"Islamic Marriage Guide" -Teaches Muslims correct way to beat their wives!!

Personally, I think the correct way to beat your wife is in a nice board game. Of course, you have to be careful not to gloat or you end up sleeping on the couch.
Personally, I think the correct way to beat your wife is in a nice board game. Of course, you have to be careful not to gloat or you end up sleeping on the couch.

Muslima wives who deny their muslime men sex are disobedient and must face the consequences of the religion of peace from psychological to physical abuse.

Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).
Sharia Law, the Constitution of the Religion of Women Haters :badgrin:

Umdat al-Salik wa Uddat al-Nasik...

When a husband notices signs of rebelliousness in his wife whether in words as when she answers him coldly when she used to do so politely, or he asks her to come to bed and she refuses, con-trary to her usual habit; or whether in acts, as when he finds her averse to him when she was previously kind and cheerful, he warns her in words without keeping from her or hitting her, for it may be that she has an excuse.

The warning could be to tell her, "Fear Allah concerning the rights you owe to me,"

or it could be to explain that rebelliousness nullifies his obligation to support her and give her a turn amongst other wives, or it could be to inform her, "Your obeying me is religiously obligatory".

If she commits rebelliousness, he keeps from sleeping (having sex) with her and refuses to speak to her, and may hit her, but not in a way that injures her, meaning he may not bruise her, break bones, wound her, or cause blood to flow. It is unlawful to strike another's face. He may hit her whether she is rebellious only once or whether more than once, though a weaker opinion holds that he may not hit her unless there is repeated rebelliousness.
You know this is one area I agree wit the Muslims on! :badgrin:

Muslima wives who deny their muslime men sex are disobedient and must face the consequences of the religion of peace from psychological to physical abuse.

Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband's) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).
I look at all of this, and I see a call for genocide. Which is worse than wife-beating by a wide margin.
I look at all of this, and I see a call for genocide. Which is worse than wife-beating by a wide margin.

Nice straw man

It's not a straw man. "Hate this religion" (or race, or ethnicity, or whatever) is EXACTLY a call for genocide. That is what you and all of the other "hate the Muslims" people here are doing: calling for holy war, which is always a form of genocide.

but glad to know you support wife beating!

That, on the other hand, is a straw man.
Every religion is as good or as bad as the people who practice it, and those vary widely. There are very bad Muslims out there, and I have also known some very good ones. The religion, like all other major religions, is complex and has a lot of elements that contradict one another, so that believers have to pick and choose. It's no different with any other major religion. All of them have the potential to be tyrannical and monstrous, and all have the potential to be humane and benign. Islam is far from unique in this way.

A call on a religious basis to abuse women is bad. A call on a religious basis to condemn another religion is worse. That's what I see happening on many threads here, including this one.
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Every religion is as good or as bad as the people who practice it, and those vary widely. There are very bad Muslims out there, and I have also known some very good ones. The religion, like all other major religions, is complex and has a lot of elements that contradict one another, so that believers have to pick and choose. It's no different with any other major religion. All of them have the potential to be tyrannical and monstrous, and all have the potential to be humane and benign. Islam is far from unique in this way.

I can agree with what you are saying, but when people see books like this about beating the pants off your wife as a best seller in the Muslim world, it kind of gives people the impression Muslims in general are ok with shaping up your wife physically if you have to.
Every religion is as good or as bad as the people who practice it, and those vary widely. There are very bad Muslims out there, and I have also known some very good ones. The religion, like all other major religions, is complex and has a lot of elements that contradict one another, so that believers have to pick and choose. It's no different with any other major religion. All of them have the potential to be tyrannical and monstrous, and all have the potential to be humane and benign. Islam is far from unique in this way.

I can agree with what you are saying, but when people see books like this about beating the pants off your wife as a best seller in the Muslim world, it kind of gives people the impression Muslims in general are ok with shaping up your wife physically if you have to.

In many parts of the Muslim world, they are. In some parts of the Christian world, such as sub-Saharan Africa and even much of Latin America, they are. Muslims who have been in America for a couple of generations don't think that way. Christians who live here, or in Europe, don't think that way.

See the pattern? Is it the religion? Or is it simply an effect of backward cultures?
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Every religion is as good or as bad as the people who practice it, and those vary widely. There are very bad Muslims out there, and I have also known some very good ones. The religion, like all other major religions, is complex and has a lot of elements that contradict one another, so that believers have to pick and choose. It's no different with any other major religion. All of them have the potential to be tyrannical and monstrous, and all have the potential to be humane and benign. Islam is far from unique in this way.

I can agree with what you are saying, but when people see books like this about beating the pants off your wife as a best seller in the Muslim world, it kind of gives people the impression Muslims in general are ok with shaping up your wife physically if you have to.

In many parts of the Muslim world, they are. In some parts of the Christian world, such as sub-Saharan Africa and even much of Latin America, they are. Muslims who have been in America for a couple of generations don't think that way. Christians who live here, or in Europe, don't think that way.

See the pattern? Is it the religion? Or is it simply an effect of backward cultures?

The difference is this, none of the backwards countries in Latin America or Africa rule their countries under strict Christian law, and publish books where they tell you its ok to beat your wife if she gets out of line, and if somebody published a book like this, I can pretty much guarantee you it will not be a best seller here in the West, physically hitting your wife is frowned upon here as well it should be.
The difference is this, none of the backwards countries in Latin America or Africa rule their countries under strict Christian law

Naturally I don't approve of joining religion and the state; nevertheless, this is something that Christians have done in the past, and that some Christians want to do now. Again, it's not a difference in the religions, only in the cultures involved. Many Muslim countries aren't theocracies, either.
The difference is this, none of the backwards countries in Latin America or Africa rule their countries under strict Christian law

Naturally I don't approve of joining religion and the state; nevertheless, this is something that Christians have done in the past, and that some Christians want to do now. Again, it's not a difference in the religions, only in the cultures involved. Many Muslim countries aren't theocracies, either.

Oh I have seen people on this very board who want morality and religion to be legislated, and its their wet dream for this country to be a Christian version of the system Iran has going on, but thankfully those guys are a minority and that will not happen here.
The difference is this, none of the backwards countries in Latin America or Africa rule their countries under strict Christian law

Naturally I don't approve of joining religion and the state; nevertheless, this is something that Christians have done in the past, and that some Christians want to do now. Again, it's not a difference in the religions, only in the cultures involved. Many Muslim countries aren't theocracies, either.

Oh I have seen people on this very board who want morality and religion to be legislated, and its their wet dream for this country to be a Christian version of the system Iran has going on, but thankfully those guys are a minority and that will not happen here.

It won't happen here with Sharia law, either, for the same reason. Even Muslims in America don't want a theocracy. (Although that's probably because we don't get the equivalent of the religious right from the Muslim world as immigrants. I'm certainly not saying they don't exist!)
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I dont know if hating someone is a call for genocide, but it's certainly not a step on the right path.
Naturally I don't approve of joining religion and the state; nevertheless, this is something that Christians have done in the past, and that some Christians want to do now. Again, it's not a difference in the religions, only in the cultures involved. Many Muslim countries aren't theocracies, either.

Oh I have seen people on this very board who want morality and religion to be legislated, and its their wet dream for this country to be a Christian version of the system Iran has going on, but thankfully those guys are a minority and that will not happen here.

It won't happen here with Sharia law, either, for the same reason. Even Muslims in America don't want a theocracy. (Although that's probably because we don't get the equivalent of the religious right from the Muslim world as immigrants. I'm certainly not saying they don't exist!)

I love how liberals always say never. First, look at many Muslim run countries different version of Sharia are present in all of them. In in de facto ways, but many in de jure was!
Second, look at europe, courts are enforcing sharia law for muslims. Third, again look at Europe, Muslims are demandning many things, amongst them is Sharia law. Fourth, Islam demands Sharia law. If you are a 'good' muslim then you must practice Sharia law. Fourth, it has been reported by the DOJ that around 80% of Mosques in America, preach support of Sharia law, antiamerican, support of terrorism and antisemitisma. That means 8 in 10 openly support Sharia law and 2 out of 10 were investigated on the wrong. day! :badgrin:
Every religion is as good or as bad as the people who practice it, and those vary widely. There are very bad Muslims out there, and I have also known some very good ones. The religion, like all other major religions, is complex and has a lot of elements that contradict one another, so that believers have to pick and choose. It's no different with any other major religion. All of them have the potential to be tyrannical and monstrous, and all have the potential to be humane and benign. Islam is far from unique in this way.

A call on a religious basis to abuse women is bad. A call on a religious basis to condemn another religion is worse. That's what I see happening on many threads here, including this one.

In order to be a pious Jew, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist, you must follow the Golden Rule.

Islam is the only "religion" [cult] without a Golden Rule. In order to be kind to all faiths, a muslime must renounce islime whose ideology calls for hatred, persecution and death of all infidels.
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