Islamic preacher in Michigan helped radicalize London bridge terrorist


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Islamic Preacher in Michigan Helped Radicalize London Bridge Terrorists

Oh but the fact they are residing within the US is just a gawd dam conspiracy right, all the maps stating their locations is just such fake news or information.
Man you trendy libtards are in for a real reality shock once they start popping off here in the US like they are in France.

They're saving us for last because we are the hardest ones to take down. We haven't played the idiot nations yet and it's called WE WON'T AND WILL REFUSE TO GIVE UP OUR 2ND Amendment and people with a brain left also realize those nations being taken over DON'T HAVE GUN OWNER RIGHTS... some can have a gun for hunting lmao and that is it. Those guns are like nothing more than a b b gun.
I hope they blow up a gay pride parade
Strange thing to hope for. Sad really.
I hope no one get blown up. Except the terrorist.

He's just hoping for survival of himself and his family. If that involves the elimination of those presenting a danger to his families lives, how can you blame him?
Unfortunately, the vast majority of gay people seem to have no problem with mass importation of violent ME Muslims....and actually vote to accommodate it. Makes no sense since they will become a prime target after Christians. Maybe those gays want Christians blown up "that" badly?
You should not be surprised that some people actually want to survive and not die a violent death at the hands of terrorists.

Any or otherwise who willfully becomes an accomplice to terror by aiding and abetting the actions of those who directly commit the acts are also guilty by association and are willing accomplices who should suffer consequences. Perhaps the same as the terrorists themselves.
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If the muslims start killing fags, liberals will start to care
I hope they blow up a gay pride parade
Strange thing to hope for. Sad really.
I hope no one get blown up. Except the terrorist.

He's just hoping for survival of himself and his family. If that involves the elimination of those presenting a danger to his families lives, how can you blame him?
Unfortunately, the vast majority of gay people seem to have no problem with mass importation of violent ME Muslims....and actually vote to accommodate it.
You should not be surprised that some people actually want to survive and not die a violent death at the hands of terrorists.

i think it is more that he knows, as we all do, that there will be a next time, and some number of Americans or Brits will be killed.

And he is "hoping" that the specific ones killed are ones that are "Sacred Cows" to lefties, so that they might have some sense knocked into them.
I hope they blow up a gay pride parade

Oh they will. And MUCH worse...once they get the Christians out of the way.
I expect they will butcher up and torture gays in ways never thought possible. After all, gays are infidels as well to the jihadists.
If the muslims start killing fags, liberals will start to care

No they won't, remember Orlando?

They will side with Islamists, they always will. These treasonous c*nts' number one priority is the destruction of white Christian culture and capitalism. Islam helps them achieve that goal, so they supersede the queers.
i think it is more that he knows, as we all do, that there will be a next time, and some number of Americans or Brits will be killed.
And he is "hoping" that the specific ones killed are ones that are "Sacred Cows" to lefties, so that they might have some sense knocked into them.

If that was ever possible with "them", the world would not be in the predicament we're in today.
Nope...they never learn. Their only mentor is death.
Look at Venezuela. Look how the leftist there STILL support Maduro as their fellow countryman goes hungry and is oppressed.
Look at Cuba.

Nope...they NEVER. EVER learn.

If you could step far enough back and see the picture as a microcosm, it would become clear that leftism is a virus. A deadly and disabling virus compromising and perverting, and eventually destroying everything it infects.
Don't get me wrong. Many on the right have serious issues as well.
I just think today....the greatest threat is the left overall.
If the muslims start killing fags, liberals will start to care

Then again I don't think they will begin to care because as that same incident is happening in other Countries they make excuses for them as to why they did it. The latest excuse for the rapes " It was a sexual emergency">.

So as they throw gays off buildings and video to proves it 's what they do, they even admit what they will do to gays these brain dead liberals will only make up more excuses. It's the only way they can feel better about denying the truth of their desensitized bs.
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Islamic Preacher in Michigan Helped Radicalize London Bridge Terrorists

Oh but the fact they are residing within the US is just a gawd dam conspiracy right, all the maps stating their locations is just such fake news or information.
Man you trendy libtards are in for a real reality shock once they start popping off here in the US like they are in France.

They're saving us for last because we are the hardest ones to take down. We haven't played the idiot nations yet and it's called WE WON'T AND WILL REFUSE TO GIVE UP OUR 2ND Amendment and people with a brain left also realize those nations being taken over DON'T HAVE GUN OWNER RIGHTS... some can have a gun for hunting lmao and that is it. Those guns are like nothing more than a b b gun.

Lets face it.....these radical clerics need to be grabbed in the middle of the night and air dropped into Syria with a parachute dipped in bacon grease. FTW

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