Islamic Imam Says France Imported “Garbage.”

Ah, the problem.... The West. They go and invade and control countries, these countries go abroad and cause no end of problems because they're not thinking about the consequences in terms of how people will react, but only in terms of the money they will make.

The other problem is the good life leads to less kids. Wars lead to people dying.
And countries want to be rich and powerful and the more people you have, the more power and more money you have.

Look at the UK. They had Brexit. They said "take back control", a lot of the Brexit voters thought that meant immigration would be curtailed. In fact, the Tories (right wing party) have INCREASED immigration into the UK.
Much truth. But the term “right wing” has completely lost its meaning and savor. It used to mean fiscal conservatism and responsibility. It used to mean morality and common sense. It used to mean freedom and liberty. It used to mean small government and sensible values. Today? It's a name you call someone you don't agree with. Beyond that, it has no meaning in a societal sense. The Tories of Britain are as “right wing” as the GOP is in America. Most are bought and paid for, Globalists and warmongers. Are they better than the Dems? Only by a fraction.
Well excuse me. I though it had become our national pastime ever since the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and at the end of 20 years of it in the Middle East.

Wasn't that the whole reason we put Biden and his clown show in office? To lead us through another generation of losing? It certainly looks that way, given how they've managed to get us involved in yet another "forever war" with no plan for succeeding.
Suck it up. This too shall pass.
And AFAIK, China is the only country that actually did and is doing the right thing - eradicate the reasons for e.g. Muslim violence. Around 20,000 killed people in 2 decades by Xinjang extremists. Via ensuring education, job-training and infrastructure programs to develop industry and jobs. Imprison those certain to engage or having engaged in such activities - those reluctant to adapt towards the majority (90%) and a peaceful live - reeducation.

And what are the democratic countries doing? nothing but to enhance racial and religious issues in their own countries whilst painting China in the worst colors possible.
What a fucking scumbag.
Of course we are.

Say what you want about the little bastards, but they've managed to infiltrate every aspect of our country: Our manufacturing and retail industries, our school systems and universities, and our political system, all the way up the the Presidency. They may be a bunch of godless commie shitheads, but the way they've weaseled themselves into exerting control over us was quite a feat.

And how about that virus they gave us, wasn't that something? They actually managed to remove one of the most powerful President's this country had since Reagan. It scared us all the way back into a bad imitation of the Obama presidency. "Oh we'll be good, Mr. Chinese man. We'll get rid of that grumpy old Trump, who put those mean old tariffs on you. Just don't send us another icky virus, ok? BFF now, ok?"
Much truth. But the term “right wing” has completely lost its meaning and savor. It used to mean fiscal conservatism and responsibility. It used to mean morality and common sense. It used to mean freedom and liberty. It used to mean small government and sensible values. Today? It's a name you call someone you don't agree with. Beyond that, it has no meaning in a societal sense. The Tories of Britain are as “right wing” as the GOP is in America. Most are bought and paid for, Globalists and warmongers. Are they better than the Dems? Only by a fraction.

A) Right wing came from France three hundred years ago, of course it's "lost its meaning", I mean, does the US have a French king?

B) Right wing is RELATIVE. The center is based on the people and the politics of a country. The US's center is further to the right than most of Europe's centers.

C) It might have meant something in the past because they managed to control the minds of people more easily. If you controlled the right wing press, the radio, TV and newspapers, you controlled EVERYTHING. With the internet, it's easier to get to people and to give yourself a chance at manipulating them, you don't need to own everything.
The US has a problem because it has FPTP, and FPTP leads to negative voting which benefits the largest two parties. The UK also has this. No surprise that both countries end up voting right wing.

Right now the UK has a 150 seat Tory majority. Why? Well, because the system says so. The Lib Dems and Labour, both left wing, got only 900 something votes less than the Tories. But the system told them to "fuck off" and gave the Tories loads of seats.
With such large political parties in the US, trying to encompass 50% of the population, the parties aren't going to mean much, because as soon as you stand for something, everyone will start hating you.
So the Republicans are pro-life warmongers who are all for small/large government and really hate gay people but will just fuck them from time to time just to get a feel for it. I mean.... a contradiction in terms.
Say what you want about the little bastards, but they've managed to infiltrate every aspect of our country: Our manufacturing and retail industries, our school systems and universities, and our political system, all the way up the the Presidency. They may be a bunch of godless commie shitheads, but the way they've weaseled themselves into exerting control over us was quite a feat.

And how about that virus they gave us, wasn't that something? They actually managed to remove one of the most powerful President's this country had since Reagan. It scared us all the way back into a bad imitation of the Obama presidency. "Oh we'll be good, Mr. Chinese man. We'll get rid of that grumpy old Trump, who put those mean old tariffs on you. Just don't send us another icky virus, ok? BFF now, ok?"
In one part you are certainly wrong - China is absolutely in favor of Trump, they actually like and respect him. - independent of that trade-war issue.
China believes that the world needs to be governed and led by the USA and China - they both need each other in regards to trade and keeping the world at peace.

As such one huge JV - whereby both sides will strive to maintain their individual influence. - just Business. And everyone is and needs to be free to do what is considered best for their own respective countries. So the USA want's democracy - okay, China doesn't want it, neither do I on my part - okay. And it's only that "democracy" part that differentiates the USA and China.
In one part you are certainly wrong - China is absolutely in favor of Trump, they actually like and respect him. - independent of that trade-war issue.
China believes that the world needs to be governed and led by the USA and China - they both need each other in regards to trade and keeping the world at peace.

As such one huge JV - whereby both sides will strive to maintain their individual influence. - just Business. And everyone is and needs to be free to do what is considered best for their own respective countries. So the USA want's democracy - okay, China doesn't want it, neither do I on my part - okay. And it's only that "democracy" part that differentiates the USA and China.

Stealing military and industrial secrets is not how "partners" treat each other. Nor is flooding your partner's Southern neighbor with ingredients to make fentanyl, knowing that Southern neighbor (Mexico) will gladly smuggle it across their partner's border. Nor do "partners" think about annexing other countries like Taiwan, in order to monopolize the semiconductor industry.
Stealing military and industrial secrets is not how "partners" treat each other.
Come on, it's what everyone has been doing all the time since humanity exists - incl. the USA. Remember those classic Greeks? their entire civilization and culture taken over by those "evil" Romans.
Nor is flooding your partner's Southern neighbor with ingredients to make fentanyl, knowing that Southern neighbor (Mexico) will gladly smuggle it across their partner's border.
Not true - but even if, No one forces Americans to buy it. Just because China floods the USA with electronics - Americans can choose to buy or not to buy.
The USA shouldn't simply blame others for their own existing and self-made drug problems since the 1920'ies.
Nor do "partners" think about annexing other countries like Taiwan, in order to monopolize the semiconductor industry.
Taiwan isn't another country, but is a part of China - to which the UN and the USA fully agree. If e.g. Trump would not have played the semiconductor card - China would simply buy them as before from the USA, Korea, Japan, Europe and Taiwan. Due to this however China has embarked onto a course to be even more self-reliant, and this has nothing to do with Taiwan.
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Here's the deal, dude. Ethnic majority tries to get rich with market economy, but you can't have a market economy without cheap labor, and lower-class members of ethnic majority don't like being cheap labor. Upper-class members of ethnic majority know this and know that if too many members of their race become 'losers' they'll start rebelling and fucking shit up. The solution? Bring in folks with darker skin tones to do the work that ethnic majority folk are too good for. That's the way Western capitalism has worked for the last 525 years, and that's the way it will always work.
Here's the deal, dude. If you can't control your own border, and you let a corrupt little country like Mexico walk all over you, that's the beginning of the end. We need vetted LEGAL immigrants for sure. Who cares what their skin color is? We are getting thousands of illegals per day from 150 different countries That is not sustainable.
Come on, it's what everyone has been doing all the time since humanity exists - incl. the USA. Remember those classic Greeks? their entire civilization and culture taken over by those "evil" Romans.

Not true - but even if, No one forces Americans to buy it. Just because China floods the USA with electronics - Americans can choose to buy or not to buy.
The USA shouldn't simply blame others for their own existing and self-made drug problems since the 1920'ies.

Taiwan isn't another country, but is a part of China - to which the UN and the USA fully agree. If e.g. Trump would not have played the semiconductor card - China would simply buy them as before from the USA, Korea, Japan, Europe and Taiwan. Due to this however China has embarked onto a course to be even more self-reliant, and this has nothing to do with Taiwan.

No thanks.
Much truth. But the term “right wing” has completely lost its meaning and savor. It used to mean fiscal conservatism and responsibility. It used to mean morality and common sense. It used to mean freedom and liberty. It used to mean small government and sensible values. Today? It's a name you call someone you don't agree with. Beyond that, it has no meaning in a societal sense. The Tories of Britain are as “right wing” as the GOP is in America. Most are bought and paid for, Globalists and warmongers. Are they better than the Dems? Only by a fraction.
every government since the dawn of time is paid for....are you calling for christianity ....the left will crucif7y you
So civilized countries are being used as dumping grounds by less civilized countries. We've fucked ourselves with out own generosity, which is probably what the Roman Empire once did.

The roman empire was entirely made up of different cultures and people and welcomed it all for over 1000 years.
The roman empire was entirely made up of different cultures and people and welcomed it all for over 1000 years.
And who in that Roman empire was a ROMAN citizen, with the according rights and privileges? answer: only Romans.

"Welcomed"?? you obviously never read any history about the conquest and battles the Roman legions undertook and the nonstop revolutions it tried to subdue.
BTW, the Roman Empire barely existed for 500 years - out off which 300 years were spend, just to gain it. The time 700BC to 50 BC it was the city of Rome with other subdued cities from 500BC onward that fought primarily for dominance in today's Italy against the Etruscan's, Greek, Punic wars, and Gallic tribes.

The creation of the Roman Empire basically starts of with Mr. Caesar at around 50BC and ends in 450AD with the fall and plundering of Rome.

Okay, back to:

Islamic Imam Says France Imported “Garbage.”​

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every government since the dawn of time is paid for....are you calling for christianity ....the left will crucif7y you
If I had the means to start my own nation, it would be based on Christian principles and Godly Laws.
You can say that we're the greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known, until you see that ass clown Biden in the headlines, making a fool out of all of us.

Then we don't look so great and powerful. It may not be so apparent to everyone, especially his supporters. But the world see it, especially our enemies.
No harm in saying (thinking) it.
Here's the deal, dude. If you can't control your own border, and you let a corrupt little country like Mexico walk all over you, that's the beginning of the end. We need vetted LEGAL immigrants for sure. Who cares what their skin color is? We are getting thousands of illegals per day from 150 different countries That is not sustainable.

Didn't say that it is, but the importation of garbage is an inevitable consequence of our economic system. In the meantime, the demand for labor surges. Fail to fill that demand and then you have drops in production.

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