Isn't it time to debate Trump's two-faced rhetoric?

For those with selective memory the current leadrship in Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is basically the same ones that were in power from 2009-2016 and none of them were freedom loving democracies. The previous administration did nothing to China, or Saudi Arabia for it's human rights abuses and all they did with Russia is hit a silly reset button now to their credit the left has blamed Russia for Hillarys defeat of course that was after President Obama and his supporters mocked Mitt Romney back in a 2012 Presidential debate for calling Russia our greatest geo-political threat telling him the 1980s called an wants their foreign policy back. So given this the lefts sudden concern about these three countries and how they are being delt with rings totally hollow.

The Obama Administration did not kiss the ass of Autocrats & Despots; it did not alienate our allies, and it did not bring chaos to The District and divide our nation intentionally.

The divisiveness came because Obama was black, and it reinvigorated Racism and an anti civil rights movement in parts of America; Trump exploited and continues to exploit this heinous movement with hate and fear speeches and in his quest to become the first Despot to ever occupy (on occasion) the White House.

BTW, how's the weather been this week in Moscow, comrade.
Your stupidity is showing I almost pity you being such a hate filled partisan idiot has got to be a very depressing existence I really hope you get help one day.
For those with selective memory the current leadrship in Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is basically the same ones that were in power from 2009-2016 and none of them were freedom loving democracies. The previous administration did nothing to China, or Saudi Arabia for it's human rights abuses and all they did with Russia is hit a silly reset button now to their credit the left has blamed Russia for Hillarys defeat of course that was after President Obama and his supporters mocked Mitt Romney back in a 2012 Presidential debate for calling Russia our greatest geo-political threat telling him the 1980s called an wants their foreign policy back. So given this the lefts sudden concern about these three countries and how they are being delt with rings totally hollow.

The Obama Administration did not kiss the ass of Autocrats & Despots; it did not alienate our allies, and it did not bring chaos to The District and divide our nation intentionally.

The divisiveness came because Obama was black, and it reinvigorated Racism and an anti civil rights movement in parts of America; Trump exploited and continues to exploit this heinous movement with hate and fear speeches and in his quest to become the first Despot to ever occupy (on occasion) the White House.

BTW, how's the weather been this week in Moscow, comrade.
Your stupidity is showing I almost pity you being such a hate filled partisan idiot has got to be a very depressing existence I really hope you get help one day.

Reality and truth really pushed your button. Well, sometimes it does slap someone like you in the face. Willful ignorance may protect you in the moment, but Trumpism and his megalomania is as unhealthy to our nation as anything in my lifetime.
For those with selective memory the current leadrship in Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is basically the same ones that were in power from 2009-2016 and none of them were freedom loving democracies. The previous administration did nothing to China, or Saudi Arabia for it's human rights abuses and all they did with Russia is hit a silly reset button now to their credit the left has blamed Russia for Hillarys defeat of course that was after President Obama and his supporters mocked Mitt Romney back in a 2012 Presidential debate for calling Russia our greatest geo-political threat telling him the 1980s called an wants their foreign policy back. So given this the lefts sudden concern about these three countries and how they are being delt with rings totally hollow.

The Obama Administration did not kiss the ass of Autocrats & Despots; it did not alienate our allies, and it did not bring chaos to The District and divide our nation intentionally.

The divisiveness came because Obama was black, and it reinvigorated Racism and an anti civil rights movement in parts of America; Trump exploited and continues to exploit this heinous movement with hate and fear speeches and in his quest to become the first Despot to ever occupy (on occasion) the White House.

BTW, how's the weather been this week in Moscow, comrade.
Your stupidity is showing I almost pity you being such a hate filled partisan idiot has got to be a very depressing existence I really hope you get help one day.

Reality and truth really pushed your button. Well, sometimes it does slap someone like you in the face. Willful ignorance may protect you in the moment, but Trumpism and his megalomania is as unhealthy to our nation as anything in my lifetime.

Then I'm going to assume that you missed the Presidency fiasco of
2008-2016, when a Cheetah look-alike, ran this country into the
fucking ground.

Those days are over and just when complacency was setting in...
to the rescue came the Kavanaugh Hearings, The Caravan, and
Tarzan's furry friend back on the campaign trail. There is a God in
For those with selective memory the current leadrship in Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is basically the same ones that were in power from 2009-2016 and none of them were freedom loving democracies. The previous administration did nothing to China, or Saudi Arabia for it's human rights abuses and all they did with Russia is hit a silly reset button now to their credit the left has blamed Russia for Hillarys defeat of course that was after President Obama and his supporters mocked Mitt Romney back in a 2012 Presidential debate for calling Russia our greatest geo-political threat telling him the 1980s called an wants their foreign policy back. So given this the lefts sudden concern about these three countries and how they are being delt with rings totally hollow.

The Obama Administration did not kiss the ass of Autocrats & Despots; it did not alienate our allies, and it did not bring chaos to The District and divide our nation intentionally.

The divisiveness came because Obama was black, and it reinvigorated Racism and an anti civil rights movement in parts of America; Trump exploited and continues to exploit this heinous movement with hate and fear speeches and in his quest to become the first Despot to ever occupy (on occasion) the White House.

BTW, how's the weather been this week in Moscow, comrade.
Your stupidity is showing I almost pity you being such a hate filled partisan idiot has got to be a very depressing existence I really hope you get help one day.

Reality and truth really pushed your button. Well, sometimes it does slap someone like you in the face. Willful ignorance may protect you in the moment, but Trumpism and his megalomania is as unhealthy to our nation as anything in my lifetime.
I’m not the one on here trying to pass of talking points and hate as truth and reality if you are as pathetic and hate filled offline as you are online I truly do feel sorry for you.
For those with selective memory the current leadrship in Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is basically the same ones that were in power from 2009-2016 and none of them were freedom loving democracies. The previous administration did nothing to China, or Saudi Arabia for it's human rights abuses and all they did with Russia is hit a silly reset button now to their credit the left has blamed Russia for Hillarys defeat of course that was after President Obama and his supporters mocked Mitt Romney back in a 2012 Presidential debate for calling Russia our greatest geo-political threat telling him the 1980s called an wants their foreign policy back. So given this the lefts sudden concern about these three countries and how they are being delt with rings totally hollow.

The Obama Administration did not kiss the ass of Autocrats & Despots; it did not alienate our allies, and it did not bring chaos to The District and divide our nation intentionally.

The divisiveness came because Obama was black, and it reinvigorated Racism and an anti civil rights movement in parts of America; Trump exploited and continues to exploit this heinous movement with hate and fear speeches and in his quest to become the first Despot to ever occupy (on occasion) the White House.

BTW, how's the weather been this week in Moscow, comrade.
Your stupidity is showing I almost pity you being such a hate filled partisan idiot has got to be a very depressing existence I really hope you get help one day.

Reality and truth really pushed your button. Well, sometimes it does slap someone like you in the face. Willful ignorance may protect you in the moment, but Trumpism and his megalomania is as unhealthy to our nation as anything in my lifetime.

I’m not the one on here trying to pass of talking points and hate as truth and reality if you are as pathetic and hate filled offline as you are online I truly do feel sorry for you.

Thanks so much for you opinion, I would appreciate your assessment if you had provided a clear and concise expository post and not use so many words, most people like you simply push the funny button and don't waste my time and yours with so many words in an ad hominem.

My goal is to get those like you to think, to tune in to what Trumpism is, and how it is a malignancy. Eventually you might, but I'm not optimistic.
He has attacked the LGBTQ community, the Latino and Latina community, the Black Community, and the vast majority of American women and all registered Democrats;

Provide examples please. If you want to debate don’t expect people to take you at your word. It’s pretty obvious you’re brainwashed.
For those with selective memory the current leadrship in Russia, China and Saudi Arabia is basically the same ones that were in power from 2009-2016 and none of them were freedom loving democracies. The previous administration did nothing to China, or Saudi Arabia for it's human rights abuses and all they did with Russia is hit a silly reset button now to their credit the left has blamed Russia for Hillarys defeat of course that was after President Obama and his supporters mocked Mitt Romney back in a 2012 Presidential debate for calling Russia our greatest geo-political threat telling him the 1980s called an wants their foreign policy back. So given this the lefts sudden concern about these three countries and how they are being delt with rings totally hollow.

The Obama Administration did not kiss the ass of Autocrats & Despots; it did not alienate our allies, and it did not bring chaos to The District and divide our nation intentionally.

The divisiveness came because Obama was black, and it reinvigorated Racism and an anti civil rights movement in parts of America; Trump exploited and continues to exploit this heinous movement with hate and fear speeches and in his quest to become the first Despot to ever occupy (on occasion) the White House.

BTW, how's the weather been this week in Moscow, comrade.
Your stupidity is showing I almost pity you being such a hate filled partisan idiot has got to be a very depressing existence I really hope you get help one day.

Reality and truth really pushed your button. Well, sometimes it does slap someone like you in the face. Willful ignorance may protect you in the moment, but Trumpism and his megalomania is as unhealthy to our nation as anything in my lifetime.

I’m not the one on here trying to pass of talking points and hate as truth and reality if you are as pathetic and hate filled offline as you are online I truly do feel sorry for you.

Thanks so much for you opinion, I would appreciate your assessment if you had provided a clear and concise expository post and not use so many words, most people like you simply push the funny button and don't waste my time and yours with so many words in an ad hominem.

My goal is to get those like you to think, to tune in to what Trumpism is, and how it is a malignancy. Eventually you might, but I'm not optimistic.
Perhaps you should try thinking first yourself simply repeating far left talking points is not thinking. One day you might be able to see beyond your partisan talking points and hatred but I won’t be holding my breath waiting for that day.
As long as The Creature keeps improving the economy and deluding the American People that that's all that counts, he's "in there" pretty solid.

President Trump had zero to do with the economic recovery and anyone who believes he did needs to post what action and what policy added to our economy when he took office in Jan 2017!

The most obvious and lasting actions Trump can take "credit" for are:

1) He has alienated our allies;

2) He has enriched the Trump Crime Family;

3) He has attacked the LGBTQ community, the Latino and Latina community, the Black Community, and the vast majority of American women and all registered Democrats;

4) He constantly attacks the Free Press.

5) He has made the swamp much more toxic than before he assumed the power of the presidency;

6) He continues to obstruct justice;

O continued the wars, never ending spending, record debt, continuous lies about policy, aca, polarized the country, pushed division. Nary a peep out of you. We'll look past your emotional twaddle and usual.
Let's consider Trump's defense of the Saudi Prince, and/or the Saudi Government in the murder of a Washington Post Reporter, and his praise for autocrats in Russia and China who murder dissidents; then compare to his offensive attacks on HRC, Sen Warren and former Speaker Pelosi, along with the millions of American Citizens who are registered as Democrats.

He demands due process for the Strong Men, and denies it when Strong Women speak out.
That opportunity came and went in 2016. Your next opportunity is 2020.

Mine? The nation's chance comes in two weeks. People like you will vote for a future of Trumpism, people like me will vote for freedom, liberty, and the reform of the tax code, and to repair the damage done by Trump& destroy the PPACA.

LOL you’ll vote to flood the country with foreigners whilst getting rid of the law enforcement that gets rid of the criminals among those foreigners. I guess that’s freedom, to the foreigners...

There is no point in debate with you. It’s apparent by your replies here you’re not interested in debate. You want to TELL people “how it is” and when the disagree you name-call and demean. That’s not debate.
Let's consider Trump's defense of the Saudi Prince, and/or the Saudi Government in the murder of a Washington Post Reporter, and his praise for autocrats in Russia and China who murder dissidents; then compare to his offensive attacks on HRC, Sen Warren and former Speaker Pelosi, along with the millions of American Citizens who are registered as Democrats.

He demands due process for the Strong Men, and denies it when Strong Women speak out.
That opportunity came and went in 2016. Your next opportunity is 2020.

Mine? The nation's chance comes in two weeks. People like you will vote for a future of Trumpism, people like me will vote for freedom, liberty, and the reform of the tax code, and to repair the damage done by Trump& destroy the PPACA.

LOL you’ll vote to flood the country with foreigners whilst getting rid of the law enforcement that gets rid of the criminals among those foreigners. I guess that’s freedom, to the foreigners...

There is no point in debate with you. It’s apparent by your replies here you’re not interested in debate. You want to TELL people “how it is” and when the disagree you name-call and demean. That’s not debate.

I suggest you read your first paragraph, after looking up the Straw Man logical fallacy. I spent 32 years in LE, carrying a badge.

I do want to tell people to think, that's the purpose of this message board. Next time you respond to one of my posts, try to make your response thoughtful and thought provoking.
Last edited:
He has attacked the LGBTQ community, the Latino and Latina community, the Black Community, and the vast majority of American women and all registered Democrats;

Provide examples please. If you want to debate don’t expect people to take you at your word. It’s pretty obvious you’re brainwashed.

Another logical fallacy, look up ad hominem. If you want to debate, read my latest thread: Trumpism Defined.
Let's consider Trump's defense of the Saudi Prince, and/or the Saudi Government in the murder of a Washington Post Reporter, and his praise for autocrats in Russia and China who murder dissidents; then compare to his offensive attacks on HRC, Sen Warren and former Speaker Pelosi, along with the millions of American Citizens who are registered as Democrats.

He demands due process for the Strong Men, and denies it when Strong Women speak out.

As long as The Creature keeps improving the economy and deluding the American People that that's all that counts, he's "in there" pretty solid.

President Trump had zero to do with the economic recovery and anyone who believes he did needs to post what action and what policy added to our economy when he took office in Jan 2017!

The most obvious and lasting actions Trump can take "credit" for are:

1) He has alienated our allies;

2) He has enriched the Trump Crime Family;

3) He has attacked the LGBTQ community, the Latino and Latina community, the Black Community, and the vast majority of American women and all registered Democrats;

4) He constantly attacks the Free Press.

5) He has made the swamp much more toxic than before he assumed the power of the presidency;

6) He continues to obstruct justice;
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:can't make this up, son, wow!! even when people tell you he was outside of here, you ramp up your stupid!!! I truly don't care what the fk you believe, just know that. it doesn't matter to the bigger picture of economic growth and prosperity. I know you hate it. you wish it wasn't so. Right? come on, tell us how you wish all of us would just drop off the planet so you can hug with obammy!!!
Trump is playing 9-D chess, and all the Left wants to do is keep throwing money at problems. Maybe Iran needs another cash infusion (like Obama gave $2b)? Maybe NK needs more money to develop their missiles and bombs (like Clinton gave $3b)? Maybe Russia needs another sweetheart deal, like Crimea(on Obama's watch), maybe Estonia, Latvia, or Belarus ?
Report: Iran sent advanced technology to improve Hezbollah rockets

Obama.....Fundamentally Changing The Middle East by Financing Terrorism.
Let's consider Trump's defense of the Saudi Prince, and/or the Saudi Government in the murder of a Washington Post Reporter, and his praise for autocrats in Russia and China who murder dissidents; then compare to his offensive attacks on HRC, Sen Warren and former Speaker Pelosi, along with the millions of American Citizens who are registered as Democrats.

He demands due process for the Strong Men, and denies it when Strong Women speak out.


Idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.
Let's consider Trump's defense of the Saudi Prince, and/or the Saudi Government in the murder of a Washington Post Reporter, and his praise for autocrats in Russia and China who murder dissidents; then compare to his offensive attacks on HRC, Sen Warren and former Speaker Pelosi, along with the millions of American Citizens who are registered as Democrats.

He demands due process for the Strong Men, and denies it when Strong Women speak out.
That opportunity came and went in 2016. Your next opportunity is 2020.

Mine? The nation's chance comes in two weeks. People like you will vote for a future of Trumpism, people like me will vote for freedom, liberty, and the reform of the tax code, and to repair the damage done by Trump& destroy the PPACA.

LOL you’ll vote to flood the country with foreigners whilst getting rid of the law enforcement that gets rid of the criminals among those foreigners. I guess that’s freedom, to the foreigners...

There is no point in debate with you. It’s apparent by your replies here you’re not interested in debate. You want to TELL people “how it is” and when the disagree you name-call and demean. That’s not debate.

I suggest you read your first paragraph, after looking up the Straw Man logical fallacy. I spent 32 years in LE, carrying a badge.

I do want to tell people to think, that's the purpose of this message board. Next time you respond to one of my posts, try to make your response thoughtful and thought provoking.

A vote for a Democrat is a vote for the party that has advocated for the abolishment of ICE. That is a fact no matter if you were an officer or whatever BS you want me to look up before typing my response out. I don’t take orders from you.
Let's consider Trump's defense of the Saudi Prince, and/or the Saudi Government in the murder of a Washington Post Reporter, and his praise for autocrats in Russia and China who murder dissidents; then compare to his offensive attacks on HRC, Sen Warren and former Speaker Pelosi, along with the millions of American Citizens who are registered as Democrats.

He demands due process for the Strong Men, and denies it when Strong Women speak out.


Idiot-gram, ad hominem variety.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

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