Islamic State jihadists cut off Mosul's water supply


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Are these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??

Islamic State jihadists cut off Mosul's water supply

(AGI/EFE) - Mosul (Iraq), July 20 - Islamic State jihadists have cut off the water, power and gas supplies of the city of Mosul and of the other towns in Iraq's northern Niniveh province. Their aim is to punish those who have not yet submitted to their rule. The lack of basic services has made the situation in the province controlled by the Islamic extremists dramatic. The number of internally displaced people is increasing and mainly includes Christian families who have been forced to abandon the city during the last few days under the ultimatum called by the Jihadists to convert to Islam or risk being put to death. (AGI) .

Latest Online News | Agenzia Giornalistica Italia | AGI

Israel is doing the same thing to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Silly-Sally why aren't you upset and posting about that?? . :cool:
Are these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??

Islamic State jihadists cut off Mosul's water supply

(AGI/EFE) - Mosul (Iraq), July 20 - Islamic State jihadists have cut off the water, power and gas supplies of the city of Mosul and of the other towns in Iraq's northern Niniveh province. Their aim is to punish those who have not yet submitted to their rule. The lack of basic services has made the situation in the province controlled by the Islamic extremists dramatic. The number of internally displaced people is increasing and mainly includes Christian families who have been forced to abandon the city during the last few days under the ultimatum called by the Jihadists to convert to Islam or risk being put to death. (AGI) .

Latest Online News | Agenzia Giornalistica Italia | AGI

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Israel is doing the same thing to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Silly-Sally why aren't you upset and posting about that?? . :cool:

Israel cut off the water supply for the Palestinians?
Post the link..

Sunni Man AKA Mr. Cuckoo prohably is disappointed that he can't get out of his residence or else he would be joining the Sunni ISIS and would help them cut off the water to those darn Infidels who are unfortunate enough to be in the way of Sunni's savage friends.
The city of Detroit is doing the same thing to their own citizens. Perhaps we should execute the members of the Detroit city council as well!
The city of Detroit is doing the same thing to their own citizens. Perhaps we should execute the members of the Detroit city council as well!
But but but...didn't president Hussien Oblahblah tell everybody that Detroit is back and Al Queda is on the run?
Israel is doing the same thing to the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Silly-Sally why aren't you upset and posting about that?? . :cool:

Israel cut off the water supply for the Palestinians?
Post the link..

Sunni Man AKA Mr. Cuckoo prohably is disappointed that he can't get out of his residence or else he would be joining the Sunni ISIS and would help them cut off the water to those darn Infidels who are unfortunate enough to be in the way of Sunni's savage friends.

Hahaha Sunni Troll ran away like the rat that he is once I asked him for a link to prove his claim. Just like every time. Sunni Man is a master of taqiya :lol:
Israel cut off the water supply for the Palestinians?
Post the link..

Sunni Man AKA Mr. Cuckoo prohably is disappointed that he can't get out of his residence or else he would be joining the Sunni ISIS and would help them cut off the water to those darn Infidels who are unfortunate enough to be in the way of Sunni's savage friends.

Hahaha Sunni Troll ran away like the rat that he is once I asked him for a link to prove his claim. Just like every time. Sunni Man is a master of taqiya :lol:
It's legal because a Jew-lawyer sed so. :fu:
Are these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??

Islamic State jihadists cut off Mosul's water supply

(AGI/EFE) - Mosul (Iraq), July 20 - Islamic State jihadists have cut off the water, power and gas supplies of the city of Mosul and of the other towns in Iraq's northern Niniveh province. Their aim is to punish those who have not yet submitted to their rule. The lack of basic services has made the situation in the province controlled by the Islamic extremists dramatic. The number of internally displaced people is increasing and mainly includes Christian families who have been forced to abandon the city during the last few days under the ultimatum called by the Jihadists to convert to Islam or risk being put to death. (AGI) .

Latest Online News | Agenzia Giornalistica Italia | AGI


Where is the outrage and condemnation to every humanity organization? They scream about Israel if cup of water is spilled and demand war crimes investigation.
this or that country can blow up 16 or more civilians and it barely makes the front page. Israel kill 6 fighters and a third of the world shout massacre.

Too many lives are ended by muslim killers but even if a gaza rocket falls short and kills a child, that death is blamed on Israel.
Muslims have to face up to what is being taught though the mosques and madras' that people of peace can kill if they do it in the name of Allah. They will have no virgins because what they are doing is anything but holy.

Why can't people choose to talk about peace that is fair to both/all sides? That should be the struggle that will please their god.
Are these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??


No one has ever made that claim.

Well, we certainly don't see mobs of other Muslims around the world protesting what this group known as ISIS has done to innocent people. When you come across some Muslim protesters, even if it is a couple of dozen people, can you let us know about it? Thanks in advance.
Are these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??


No one has ever made that claim.

Well, we certainly don't see mobs of other Muslims around the world protesting what this group known as ISIS has done to innocent people. When you come across some Muslim protesters, even if it is a couple of dozen people, can you let us know about it? Thanks in advance.

So who claimed these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??

And Sally...if you want to see what Muslims think about ISIS - why don't you read the news?
No one has ever made that claim.

Well, we certainly don't see mobs of other Muslims around the world protesting what this group known as ISIS has done to innocent people. When you come across some Muslim protesters, even if it is a couple of dozen people, can you let us know about it? Thanks in advance.

So who claimed these such a nice, caring, humane group of people??

And Sally...if you want to see what Muslims think about ISIS - why don't you read the news?

So where are the protests being held, Coyote? After all, your friends are protesting all over Europe. Perhaps you don't think it bothers the Jews in Europe to hear your buddies yell Death to the Jews. My own neighbor told me that her cousin was stuck in that Paris synagogue for four hours while your buddies were rioting outside. Even the Prime Minister called the synagogue to tell the people inside to not come out until the police got things under control. Now your friends are not only surrounding the synagogues, but the kosher markets as well.

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