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Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?
It is a war of the civilizations, Dante'. Between Islam and the rest of the world. Until they see the entire world submitted to Islam it isn't over for them.

We didn't make this our fight. They did. On 9/11. Let's keep it simple here. I'm sick of trying to psychoanalyze the muslim mind & how to get that understanding. If NASA couldn't do it - I highly doubt any of us will.
Honestly I think everyone in the middle east would be best served by getting the hell out. There are countless other places in the world with more natural resources and social/economic/religious freedoms. But religious zealots keep them involved in never ending war.
It is a war of the civilizations, Dante'. Between Islam and the rest of the world. Until they see the entire world submitted to Islam it isn't over for them.

We didn't make this our fight. They did. On 9/11. Let's keep it simple here. I'm sick of trying to psychoanalyze the muslim mind & how to get that understanding. If NASA couldn't do it - I highly doubt any of us will.

A war of civilizations? We think not. Islam is not a cohesive whole. Islamist radicals kill far more Muslims than they do others
Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

One clarification here. You seem to be missing. It is not the people in the middle east nations that are radical. It is the religion that is radical. Not the region itself or the people, take Islam out of the equation and there would be peace already. The religion is what is radical and in this case that religion is Islam.
Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

There are a few reasons for a few countries..
Are you talking about certain ones?
Or is it a loaded question lol
Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

One clarification here. You seem to be missing. It is not the people in the middle east nations that are radical. It is the religion that is radical. Not the region itself or the people, take Islam out of the equation and there would be peace already. The religion is what is radical and in this case that religion is Islam.

One clarification: The Middle East is a small segment of Islam. It is however the home of the extremist message.

An Extremist Arabic Islam is at war with Arab Islam and Islam worldwide.

What has that got to do with the USA, Israel, and the West? How do they fit in?
Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

There are a few reasons for a few countries..
Are you talking about certain ones?
Or is it a loaded question lol

Every question is loaded. Islamic Extremism comes out of a particular sect in the Arab world. It leapt out of the Arab world during a time when the West supported the Mujahedin. I am sure it is more complicated a story than I give here, but it is a beginning.

Most of the Muslim world does not recognize this Arab sect version of Islam or the Koran.

Yet, somehow the USA, Israel, and the West are caught up in the internal struggle(s) within Islam

Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

Since America's cultural foundation has both Christian traditions of the Church
and Constitutional principles of the State,

then any person, group or nation that does not have an adequate
system of checks and balances against abuse of religious or political authority
tends to turn to the West for "reinforcement" of either Christian or Constitutional principles or both.

Technically, the laws or teachings in Christianity are universal, as are
the Constitutional laws of democratic govt are based on natural laws for all humanity.

but in practice, if people don't reinforce these, by taking the laws to conscience and
living them as part of the culture, then these standards don't exist. So people run for
support wherever these standards are enforced, and "petition" there to solve otherwise problems denied or neglected.

So if people cannot get support for "equal justice and peace" from where they are,
then problems repeat, circulate and multiply until they become America's problem
to address and solve. Not because "we're better than anyone else" but because we
have access to freedom of speech and press to address things in an open
environment, public or private, even over the internet if you count that as using resources from America.

Where people have enough support to solve their own problems
these do not escalate and do not require America's free press/speech assembly/petition
etc. to hash through the cause of the problems in order to solve it.

So that is how this becomes America's issue, since we do have religious freedom, free speech etc. to address problems while other countries don't recognize as much freedom.

(and it becomes an issue with Israel, where the political infighting for control there has become an issue of sidetaking, with America traditionally defending Israel and thus
being seen as biased against the Palestinians and Muslims. it does not help that the US govt including both Dem and Rep Presidents have a worldwide reputation of funding arms/wars for regimes that favor the US even if this means genocidal massacres against the opposition.
Dante if you want the whole history of that, Amy Goodman and NPR calls out all the Presidents regardless of party for any contributions or support they make towards any wars.)
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Dear Dante: I'm sorry if I can't summarize these very well.
There are both political/historical reasons, which I think you are looking for,
and there are spiritual reasons that are abstract which sound vague to you. sorry if these are mixed together.

Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

There are a few reasons for a few countries..
Are you talking about certain ones?
Or is it a loaded question lol

Every question is loaded. Islamic Extremism comes out of a particular sect in the Arab world. It leapt out of the Arab world during a time when the West supported the Mujahedin. I am sure it is more complicated a story than I give here, but it is a beginning.

Most of the Muslim world does not recognize this Arab sect version of Islam or the Koran.

Yet, somehow the USA, Israel, and the West are caught up in the internal struggle(s) within Islam


0. because Europe/West/US is blamed for supporting whichever group in a country will ally with them and allow "outside" colonization or influence to override native control. and the main way to delineate the "Western/Democratic" influence from the local interests of the people of that nation is to use either race or religion to mobilize politically as "them vs. us". So this is why the US becomes a symbol of the democratic/Western/Christian influences that are seen as politically abused by corrupt agenda to override sovereignty by invasion masked as help. And to fight back, to rally people to protest and resist, this is where religion/race is used.

1. because of blame by anti-Jewish Muslims projected onto the US as the top ally supporting the Jewish in Israel which makes US a political enemy for siding/favoring their opponents

2. because of the need to resolve the political division and oppression in these
countries, or they will keep escalating; if people do not "forgive" and work in peace, but keep projecting blame and fighting politically for control that way, then these problems escalate and spread until intervention or support comes in from a group that WILL help them resolve these problems peaceably.

3. because of America's cultural traditions rooted in Christianity that is based on forgiveness
and Constitutional laws based on consent and due process, we have the ability resources and freedom to solve problems peaceably by petitioning to redress grievances with equal respect and justice for all the parties

so just like supply and demand. if there is a huge demand for problems to be solved, and the supply of freedom to work out problems is under the American system, then people will turn to that, and try to use that to reinforce the same principles in their own countries where support is lacking and there is too much unchecked oppression and corruption.
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Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

One clarification here. You seem to be missing. It is not the people in the middle east nations that are radical. It is the religion that is radical. Not the region itself or the people, take Islam out of the equation and there would be peace already. The religion is what is radical and in this case that religion is Islam.

One clarification: The Middle East is a small segment of Islam. It is however the home of the extremist message.

An Extremist Arabic Islam is at war with Arab Islam and Islam worldwide.

What has that got to do with the USA, Israel, and the West? How do they fit in?

The Judeo-Christian population in America believes that Israel belongs under the Jews and Christ will return to fulfill the laws that way.

the radical Zionists and post-millenial dispensationalists believe in waging armageddon as a violent war to wipe out the Muslims, while the extreme Jihadists believe in wiping out the Jews and their allies as the opponents

so the Muslims who fear the US sides with the Zionists trying to wipe them out
see the US as the enemy as well

You are right that the peaceful Muslims Christians and Jews want Peace on all sides
and do not see each other as the enemies. so all their faiths have been corrupted
poltiically in order to justify taking sides of one group against any other.

there is political hijacking and warmongering by both the Zionists on the Jewish/Christian side who go to extremes not recognized by fellow Christians as Christianity
and by the Jihadists on the Muslim side who go to extremes not recognized by fellow Muslims.

so those are the people at war with each other blaming each other's groups
Dear Jeremiah: If you were talking about America, would you say something similar.
Would you say it's not the people who are getting politically radically divided against each other.
Would you say it's the Constitution we are under? Or Christianity causing the rightwing to turn against the liberal left?
The religious freedom and democratic process of electing our govt?

Or is the Party Division that comes out as radicalizing the right and left?
Isn't it the people dividing into groups and using Party politics to label each other as them vs us
and then fight for control of the govt positions and even dominance in the media?

One clarification here. You seem to be missing. It is not the people in the middle east nations that are radical. It is the religion that is radical. Not the region itself or the people, take Islam out of the equation and there would be peace already. The religion is what is radical and in this case that religion is Islam.

It's the unforgiveness and division into groups or parties that gets politicized.

The extreme Zionists preaching Armaggeddon are just as far from Christianity
as the extreme Jihadist are far from Islam.

What brings peace is forgiveness.

Since Islam is supposed to include Christian scripture as part of its teaching
then forgiveness is supposed to be included with that.

If not, then it is the same as Christians who do not forgive.
Or Jewish or Muslims. it is the unforgiveness that gets
projected onto "others" and then people blame that
on either race, religion or class in order to start a "them vs us"
war and battle it out. People who forgive do the opposite,
and reach out to others to overcome these conflicts, whether they are
Muslim, Jewish, Christian, etc. Forgiveness is a gift from God
for everyone, and that is why Jesus is Messiah for all humanity not just one tribe
but all of them who become reunited when we forgive in Christ Jesus.
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One clarification here. You seem to be missing. It is not the people in the middle east nations that are radical. It is the religion that is radical. Not the region itself or the people, take Islam out of the equation and there would be peace already. The religion is what is radical and in this case that religion is Islam.

One clarification: The Middle East is a small segment of Islam. It is however the home of the extremist message.

An Extremist Arabic Islam is at war with Arab Islam and Islam worldwide.

What has that got to do with the USA, Israel, and the West? How do they fit in?

The Judeo-Christian population in America believes that Israel belongs under the Jews and Christ will return to fulfill the laws that way.

the radical Zionists and post-millenial dispensationalists believe in waging armageddon as a violent war to wipe out the Muslims, while the extreme Jihadists believe in wiping out the Jews and their allies as the opponents

so the Muslims who fear the US sides with the Zionists trying to wipe them out
see the US as the enemy as well

You are right that the peaceful Muslims Christians and Jews want Peace on all sides
and do not see each other as the enemies. so all their faiths have been corrupted
poltiically in order to justify taking sides of one group against any other.

there is political hijacking and warmongering by both the Zionists on the Jewish/Christian side who go to extremes not recognized by fellow Christians as Christianity
and by the Jihadists on the Muslim side who go to extremes not recognized by fellow Muslims.

so those are the people at war with each other blaming each other's groups

I'm sorry but that statement is just silly and untrue.
Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

starting back at the beginning before crazy old emily hijacked things...

Islamic Radicalism: Is it a war on the US, Israel, and the West...or...

Islamic radicals are waging war in nations where Islam is the official or unofficial religion. They are killing other Muslims at an alarming rate. The extremists are attempting to rule with a particular perversion of Islam. What has that got to do with the US, Israel and the West?

starting back at the beginning before crazy old emily hijacked things...


She actually responded to your question quite well. Suspicion is that it was way over your head.

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