Isn't Government Compelled Speech Unconstitutional?

See what stupid shit the baker case brings out of the woodwork?

I have a student who has been transgender a long time, they tell me, and identifies as a she. But she doesn't shave so she's usually got a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut. The only indication it is a female is pretty fake nails.
It doesn't fail that I use "he" at least once during every lesson with that poor student. I have no problem with her name, but c'mon, give me a little help here!

Not sure what this has to do with the cake baker case. This boils down to a refusal to follow school policy, why'd the guy refuse to use the preferred name? I can't think of a good reason.

And what kind of help do you want? If you have a person who has a scruffy growth of beard, doesn't dress like a female, still has a deep male voice and sports a male haircut, then I think a little tolerance is in order for you.
It is exactly the same argument as the cake baker case, ala First Amendment/religious conscience and freedom of speech. Which your subsequent post on the teacher's reasoning shows.

The government had nothing to do with him getting fired. He went against school policy by not using the name the student preferred.

You guys were happy that Kaepernick got fired for going against NFL policy, why aren't you happy that the school is following their own rules?

Was the school a private school or public?

I would say that makes all the difference. Public schools rules are set and governed by elected officials, state and local laws.

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