Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?

Still think the terrorist attacks in France were "workplace violence" eh?
Since the alleged attack took place in the workplace of a hate publication.

The answer to your question is, "Yes". ...... :cool:

The attack is not alleged. It took place. Try paying attention. ...... :cool:

Western attitudes towards the Dark Ages mindset of islamist throwbacks are hardening. You should think about a real religion for your next conversion. ...... :cool:

With millions of Neanderthals like Sunni running around all over Europe, it's no wonder that Europeans draw derogatory cartoons to describe the barbaric religion known as Islam. Joke of the century is the title of this thread: Islam is a peaceful, tolerant religion! :lmao:

What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Well, I am definitely burned on that one. I knew I was in too much of a hurry. No I would not take it and I would criticize it to the moon myself. Credible sources are one thing, that one was not.

Teddy, you're one in a million when it comes to this arena. (((Hugs))) Thank you :)
Horowitz wasn't "rejecting" terrorism, he was bullying a clueless student. The fact that you can't see beyond speaks volume as is your willingness to defend him at all costs.

How do you you judge a person? One heated exchange?

I judge you on your tens of thousands of similar defenses of the indefensible.

I suppose your thinking that you are somehow a "liberal" for promoting Islamist attitudes supporting the genocide of Jews, that means the next genocide of Jews will be a much nicer one, eh?

Links to support any of the crap you're spewing?

Where have I ever promoted genocide or supported it?

Your typical fall back position: making shit up.
Racism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

consists of both prejudice and discrimination based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. It often takes the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently.[1][2][3]

Among the questions about how to define racism are the question of whether to include forms of discrimination that are unintentional, such as making assumptions about preferences or abilities of others based on racial stereotypes, whether to include symbolic or institutionalized forms of discrimination such as the circulation of ethnic stereotypes through the media, and whether to include the socio-political dynamics of social stratification that sometimes have a racial component.

In sociology and psychology, some definitions only include consciously malignant forms of discrimination.[4][5] Some definitions of racism also include discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes.[2][6] One view holds that racism is best understood as 'prejudice plus power' because without the support of political or economic power, prejudice would not be able to manifest as a pervasive cultural, institutional or social phenomenon.[7][8][9]

Yep. The islamist apologist has confirmed another canard: when all else fails, cut and paste reams of nonsense from Wiki.

Wiki is as good a source as any for definitions. At least it's not plagiarism :)
Defending your use of plagiarism? How strange.

Sorry girlie. I've not plagiarized. That seems to be your specialty. Ruins your credability as far as being any kind of "self-proclaimed" scholar. Keep trying though.

Sorry, sweety. Your failure to pay attention and your inability to be honest with others and yourself is a continuing problem for you. Don't defend your dishonesty.

Projecting again? :lol:
Context is important, not cherry picking something out of a larger conversation. If I want to know what that girl really feels, it won't be based on one heated exchange. She's a kid. She probably posts all her thoughts on her blog. That is where I would go. If she were anything but Muslim you would likely say the same thing. If Hororwitz were a Muslim, you would likely call him a bigot. The fact that you can't see beyond your own blinders speaks volumes.

Context is very important, true.

In the context of an interchange between a Jewish man and a genocidal antisemite, you chose to attack the Jewish man and defend the genocidal antisemite.

What does his being Jewish have to do with it? I see what you are trying to do, portray me as an anti-semite. You move is blatently obvious but not unexpected. Are you saying Jewish men can't be bigots?

and you continue to do so for no other reason that you consider a person "bigoted" for not wanting the genocide of his own people, whereas you support those who advocate it based upon nothing more than their being a Muslim.

It's what you do. Genocide of Jews isn't the least but bigoted in your turnspeak world. Resisting it is.

Unlike you, in your judgement on this student - I am not basing my opinion of Hororwitz on this one exchange. He has a lengthy resume of stands and attitudes upon which to base an opinoin.

Your reveal yourself as an antisemite with your stubborn support of those who advocate genocide of Jews. I don't have to portray you as anything as your revolting attitudes speak for themselves.

Sorry dude, but you are now grasping at straws by defining an entire person based on one brief exchange.

You CHOSE to attack the character of the person rejecting terrorism and who rejected the genocidal ambitions of those who wish to exterminate his people and you CHOSE to defend the genocidal.

I certainly didn't do that for you. I simply point it out.

Horowitz wasn't "rejecting" terrorism, he was bullying a clueless student. The fact that you can't see beyond speaks volume as is your willingness to defend him at all costs.

How do you you judge a person? One heated exchange?

"How do you you judge a person? One heated exchange?"

How do you judge a politico-religious ideology? One "isolated incident" after another, after another, daily, continual? we judge a person on one heated exchange.

Let's look at you. You post the words of another blog, without attributes or linking, as if it were your own. Are we fair on judging you a plagiarist based on that one incident?

With your logic - a resounding yes! :lol:
Context is very important, true.

In the context of an interchange between a Jewish man and a genocidal antisemite, you chose to attack the Jewish man and defend the genocidal antisemite.

What does his being Jewish have to do with it? I see what you are trying to do, portray me as an anti-semite. You move is blatently obvious but not unexpected. Are you saying Jewish men can't be bigots?

and you continue to do so for no other reason that you consider a person "bigoted" for not wanting the genocide of his own people, whereas you support those who advocate it based upon nothing more than their being a Muslim.

It's what you do. Genocide of Jews isn't the least but bigoted in your turnspeak world. Resisting it is.

Unlike you, in your judgement on this student - I am not basing my opinion of Hororwitz on this one exchange. He has a lengthy resume of stands and attitudes upon which to base an opinoin.

Your reveal yourself as an antisemite with your stubborn support of those who advocate genocide of Jews. I don't have to portray you as anything as your revolting attitudes speak for themselves.

Sorry dude, but you are now grasping at straws by defining an entire person based on one brief exchange.

You CHOSE to attack the character of the person rejecting terrorism and who rejected the genocidal ambitions of those who wish to exterminate his people and you CHOSE to defend the genocidal.

I certainly didn't do that for you. I simply point it out.

Horowitz wasn't "rejecting" terrorism, he was bullying a clueless student. The fact that you can't see beyond speaks volume as is your willingness to defend him at all costs.

How do you you judge a person? One heated exchange?

"How do you you judge a person? One heated exchange?"

How do you judge a politico-religious ideology? One "isolated incident" after another, after another, daily, continual? we judge a person on one heated exchange.

Let's look at you. You post the words of another blog, without attributes or linking, as if it were your own. Are we fair on judging you a plagiarist based on that one incident?

With your logic - a resounding yes! :lol:
Let's judge your dishonesty. You're too dishonest to admit your omissions and errors as a result of your not paying attention and you use your dishonesty in defensive postures to avoid the questions you can't address.

Are we going to judge you as dishonest for multiple acts of dishonesty?
Yep. The islamist apologist has confirmed another canard: when all else fails, cut and paste reams of nonsense from Wiki.

Wiki is as good a source as any for definitions. At least it's not plagiarism :)
Defending your use of plagiarism? How strange.

Sorry girlie. I've not plagiarized. That seems to be your specialty. Ruins your credability as far as being any kind of "self-proclaimed" scholar. Keep trying though.

Sorry, sweety. Your failure to pay attention and your inability to be honest with others and yourself is a continuing problem for you. Don't defend your dishonesty.

Projecting again? :lol:
Nope. Just holding you accountable for being a dishonest hack.
I speak from the traditional knowledge in Islam.

All that is being said about Islam are lies and vile slanders.

Islam is the purest religion in the world. It is the heavenly religion here on earth, brought to us by the best son of Adam, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). There is no religion other than Islam which features high standards of purity and truth.

Muhammad is the one who said: "none of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." Brother means one's fellow human being, not one's Muslim brother.

Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal, so that the son of a slave, Usama Ibn Zeid became the chief general of the Muslim army.

Islam is the religon that enjoined its followeres to acquire the knowledge of the religion from Aisha, a woman. Muhammad is the one who said "the best of you is he who treats his wife the best."

Islam is the religion that teaches to not get angry at anyone. Muhammad is the one who said "anger is disbelief." Islam teaches that anger comes from Satan. Islam teaches to be good to one wwho offends you and to forgive. Islam is absolutely firm about that, one must forbear and one must forgive, and one must not complain.

Islam is the religion that orders, as Muhammad said, to live as if you would never die, and to worship God as if you would die today. In other words, work hard for your livelihood and work hard to earn the pleasure of God. This is the kind of men and women that Islam produces. No other religion can boast of the same.

You people slander this most pure heavenly religion. You are not showing any respect for mankind, mindlessly attacking the Islamic idelas of purity and integrity. We are in the 21st century. You have yet to be civilized human beings.
I speak from the traditional knowledge in Islam.

All that is being said about Islam are lies and vile slanders.

Islam is the purest religion in the world. It is the heavenly religion here on earth, brought to us by the best son of Adam, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). There is no religion other than Islam which features high standards of purity and truth.

Muhammad is the one who said: "none of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." Brother means one's fellow human being, not one's Muslim brother.

Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal, so that the son of a slave, Usama Ibn Zeid became the chief general of the Muslim army.

Islam is the religon that enjoined its followeres to acquire the knowledge of the religion from Aisha, a woman. Muhammad is the one who said "the best of you is he who treats his wife the best."

Islam is the religion that teaches to not get angry at anyone. Muhammad is the one who said "anger is disbelief." Islam teaches that anger comes from Satan. Islam teaches to be good to one wwho offends you and to forgive. Islam is absolutely firm about that, one must forbear and one must forgive, and one must not complain.

Islam is the religion that orders, as Muhammad said, to live as if you would never die, and to worship God as if you would die today. In other words, work hard for your livelihood and work hard to earn the pleasure of God. This is the kind of men and women that Islam produces. No other religion can boast of the same.

You people slander this most pure heavenly religion. You are not showing any respect for mankind, mindlessly attacking the Islamic idelas of purity and integrity. We are in the 21st century. You have yet to be civilized human beings.

You forgot, some of us have read the Quran. We know what a load of bile it really is.
I speak from the traditional knowledge in Islam.

All that is being said about Islam are lies and vile slanders.

Islam is the purest religion in the world. It is the heavenly religion here on earth, brought to us by the best son of Adam, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). There is no religion other than Islam which features high standards of purity and truth.

Muhammad is the one who said: "none of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." Brother means one's fellow human being, not one's Muslim brother.

Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal, so that the son of a slave, Usama Ibn Zeid became the chief general of the Muslim army.

Islam is the religon that enjoined its followeres to acquire the knowledge of the religion from Aisha, a woman. Muhammad is the one who said "the best of you is he who treats his wife the best."

Islam is the religion that teaches to not get angry at anyone. Muhammad is the one who said "anger is disbelief." Islam teaches that anger comes from Satan. Islam teaches to be good to one wwho offends you and to forgive. Islam is absolutely firm about that, one must forbear and one must forgive, and one must not complain.

Islam is the religion that orders, as Muhammad said, to live as if you would never die, and to worship God as if you would die today. In other words, work hard for your livelihood and work hard to earn the pleasure of God. This is the kind of men and women that Islam produces. No other religion can boast of the same.

You people slander this most pure heavenly religion. You are not showing any respect for mankind, mindlessly attacking the Islamic idelas of purity and integrity. We are in the 21st century. You have yet to be civilized human beings.

"Islam is the religion that all human beings are equal". It does, as long as you're not an unbelieving infidel, right?

"Islam is the religion that teaches to not get angry at anyone". maybe you should say that to your fellow Muslims who flip out and murder people just because they drew Mohammad, or said something slightly negative about Islam. Seems to me Islam teaches people to be violent unforgiving animals.

They say judge a relgion by its fruits, and right niw the fruits of Islam are ROTTEN TO THE CORE.
Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal,

The Quran absolutely does not teach that. It teaches that the curse of Allah is on unbelievers in Allah and the day of judgement and they will burn in eternal hellfire.
What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Well, I am definitely burned on that one. I knew I was in too much of a hurry. No I would not take it and I would criticize it to the moon myself. Credible sources are one thing, that one was not.

Teddy, you're one in a million when it comes to this arena. (((Hugs))) Thank you :)

Well why the fuck didn't you thank my post you asshole!

What you have here is one person's opinion, no pictures, no news coverage, no sources but Facebook, and limited at that because it shows what purports to be a Facebook update from one of the preachers at the mosque but all the names are blurred out so there is no way to verify. I googled this to see if there were any other sources that could independently suppofrt her claims and the only source I could find was the one in that link, nothing else to support the claim.

Would you consider this credible if, for example, it were an anti-Israeli opinion by a Palestinian source or claim of Israeli's dancing at 9/11? Would you take it at face value or be more critical?

Well, I am definitely burned on that one. I knew I was in too much of a hurry. No I would not take it and I would criticize it to the moon myself. Credible sources are one thing, that one was not.

Teddy, you're one in a million when it comes to this arena. (((Hugs))) Thank you :)

Well why the fuck didn't you thank my post you asshole!


Because I have an asshole image to maintain damnit!
I speak from the traditional knowledge in Islam.

All that is being said about Islam are lies and vile slanders.

Islam is the purest religion in the world. It is the heavenly religion here on earth, brought to us by the best son of Adam, Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). There is no religion other than Islam which features high standards of purity and truth.

Muhammad is the one who said: "none of you believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself." Brother means one's fellow human being, not one's Muslim brother.

Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal, so that the son of a slave, Usama Ibn Zeid became the chief general of the Muslim army.

Islam is the religon that enjoined its followeres to acquire the knowledge of the religion from Aisha, a woman. Muhammad is the one who said "the best of you is he who treats his wife the best."

Islam is the religion that teaches to not get angry at anyone. Muhammad is the one who said "anger is disbelief." Islam teaches that anger comes from Satan. Islam teaches to be good to one wwho offends you and to forgive. Islam is absolutely firm about that, one must forbear and one must forgive, and one must not complain.

Islam is the religion that orders, as Muhammad said, to live as if you would never die, and to worship God as if you would die today. In other words, work hard for your livelihood and work hard to earn the pleasure of God. This is the kind of men and women that Islam produces. No other religion can boast of the same.

You people slander this most pure heavenly religion. You are not showing any respect for mankind, mindlessly attacking the Islamic idelas of purity and integrity. We are in the 21st century. You have yet to be civilized human beings.

I really do not want to pick apart your post, but if you read it well, you will find all the inconsistencies within what you proclaim "Islam" to be.

to start, your proclamation that Islam is the purest, well that is yet to be seen. Just like all the others, I doubt in this time and age there is any 'one' religion that is the purest. The only thing that is pure is one's personal relationship with God over their personal salvation/forgiveness. Or not.

How are you to know? I do not.
Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal,

The Quran absolutely does not teach that. It teaches that the curse of Allah is on unbelievers in Allah and the day of judgement and they will burn in eternal hellfire.
To bad that islam is just a copy of Judaism that is heavy handed with censures. Jesus pre dates Mohamed, no problem! Just re-write history a little and put Mohammad in front of every thing goes out the window. Then you can strap bombs on little girls and fly airplanes into buildings. Arabs, isn't this just about Arabs? Sorry. Not feeling your pain.
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If there is a god, he knows us. Islam was stolen from Judaism . It is so ironic. Muslims need to show resect to Jews. It is amazing that few mosques, or Muslims in the west haven't been decapitated, burnt alive, stoned, or other wise persecuted . If we followed the same rules as ISLAM.
Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal,

The Quran absolutely does not teach that. It teaches that the curse of Allah is on unbelievers in Allah and the day of judgement and they will burn in eternal hellfire.
To bad that islam is just a copy of Judaism that is heavy handed with censures. Jesus pre dates Mohamed, no problem! Just re-write history a little and put Mohammad in front of every thing goes out the window. Then you can strap bombs on little girls and fly airplanes into buildings. Arabs, isn't this just about Arabs? Sorry. Not feeling your pain.

That is correct, at its core, Islam is Arab imperialism using faith as a tool. If you look at history, it's all about Arabs invading, then shoving their religion, langauge, culture, legal system (Shariah law), and way of life down people's throats at the tip of a sword.
Islam is the religion that teaches that all human beings are equal,

The Quran absolutely does not teach that. It teaches that the curse of Allah is on unbelievers in Allah and the day of judgement and they will burn in eternal hellfire.

I know the answer------smart girl that I am------islam DOES
teach that ALL HUMAN BEINGS-----have a right to revert
to islam-------every girl in the world can be a muslimah of the top level by tying a bomb to her ass

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