Isn't it easier to think in terms of true and false?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I've been told that my thinking was too binary by some 'liberal' and I thought about that for a moment. I asked myself do we have another choice somewhere that isn't either of these things such as True, False, _____, ______, and more _____. I would definately like to see someone fill in the blanks in that sentence.

The other thing I thought about is how their can be only one true set events in history. We call that a timeline and if we followed that timeline it should lead to the present. There is only one timeline with one sequence of events that led up to the present therefore there is only one true historical timeline in existence. Everything else is false. What are your thoughts on this?
I'm left handed so I tend to have tunnel vision.
I guess that's why I can only be on one side of the isle.
I've been told that my thinking was too binary by some 'liberal' and I thought about that for a moment. I asked myself do we have another choice somewhere that isn't either of these things such as True, False, _____, ______, and more _____. I would definately like to see someone fill in the blanks in that sentence.

The other thing I thought about is how their can be only one true set events in history. We call that a timeline and if we followed that timeline it should lead to the present. There is only one timeline with one sequence of events that led up to the present therefore there is only one true historical timeline in existence. Everything else is false. What are your thoughts on this?

I can't tell if you are serious with this. :p

Not all questions have only two answers. Everything is not right or wrong, true or false. It may be simpler to think in binary terms, but that doesn't make it correct. Simpler, or easier, is not necessarily better.

I think that, particularly where politics are concerned, most subjects have more than two 'sides'.
I've been told that my thinking was too binary by some 'liberal' and I thought about that for a moment. I asked myself do we have another choice somewhere that isn't either of these things such as True, False, _____, ______, and more _____. I would definately like to see someone fill in the blanks in that sentence.

The other thing I thought about is how their can be only one true set events in history. We call that a timeline and if we followed that timeline it should lead to the present. There is only one timeline with one sequence of events that led up to the present therefore there is only one true historical timeline in existence. Everything else is false. What are your thoughts on this?

Events can be laid out in black and white. Either something happened, or it did not happen.
Conclusions about them however, cannot. Because context is crucial.

"True, False, Grey, Greyer and more Greyer." ?

If it's any consolation a LOT of posters here are way too binary. To your title, yes it's "easier" to think that way but it's also dishonest.

Just remember the adage I try to live by:
"The world is divided into two types of people; those who divide people into two types, and those who do not".
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