing terrorism - instead you use your speech, and pen to foment hate and your vote to force your discrimination on the country. That's what you consider to be "evolved".

Quite true. Where are your demands that other religions denounce terrorism as a tactic? Where is the world wide expectation of condemnation? Why is it you ignore, relentlessly and faithfully, every condemnation and repudiation of this violence, demanding yet more (but only from Islam)?

My goodness, you are certainly capable of great vomits of words as you develop straw man after straw man, and indulge in your false equivalencies and turnspeak.

Does C.A.I.R. pay you by the word?
You totally miss the issue, as usual, (why am I not surprised) and now you're flailing away hoping something will stick.

Please explain why Islam:
  • is required to have massive coordinated religious protests denouncing extremists while other religions are given a free pass
  • when Islamic leaders, groups and clerics denounce this violence it's duly ignored and repeated requests are made for the same material and links over and over.

I have seen, at this point, far more condemnation around the world for Muslim extremism then I've seen from the international Christian community for the actions of abortion clinic terrorists or the LRA in the Congo or the anti-Gay efforts in Uganda (which were aided and abetted by Christian churches).

If you are incapable of answering direct questions and will instead keep flailing away, I will be patient.

Absolutely but they don't do they? Some of them outright endorse it and some just look the other way and some pretend it's "freedom fighting".

Attempts and calls by American ideological extremists to remove religious protections and rights from American Muslims; prevent them from building mosques, and fomenting a hostile and intolerant climate in America towards people who have committed no crimes would certainly quality as "driven by a political ideology that seeks to intimidate the group represented by the victim".

You're pretty hung up on moral and ethical "evolution" but I don't think you really know what it means. Descent into the days of superstitous conspiracy-theory run witch hunts, lynchings, restricting religious freedoms and rights, and demonizing an entire world religion regardless of their individual actions is not "evolving", it's "devolving" from a rational world view to a fear-driven irrational world view that easily condones violence against innocents in the name of "security" and nativism. Your view has more in common with anti-semites (including Islamic extremists) and racists than it does with anything claiming to be "evolved". The only difference is that people like you might not go out committing terrorism - instead you use your speech, and pen to foment hate and your vote to force your discrimination on the country. That's what you consider to be "evolved".

Quite true. Where are your demands that other religions denounce terrorism as a tactic? Where is the world wide expectation of condemnation? Why is it you ignore, relentlessly and faithfully, every condemnation and repudiation of this violence, demanding yet more (but only from Islam)?

My goodness, you are certainly capable of great vomits of words as you develop straw man after straw man, and indulge in your false equivalencies and turnspeak.

Does C.A.I.R. pay you by the word?

You have all the right buzzwords but no substance (as usual): "false equivalencies", "turnspeak", "strawman". Do you have anything beyond flinging out your ideologically approved terminology or are we just wasting time here while you reference your favorite hate sites?
You have all the right buzzwords but no substance (as usual): "false equivalencies", "turnspeak", "strawman". Do you have anything beyond flinging out your ideologically approved terminology or are we just wasting time here while you reference your favorite hate sites?

You are always a waste of time, since you are simply an empty bag of protoplasm lacking a human soul whose mission it is to attack anybody who objects to Islamism. I do not write what I write for your benefit, but for the benefit of others who might read it.
Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise. Oh wait, here we go:

Islamists celebrate on Swedish street Swedish Surveyor

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.
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Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise. Oh wait, here we go:

Islamists celebrate on Swedish street Swedish Surveyor

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.

Coyote's head is not in the sand. The creature is doing all this quite intentionally and with great dedication to the cause.

In another thread that addressed the repulsive views of a genocidal racist Muslim that supports getting Jews in one place so they cold be killed all at once, what do you think she does? She gives full support to the genocidal racist while engaging in character assassination of the Jewish man who got the thing to admit its true feelings.
Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise. Oh wait, here we go:

Islamists celebrate on Swedish street Swedish Surveyor

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.

Coyote's head is not in the sand. The creature is doing all this quite intentionally and with great dedication to the cause.

In another thread that addressed the repulsive views of a genocidal racist Muslim that supports getting Jews in one place so they cold be killed all at once, what do you think she does? She gives full support to the genocidal racist while engaging in character assassination of the Jewish man who got the thing to admit its true feelings.

Horowitz is a bigot and a racist and his being Jewish is beside the point. Perhaps you have not realized this but Jews are just as capable of being racist as Muslims and Christians and Hindus and Athiests yet your hate is so total you can not admit that.
Horowitz is a bigot and a racist and his being Jewish is beside the point. Perhaps you have not realized this but Jews are just as capable of being racist as Muslims and Christians and Hindus and Athiests yet your hate is so total you can not admit that.

Ah -- so THAT's why you defend the creature who supports the genocide of Jews.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Good to heat that you are finally out in the open that "hate" to you means NOT supporting genocide.
Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise.

Yes. Maybe none. Don't you think that is significant in light of people's claims? Maybe none. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

But are they? Or is it a handful of extremists that you seem to think is representative?

We have a large, productive, thriving Muslim neighborhood in Dearborn MI that is under attack by people who hate muslims just because they are muslim and spend a great deal of time inventing conspiracy theories about legislated sharia and no go zones. Perhaps it's time to call those people what they are: racists. If this were directed at the Jewish community would we even hesitate to label them anti-semites?

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.

I think claims need to be looked at critically before jumping on the bandwagon.
Horowitz is a bigot and a racist and his being Jewish is beside the point. Perhaps you have not realized this but Jews are just as capable of being racist as Muslims and Christians and Hindus and Athiests yet your hate is so total you can not admit that.

Ah -- so THAT's why you defend the creature who supports the genocide of Jews.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Good to heat that you are finally out in the open that "hate" to you means NOT supporting genocide.

Context is important, not cherry picking something out of a larger conversation. If I want to know what that girl really feels, it won't be based on one heated exchange. She's a kid. She probably posts all her thoughts on her blog. That is where I would go. If she were anything but Muslim you would likely say the same thing. If Hororwitz were a Muslim, you would likely call him a bigot. The fact that you can't see beyond your own blinders speaks volumes.
Context is important, not cherry picking something out of a larger conversation. If I want to know what that girl really feels, it won't be based on one heated exchange. She's a kid. She probably posts all her thoughts on her blog. That is where I would go. If she were anything but Muslim you would likely say the same thing. If Hororwitz were a Muslim, you would likely call him a bigot. The fact that you can't see beyond your own blinders speaks volumes.

Context is very important, true.

In the context of an interchange between a Jewish man and a genocidal antisemite, you chose to attack the Jewish man and defend the genocidal antisemite.

and you continue to do so for no other reason that you consider a person "bigoted" for not wanting the genocide of his own people, whereas you support those who advocate it based upon nothing more than their being a Muslim.

It's what you do. Genocide of Jews isn't the least but bigoted in your turnspeak world. Resisting it is.
Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise.

Yes. Maybe none. Don't you think that is significant in light of people's claims? Maybe none. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

But are they? Or is it a handful of extremists that you seem to think is representative?

We have a large, productive, thriving Muslim neighborhood in Dearborn MI that is under attack by people who hate muslims just because they are muslim and spend a great deal of time inventing conspiracy theories about legislated sharia and no go zones. Perhaps it's time to call those people what they are: racists. If this were directed at the Jewish community would we even hesitate to label them anti-semites?

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.

I think claims need to be looked at critically before jumping on the bandwagon.
Islamist apologists never fail to slather on with slogans and cliches'.

Interesting that criticizing moslems is racist™ because, as we now know, moslem is a race™.

Then, we're treated to "the tiny minority of violent extremists who don't represent the real Islam because Islam is the religion of peace™, canard.

Wow. I'm impressed by such intellectual sloth.
Context is important, not cherry picking something out of a larger conversation. If I want to know what that girl really feels, it won't be based on one heated exchange. She's a kid. She probably posts all her thoughts on her blog. That is where I would go. If she were anything but Muslim you would likely say the same thing. If Hororwitz were a Muslim, you would likely call him a bigot. The fact that you can't see beyond your own blinders speaks volumes.

Context is very important, true.

In the context of an interchange between a Jewish man and a genocidal antisemite, you chose to attack the Jewish man and defend the genocidal antisemite.

What does his being Jewish have to do with it? I see what you are trying to do, portray me as an anti-semite. You move is blatently obvious but not unexpected. Are you saying Jewish men can't be bigots?

and you continue to do so for no other reason that you consider a person "bigoted" for not wanting the genocide of his own people, whereas you support those who advocate it based upon nothing more than their being a Muslim.

It's what you do. Genocide of Jews isn't the least but bigoted in your turnspeak world. Resisting it is.

Unlike you, in your judgement on this student - I am not basing my opinion of Hororwitz on this one exchange. He has a lengthy resume of stands and attitudes upon which to base an opinoin.
Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise.

Yes. Maybe none. Don't you think that is significant in light of people's claims? Maybe none. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

But are they? Or is it a handful of extremists that you seem to think is representative?

We have a large, productive, thriving Muslim neighborhood in Dearborn MI that is under attack by people who hate muslims just because they are muslim and spend a great deal of time inventing conspiracy theories about legislated sharia and no go zones. Perhaps it's time to call those people what they are: racists. If this were directed at the Jewish community would we even hesitate to label them anti-semites?

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.

I think claims need to be looked at critically before jumping on the bandwagon.
Islamist apologists never fail to slather on with slogans and cliches'.

Interesting that criticizing moslems is racist™ because, as we now know, moslem is a race™.

Then, we're treated to "the tiny minority of violent extremists who don't represent the real Islam because Islam is the religion of peace™, canard.

Wow. I'm impressed by such intellectual sloth.

Given that you are a plagiarist, you really have no room to speak of "intellectual sloth".
Here's another question then:
How common are those 'large street clogging celebrations' ? Do they occur in many countries, a few countries? Often? Seldom?

Well, of course the 9/11 celebrations come to mind. You tell me how many countries. The Palestinians and the Iraqis at the least are two I saw. I and you have seen more for other events, but I have become callused and therefore very biased against Islam (obviously) because and no longer take a count on how many and where. Let me see, how many countries celebrated the France terror attacks? Maybe none, but Hamas applauded it, then withdrew its praise.

Yes. Maybe none. Don't you think that is significant in light of people's claims? Maybe none. Hamas is a terrorist organization.

What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Why does that get reported while news about Islamic groups, representing large numbers of the faithful denouncing the actions of radicals as unIslamic do not get the same coverage in whatever media you see these in?

And that is a big problem. Personally I do not watch much MSM, but catch a bit here and there and in brief infrequent visits to, and yes I should try to google the stuff more often myself; we all know there is an obvious media bias going on: what gets more ratings?

Did we have large street clogging celebrations by Muslims in America "celebrating" Islamic violence in America ANYWHERE?

When and where do I mention celebrations in America? But with the Swedish moslims celebrating France, it may only be a matter of when we get a moslem neighborhood large enough here in the states before it happens; judging from history.

But are they? Or is it a handful of extremists that you seem to think is representative?

We have a large, productive, thriving Muslim neighborhood in Dearborn MI that is under attack by people who hate muslims just because they are muslim and spend a great deal of time inventing conspiracy theories about legislated sharia and no go zones. Perhaps it's time to call those people what they are: racists. If this were directed at the Jewish community would we even hesitate to label them anti-semites?

I know in some ways I am overly biased against Islam and that is what you are calling me out on. But I really think you might want to pull your head out of the sand and see what and how it is creeping into the western countries and what is happening once said country starts getting a large enough population center of moslems.

I think claims need to be looked at critically before jumping on the bandwagon.
Islamist apologists never fail to slather on with slogans and cliches'.

Interesting that criticizing moslems is racist™ because, as we now know, moslem is a race™.

Then, we're treated to "the tiny minority of violent extremists who don't represent the real Islam because Islam is the religion of peace™, canard.

Wow. I'm impressed by such intellectual sloth.

Given that you are a plagiarist, you really have no room to speak of "intellectual sloth".
Given that you're a coward who can't defend a pointless position and a phony, I'm not surprised you're left to resort to hysterical claims.

Since when did moslem become a race™.

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