Islam's Conquest of Europe


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
I feel for the europeeons...

Islam's Conquest of Europe
Pat Buchanan | Sep 08, 2015

"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide," wrote James Burnham in his 1964 "Suicide of the West."

Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of liberals, who subordinate the interests of their own people and nations to utopian and altruistic impulses, would bring about an end to Western civilization.

Was he wrong? Consider what is happening in Europe.

Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia, small nations sensing they will be swamped by asylum seekers from the Muslim world, are trying to seal their borders and secure their homelands.
Pat Buchanan - Islam's Conquest of Europe
The answer is with ISLAM------it is in the koran-----and incorporated into SHARIAH LAW. simple answer-------Saudi arabia does it. Maldives does it, Indonesia
does it, Yemen does it, even Egypt does it. Here it is------each person living in a country must DECLARE HIS RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION------each MUST have an
affiliation with a "LEGAL RELIGION" ---------In Saudi arabia the only legal religion is
ISLAM-----In Indonesia----there are several "legal religions"-----I think----islam, Christianity, Taoism, Hinduism, Buddhism----maybe one or two more Judaism is NOT LEGAL so there are only about 14 jews left in Indonesia----living as "fake Christians" ---there were lots in the past. In order to get rid of a given population ----simply do not include their "religion" in the LIST. BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!! Maldives---about ten years ago made ISLAM the one and only legal religion. -----all others lost citizenship. FRANCE CAN DO IT------simply make islam ---"NOT A LEGAL RELIGION". It can work------it has for more than 1000 years
October 9, 2015
Muslims in the hospital, Muslims on the train, as Europe hands over the keys to the kingdom
By Carol Brown

Here are two snapshots of what life can be like when Muslims behaving badly come to your town.

In medical settings: A female doctor in Germany describes a horrifying scene of Muslim invaders overwhelming the health care system – making demands, threats, and attacking staff. The masses that are descending upon Europe are also arriving with an array of communicable diseases, including diseases the West has never seen before. The sub-titled video of the doctor’s report can be found here.


On trains: If the hospital scene does not rouse a sleeping fool, try this one.

It’s a report from a woman traveling by train from Budapest to Vienna. The woman, who is not a Muslim, speaks Arabic and was therefore able to understand what the invaders were saying. Here is a summary of what she saw and heard:

  • When she arrived at the Budapest train station to meet a friend, she saw a sea of filthy, loud Arab-appearing people who tried to block her entrance to enter the station.
  • The migrants, 90% of whom appeared to be between the ages of 18 and 45, shouted insults, screamed obscenities, and tried to steal luggage or anything else they could.
  • They defecated in public and trash was piled everywhere.
  • The Muslim men beat many of the migrant women as children screamed and the police stood by passively.
  • When the train arrived, Muslim men grabbed random children to pull onto the train, using them as human shields.
  • Migrants started smashing train windows as the train came under siege by invaders who forced their way into every train car, packing them full. Many conflicts and fights broke out among the migrants while others casually talked about whether to rob or rape women.
  • When an announcement came on that the train would go no further and the woman battled her way through the mass of Muslims, she heard some talk about kidnapping her and her friend to use as hostages in order to force the train to go.
  • More migrants arrived with food, which was trampled and loud demands for “money” were made as they grabbed at people and tore at their valuables.
The woman also notes: “Aside from hatred, absolute ill will, they have nothing to give European people” while stating that when these people smile at us, “they are spitting behind our backs.” Unfortunately, it’s worse than that. These invaders will be giving Europe a major dose of Islamic supremacy. And it will be Europe’s undoing. Because these invaders will do far more than spit behind their backs.

As the doctor in the first report pondered: Where are all the people standing with “Welcome Refugees” signs when the $!TT hits the fan? They are nowhere to be found. They should be forced to deal with it. (“It” being the place where civilization meets barbarism.)

So far, the barbarians are winning. Easily. Because the West is giving them the keys to the kingdom. It isn’t even a battle. We’re simply handing it over.

Read more:
To stop Islam european folks shall do at least following:

- Prohibition of Islam in any form
- Prohibition of leftism-liberalism-socialism-communism-marxism in any form
- Prohibition of pornography, abortions, brothels, drugs, strong alcohol.
- Prohibition of feminism, homosexuality etc.
- No nanny welfare state ( attracts parasites from the entirely world ) anymore
- State support for families. Any Christian family shall have at least four children
- Establishment of Christian societies with Traditional values
- The Holy Bible as foundation of this societies
- The entirely power must belong to folks, not to corrupted crazy lunatics in Parliaments.

Otherwise Europa will became an Islamic State ( more worst as ISIS ) not later as in twenty years.

Today only traitor Merkel alone invited ten of millions jihadists to Europa to live at costs German taxpayers. .In a short time she will live in USA as UN General Secretary and Germans with other Europeans suffer.

The Death of Europe
How the Mohammed retirement plan will kill Europe.
October 21, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Two years ago, the Dutch King declared that, “The classic welfare state of the second half of the 20th century in these areas in particular brought forth arrangements that are unsustainable in their current form.” That same year, the Danish Finance Minister called for the “modernization of the welfare state.”

But the problem isn’t one of modernization, it’s medievalization.

27% of Moroccans and 21% of Turks in the Netherlands are unemployed. It’s 27% in Denmark for Iraqis. And even when employed, their average income is well below the European average.

Critics pointed out in the past that a multicultural America can’t afford the welfare states that European countries have. Now that those same countries are turning multicultural, they can’t afford them either.

Europe invested in the values of its welfare state. The Muslim world invested in large families. Europe expects the Muslim world to bail out its shrinking birth rate by working and paying into the system so that its aging population can retire. The Muslim migrants however expect Europe to subsidize their large families with its welfare state while they deal some drugs and chop off some heads on the side.

Once again, European values are in conflict with European survival.

The European values that require Europe to commit suicide are about ideology, not language, culture or nationhood. But the incoming migrants don’t share that ideology. They have their own Islamic values.

Why should 23-year-old Mohammed work for four decades so that Hans or Fritz across the way can retire at 61 and lie on a beach in Mallorca? The idea that Mohammed would ever want to do such a thing out of love for Europe was a silly fantasy that European governments fed their worried citizens.

Mohammed doesn’t share European values. Nor are they likely to take hold of him no matter how often the aging teachers, who hope he gets a job and subsidizes their retirement, try to drill them into his head. Europeans expect Mohammed to become a Swede or a German as if he were some child they had adopted from an exotic country and raised as their own, and work to subsidize their European values.

The Muslim migrants are meant to be the retirement plan for an aging Europe. They’re supposed to keep its ramshackle collection of economic policies, its welfare states and social programs rolling along.


The Death of Europe
It is an invasion, an invasion need not be military initially. Just as the European Jew invasion of Palestine. When the Muslim invaders begin to claim a Muslim state in Europe, the Europeans could end up like the Palestinians. Ruled by stealthy foreign invaders.
I feel for the europeeons...

Islam's Conquest of Europe
Pat Buchanan | Sep 08, 2015

"Liberalism is the ideology of Western suicide," wrote James Burnham in his 1964 "Suicide of the West."

Burnham predicted that the mindless magnanimity of liberals, who subordinate the interests of their own people and nations to utopian and altruistic impulses, would bring about an end to Western civilization.

Was he wrong? Consider what is happening in Europe.

Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia, small nations sensing they will be swamped by asylum seekers from the Muslim world, are trying to seal their borders and secure their homelands.
Pat Buchanan - Islam's Conquest of Europe

Wouldn't have happened had Bush not gone and invaded Iraq in 2003.
="frigidweirdo, post: 12616135, member: 47831

Wouldn't have happened had Bush not gone and invaded Iraq in 2003.



Yeah, if you can't argue against what someone says, just post some bullshit, hey?

But anyone with a brain can see the destabilization of the region from 2003 onwards, led to ISIS. I could post loads of evidence to point to this, but you aren't going to listen anyway, so what's the point?
Arms should be smuggled to non-Muslims in Europe who are willing to fight to rid their lands of the Muslims.
The problem is that the Muslims will continue to flood into Europe and out-birth the Europeans and subsequently destroy that once great experiment in democracy and freedom. The same will happen to the United States, all because of the bleeding-heart liberals.
A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse

The New York Times

By ROD NORDLAND 9 hrs ago


SID, Serbia — They arrived in an unceasing stream, 10,000 a day at the height, as many as a million migrants heading for Europe this year, pushing infants in strollers and elderly parents in wheelchairs, carrying children on their shoulders and life savings in their socks. They came in search of a new life, but in many ways they were the heralds of a new age.

There are more displaced people and refugees now than at any other time in recorded history — 60 million in all — and they are on the march in numbers not seen since World War II. They are coming not just from Syria, but from an array of countries and regions, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, even Haiti, as well as any of a dozen or so nations in sub-Saharan and North Africa. They are unofficial ambassadors of failed states, unending wars, intractable conflicts.

The most striking thing about the current migration crisis, however, is how much bigger it could still get.

What if Islamic State militants are not beaten back but continue to extend their brutal writ across Iraq and Syria? What if the Taliban continue to increase their territorial gains in Afghanistan, prompting even more people to flee? A quarter of Afghans told a Gallup Poll that they want to leave, and more than 100,000 are expected to try to flee to Europe this year.

There are between six million and eight million people displaced in Syria, along with more than four million Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.

Egypt’s five million or more Copts, the Middle East’s last remaining major Christian sect, are deeply worried about their future in an unstable and hostile country. Ancient minority groups like the Yazidis of Iraq are already homeless, as are many small communities of Assyrian, Nestorian and Chaldean Christians from northern Iraq.

While Yemenis have yet to abandon their homeland in substantial numbers, their plight is worsening daily amid wartime shortages of food and medicine and persistent bombardment by Saudi warplanes. Yemen is not much farther away from Europe than Eritrea, now the biggest source of African refugees, just across the Red Sea, and at some 25 million it is as populous as Afghanistan.


A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse
A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse

The New York Times

9 hrs ago


SID, Serbia — They arrived in an unceasing stream, 10,000 a day at the height, as many as a million migrants heading for Europe this year, pushing infants in strollers and elderly parents in wheelchairs, carrying children on their shoulders and life savings in their socks. They came in search of a new life, but in many ways they were the heralds of a new age.

There are more displaced people and refugees now than at any other time in recorded history — 60 million in all — and they are on the march in numbers not seen since World War II. They are coming not just from Syria, but from an array of countries and regions, including Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, even Haiti, as well as any of a dozen or so nations in sub-Saharan and North Africa. They are unofficial ambassadors of failed states, unending wars, intractable conflicts.

The most striking thing about the current migration crisis, however, is how much bigger it could still get.

What if Islamic State militants are not beaten back but continue to extend their brutal writ across Iraq and Syria? What if the Taliban continue to increase their territorial gains in Afghanistan, prompting even more people to flee? A quarter of Afghans told a Gallup Poll that they want to leave, and more than 100,000 are expected to try to flee to Europe this year.

There are between six million and eight million people displaced in Syria, along with more than four million Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.

Egypt’s five million or more Copts, the Middle East’s last remaining major Christian sect, are deeply worried about their future in an unstable and hostile country. Ancient minority groups like the Yazidis of Iraq are already homeless, as are many small communities of Assyrian, Nestorian and Chaldean Christians from northern Iraq.


A Mass Migration Crisis, and It May Yet Get Worse
The Swedish Tragedy
One can only guess how bad it will get.
November 16, 2015
Nima Gholam Ali Pour



Temporary border controls were implemented starting November 12, but it is not certain if Sweden has the security resources to maintain border controls. The border controls are meant to stop the chaos. Sweden will still have a liberal migration policy compared to other European countries, which works as a pull-factor that draws migrants to Sweden.

The enormous costs of migration have forced the government to plan broad cutbacks for next year. All departments within the government will implement budget cuts so Sweden can manage migration costs. The cuts will affect the most vulnerable in the Swedish society. Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson has opened up for cutbacks in areas such as personal assistance for people with functional impairment and health insurance. Consequently, Swedes who have health problems will get less support so young healthy men from the Middle East can come to Sweden.

The only political party that actually opposes this madness, the Sweden Democrats, are being demonized by the liberal media in Sweden. The opinion editor of the Swedish media outlet Nyheter24, Teodor Stig-Matz, writes the following about the Sweden Democrats and their voters:

The Swedish Tragedy
The Migrant Jihad Has Begun...

The Migrant Jihad Has Begun in Paris
November 15, 2015 - At least one jihad attacker was a “refugee.” Will European leaders reconsider their migrant policy?
That didn’t take long: one of the Islamic State (ISIS) jihadis who murdered at least 160 people in Paris on Friday held a Syrian passport and passed through Greece in October. In October, he was a “refugee” seeking asylum in Europe from the Syrian war zone; in November, he was murdering French civilians for the Islamic caliphate. The Migrant Jihad has begun. French and European authorities can’t say they weren’t warned. Last February, the Islamic State boasted it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. And the Lebanese Education Minister recently said that there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country. Meanwhile, 80% of migrants who have recently come to Europe claiming to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t really from Syria at all.


So why are they claiming to be Syrian and streaming into Europe? An Islamic State operative gave the answer when he boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had already entered Europe. He explained their purpose: “It’s our dream that there should be a caliphate not only in Syria but in all the world, and we will have it soon, inshallah.” These Muslims were going to Europe in the service of that caliphate: “They are going like refugees,” he said, but they were going with the plan of sowing blood and mayhem on European streets. As he told this to journalists, he smiled and said, “Just wait.”

A year before that the Islamic State issued a call for jihad murders of French civilians: “If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian, or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State, then rely upon Allah, and kill him in any manner or way however it may be.”


See also:

After Paris, a Grim New Reality in the Terror War
November 15, 2015 - The West thought it could contain the Islamic State. Now Washington and its allies are facing new pressure to destroy it.
The Islamic State’s deadly terrorist attacks in Paris have exposed cracks in Western intelligence efforts and cast doubt on the underlying premises behind the U.S.-led war against the extremist group. The attacks in France, which left at least 132 dead, have recast how the United States and its European partners view the group and could prompt a new urgency in the faltering military campaign against the extremists. In a possible sign of a more aggressive approach, France — which declared the Paris attacks an “act of war” — sent warplanes on Sunday to strike at the Islamic State’s headquarters in the eastern Syrian city of Raqqa as part of what French officials described as a major bombardment. The aircraft hit a command center, an ammunition depot, and a training camp in Raqqa, with 20 bombs dropped from at least 10 fighter jets, the French Defense Ministry said.


The air raids came after Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian spoke to Pentagon chief Ash Carter twice over the weekend about military operations in Syria and Iraq. Along with assisting French forces in conducting expanded airstrikes, the United States was looking “for additional ways to share intelligence” with France, a Pentagon official told Foreign Policy. Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security advisor at the White House, indicated a ramped-up air campaign was in the offing. He told NBC’s Meet the Press, using an alternative acronym for the Islamic State, that “in the coming days and weeks, working with the French, we’ll be able to intensify our strikes against ISIL in both Syria and Iraq to make clear that there’s no safe haven for these terrorists.” Such assurances weren’t enough for many American lawmakers, including prominent members of President Barack Obama’s own party, who said Washington needed to act far more aggressively to confront the Islamic State, which remains entrenched in much of the territory it seized last year.

The bloodshed in Paris sparked fresh criticism on Sunday, with a prominent Democratic lawmaker demanding a more aggressive campaign to turn the tide against the Islamic State. “I think the implications are [that] this is not just an intelligence failure,” Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told ABC’s This Week. “It’s a failure also of a coalition campaign because we have allowed ISIS to have sanctuary in Syria and Iraq with too much time to plan and plot, too [many] resources to be directed against us.” Unless that dynamic changed, Schiff added, “we can expect more attacks like this.”

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