Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?

You will not get an honest answer.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?

In short a president gift from HELL.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?

Is that mean your hatred and racism against Obama is clogging your brain?

MS13 started in 1980s idiot.
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
what do you do with children who have parents in jail?

Future of those illegals that took that route are sealed. Him/her families will suffer.

But most of these people like the dreamers or american citizen (anchor babies) are contributing both socially and economically to American economy.
They didn't come here to ruin their only chance of a lifetime.

Some of them are now teachers, nurses and about 900 are currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

We have teachers and nurses shortages right now. And soldiers.
On top of the dirty works that people like you are not willing to do.
so how is this an answer to my question?
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?

Is that mean your hatred and racism against Obama is clogging your brain?

MS13 started in 1980s idiot.
MS 13 started in the US and the border was opened up under obummer to populate the country, why is it they are in New York if they started in California? hmmmmmmm
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
-------------------------------------------------------- deport the illegal alien parents and let the kids freely travel and go with the parents . What so mysterious about that MGene .

It's more complicated than you, Jc and your other hate groups can imagine.

And who will do the jobs? Are you willing to pay for higher prices across the board?

It's not like you are going to tell your kids or give up your welfare check. Then go pick strawberries, clean toilets and cut grass.

Now you are going to say. That depends on how much you want to get paid.

So I'm asking you ahead. How much are you asking to clean toilets, pick strawberries or cut grass?

Only member that answered that question was Bear. He asked $25/hour for a buss boy paid under the table. Sad.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

Trump has not ended DACA. Instead, he decided to give the issue to a Congressional body that won't even repeal Obmacare.

Trump has not even built a wall.

When it's all said and done, the DNC will get everything they wanted, DACA, a single payer system, and no wall.

Bank on it!!!
Yup, and I'm sure those American businesses are just dying to pay American workers the kind of wages American workers will demand for those menial jobs.
DACA is people who have been here since childhood. They are totally Americanized. I doubt they are working in menial jobs that pay third world wages.

You make those claims without any logic. If they are working menial jobs at minimum wage, then in reality they are a drain on our society and not helping it. We should send them packing.

However the vast majority are not Americanized and judging by the interviews on the street, they don't very much like this country or have any loyalty. That is another reason to send them packing.

However many of them have worked hard, gotten an education and obtained high paying jobs. This doesn't negate the fact their parents broke the law bringing them here. Excusing this encourages others to do the same.

Lastly Obama himself said this was a temporary measure to give Congress time to pass something. Trump is just pushing the ball into their court.

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You're accusing someone of making claims without logic. ? What a laugh!! Where is your logic,? Where are your facts. ? Where is the documentation that they are not Americanized don't like and are not loyal to this country? You can't just say shit like that without backing it up. When you do, it is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance LOGICAL FALLACY
and i don't know why any thinking person even if a Christian follower of Jesus would want to flood the USA , best country in the world with non Christian foreign third worlders 'issa' . I mean , look at what Americans , mainly Christian have built in the USA over the last couple of hundred years and compare that USA to any other country in the world . And then consider that all the third worlders in the world that can't build anything worthwhile want to flood the USA 'issa' .

You are holding and living in the past Pismoe. How you viewed your horizon both front and back is way too close and unrealistic.
Past----- Let say no immigrants came here after your father arrived in US. Do you honestly believed America is this great? I doubt it. Immigrants made this country great. Your father with 7 kids now with 2 kids it's impossible not to have a dual income or 2 cars. Those has nothing to do with immigrants.

Current ----- We have lots of labor shortages all over. How are you going to solve that? Wait for more American kids to be born? Most of these kids right now are spoiled taking it very easy getting almost worthless majors with tattoos. Some born with racist parents inherited bad attitudes. Do you honestly believed these kids will get a decent jobs or even successful? Those has nothing to do with immigrants.
I have a serious question, and please no insults and mockery.

I myself an immigrant and now a naturalized a minority something have always puzzled me.

Why so called conservative Jesus lovers are the first to be against refugees, dreamers, immigrants and so forth....didnt Jesus call for compassion and helping the needy?
Because after all, most of those who come to the US they are running away, from wars, corruption, poverty ect....also the comments from the same group that claims that God plays a good role in their lives, are filled with mean stuff, why???
------------------------------------------------------------- USA is a secular society my muslim 'issa' . Jesus can say anything he likes but it has no meaning for anyone unless people want to take Jesus words seriously and then only in their private lives . USA is not the muslim world where people have to follow religious words , thinking and actions Issa .

There are lot of countries that are better than the US. They don't have bigger armies, but they have higher living standards, less homeless people, free health, free education, less homicides, less drug addicts ect....

Name one. What country?

Most of Europe, Qatar, UAE, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Canada.
yeah , i wouldn't admit to being egyptian either Issa !!
Actually I would be super proud if I was Egyptian, great country with a lot of history that contributed a lot to humanity.
Why are you so mean and degrading ?

Sadly these are the effects of president Trump.

These people are so proud, bragged being a racist and displayed enormous hatred towards human being and even innocent American kids.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

You Reich wingers sure aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer when it comes to economics.

This is not going to create any jobs. Americans won't do back breaking work for minimum wage. Right now Migrant workers are not crossing the border to help farmers bring in their harvest because all of the hateful rhetoric coming out of you, and we have fruit and vegi's rotting on the vine with grocery bills skyrocketing.
Dairy Farmers Fear Loss Of Labor Under Trump Immigration Actions
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
The shortage of farm workers and your grocery bill

RONALD REAGAN started the biggest and longest lasting economic boom period in this country. What he do differently from other Presidents? With a swipe of a pen he legalized all illegals in this country.


They came out of their hiding places, got real jobs and started paying real taxes. They opened up their own business's and hired other Americans. They bought & built homes, American cars, T.V's and electronics, furniture, appliances. They had no fear. They set off the longest lasting economic boom period in this Nation's history.

If you don't remember what Ronald Reagan was like, you can watch this video from a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan.

There is nothing more BONE-HEADED than sending kids that grew up here, and were educated here to a foreign country so they can stimulate the economy there (not here) to pay taxes there (not here.) Keeping in mind that there are dreamers all over this country that are on college campus's and in Universities.

The Next issue--Social Security/Medicare. Back in the 1950's average family size was 4 kids. Over the last several decades family size has been reduced to 2 or less. 10K babyboomers are entering social security on a daily basis, and this rate will continue for the next 9 to 10 years. Adding an additional 84 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. One working person is now supporting 3 retirees on borrowed money from China. This is the reason we're continually having to raise the debt ceiling. Right now we don't have the younger generation population in this country to support the military.

So your options are:
1. Let Social Security/Medicare go bankrupt.
2 Cut benefits to the bone.
3. Raise the age of eligibility to 75 years old.
4. Means testing (meaning take from the wealthier to give to the poorer)
5. Keep kids that grew up in this country and that were educated in this country (right here) to support these funds, while also paying Federal and State taxes and stimulating the economy.


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i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
what do you do with children who have parents in jail?

Future of those illegals that took that route are sealed. Him/her families will suffer.

But most of these people like the dreamers or american citizen (anchor babies) are contributing both socially and economically to American economy.
They didn't come here to ruin their only chance of a lifetime.

Some of them are now teachers, nurses and about 900 are currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

We have teachers and nurses shortages right now. And soldiers.
On top of the dirty works that people like you are not willing to do.
so how is this an answer to my question?

I did you just didn't like it.

If you deport parents of these kids 100% guarantee you they will end up in welfare. You will end up feeding and supporting these kids.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?

Is that mean your hatred and racism against Obama is clogging your brain?

MS13 started in 1980s idiot.
MS 13 started in the US and the border was opened up under obummer to populate the country, why is it they are in New York if they started in California? hmmmmmmm

If your post is just pure hatred and racism against Obama.
Is your post or you mean any kind of credibility?
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
what do you do with children who have parents in jail?

Future of those illegals that took that route are sealed. Him/her families will suffer.

But most of these people like the dreamers or american citizen (anchor babies) are contributing both socially and economically to American economy.
They didn't come here to ruin their only chance of a lifetime.

Some of them are now teachers, nurses and about 900 are currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

We have teachers and nurses shortages right now. And soldiers.
On top of the dirty works that people like you are not willing to do.
so how is this an answer to my question?

I did you just didn't like it.

If you deport parents of these kids 100% guarantee you they will end up in welfare. You will end up feeding and supporting these kids.
I thought they were in their 30's and working why would they need their parents to survive. Again, you didn't answer my question which again was, what do you do with children who have parents in jail?

deflections to no man's land doesn't count as an answer.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

Trump has not ended DACA. Instead, he decided to give the issue to a Congressional body that won't even repeal Obmacare.

Trump has not even built a wall.

When it's all said and done, the DNC will get everything they wanted, DACA, a single payer system, and no wall.

Bank on it!!!

That will be a bad news for the haters.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
I'm not sure you realize how dependent the U.S. economy is on countries who are going to be effected by the rejected masses. I'm not sure you realize that without forward-thinking U.S. influence that some of those kids will succumb to terrorism, gang and militia violence. Think about it. Every terrorist that was caught and interviewed always says something along the lines of being rejected by society on a personal level. What the ____do you think ending DACA is doing on a global scale?
like M13 in new york? those sort of punk ass kids that obummer allowed in?

Is that mean your hatred and racism against Obama is clogging your brain?

MS13 started in 1980s idiot.
MS 13 started in the US and the border was opened up under obummer to populate the country, why is it they are in New York if they started in California? hmmmmmmm

If your post is just pure hatred and racism against Obama.
Is your post or you mean any kind of credibility?
I don't talk pig latin. perhaps if you could offer up english instead I could answer you.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

Trump has not ended DACA. Instead, he decided to give the issue to a Congressional body that won't even repeal Obmacare.

Trump has not even built a wall.

When it's all said and done, the DNC will get everything they wanted, DACA, a single payer system, and no wall.

Bank on it!!!

That will be a bad news for the haters.
who exactly do haters hate here?
Realistically almost every year there are millions of high paying jobs that are taken by Asians and Europeans. With millions of their kids better than us. I am more worried about these foreigners compared to DACA or low paying jobs.

Why worry with 700,000?
Realistically almost every year there are millions of high paying jobs that are taken by Asians and Europeans. With millions of their kids better than us. I am more worried about these foreigners compared to DACA or low paying jobs.

Why worry with 700,000?
a person like you with no fking clue.

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