Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends
You're totally full of shit as usual, racist. DACA people are some of our best and most important citizens. Over 90% are employed and many are in the military and have professional jobs.
I'd take a DACA over a deplorable any day of the week.
DACA is Obama's attempt to get around the Constitution, which means it is a violation of the Constitution. President Obama even said so HIMSELF:

"The Constitution gives Congress -- not the president -- the authority to determine who may legally enter and reside in the United States. One year before enacting DACA, President Obama himself explained "With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed."

Time for Trump to keep his promises: DACA is unconstitutional and bad for American workers
Still hiding from Trump's disdain for the Constitution by not dumping his business interests but more concerned by what a former president did.
You really are a numbskull!
Last edited:
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

This is just more of your dishonest, bigoted horseshit McGarrett Breitbart is deliberately distorting and misrepresenting what Zuckerberg is saying.

Here is a dose or reality:

Analysis | White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Contrary to Sanders’s assertion, he said, DACA improves the economic outlook for low-skilled, American-born workers. Without work permits, undocumented immigrants are more likely to take any job they can, even work that falls far below their skill or education level. DACA, on the other hand, allows those workers to move to jobs that better match their background, freeing up low-skilled positions.

There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

How were they working to begin with without a Social Security number or a legal tax ID? As far back as I can remember, and I'm not young, we needed an SS number to get any job. Of course, Obama worked in Hawaii as a teenager years before he even got an SS number so I suppose anything is possible. It's just not the legal way.

Now it's time for the libs to come and claim that no Americans would want those jobs anyway. You know, farm jobs, hotel maids and other things that libs say no American will do. We used to do those jobs because they were all typical jobs for the first time teenage workers. Only reason some won't take them now is because welfare pays more than the jobs.
You obviously don't know most of min wage are almost 40 and married?
I guess you are not accepting socialist VA SS Medicare?
And doesn't know the def of liberal, just regurgitates knees news

It's the left who killed middle class jobs with Obamacare and other regulations. Most didn't settle for minimum wage jobs. I'm always amazed when someone claims to have been working a minimum wage job for 10 or more years and are still making the same amount. Many minimum wage jobs used to lead to better paying positions as people got raises or promoted. Or they just kept the low paying jobs while working their way through school.

The left deliberately killed middle class jobs so people would be forced to either turn to government or settle for lower wages. It's literally in the book for the plan to turn America into a socialist country. Gotta have those desperate people willing to cede rights to make it happen.

Technology is killing jobs. The fact is that more manufacturing jobs have been lost to automation. The jobs of today require a higher level of learning than high school.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

This is just more of your dishonest, bigoted horseshit McGarrett Breitbart is deliberately distorting and misrepresenting what Zuckerberg is saying.

Here is a dose or reality:

Analysis | White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Contrary to Sanders’s assertion, he said, DACA improves the economic outlook for low-skilled, American-born workers. Without work permits, undocumented immigrants are more likely to take any job they can, even work that falls far below their skill or education level. DACA, on the other hand, allows those workers to move to jobs that better match their background, freeing up low-skilled positions.

There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Simplistic Horseshit!! That would only be true if job growth was stagnant and it is not. Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?

You make the same mistake that activists who support higher minimum wages do. McDonalds is looking at automating many of their functions due to higher minimum wage demands in a number of states. You can only force wages up so much.
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

This is just more of your dishonest, bigoted horseshit McGarrett Breitbart is deliberately distorting and misrepresenting what Zuckerberg is saying.

Here is a dose or reality:

Analysis | White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Contrary to Sanders’s assertion, he said, DACA improves the economic outlook for low-skilled, American-born workers. Without work permits, undocumented immigrants are more likely to take any job they can, even work that falls far below their skill or education level. DACA, on the other hand, allows those workers to move to jobs that better match their background, freeing up low-skilled positions.

There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.

The "Dream" of robbing from REAL Americans is over...the wetbacks can "dream" no more.
I'm sure you have a link to where Donny said he wouldn't deport the wetbacks that "Dream" about robbing Americans?
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

This is just more of your dishonest, bigoted horseshit McGarrett Breitbart is deliberately distorting and misrepresenting what Zuckerberg is saying.

Here is a dose or reality:

Analysis | White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Contrary to Sanders’s assertion, he said, DACA improves the economic outlook for low-skilled, American-born workers. Without work permits, undocumented immigrants are more likely to take any job they can, even work that falls far below their skill or education level. DACA, on the other hand, allows those workers to move to jobs that better match their background, freeing up low-skilled positions.

There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Simplistic Horseshit!! That would only be true if job growth was stagnant and it is not. Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?

You make the same mistake that activists who support higher minimum wages do. McDonalds is looking at automating many of their functions due to higher minimum wage demands in a number of states. You can only force wages up so much.

What was my mistake again?
Is there not a line of low iQ filthy wetbacks waiting to work at every McDonalds?
This is just more of your dishonest, bigoted horseshit McGarrett Breitbart is deliberately distorting and misrepresenting what Zuckerberg is saying.

Here is a dose or reality:

Analysis | White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Contrary to Sanders’s assertion, he said, DACA improves the economic outlook for low-skilled, American-born workers. Without work permits, undocumented immigrants are more likely to take any job they can, even work that falls far below their skill or education level. DACA, on the other hand, allows those workers to move to jobs that better match their background, freeing up low-skilled positions.

There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.

The "Dream" of robbing from REAL Americans is over...the wetbacks can "dream" no more.
I'm sure you have a link to where Donny said he wouldn't deport the wetbacks that "Dream" about robbing Americans?

Why Did Trump Tweet Out Reassurance To Dreamers? Well...
"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.

The "Dream" of robbing from REAL Americans is over...the wetbacks can "dream" no more.
I'm sure you have a link to where Donny said he wouldn't deport the wetbacks that "Dream" about robbing Americans?

Why Did Trump Tweet Out Reassurance To Dreamers? Well...

Holy can't be that stupid....are you?
Donny has said DACA wetbacks are safe for the next six months...that's it.
Donny knows Congress can't author a bill that is in the end he deports and the fault lies in the laps of Congress....TA-DA!
COME ON MAN...tell me you see the writing on the wall?
This dude is brilliant...and is a master of Jedi-Mind-Tricks.
The needs of the past are not the needs of the present or the future.

There factories in cities they couldn't hire US born citizens they had to bring in refugees because the US born ones didn't pass the drug test. Immigrant are hard workers, and come here to better their lives. If shit hits the fan and they leave, you'll starve to death...and you will pay triple triple for goods and services. Something that you can't afford.
If prices triple, which they won't, so be it. At least then I'll have a job and be able to afford them.
If you can't find a job in this market something is wrong with you. And for you to fight it immigrants and illegals, that means that you are not qualified enough.
Put your hate aside and enjoy life. Humans tend to migrate otherwise you would never be in here. Live and let live.
I have a job I hate.
The job I want is full of illegal immigrants making it impossible for me to make money doing it. I used to be an UBER driver and a Non-Medical Emergency transporter. Both jobs full of illegal immigrants.

I don't know how those jobs can hire illegals. Why don't you go back to school? So you don't have to compete with them immigrants let alone illegals.

with what money?
There factories in cities they couldn't hire US born citizens they had to bring in refugees because the US born ones didn't pass the drug test. Immigrant are hard workers, and come here to better their lives. If shit hits the fan and they leave, you'll starve to death...and you will pay triple triple for goods and services. Something that you can't afford.
If prices triple, which they won't, so be it. At least then I'll have a job and be able to afford them.
If you can't find a job in this market something is wrong with you. And for you to fight it immigrants and illegals, that means that you are not qualified enough.
Put your hate aside and enjoy life. Humans tend to migrate otherwise you would never be in here. Live and let live.
I have a job I hate.
The job I want is full of illegal immigrants making it impossible for me to make money doing it. I used to be an UBER driver and a Non-Medical Emergency transporter. Both jobs full of illegal immigrants.

I don't know how those jobs can hire illegals. Why don't you go back to school? So you don't have to compete with them immigrants let alone illegals.

with what money?
Get a loan, ask for a part time jobs and go to school....thats how me and other immigrants did it.
If prices triple, which they won't, so be it. At least then I'll have a job and be able to afford them.
If you can't find a job in this market something is wrong with you. And for you to fight it immigrants and illegals, that means that you are not qualified enough.
Put your hate aside and enjoy life. Humans tend to migrate otherwise you would never be in here. Live and let live.
I have a job I hate.
The job I want is full of illegal immigrants making it impossible for me to make money doing it. I used to be an UBER driver and a Non-Medical Emergency transporter. Both jobs full of illegal immigrants.

I don't know how those jobs can hire illegals. Why don't you go back to school? So you don't have to compete with them immigrants let alone illegals.

with what money?
Get a loan, ask for a part time jobs and go to school....thats how me and other immigrants did it.
See, you stole from Americans to get your education. You need to be deported.
Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.

The "Dream" of robbing from REAL Americans is over...the wetbacks can "dream" no more.
I'm sure you have a link to where Donny said he wouldn't deport the wetbacks that "Dream" about robbing Americans?

Why Did Trump Tweet Out Reassurance To Dreamers? Well...

Holy can't be that stupid....are you?
Donny has said DACA wetbacks are safe for the next six months...that's it.
Donny knows Congress can't author a bill that is in the end he deports and the fault lies in the laps of Congress....TA-DA!
COME ON MAN...tell me you see the writing on the wall?
This dude is brilliant...and is a master of Jedi-Mind-Tricks.

You are the one who is stupid. He also said that he would revisit the decision if Congress has not acted. If he was going to start deporting then why does he need to revisit the decision.? DACA will likely be a part of the budget deal that will have to be done in December. Trump will sign it.
95% of Dreamers are either working or in school. I doubt the GOP base is qualified for the jobs the Dreamers are currently holding. There are 6.2 million available now. We know the GOP base isn't qualified for those jobs.

Wrong on all accounts....
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary

America has record-high 6.2 million job openings

You can call me names, but you can't call me wrong. Don't be fukking ignorant. Facts are easy to look up.
You have to be politically correct for those jobs you speak of, that makes them not worth a fuck.
You have to be politically correct for a job requiring education?
How about just getting an education? I know it requires work, but think of the benefits.
I can see right wingers now. Pointing out that education requires "work". No wonder they hate it.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.

The "Dream" of robbing from REAL Americans is over...the wetbacks can "dream" no more.
I'm sure you have a link to where Donny said he wouldn't deport the wetbacks that "Dream" about robbing Americans?

Why Did Trump Tweet Out Reassurance To Dreamers? Well...

Holy can't be that stupid....are you?
Donny has said DACA wetbacks are safe for the next six months...that's it.
Donny knows Congress can't author a bill that is in the end he deports and the fault lies in the laps of Congress....TA-DA!
COME ON MAN...tell me you see the writing on the wall?
This dude is brilliant...and is a master of Jedi-Mind-Tricks.

You are the one who is stupid. He also said that he would revisit the decision if Congress has not acted. If he was going to start deporting then why does he need to revisit the decision.? DACA will likely be a part of the budget deal that will have to be done in December. Trump will sign it.

Boy are you in for a big surprise.
You may need your straight jacket and or a padded room come March 5, 2018.
You do realize the Department of Homeland Security stopped accepting any new applications....right?
How do think a DACA bill can be written to adhere to our Constitution and be supported by the GOP and REAL Americans?
Don't forget the promises Donny T made to the people who elected him and how he has worked rigorously to make good on said promises. Do you really see this administration burning that bridge?
You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.

The "Dream" of robbing from REAL Americans is over...the wetbacks can "dream" no more.
I'm sure you have a link to where Donny said he wouldn't deport the wetbacks that "Dream" about robbing Americans?

Why Did Trump Tweet Out Reassurance To Dreamers? Well...

Holy can't be that stupid....are you?
Donny has said DACA wetbacks are safe for the next six months...that's it.
Donny knows Congress can't author a bill that is in the end he deports and the fault lies in the laps of Congress....TA-DA!
COME ON MAN...tell me you see the writing on the wall?
This dude is brilliant...and is a master of Jedi-Mind-Tricks.

You are the one who is stupid. He also said that he would revisit the decision if Congress has not acted. If he was going to start deporting then why does he need to revisit the decision.? DACA will likely be a part of the budget deal that will have to be done in December. Trump will sign it.

Boy are you in for a big surprise.
You may need your straight jacket and or a padded room come March 5, 2018.
You do realize the Department of Homeland Security stopped accepting any new applications....right?
How do think a DACA bill can be written to adhere to our Constitution and be supported by the GOP and REAL Americans?
Don't forget the promises Donny T made to the people who elected him and how he has worked rigorously to make good on said promises. Do you really see this administration burning that bridge?

You are the one in for a surprise. You realize that no one in the program will be deported and it will likely be codified in December 2017. That is why Democrats wanted a 3 month continuing resolution. It will be done because it is supported by a strong majority of voters. He has given his voters a few bones but has not filled the majority of his promises. Some of them, it is good that he did not fulfill them.
Yup, and I'm sure those American businesses are just dying to pay American workers the kind of wages American workers will demand for those menial jobs.
DACA is people who have been here since childhood. They are totally Americanized. I doubt they are working in menial jobs that pay third world wages.

You make those claims without any logic. If they are working menial jobs at minimum wage, then in reality they are a drain on our society and not helping it. We should send them packing.

However the vast majority are not Americanized and judging by the interviews on the street, they don't very much like this country or have any loyalty. That is another reason to send them packing.

However many of them have worked hard, gotten an education and obtained high paying jobs. This doesn't negate the fact their parents broke the law bringing them here. Excusing this encourages others to do the same.

Lastly Obama himself said this was a temporary measure to give Congress time to pass something. Trump is just pushing the ball into their court.

Sent from my iPhone using
Yep, it's time these DACA wetbacks to be rounded up and deported back to their indigenous country so natural born citizen Americans can get jobs that they deserve. Our President Trump, a gift from God, is about to make this happen. Remember, preserving our borders, language, and culture is all about making America great again.

Zuckerberg Group: 700K American Job Openings If DACA Ends

This is just more of your dishonest, bigoted horseshit McGarrett Breitbart is deliberately distorting and misrepresenting what Zuckerberg is saying.

Here is a dose or reality:

Analysis | White House claims ‘dreamers’ take jobs away from blacks and Hispanics. Here’s the truth.

Contrary to Sanders’s assertion, he said, DACA improves the economic outlook for low-skilled, American-born workers. Without work permits, undocumented immigrants are more likely to take any job they can, even work that falls far below their skill or education level. DACA, on the other hand, allows those workers to move to jobs that better match their background, freeing up low-skilled positions.

There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.
Irrelevant! They need to be deported. The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act. These dreamers are law breakers with fake social security numbers and bogus birth certificates, just like Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Soebarka.

You are a racist pig. The fact is that at the time, Europe was the primary source of immigration. As immigrants came from other countries, the laws were amended to reflect that.

By the way, Trump has said that he will not deport DREAMers and suggested he will revisit his decision if Congress does not act. Trump has not ended DACA.
Round up the dreamers. Time to put them in internment camps till they're deported. They're criminals. They broke the law.
i just hope that the President deports the 'widdle baby mexs' [and others] but i support whatever the President decides and he will get my vote in 2020 BBee .

There are many families where half the children were born in the USA. How are you going to keep the families together? Keep the illegals, or deport american citizens?
what do you do with children who have parents in jail?

Future of those illegals that took that route are sealed. Him/her families will suffer.

But most of these people like the dreamers or american citizen (anchor babies) are contributing both socially and economically to American economy.
They didn't come here to ruin their only chance of a lifetime.

Some of them are now teachers, nurses and about 900 are currently serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.

We have teachers and nurses shortages right now. And soldiers.
On top of the dirty works that people like you are not willing to do.

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