Isn't This Great? Trump Ending DACA Will Create 700,000 Jobs

"There is just no compelling proof that immigration -- legal or illegal -- “squeezes out native-born workers in any systematic way,” Holtz-Eakin said. “We’ve experienced waves of immigration and still, on average, reached full employment.”

Oh shit...I always love this claim made by whackos.
These Loons don't care that 21% of this nation is on the .GOV tit and 8% of California lives in poverty. "But, but, but the unemployment rate is low"
Fucking retards!
Here's an elementary lesson for you filthy Koooks.
More people = Fewer jobs = Lower wages
Fewer people = More jobs = Higher wages = Fewer on the tit
Sorry's time to reduce population to better the lives of REAL American's...your wetbacks are done here....UH, BUH BYE BEANERS!
Simplistic Horseshit!! That would only be true if job growth was stagnant and it is not. Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.

Simplistic Horseshit!! That would only be true if job growth was stagnant and it is not. Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.
Come on man… Are you really struggling to understand the simple principle of supply and demand? Ask a third grader to explain it to you before you lose all credibility here.
Right decrease the number of people willing to work for substandard wages increase those wages to pay for Americans to do the work. You do that by shutting down immigration.
Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
---------------------------------------------------------- and not only the info that you post but a gringo / American doesn't want to go to work in a shop dominated by mexicans / spanish speakers because the mexican all stand together against the American . Goal is to move the American out and replace him with another 'mexican' Clemetine .

They do that too, make life a living hell for the true American.
Simplistic Horseshit!! That would only be true if job growth was stagnant and it is not. Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.
Come on man… Are you really struggling to understand the simple principle of supply and demand? Ask a third grader to explain it to you before you lose all credibility here.
Right decrease the number of people willing to work for substandard wages increase those wages to pay for Americans to do the work. You do that by shutting down immigration.

Oh I totally understand what you mean… My reply was meant for the idiots that pretend they don't understand such simplicity
Simplistic Horseshit!! That would only be true if job growth was stagnant and it is not. Those undocumented people who are working also spend money and contribute to the economy and job growth.

Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Sorry you're so confused bud...stop trying so hard to be stupid when it comes to this subject matter.
This is the simple dynamic of supply vs. learned about it in third grade.
Lesson #2:
If McDonalds didn't have a single file line a mile long of filthy wetbacks with phony papers waiting to work there they would have to pay more to attract and keep employees....TA-DA!
What else do you need me to teach you?
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn -> are only concerned about the Mexicans? Not all the other dreamers from other countries?

Oh make no mistake about it....Mexicans are THEE problem.
Illegals from other countries tend to be clean and respectful...they don't impose on others. They spend their lives growing and becoming better AMERICANS. Like Blacks, Hispanics are somehow able to find complacency in total filth, dependency and indecency. If we shared a border with Japan nobody would give two shits about illegal immigration. I've yet to see a Japanese wave their countries flag in the face of the American's that spoon feed them...I've never seen a Japanese leave dirty diapers and Bud Light cans on our beaches. Are you starting to get it? Mexicans fuck themselves by acting like the nasty third world filth they are.
I live in LA where most Mexicans live outside Mexico....the hardest working people, also the most humble and the nicest of all immigrants and I'm an immigrant myself. The US should be very thankful of the contribution of Mexicans to the American dream. And never seing them begging for money, the baggers somehow most of them are whites.

That's odd....All I see are five foot tall silver tooth cockroaches selling roses on every corner and off ramp.
So you live in "beautiful" East Los Angeles? (North Tijuana)
East LA is predominantly Hispanic won't believe this but it's a filthy shithole full of dirty cockroaches where BudLight cans and dirty diapers line the streets. Those Mexicans really know how to destroy a community...every single one they inhabit.





I live in the west side bordered by Beverly hills and Malibu...i hate to brag but our average property tax is higher than the median family income of any red state.
You cherry picking , I could easily send you pictures of the thousands of white trash all over San Bernardino, riverside and the rest of America and tell you oh look white people are all like that.
Grow up !!! that's funny shit...I own a number of
properties the Inland Empire...Riverside and San Bernardino are both wetback capitals of Southern California.
You can "say" whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy… But the difference is I have statistics and facts to back up what I say. Let me know if you need me to start posting statistics by race such as welfare, crime, incarceration, teen pregnancy, education, income...etc, etc....I'd be happy to do so. Face it...your people just aren't cut out for a First World's okay, either are Zulu tribes in Africa.

Never claimed whites are more prone to incarceration but I am curious to know what are the numbers in San Bernardino.

Good on you if you own properties in the shittiest part of California....i wasn't as privileged as you haven't been long enough here, with the education I brought from the mother land I'm doing much better than you and your chosen race. While you swim in your hate towards minorities in embracing all races. The only race I don't care for is the racist one.
The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act.
The founders also believed in slavery. Should we have kept slavery because of what the founders envisioned

Very good point...the constitution needs lot of updating so does electoral college fiasco.
Last edited:
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn ->

Immigrants is what made this country great, illegal or not the vast majority contribute to this economy.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn ->

Immigrants is what made this country great, illegal or not the vast majority contribute to this economy.

The needs of the past are not the needs of the present or the future.
The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act.
The founders also believed in slavery. Should we have kept slavery because of what the founders envisioned

Very good point...the constitution needs lot of updating so does electoral college fiasco.

The 14th needs some serious work.

The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn ->

Immigrants is what made this country great, illegal or not the vast majority contribute to this economy.

Nobody wants to stop QUALIFIED immigrants whom are willing to adhere to our Constitution and be a net gain for Americans from becoming U.S. citizens.
The Founders specifically didn't specifically create this country with them in mind. Only White people of European heritage. See the 1790 Naturalization Act.
The founders also believed in slavery. Should we have kept slavery because of what the founders envisioned

Very good point...the constitution needs lot of updating so does electoral college fiasco.

The 14th needs some serious work.

Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn ->

Immigrants is what made this country great, illegal or not the vast majority contribute to this economy.

Nobody wants to stop QUALIFIED immigrants whom are willing to adhere to our Constitution and be a net gain for Americans from becoming U.S. citizens.

Key words "net gain". They need to bring with them money for jobs, or businesses to hire people with.
As you can see the far left does not want people to have jobs and be independent from the government, it hurts their narratives when people can think for themselves and do not need government to control every aspect of their lives.
What the fuck are you jabbering about. Obviously you did not understand a damned thing that I said. There is NOTHING that you can teach me.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn ->

You claim that my link is garbage but you are unable to provide any documentation of your own to refute it. All that you seem to be able to do is to blather your opinions that you present as fact with nothing to back it up.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

Learn ->

You claim that my link is garbage but you are unable to provide any documentation of your own to refute it. All that you seem to be able to do is to blather your opinions that you present as fact with nothing to back it up.

Hard to find a good link using a Liberal search engine.

High net immigration is one of the factors holding down average wages in the UK, the Bank of England governor has said.
Bank of England: Immigration helping to hold down wages

A think tank in Chicago, Illinois is pleading for more immigration to fill jobs in the cities hospitality industry while African-American youth in the inner-city remains higher than most other cities.
In a report by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, the panel is demanding that more immigrants be brought to the city so that employers in the restaurant and hotel industries can have easy access to foreign-born workers, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Report author Sara McElmurry, assistant director of immigration at the think tank, spent two years interviewing several dozen restaurant and hotel owners and managers, labor organizers and trade associations across the Midwest to understand the industry’s labor concerns in the region.

The consensus is that “we need reforms that responsibly expand the immigration system to hire more of these workers,” McElmurry said. In addition, she said, “what I heard consistently was let’s build some sort of pathway that allows workers to adjust their legal status.”

Midwest Coalition to Reduce Immigration Executive Director Dave Gorak pushed back on
the think tank’s pleas for more immigration in Chicago, telling the Tribune that the overflow of immigration has kept wages down and natives out of work.

“The availability of cheap foreign labor, especially the illegal variety, is preferred because employers know it serves to hold down labor costs,” Gorak said. “Without this plentiful source of workers, these employers would be forced to make a greater effort to recruit Americans and raise wages

While the report calls for more immigrants to take jobs in Chicago, the black youth unemployment rate in the city was nearly ignored by the council.

In the Chicago Tribune’s latest report on the epidemic of youth unemployment in the city, a study from the Chicago Urban League found that the rate of 20 to 24-year-old black men who not only not working, but also not in school was 43 percent in 2015. A year earlier, the rate was 47 percent, nearly half of all young, black men in Chicago.

At the same time, Illinois, and specifically Chicago, has seen a constant flow of low-skilled immigration. In 2015, the state’s foreign born population had ballooned to nearly 15
percent, according to the Pew Research Center.

In a more intensive study by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a whopping 43 percent of the state’s “foreign born, low-income, limited English-speaking” population was living in the city of Chicago.

Every year, the U.S. admits more than one million legal immigrants. Immigration patriots have long said that the high immigrant levels have kept American workers’ wages stagnant and displaced workers
Chicago Group Pleads for Immigrants to Fill Jobs as Black Youth Remain Out of Work

I shouldn't have to provide a link, when you have more of something it's value goes down, when you have less of something it's value goes up, assuming demand stays the same. The same goes for employees as well as product.
The fewer immigrants we have to compete with the higher our wages.
Care to provide a source for that theory? You can't just blab something like that without documentation if you expect to be taken seriously. Right wing talking points are just an appeal to ignorance.

There is no question that availability of cheap labor keeps wages down. One argument pushed right in this forum by a lib was that the cost of produce would go up if we sent the cheap labor back to their own country.

A meat packing plant in my area used to be a good job with good benefits. Once the illegals came, wages went way down. Of course, no citizen will take a job there now because the working conditions suck and there aren't the benefits there once were.

Yes, illegal immigration drives down wages because some companies and farmers are not going to pay good wages to citizens when they can save money hiring illegals. They set the wages by what they are willing to work for and that means citizens can't expect above minimum or good benefits because the companies have other options.
Just more anecdotal crap and an appeal to ignorance with nothing to support your claim. Are you really to lazy and anti intellectual to research the issue and actually make your case?? Try this on for size:

Immigration's Real Impact on Wages and Employment

A large body of academic economic research has found that immigration has a relatively small effect on U.S-born American wages and their employment prospects. For wages impact, the estimates are that immigrants either lower the wages of some American workers by about 2 percent or raise them by about 2 percent in a dynamic economy (this, this, and this). The employment effects vary little but, like wages, the effects are small and clustered around zero. Nowhere will you find a tradeoff where one additional immigrants means that one American loses a job in the economy.
Your link is garbage. The more people compete for the same jobs the less employers have to pay to keep those jobs full. Third worlders drive wages down because the little they get paid is many times more what they would've made if they had stayed in their own countries. They bring diseases, they cause language issues because they don't understand English, they fill our schools costing us money. They pay for these things by living 15 people in a house and working for pennies on the dollar. Or by giving birth to Americans and collecting welfare off that kid.

Your twisting of facts doesn't change the facts.

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You claim that my link is garbage but you are unable to provide any documentation of your own to refute it. All that you seem to be able to do is to blather your opinions that you present as fact with nothing to back it up.

Factsheet Why Should You Care About Immigration | Health Insurance Coverage In The United States | Poverty & Homelessness
You people really need to stop grouping MEXICANS, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICANS in with "immigrants" in general.
The immigrant we get from New Zealand is a much higher grade human than the filth we get from Mexico...your silly editorials always generalize "immigrants".....Please show us an editorial that is geographically specific to the aforementioned human cockroaches.
We clear?
The immigrant we get from New Zealand is a much higher grade human than the filth we get from Mexico...your silly editorials always generalize "immigrants".....Please show us an editorial that is geographically specific to the aforementioned human cockroaches.

Well played sir! :clap:

You are a real credit to conservatives everywhere - exactly the confederate flag waving, clueless deplorable racist assholes liberals say you are.
The immigrant we get from New Zealand is a much higher grade human than the filth we get from Mexico...your silly editorials always generalize "immigrants".....Please show us an editorial that is geographically specific to the aforementioned human cockroaches.

Well played sir! :clap:

You are a real credit to conservatives everywhere - exactly the clueless deplorable racist assholes liberals say you are.
He stated the simple truth. We don't need any more third worlder immigrants.
The immigrant we get from New Zealand is a much higher grade human than the filth we get from Mexico...your silly editorials always generalize "immigrants".....Please show us an editorial that is geographically specific to the aforementioned human cockroaches.

Well played sir! :clap:

You are a real credit to conservatives everywhere - exactly the clueless deplorable racist assholes liberals say you are.
He stated the simple truth. We don't need any more third worlder immigrants.

I'm way too candid for the nutless pussies here...they hate unmasked truth...they really love clever wordplay. My goal is always the same...send them into the fetal position with my choice of wording.
The immigrant we get from New Zealand is a much higher grade human than the filth we get from Mexico...your silly editorials always generalize "immigrants".....Please show us an editorial that is geographically specific to the aforementioned human cockroaches.

Well played sir! :clap:

You are a real credit to conservatives everywhere - exactly the clueless deplorable racist assholes liberals say you are.
He stated the simple truth. We don't need any more third worlder immigrants.

It is not the truth, it's the horseshit asshole racists believe.

They are humans and deserve to be referred to as such, this kind of language is completely disgusting.
The immigrant we get from New Zealand is a much higher grade human than the filth we get from Mexico...your silly editorials always generalize "immigrants".....Please show us an editorial that is geographically specific to the aforementioned human cockroaches.

Well played sir! :clap:

You are a real credit to conservatives everywhere - exactly the clueless deplorable racist assholes liberals say you are.
He stated the simple truth. We don't need any more third worlder immigrants.

It is not the truth, it's the horseshit asshole racists believe.
You do realize that neither side is never going to convince the other side? LOL

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