Islamic Imam Says France Imported “Garbage.”

For the first 200 years or so, we were nearly 90% European. In 2010, the European population had dropped to 64%. In 2021, it was down to 59% Our greatness wanes each year as the nation is flooded with non-Europeans. ...
And it scares you to see too many people out in the real world who don't look like they could be your first cousin? Does it scare you to hear people in your local grocery store talking to each other in a language you don't understand? Oh, are they talking about YOU? Scary!
The Syrian civil war created 7 million Syrian refugees. Nobody IMPORTED them.
There are plenty of close by 'safe' countries for those fleeing Syria for them to seek asylum. The advantage being, once the war ends, they haven't got far to walk home. So if they've managed to get to the English Channel, cross in a dingy, and then not kicked out, they're IMPORTED.
There are plenty of close by 'safe' countries for those fleeing Syria for them to seek asylum. The advantage being, once the war ends, they haven't got far to walk home. So if they've managed to get to the English Channel, cross in a dingy, and then not kicked out, they're IMPORTED.

Two million went to Arabia and the gulf states. Others went to Lebanon, Jordan. Still others went to Europe and the US.

Have you forgotten so soon that refugee populations are a problem?
Two million went to Arabia and the gulf states. Others went to Lebanon, Jordan. Still others went to Europe and the US.

Have you forgotten so soon that refugee populations are a problem?
Have you forgotten that most of the Syrians who have immigrated to the United States over the last 100 years are Syrian CHRISTIANS who were persecuted by you Muslims?

For the Lebanese, even more so.

Let the Islamic countries take in the Muslims.
200+ years and we are the greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known. It's working pretty well so far.

You can say that we're the greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known, until you see that ass clown Biden in the headlines, making a fool out of all of us.

Then we don't look so great and powerful. It may not be so apparent to everyone, especially his supporters. But the world see it, especially our enemies.
Granted ... the US and other western nations should not have plundered the Mideast at the behest of Israel. That created resentment and havoc. But that certainly doesn't mean that the West should take in the riffraff from these nations. Why didn't Egypt or Jordan take in the so-called "refugees?" Because they didn't want them!

Ah, the problem.... The West. They go and invade and control countries, these countries go abroad and cause no end of problems because they're not thinking about the consequences in terms of how people will react, but only in terms of the money they will make.

The other problem is the good life leads to less kids. Wars lead to people dying.
And countries want to be rich and powerful and the more people you have, the more power and more money you have.

Look at the UK. They had Brexit. They said "take back control", a lot of the Brexit voters thought that meant immigration would be curtailed. In fact, the Tories (right wing party) have INCREASED immigration into the UK.
You can say that we're the greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known, until you see that ass clown Biden in the headlines, making a fool out of all of us.

We've survived bigger fools and worse scumbags than him (though not by much), and we'll get past him as well.
We've survived bigger fools and worse scumbags than him (though not by much), and we'll get past him as well.

I'll try to remember that as I pick through the radioactive rubble, searching for something I can use to fix something else.

"Hey let's allow millions of completely unknown, undocumented immigrants into the country! What could go wrong?"

Here's the deal, dude. Ethnic majority tries to get rich with market economy, but you can't have a market economy without cheap labor, and lower-class members of ethnic majority don't like being cheap labor. Upper-class members of ethnic majority know this and know that if too many members of their race become 'losers' they'll start rebelling and fucking shit up. The solution? Bring in folks with darker skin tones to do the work that ethnic majority folk are too good for. That's the way Western capitalism has worked for the last 525 years, and that's the way it will always work.
Defeatism is not an American characteristic.

Well excuse me. I though it had become our national pastime ever since the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and at the end of 20 years of it in the Middle East.

Wasn't that the whole reason we put Biden and his clown show in office? To lead us through another generation of losing? It certainly looks that way, given how they've managed to get us involved in yet another "forever war" with no plan for succeeding.
I'm no fan of the Islamic religion (political ideology) but this particular Imam pretty much explains to a “T” why France is experiencing its current, riotous crisis. And as long as other Western nations continue allowing the “garbage” to invade their lands, then they can expect the same crises in the days to come. That includes Canada and the USA. Melting pot societies always implode in the long run. Ask Greece, Rome, and the folks from the Tower of Babel.

On the other hand as I like to keep pointing out - there is Newtons law.
The Lefties&Libs had 45 years to screw up every democratic country - and that action forces a counteraction, everywhere the so called rightwing parties are on the increase.
In e.g. France, Italy, Sweden they are already the single strongest parties - in Germany they now are the 2nd strongest party. Once they would or are viable to align with the remaining conservative parties - the Lefties&Libs would be out of business.
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I see it as Trash complaining about Garbage.
Muslims are unable to live peacefully amongst other cultures.
It's the same story in India, Israel, England, Netherland, Sweden, Germany, Russia.....

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And AFAIK, China is the only country that actually did and is doing the right thing - eradicate the reasons for e.g. Muslim violence. Around 20,000 killed people in 2 decades by Xinjang extremists. Via ensuring education, job-training and infrastructure programs to develop industry and jobs. Imprison those certain to engage or having engaged in such activities - those reluctant to adapt towards the majority (90%) and a peaceful live - reeducation.

And what are the democratic countries doing? nothing but to enhance racial and religious issues in their own countries whilst painting China in the worst colors possible.
And AFAIK, China is the only country that actually did and is doing the right thing - eradicate the reasons for e.g. Muslim violence. Around 20,000 killed people in 2 decades by Xinjang extremists. Via ensuring education, job-training and infrastructure programs to develop industry and jobs. Imprison those certain to engage or having engaged in such activities - those reluctant to adapt towards the majority (90%) and a peaceful live - reeducation.

And what are the democratic countries doing? nothing but to enhance racial and religious issues in their own countries whilst painting China in the worst colors possible.

As hard as you try, you'll never get me to agree with you about China.

But you are right.

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