Islamic Imam Says France Imported “Garbage.”

The West's "invasions" of 3rd world nations improved the conditions of those nations with 1st world ideals and inventions. Invading 1st world nations with 3rd worlders drags those nations down.

See how that works?

Again, I just explained how France works, and you just totally ignored it.

How about we function from a basis from reality?
I was taught that the "melting pot" was not a good metaphor for the American situation. It was better described as a "mosaic" in which many aspects of the foreign culture were retained, and - I hate to say this - the diversity of those cultures was a good thing.

Europe has long faced an awful reality: They do not reproduce enough to pay for the costs of their generous "social safety nets," and in particular the retirement plans that they all depend on. Just like in the U.S., they have alarming statistics that tell them that as time goes by there will be fewer and fewer earner/taxpayers to pay for their pensions.

So ALL OF THEM have had to accept and even encourage immigration of people from countries that are not culturally compatible with their own native cultures, and simply hope for the best. As we see in France, that doesn't always work out so well. England also has its "issues," typified by the perverse fact that the most common "Christian" name of infant Brits is "Mohammed." In Deutschland, Angela Merkel adopted an aggressive plan to make the forced immigrants into "good Germans." The jury is still out.

Conservative pundit Mark Steyn documented all this quite a while ago in his book, America Alone (2006), wherein he writes about the inevitable problems of inviting hordes of Muslims into one's Western country. Racist bastard.
Again, I just explained how France works, and you just totally ignored it.

How about we function from a basis from reality?
Reality is the same no matter where you are: Humans must plan and work for their own survival. If an invader chooses to invade another nation it's not up to the victims of that invasion to make life easy on the invader. That's a Marxist idea ... no a sensible idea.
Reality is the same no matter where you are: Humans must plan and work for their own survival. If an invader chooses to invade another nation it's not up to the victims of that invasion to make life easy on the invader. That's a Marxist idea ... no a sensible idea.

The reality is in France, they invaded, then incorporated those areas into France.
Which brings us back to the OP. The garbage that ended up in France is destroying the nation in more ways than one.

Or, how about the fact that these people had their country invaded, and got caught in a similar poverty trap to the black people in the US. Opportunities were hard because of racism and the like, and they ended up in ghettos without much hope?
Oh, no, we just want a simple narrative that blames OTHERS, don't we. Can't have anything that is actually closer to the truth, because it might mean it's not their fault...
Or, how about the fact that these people had their country invaded, and got caught in a similar poverty trap to the black people in the US. Opportunities were hard because of racism and the like, and they ended up in ghettos without much hope?
Oh, no, we just want a simple narrative that blames OTHERS, don't we. Can't have anything that is actually closer to the truth, because it might mean it's not their fault...
Granted ... the US and other western nations should not have plundered the Mideast at the behest of Israel. That created resentment and havoc. But that certainly doesn't mean that the West should take in the riffraff from these nations. Why didn't Egypt or Jordan take in the so-called "refugees?" Because they didn't want them!
Granted ... the US and other western nations should not have plundered the Mideast at the behest of Israel. That created resentment and havoc. But that certainly doesn't mean that the West should take in the riffraff from these nations. Why didn't Egypt or Jordan take in the so-called "refugees?" Because they didn't want them!
They already took in millions, stupid.
In Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia? Lolol. You're an incorrigible moron.
So the three, combined, took in a million while 10s of millions are invading the West? I'm sure Egypt, Jordan, and SA vetted the ones they took in and sent the garbage packing! Fool!
I'm no fan of the Islamic religion (political ideology) but this particular Imam pretty much explains to a “T” why France is experiencing its current, riotous crisis. And as long as other Western nations continue allowing the “garbage” to invade their lands, then they can expect the same crises in the days to come. That includes Canada and the USA. Melting pot societies always implode in the long run. Ask Greece, Rome, and the folks from the Tower of Babel.

Best way to deal with terrorism like BLM & ANTIFA is handle it like Muslims do.
I see it as Trash complaining about Garbage.
Muslims are unable to live peacefully amongst other cultures.
It's the same story in India, Israel, England, Netherland, Sweden, Germany, Russia.....

Complete B.S. It's dragging America into the abyss. It didn't work for Rome or Greece or any other nation that attempted it, and it's currently failing right before our eyes.
200+ years and we are the greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known. It's working pretty well so far.
200+ years and we are the greatest, most powerful nation the world has ever known. It's working pretty well so far.
For the first 200 years or so, we were nearly 90% European. In 2010, the European population had dropped to 64%. In 2021, it was down to 59% Our greatness wanes each year as the nation is flooded with non-Europeans. It's estimated that at the rate we're crumbling, China will become the #1 superpower in about 10 years. Guess what China is NOT? China is NOT a melting pot.

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