Isn't that a beautiful map?

RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

What's gonna really change in november other than blue to red?

Do you believe we will immediately improve unemployment and businesses will be gin to hire, once red?

Do you think our economy will improve automatically when Red?

Do you think there will not be any back room deals with the Red in charge?

Do you think Republicans are more honest and not as scummy as the rest of our politicians?

Nothing will change....even turning to red, imo.

The truth is that there are no saints out there to be elected. There are very few "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" idealists out there any more, and what we elect are mostly lawyers who seek power, influence, prestige, and personal fortune, and sooner or later most will put their own interests ahead of the people they were elected to represent. (Yes, I have become jaded after following this stuff for a very long time now.)

This situation will end only if the Tea Party (and similar) spirit prevails and we return to our Constitutional roots in which Congress and/or the President had little or no power to use the people's money to further their own personal interests. Then and then only will we be able to slowly and carefully reverse the destructive path we are currently on.

The principles to be restored are:

1. Public servants should be prohibited from taking the people's money for the purpose of buying power, influence, and personal wealth.

2. We cannot spend ourselves rich and continuing to borrow just to increase spending is a fool's path to certain ruin.

3. The people will promote the general welfare more effectively by spending their own money for their own purposes than government will do spending it on their behalf. The freedom inherent in unalienable rights is the best concept for running a country.

4. It is not the government's prerogative to make the people 'good' or even 'better off'. The government should secure and defend our rights and then allow the people to govern themselves as the Constitution originally intended.

And yes, if we can implement these principles, the recession will end, people will go back to work, and we will prosper again.
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RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

What's gonna really change in november other than blue to red?

Do you believe we will immediately improve unemployment and businesses will be gin to hire, once red?

Do you think our economy will improve automatically when Red?

Do you think there will not be any back room deals with the Red in charge?

Do you think Republicans are more honest and not as scummy as the rest of our politicians?

Nothing will change....even turning to red, imo.

This response requires more than I can provide with a post from my phone...but the short answer is 'YES'...I expect thing to improve...unemployment numbers came out today and remained up from July...stimulus failed just like we said it would...Republican policies create jobs, what did Bush and the Republicans have, something like 50+ months of job creation before the Democrats took over Congress.

Yes, I expect back room dealing to come to a screeching halt...and if they don't, the people responsible should face Recall. That is how such things are ended. You bring one Senator or congressman home, the rest will wise up with a quickness.

Yes, there are likely a multitude of scum-suckers, but they work for US, like any employer, it is our responsibillity to keep them in line. The American public is paying attention (for the moment) making this the opportunity for REAL change in American politics.Yes, we have to be vigillent...Yes, we have to stop defending 'our' sides just because they're our side...Yes, we must find a way to work together...but Yes, I think the Liberals had their shot with a SUPER majority and blew it...Yes, I believe things will be better if the Republicans keep their promises...and if they don't, bring them home until we get someone in there that will.
Is it just me, or does anyone else notice GOP candidates are not running on any platforms, positions or even theories about how they do better. It's 24/7 "attack those liberals". Disturbing.

WHAT? Which election are you watching?

The Democrats have been is control of congress for four years and not one of them is running on their record unless that record is voting AGAINST Pelosi, Reid and Obama.

The Republicans are running onf smaller government, reducing the deficit, repealing or defunding Obamacare, ending the failed stimulus, and revitiliving the economy by providing tax incentives to small business like an employer tax holiday.

Now tell me what the Democrats are running on...other than empty...or away from their record.
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Okay I need to amend an error in my previous post. In actuality, most of the New Mexico State Legislature have law degrees. But I misspoke re Congress.

From Findlaw:

In the United States Senate, currently 61 of the 100 senators have law degrees. Thirty-one of the senators with law degrees are Republicans, twenty-nine are Democrats, and one is an Independent. In the United States House of Representatives, currently 169 of the 435 respresentatives have law degrees, and two non-voting members have law degrees. Ninety-one of the representatives with law degrees are Democrats, seventy-eight are Republicans, and the two non-voting members are also Democrats. In total, 232 members of the 108th Congress have law degrees.
FindLaw Legal News: Newsmaker Profiles - Members of Congress

So apologies to the lawyers who, though disproportionately represented in Congress, do not constitute the majority and can't be blamed for all the ills we see. :)

(Actually I have very good friends, family members, and associates who are lawyers and most really are good people. But they do make such excellent targets to blame for stuff. :))
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Obamacare wont be stopped without a supermajority

While it's certainly true that it won't be stopped without a veto override majority before 2013, since President Obama has the power of the veto, it is NOT at all true after January 2013 if the idiot in chief gets thrown the fuck out of Office.

And since (except for the taxes) most of Obamacare doesn't even go into EFFECT that soon, it can then be a relatively simple matter to repeal the hell out of it.
Obamacare wont be stopped without a supermajority

While it's certainly true that it won't be stopped without a veto override majority before 2013, since President Obama has the power of the veto, it is NOT at all true after January 2013 if the idiot in chief gets thrown the fuck out of Office.

And since (except for the taxes) most of Obamacare doesn't even go into EFFECT that soon, it can then be a relatively simple matter to repeal the hell out of it.

The pundits insist the Republicans won't have the cajones to repeal it since most of the provisions that have already gone into effect are the parts that most people like. So the Dems will use the repeal issue to demonize the GOP if they should want to repeal any part of Obamacare.

For the life of me, I don't know why the GOP isn't smart enough to point this out. All they have to do is say that all the freedom destroying onerous parts of Obamacare will be revoked, the good things that are in it will be retained and incorporated into real reform that won't destroy the existing medical system and won't take away people's freedoms and options.
Exactly. The GOP can lose the white house in 2012 by behaving badly after this midterm election, but it's not likely.

Don't be so sure of that. Remember Obama will be able to say the Republicans have had both houses of congress for 2 years, and look nothing happened. Which of course will be true because he will veto everything :)
Exactly. The GOP can lose the white house in 2012 by behaving badly after this midterm election, but it's not likely.

Don't be so sure of that. Remember Obama will be able to say the Republicans have had both houses of congress for 2 years, and look nothing happened. Which of course will be true because he will veto everything :)

sigh, yeah just another example of more Bush.
If it is your congress, do not veto.
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

What's gonna really change in november other than blue to red?

Do you believe we will immediately improve unemployment and businesses will be gin to hire, once red?

Do you think our economy will improve automatically when Red?

Do you think there will not be any back room deals with the Red in charge?

Do you think Republicans are more honest and not as scummy as the rest of our politicians?

Nothing will change....even turning to red, imo.

This response requires more than I can provide with a post from my phone...but the short answer is 'YES'...I expect thing to improve...unemployment numbers came out today and remained up from July...stimulus failed just like we said it would...Republican policies create jobs, what did Bush and the Republicans have, something like 50+ months of job creation before the Democrats took over Congress.

Yes, I expect back room dealing to come to a screeching halt...and if they don't, the people responsible should face Recall. That is how such things are ended. You bring one Senator or congressman home, the rest will wise up with a quickness.

Yes, there are likely a multitude of scum-suckers, but they work for US, like any employer, it is our responsibillity to keep them in line. The American public is paying attention (for the moment) making this the opportunity for REAL change in American politics.Yes, we have to be vigillent...Yes, we have to stop defending 'our' sides just because they're our side...Yes, we must find a way to work together...but Yes, I think the Liberals had their shot with a SUPER majority and blew it...Yes, I believe things will be better if the Republicans keep their promises...and if they don't, bring them home until we get someone in there that will.

I find it incredible that anyone can claim a good job creation record for George W. Bush. This is from the Wall Street Journal

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

By WSJ Staff
President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton’s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Here’s a look at job creation under each president since the Labor Department started keeping payroll records in 1939. The counts are based on total payrolls between the start of the month the president took office (using the final payroll count for the end of the prior December) and his final December in office.

Because the size of the economy and labor force varies, we also calculate in percentage terms how much the total payroll count expanded under each president. The current President Bush, once taking account how long he’s been in office, shows the worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records. –Sudeep Reddy

375,000 jobs per year for Bush. That did not even keep up with the people graduating from high school and college.

2,900,000 per year for Clinton. 2,600,000 for Carter. 2.300,000 for Johnson. You really want to brag on Bush's record of creating jobs? Then again, perhaps you were refering to jobs in China and Mexico.
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

In some ways I long for a return of the Republicans.

Then the worst economic times in the last 80 years will happen on their watch.

And, given that the Rs believe that the American people ought to suffer without help or mitigation by the FEDS, and given that nothing they seem to be suggesting will solve the root problems that brought us to this state of affairs, perhaps having the Rs in charge will be the wake-up call that our chums in the Tea Party movement really need.

Not that I'm a commie, but you know what they used to say while things were falling apart in Czarist Russia, right?

The worse it gets the closer the revolution.

I'm guessing you mean the return of a Republican President, because congress doesn't count when it comes to recessions. I know this because the Democrats took control of both houses in January 2007 and will retain them until January 2011, neatly encapsulating the entire recession, yet only Bush gets blamed for "causing" the downturn in the economy.

The one person that had no control on spending, got all the blame. After '06 the economy wasn't his idea anymore.

just to add something; Barney Frank should be jailed for treason. The very thing he said was fine was the very thing that crushed the economy.
RealClearPolitics - 2010 Election Maps - Senate No Toss Ups
Isn't that the loveliest red you've ever seen.
Now just turn California or Washington red and that'll be a majority.
Makes me long to dig up all those Nov '08 posts anouncing the demise of the Republican Party.
The only thing more exaggerated than our death are the estimates of jobs created or saved.
I can't wait for November.
Remember, remember, the second day of November...the liberal agenda has flopped.
I see no reason after this election season that Obamacare won't be stopped. :lol:
Yeah, it's a lousy rhyme, I'm sure one of y'all can do better...give it your best shot.

In some ways I long for a return of the Republicans.

Then the worst economic times in the last 80 years will happen on their watch.

And, given that the Rs believe that the American people ought to suffer without help or mitigation by the FEDS, and given that nothing they seem to be suggesting will solve the root problems that brought us to this state of affairs, perhaps having the Rs in charge will be the wake-up call that our chums in the Tea Party movement really need.

Not that I'm a commie, but you know what they used to say while things were falling apart in Czarist Russia, right?

The worse it gets the closer the revolution.

I'm guessing you mean the return of a Republican President, because congress doesn't count when it comes to recessions. I know this because the Democrats took control of both houses in January 2007 and will retain them until January 2011, neatly encapsulating the entire recession, yet only Bush gets blamed for "causing" the downturn in the economy.

Of course its the President, the budget surplus of the 90's was credited to Clinton even though there was Republican control of Congress. Yet I haven't seen one President be able to legislate even one economic policy.
Is it just me, or does anyone else notice GOP candidates are not running on any platforms, positions or even theories about how they can do better. It's 24/7 "attack those liberals". Disturbing.
you mean like the dems ran in 2006 and 2008?
the primary effort was "we aren't bush"
In some ways I long for a return of the Republicans.

Then the worst economic times in the last 80 years will happen on their watch.

And, given that the Rs believe that the American people ought to suffer without help or mitigation by the FEDS, and given that nothing they seem to be suggesting will solve the root problems that brought us to this state of affairs, perhaps having the Rs in charge will be the wake-up call that our chums in the Tea Party movement really need.

Not that I'm a commie, but you know what they used to say while things were falling apart in Czarist Russia, right?

The worse it gets the closer the revolution.

I'm guessing you mean the return of a Republican President, because congress doesn't count when it comes to recessions. I know this because the Democrats took control of both houses in January 2007 and will retain them until January 2011, neatly encapsulating the entire recession, yet only Bush gets blamed for "causing" the downturn in the economy.

Of course its the President, the budget surplus of the 90's was credited to Clinton even though there was Republican control of Congress. Yet I haven't seen one President be able to legislate even one economic policy.

I suppose every liberal will give Reagan his due...if Presidents are responsible for economic expansion...

The Reagan Boom - Greatest Ever - New York Times
We don't know whether historians will call it the Great Expansion of the 1980's or Reagan's Great Expansion, but we do know from official economic statistics that the seven year period from 1982 to 1989 was the greatest, consistent burst of economic activity ever seen in the U.S. In fact, it was the greatest economic expansion the world has ever seen - in any country, at any time.

The two key measures that mark a depression or expansion are jobs and production. Let's look at the records that were set. Creation of jobs. From November 1982, when President Ronald Reagan's new economic program was beginning to take effect, to November 1989, 18.7 million new jobs were created. It was a world record: Never before had so many jobs been created during a comparable time period. The new jobs covered the entire spectrum of work, and more than half of them paid more than $20,000 a year. As total employment grew to 119.5 million, the rate of unemployment fell to slightly over 5 percent, the lowest level in 15 years. Creation of wealth.

The amount of wealth produced during this seven year period was stupendous - some $30 trillion worth of goods and services. Again, it was a world record. Never before had so much wealth been produced during a comparable period. According to a recent study, net asset values - including stocks, bonds and real estate - went up by more than $5 trillion between 1982 and 1989, an increase of roughly 50 percent.
Exactly. The GOP can lose the white house in 2012 by behaving badly after this midterm election, but it's not likely. They'll almost certainly take the presidency then, but if they run a candidate like Palin...divisive, unqualified,'ll all be for naught.

Dun get so drunky on the sweet success you try and take the nation too far right, and dun rely so much on the race-baiting and other dirty tricks. It'll come back to bite us in the ass.

Take away the race baiting and dirty tricks and what else does the GOP have? Bush's record?
Exactly. The GOP can lose the white house in 2012 by behaving badly after this midterm election, but it's not likely. They'll almost certainly take the presidency then, but if they run a candidate like Palin...divisive, unqualified,'ll all be for naught.

Dun get so drunky on the sweet success you try and take the nation too far right, and dun rely so much on the race-baiting and other dirty tricks. It'll come back to bite us in the ass.

Take away the race baiting and dirty tricks and what else does the GOP have? Bush's record?
more of the same pathetically stupid bullshit you always post

then you wonder why people think you are a moron
In some ways I long for a return of the Republicans.

Then the worst economic times in the last 80 years will happen on their watch.

And, given that the Rs believe that the American people ought to suffer without help or mitigation by the FEDS, and given that nothing they seem to be suggesting will solve the root problems that brought us to this state of affairs, perhaps having the Rs in charge will be the wake-up call that our chums in the Tea Party movement really need.

Not that I'm a commie, but you know what they used to say while things were falling apart in Czarist Russia, right?

The worse it gets the closer the revolution.

I'm guessing you mean the return of a Republican President, because congress doesn't count when it comes to recessions. I know this because the Democrats took control of both houses in January 2007 and will retain them until January 2011, neatly encapsulating the entire recession, yet only Bush gets blamed for "causing" the downturn in the economy.

The one person that had no control on spending, got all the blame. After '06 the economy wasn't his idea anymore.

just to add something; Barney Frank should be jailed for treason. The very thing he said was fine was the very thing that crushed the economy.

That's horse hockey.

The president writes the budget..not congress.

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