Islam. The religion of peace, tolerance and truth?


Islam teaches that all people are equal. All are born innocent, Christianity says the very opposite. Islam goes on to say that the one who strives the more to earn the pleasure of God is greater than the others. They are not comparable in the least. The one who choose to not devote his heart and soul to God has fallen outside the assembly of the human beings.


Islam is to love God as if you saw Him, for if you don't see Him He sees you. That is absolute purity. Care to re-read my previous post. Nothing of what I mentioned is a secret. It is very well known.


Islam has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity, except that Abraham, Moses and Jesus share the love of one person, Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family. The hearts of good men, you will find them united. The prophets are more than good men, so what they say, you will find it quite similar.

Islam teaches that all people are equal. All are born innocent, Christianity says the very opposite. Islam goes on to say that the one who strives the more to earn the pleasure of God is greater than the others. They are not comparable in the least. The one who choose to not devote his heart and soul to God has fallen outside the assembly of the human beings.


Islam is to love God as if you saw Him, for if you don't see Him He sees you. That is absolute purity. Care to re-read my previous post. Nothing of what I mentioned is a secret. It is very well known.


Islam has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity, except that Abraham, Moses and Jesus share the love of one person, Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family. The hearts of good men, you will find them united. The prophets are more than good men, so what they say, you will find it quite similar.

Wow. What a bunch of lies and purposeful deceit.

Islamist ideology entails the striving in the way of the politico-religious ideology invented by muhammud (swish). This includes incorporating an armed and violent conflict against the infidel and establishment of Muhammud's (swish) religion everywhere. This is a core and central precept of muhammadan ideology and an obligatory duty in Islamist doctrine. The term to describe this obligatory duty is jihad.

Islamic ideology is to make the Muhammud's (swish) religion imposed on all, and the fact is, that just won't happen without an armed and violent conflict. The manifestation of muhammedan doctrine is exhibited in the Moslem revulsion of the infidel and the apostate. This is why we see the blatant double standards that define Moslem'dom ; the demands for exclusive rights and privileges that muhammedans require for themselves with the attendant refusal to extend similar rights and privileges to the hated infidel. This is why we see satirical magazine publishers mass murdered in their places of business, playwrights killed in the streets of their homeland, Churches burned, Dhimmi's subjected to limited rights and the other atrocities that are inflicted by the fascist ideology of muhammedans on the non-Moslems unfortunate enough to be living in moslem lands™.

• Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said: "I have been ordered (by Allah) to fight against the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle, and offer the prayers perfectly and give the obligatory charity, so if they perform a that, then they save their lives an property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning (accounts) will be done by Allah." —Sahih Bukhari, V1B2N24

• He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the Religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religion, however much the unbelievers hate it. —Qur'an, 9.33

• “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian Peninsula.’ Umar investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying: ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.” -Tabari VIII:130

• The Prophet on his death-bed, gave orders saying, "Expel the unbelievers from the Arabian Peninsula." -Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 52, Number 288

• Allah's curse be on the Jews and the Christians. -Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 727
"How do you you judge a person? One heated exchange?"

How do you judge a politico-religious ideology? One "isolated incident" after another, after another, daily, continual?

If a member of the KKK were to say "Yes" to a question of wanting to kill all black people, Coyote would be on it like shit on stink. Likewise, if it was a Christian preacher saying all gay people should be killed.

The fact that it is a fat Islamist toad wanting to kill all Jews results in nothing but this very desperate and very obvious attempts to defend, however, and that is because she supports the Islamist and sees nothing wrong with its vile views. Coyote will grasp at any dishonest straw she can when it comes to her campaign to defend the Islamist agenda, and this "one isolated incident" bullshit, while being one of her more slimy excuses, is just part of an extremely well-established pattern she employs to facilitate the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood, C.A.I.R. and their ilk.

She seems to think that if she can just throw enough of her slime at an issue, she can confuse people into joining her by way of pushing an obvious agenda while constantly denying she is doing so.
Hollie----give it time-----you are going to get the "mistranslation
That, or the "oh, but you've taken that out of context", weasel.

Actions speak with the utmost clarity. And across the globe with both a historical and current context, we can see that pious moslems are quite clear about "interpretation" of their unholy texts.

Islam teaches that all people are equal. All are born innocent, Christianity says the very opposite. Islam goes on to say that the one who strives the more to earn the pleasure of God is greater than the others. They are not comparable in the least. The one who choose to not devote his heart and soul to God has fallen outside the assembly of the human beings.


Islam is to love God as if you saw Him, for if you don't see Him He sees you. That is absolute purity. Care to re-read my previous post. Nothing of what I mentioned is a secret. It is very well known.


Islam has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity, except that Abraham, Moses and Jesus share the love of one person, Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family. The hearts of good men, you will find them united. The prophets are more than good men, so what they say, you will find it quite similar.

More lies and crap.

"Islam has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianty"?! Ha ha ha. You must be another one of these ignorant brainwashed islamic assholes.

Then why they hell does Islam adopt all of the prophets in Judaism, and as well as Christianity's Jesus? Did Islam come first, or did the other two faiths before it?

Islam is mohammad hijacking two great faiths that came before him, mixing it with his own moon god religion, and creating this catastrophe to humanity known as Islam. Mohammad was power hungry and used religion as an excuse to invade and rape other lands, and shove his Arabic religion, langauge, and culture down their throats.

Of course we can't blame the terrorist theif for getting so much wrong about those two faiths, including the fact that Abraham intended to sacrifice Issac and not Ishmael. Reason being the "final messenger" was totally illiterate.

True story dude. :cool:
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Islam teaches that all people are equal. All are born innocent, Christianity says the very opposite. Islam goes on to say that the one who strives the more to earn the pleasure of God is greater than the others. They are not comparable in the least. The one who choose to not devote his heart and soul to God has fallen outside the assembly of the human beings.


Islam is to love God as if you saw Him, for if you don't see Him He sees you. That is absolute purity. Care to re-read my previous post. Nothing of what I mentioned is a secret. It is very well known.


Islam has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity, except that Abraham, Moses and Jesus share the love of one person, Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family. The hearts of good men, you will find them united. The prophets are more than good men, so what they say, you will find it quite similar.

More lies and crap.

Islam has nithing to do with Judaism or Christianty? Ha ha ha.

The. Why they ell does Islam adopt all of the prophets in Judaism and as well as Chrsitianity's Jesus? Did Islam come first, or the other two faiths before it?

Islam is mohammad hijacking two great faiths that came before it, mixing it with his own moon God religion, and creating this catastrophe known as Islam. Mohammad was power hungry and u sed religion as a pn excuse to invade and rape other lands, and shove Arabic his religion, langauge, and culture down their throats.

True story dude. :cool:

Islam is all about PRE-COOKED stuff------they needed a pre-cooked story-----so they took GENESIS (that's berashit
for you, roudy) They needed pre-cooked heros and scholars etc------so they ADOPTED from Adam to Amos and even Jesus. Even today they use pre-cooked propaganda ---adapted from Josef Goebbels
Can I ask a serious question for a minute?

How exactly taught Muhammad how to read?

Muhummad could not read or write. I consider that fact very
strange since he lived amongst literate people and was---
fairly affluent thru his wife. Generally unschooled people
can remain illiterate if they are really poor and work
constantly-----but that guy was around literate Persians,
Christians and jews ----and SOMEHOW never learned nuthin'.
It is possible he was dyslexic. The partyline is that lots of his
follower pals were literate but even they did not write the crap he said -----THEY MEMORIZED IT ---on the spot----and
finally put it to paper something like 100 years later
(try not to laugh----this was not 5000 years ago----it was only 1400 years ago when most of the world had written languages) That muhummad was illiterate is a kind of point of pride for muslims-----do not ask me why-----it might be to prove that ALLAH LOVED HIM ANYWAY
This is fodder for a different board. IF WE FOLLOWED the same example as Islam is following, really. We would have just used atomic weapons on Mecca or Medina, the hell with what people think. Islam would get their just deserts, AND it ends them. I can live with that. After all, Islam wants to end us, so what is the big friggin deal if we just do it first? Muslims wont shed any tears when Islamic terrorists nuke Paris, New York or London, so let's just do it now and stop the pretenses.
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This is fodder for a different board. IF WE FOLLOWED the same example as Islam is following, really. We would have just used atomic weapons on Mecca or Medina, the hell with what people think. Islam would got their just deserts, AND it ends them. I can live with that.

I have learned ----from muslims I have known well that they are
CONFIDENT that they can get away with anything------allah
is on their side------but MORE than that they have a history of
success using the SAME methods they are using now-----
a huge empire was built on the very same methods-----terrorism, It started in Arabia and trampled thru about half the world already
If there is a god, he knows us. Islam was stolen from Judaism .

That's like saying that Christianity was "stolen from Judaism".

neither is actually true------in reference to islam-------islam latched itself onto Judaism. Muhummad actually created
for himself a link to Abraham via Ishmael and then made Ishmael Abraham's heir---------he retrospectively put himself
in his invented "royal line". It seems to me that his real issue was "HOW DO I MAKE MYSELF THE KING"-----being a descendant of the son of Abraham was his answer.
What we do know about Arabian culture at that time is that
they were very addicted to the idea of FAMILY LINE and
actually had family tree experts who could create family
trees for the ambitious. In jewish legend ----Ishmael was
literate I have no idea how muhummad explained to himself how his own ancestors did not have written language
until about 300 AD if they were decended from a literate person--------but they managed
Islam is at war with US, were do you go with that? We pretend it's just a few isolated incidents. Lets be honest. Islam is the enemy, an we have to deal with that. Bush and Obama, they just won't admit the truth. WHY? Islam is pretty damned big enemy...Islam has declared war on the west, it time to get real and deal with it. Stop sweeping this issue under the rug, ISLAM is the ENEMY. They made it so, deal with it. Realizing it is the first step, as they say....
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Some politicians actually realize what we are up against....

Jindal’s Brilliant Take on Radical Islam ^

“Let’s be honest here. Islam has a problem.” Those are key sentences in an incredibly hard-hitting speech that Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal will give in London on Monday. It is the toughest speech I have read on the whole issue of Islamic radicalism and its destructive, murdering, barbarous ways which are upsetting the entire world. Early in the speech Jindal says he’s not going to be politically correct. And he uses the term “radical Islamists” without hesitation, placing much of the blame for the Paris murders and all radical Islamist terrorism on a refusal of Muslim leaders to denounce these...
"Islam" has not declared war on the U.S.

Certain people- who claim to be Muslim, and may even legitimately believe they are Muslim, and have used Islam to rally people to their own cause- have declared war.


Islam teaches that all people are equal. All are born innocent, Christianity says the very opposite. Islam goes on to say that the one who strives the more to earn the pleasure of God is greater than the others. They are not comparable in the least. The one who choose to not devote his heart and soul to God has fallen outside the assembly of the human beings.


Islam is to love God as if you saw Him, for if you don't see Him He sees you. That is absolute purity. Care to re-read my previous post. Nothing of what I mentioned is a secret. It is very well known.


Islam has nothing to do with Judaism or Christianity, except that Abraham, Moses and Jesus share the love of one person, Muhammad, the beloved of God, peace be upon him and his family. The hearts of good men, you will find them united. The prophets are more than good men, so what they say, you will find it quite similar.

was your prophet Jesus a liar when He said that He was God?

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