Isn't it funny how...

Sessions said he had “no reason to doubt” the women who have made the allegations against Moore. With Moore's record of judicial misconduct, his sexual misconduct pales in comparison but seems quite believable. Also, there doesn't seem to be any evidence to support your belief.

I don't need evidence to support my belief. The absence of evidence is all the proof I need. Reasonable doubt is all it takes. Unfortunately, you cannot say that.
5 first hand accounts with 30 supporting witnesses in combination of the details included in the stories of the accusers is evidence. Then when weighed next to Moores half ass denial, misinformation, and obvious dodges when asked the hard questions is the nail in the coffin. Like I said, it is in the court of public opinion now and it is pretty obvious which side most free thinking people are going to believe.

Those 5 first hand accounts describing what illegal actions? What's the statute of limitations on such illegal actions? I can tell 3000 people that you are a pervert, but that doesn't make it true? I can lie and say that you assaulted me by pinching my bottom at a concert in Jackson, MS in June of 1992 and you would probably be hard pressed to deny it if you didn't know I was in Egypt at that time.
I see you trying to divert the conversation from a moral ethical one to a legal one. You know you lost the argument when you start doing that. I've made it quite clear that there is no trial, I'm not calling on Moore to go to jail, but he is in an election for a seat in our congress. Fuck that. I'm not making my judgement based on simple accusations btw. I do think think that assuming ones guilt based on simply an accusation is dangerous. But this situation has way more teeth than that

Unless you are a registered voter in the state of Alabama, you don't get to make that determination, do you?
No I don't make that determination, its up to the Alabama voters... What does that have to do with anything? Do I not have a right to voice my opinion about this situation? Isn't that exactly what you are doing?
Hannity is taking it in the shorts with his advertisers. That is the only valid reason for a 180 degree turn in only a few days.

As far as the signatures go, I could forge Roy Moore's signature better than that fake!
Haha, so your theory is that Hannity was influenced to completely change his position and lie by of his advertisers? How about Glen Beck who took the same position today and who continued to host Bill Oreilly on his show after he was fired by Fox? Or how about Tucker Carlson who in tonights show spoke specifically to people like you, the partisan right wingers who are defending Moore, that they should pick and choose their battles and this is not a good one to fight.

No all these right wing propagandist media types are not flipping because of advertisers, they are just able to see the obvious situation and know it is a losing battle to defend this dude. Something that I guess hasn't soaked in to you yet. God help your soul if you have a daughter or granddaughter and they ever go through something like this while in high school. It makes my stomach turn... and then to hear douchebags like you trying to defend the abuser. Its sick.

I would hope that my daughter would have beaten the dogshit out of him because she very easily could. Then there would be no doubt when he was arrested and charged. I didn't raise cowards.
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
I don't need evidence to support my belief. The absence of evidence is all the proof I need. Reasonable doubt is all it takes. Unfortunately, you cannot say that.
5 first hand accounts with 30 supporting witnesses in combination of the details included in the stories of the accusers is evidence. Then when weighed next to Moores half ass denial, misinformation, and obvious dodges when asked the hard questions is the nail in the coffin. Like I said, it is in the court of public opinion now and it is pretty obvious which side most free thinking people are going to believe.

Those 5 first hand accounts describing what illegal actions? What's the statute of limitations on such illegal actions? I can tell 3000 people that you are a pervert, but that doesn't make it true? I can lie and say that you assaulted me by pinching my bottom at a concert in Jackson, MS in June of 1992 and you would probably be hard pressed to deny it if you didn't know I was in Egypt at that time.
I see you trying to divert the conversation from a moral ethical one to a legal one. You know you lost the argument when you start doing that. I've made it quite clear that there is no trial, I'm not calling on Moore to go to jail, but he is in an election for a seat in our congress. Fuck that. I'm not making my judgement based on simple accusations btw. I do think think that assuming ones guilt based on simply an accusation is dangerous. But this situation has way more teeth than that

Unless you are a registered voter in the state of Alabama, you don't get to make that determination, do you?
No I don't make that determination, its up to the Alabama voters... What does that have to do with anything? Do I not have a right to voice my opinion about this situation? Isn't that exactly what you are doing?

I am not making decisions. You are!
Haha, so your theory is that Hannity was influenced to completely change his position and lie by of his advertisers? How about Glen Beck who took the same position today and who continued to host Bill Oreilly on his show after he was fired by Fox? Or how about Tucker Carlson who in tonights show spoke specifically to people like you, the partisan right wingers who are defending Moore, that they should pick and choose their battles and this is not a good one to fight.

No all these right wing propagandist media types are not flipping because of advertisers, they are just able to see the obvious situation and know it is a losing battle to defend this dude. Something that I guess hasn't soaked in to you yet. God help your soul if you have a daughter or granddaughter and they ever go through something like this while in high school. It makes my stomach turn... and then to hear douchebags like you trying to defend the abuser. Its sick.

I would hope that my daughter would have beaten the dogshit out of him because she very easily could. Then there would be no doubt when he was arrested and charged. I didn't raise cowards.
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
Thats fine, you've made your position clear. You don't believe the accusers. Most of the free thinking world does, including several right wingers who have no interest in doing so. Just makes you look like a partisan hack.
For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
Such a weak argument. You worked in the school system and are a parent and your telling me that you take every situation based on what can be proved in a court of law? That is horseshit. I'm sure you dealt with he said/she said situations all the time and had to make judgements based on the accounts and evidence involved. I'm not claiming to know anything as a fact in this Moore case. I wasn't there, I don't know any of these people. But I can make a pretty good judgment based on what i've seen and can determine what I believe and will support. If you were being honest then you would be able to see this too. But you got a guy that will progress your political agenda so you are going to stand up for him in the strongest way possible. Did you happen to make the same defense for Bill Clinton?
According to the original three legal in AL at the time statements the dates were a quid pro quo. They acted as arm-candy distraction at eating meetings, there were no sexual advances by Moore in regards to himself or others and they got to meet the local movers and shakers as a result. Their parents OKed the deal. To give their testimony such as it was they appear to have been paid. To me that screams innocence on Moore's part. More importantly that is likely to be the reaction of Alabama voters. If I were a D I do believe I would want to kill the idiots who came up with this ploy.
According to the original three legal in AL at the time statements the dates were a quid pro quo. They acted as arm-candy distraction at eating meetings, there were no sexual advances by Moore in regards to himself or others and they got to meet the local movers and shakers as a result. Their parents OKed the deal. To give their testimony such as it was they appear to have been paid. To me that screams innocence on Moore's part. More importantly that is likely to be the reaction of Alabama voters. If I were a D I do believe I would want to kill the idiots who came up with this ploy.
Do some more homework, you're missing the majority of the story
I would hope that my daughter would have beaten the dogshit out of him because she very easily could. Then there would be no doubt when he was arrested and charged. I didn't raise cowards.
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
Thats fine, you've made your position clear. You don't believe the accusers. Most of the free thinking world does, including several right wingers who have no interest in doing so. Just makes you look like a partisan hack.

Free thinking?

Most people usually get paid to think! No wonder they keep getting it wrong.

Those "right wingers" are part of the Swamp. They need to go.

BTW, I finally saw what Hannity said last night. He's wrong. Even Stevie Wonder could see that signature was fake.
For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
Such a weak argument. You worked in the school system and are a parent and your telling me that you take every situation based on what can be proved in a court of law? That is horseshit. I'm sure you dealt with he said/she said situations all the time and had to make judgements based on the accounts and evidence involved. I'm not claiming to know anything as a fact in this Moore case. I wasn't there, I don't know any of these people. But I can make a pretty good judgment based on what i've seen and can determine what I believe and will support. If you were being honest then you would be able to see this too. But you got a guy that will progress your political agenda so you are going to stand up for him in the strongest way possible. Did you happen to make the same defense for Bill Clinton?

As an assistant principal enforcing student discipline, that was the exact standard. Why? Because I just might have to prove it in a court of law!

I stood up for Clinton until there was incontrovertible evidence that he was guilty. Of course, there was not much to the Internet back in those days. It was much harder to decide.
Haha, so your theory is that Hannity was influenced to completely change his position and lie by of his advertisers? How about Glen Beck who took the same position today and who continued to host Bill Oreilly on his show after he was fired by Fox? Or how about Tucker Carlson who in tonights show spoke specifically to people like you, the partisan right wingers who are defending Moore, that they should pick and choose their battles and this is not a good one to fight.

No all these right wing propagandist media types are not flipping because of advertisers, they are just able to see the obvious situation and know it is a losing battle to defend this dude. Something that I guess hasn't soaked in to you yet. God help your soul if you have a daughter or granddaughter and they ever go through something like this while in high school. It makes my stomach turn... and then to hear douchebags like you trying to defend the abuser. Its sick.

I would hope that my daughter would have beaten the dogshit out of him because she very easily could. Then there would be no doubt when he was arrested and charged. I didn't raise cowards.
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
kinda like saying "if someone is mugging you all you need to do is leave..."

not always that easy.
I would hope that my daughter would have beaten the dogshit out of him because she very easily could. Then there would be no doubt when he was arrested and charged. I didn't raise cowards.
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
kinda like saying "if someone is mugging you all you need to do is leave..."

not always that easy.

None of these women have claimed that he physically assaulted them. Don't you find that a bit strange?
What would prevent them from simply walking away and seeking help?
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
kinda like saying "if someone is mugging you all you need to do is leave..."

not always that easy.

None of these women have claimed that he physically assaulted them. Don't you find that a bit strange?
What would prevent them from simply walking away and seeking help?
wasn't really addressing moore - already said i'm not paying attention to fad news much anymore regardless of the headlines. all i was commenting on was your statement of "If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave." - i'm old school i suppose and maybe you're closer to meaning if someone is "hitting on you" than actually groping or copping an un-invited feel but that statement just hit me funny.

as for moore - don't care. it's media driven hate in a culture that treats that like chum in shark filled waters. what once had merit has now become a fad and i just don't listen to either side on it anymore. for the most part i avoid these threads but just trying to keep up with things where i can and waiting for my energy drink to kick in so i can get back to work.
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?

Nobody asked them before
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
kinda like saying "if someone is mugging you all you need to do is leave..."

not always that easy.

None of these women have claimed that he physically assaulted them. Don't you find that a bit strange?
What would prevent them from simply walking away and seeking help?

Women are saying mostly that this guy is a creep
One says she was undressed and assaulted

Most did just walk away and reported it to friends and family members
Now they are coming forward and those friends and family confirm what they were told years ago
Isn't it funny how all of these accusations about sexual misconduct against Judge Roy Moore have just popped up out of nowhere? Years after the alleged incidents happened, these women are coming forward. Why did they wait so long? I don't believe a word of what any of them say. How about you?
There is a system in place that keeps women from reporting harassment or assault. Not only are these women made to feel humiliated and embarrassed, but in some cases if they had come forward, they not only would have lost their jobs but they also would be seen as whiners and too sensitive. Because of Moore's clout, many of the women who came forward said they stayed silent for so long because they feared that he would use the power he yielded to ruin their lives. Only when other women spoke out did these women have courage to speak out.

Sorry! Not buying it! They came forward because someone paid them to come forward.

Give me enough money and I will have your friends and relatives concoct stories about you so far-fetched, you'll start to believe they were true and you just forgot about it!
Sessions said he had “no reason to doubt” the women who have made the allegations against Moore. With Moore's record of judicial misconduct, his sexual misconduct pales in comparison but seems quite believable. Also, there doesn't seem to be any evidence to support your belief.

I don't need evidence to support my belief. The absence of evidence is all the proof I need. Reasonable doubt is all it takes. Unfortunately, you cannot say that.
I would hope that my daughter would have beaten the dogshit out of him because she very easily could. Then there would be no doubt when he was arrested and charged. I didn't raise cowards.
So now these teenage girls are cowards for not beating up a man over twice their age who was sexually assaulting them and happened to be the assistant district attorney? Wow man, you are a piece of work.

You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
Thats fine, you've made your position clear. You don't believe the accusers. Most of the free thinking world does, including several right wingers who have no interest in doing so. Just makes you look like a partisan hack.
It doesn't matter whether the accusers are believed or not. Moore supporters are going to vote for him regardless. They really don't care if he's old lecher. What they care about is he's anti-establishment, a Trump supporter, and has an enduring hatred for the federal government, a real feather in his hat when running for office in Alabama.

Did Trump supporters turn away from him when a dozen or more women made sexual allegations against him? Of course not, and neither will Moore supporters. GOP Senators are condemning Moore and demanding he step aside in order to pacify the GOP establishment. They know he will not withdraw from the race and he will probably win, maintaining the GOP current majority in the Senate. Without Moore, republican votes will be split and Democrats could capture his Senate seat.
You do realize there is a difference in sexual assault and rape, or are you just another stupid liberal?

Those girls should have been smart enough not to allow themselves in such a predicament in the first place.
There you go blaming the victims again. You are turning into more and more of a piece of shit the more you post. And where did I ever say rape? Don't put words in my mouth, you are sounding desperate.

You are the one appearing more pathetic with each post. You can't even follow the conversation because of your own assumptions.

If someone is sexually assaulting you, all you need to do is leave. If they pursue you, then there is no doubt as to their intentions and anyone would be hard pressed to defend them. Apparently none of that happened though. I wonder why? Maybe it never happened as they want us to believe.

For everything you call evidence, I call bullshit because it would not stand up in a court of law.
kinda like saying "if someone is mugging you all you need to do is leave..."

not always that easy.

None of these women have claimed that he physically assaulted them. Don't you find that a bit strange?
What would prevent them from simply walking away and seeking help?

Women are saying mostly that this guy is a creep
One says she was undressed and assaulted

Most did just walk away and reported it to friends and family members
Now they are coming forward and those friends and family confirm what they were told years ago
Do Moore Supporters care? I doubt it.

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