Isn't time for Trump to "Just Do It"

What? You don't think he can get more mileage out of talking about historic electorial college victory?

It is historic. He was supposed to have ZERO chance. Did you read this board during 2016? yep.

He historically flipped it all around on that lazy beast. A real American comeback story. According to this board, well he had no chance to get the R nomination......Jake etc. He won it "going away" fair and square against cheaters and illegal votes.

--- Who incidentally happen not to exist. :rolleyes:

--- any more than his "three million Amish voters" did.
He lacks the ability to "walk the walk". He always has lacked the ability. It's why he can't take criticism because in his heart of hearts he knows he's in way over the head.

The current chaos in the White House is the proof. Management style comes from the top down, and Trump has the attention span of a gnat, never sweats the details, and give broad orders and expects others to work out the details.

But he has no team to work out the details, because he's too busy attacking the media and holding love-in rallies to bother hiring anyone.

Really, Ryan says taxes and the maobamacare repeal will be done this year. He's already signed two CRA bills doing away with regs and there's a dozen more in the pipeline. To this point only one CRA had been signed by a president in US history. Things are getting done but congress doesn't move at the speed of business.

By this time, Obama had already passed his stimulus bill, and the Lily Leadbetter Act, among other things. But then Obama spent the transition time hiring a team, getting them vetted and ready for confirmation hearings, and getting his legislation ready. Trump spent the transition time on a victory tour and attacking Saturday Night Live and Meryl Streep via Twitter, and declaring the media an enemy of the people.

And republicans didn't use every delaying tactic in the books to keep the dear leaders cabinet from being seated.

That's because Obama nominated people who were qualified for the positions he appointed them to. Obama appointed a nuclear physicist to be Energy Secretary. Trump appointed Rick Perry - a guy who thought that the Energy Secretary was a promo man for the oil business, and who had previously suggested he would abolish the department.

Perry was shocked to learn that the Energy Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of the nuclear arsenal. So Obama appointed a nuclear physicist for the job, and Trump appointed a guy who didn't finish college to take care of the nukes. And you wonder why people are slow to approve his choices.

Also, Obama had 94 of his picks confirmed by his Inauguration. Trumps' people hadn't finished their paperwork with the Ethics Office, or their security clearance before the confirmation hearings started.

Also, Trump's claim that his confirmations are going slower than any other President is patently false. Obama's cabinet wasn't all confirmed until the end of March, even with him having put forward nearly 3 times the number of appointees for approval by Inauguration Day, than Trump.

In addition, would it be impolite to point out that there are a lot of political appointees that do not require Senate approval in a lot of these agencies and they haven't gotten close to appointing them? In one agency I know of, there are ZERO non Senate political appointments in place. That's screwy.
He lacks the ability to "walk the walk". He always has lacked the ability. It's why he can't take criticism because in his heart of hearts he knows he's in way over the head.

The current chaos in the White House is the proof. Management style comes from the top down, and Trump has the attention span of a gnat, never sweats the details, and give broad orders and expects others to work out the details.

But he has no team to work out the details, because he's too busy attacking the media and holding love-in rallies to bother hiring anyone.

Really, Ryan says taxes and the maobamacare repeal will be done this year. He's already signed two CRA bills doing away with regs and there's a dozen more in the pipeline. To this point only one CRA had been signed by a president in US history. Things are getting done but congress doesn't move at the speed of business.

By this time, Obama had already passed his stimulus bill, and the Lily Leadbetter Act, among other things. But then Obama spent the transition time hiring a team, getting them vetted and ready for confirmation hearings, and getting his legislation ready. Trump spent the transition time on a victory tour and attacking Saturday Night Live and Meryl Streep via Twitter, and declaring the media an enemy of the people.

And republicans didn't use every delaying tactic in the books to keep the dear leaders cabinet from being seated.

That's because Obama nominated people who were qualified for the positions he appointed them to. Obama appointed a nuclear physicist to be Energy Secretary. Trump appointed Rick Perry - a guy who thought that the Energy Secretary was a promo man for the oil business, and who had previously suggested he would abolish the department.

Perry was shocked to learn that the Energy Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of the nuclear arsenal. So Obama appointed a nuclear physicist for the job, and Trump appointed a guy who didn't finish college to take care of the nukes. And you wonder why people are slow to approve his choices.

Also, Obama had 94 of his picks confirmed by his Inauguration. Trumps' people hadn't finished their paperwork with the Ethics Office, or their security clearance before the confirmation hearings started.

Also, Trump's claim that his confirmations are going slower than any other President is patently false. Obama's cabinet wasn't all confirmed until the end of March, even with him having put forward nearly 3 times the number of appointees for approval by Inauguration Day, than Trump.

Yeah yeah, your mulatto messiah walked on water, had to be able to to get 94 appointees confirmed before he was even qualified to officially nominate them. Of course having 60 senators didn't hurt either.
He lacks the ability to "walk the walk". He always has lacked the ability. It's why he can't take criticism because in his heart of hearts he knows he's in way over the head.

The current chaos in the White House is the proof. Management style comes from the top down, and Trump has the attention span of a gnat, never sweats the details, and give broad orders and expects others to work out the details.

But he has no team to work out the details, because he's too busy attacking the media and holding love-in rallies to bother hiring anyone.

Really, Ryan says taxes and the maobamacare repeal will be done this year. He's already signed two CRA bills doing away with regs and there's a dozen more in the pipeline. To this point only one CRA had been signed by a president in US history. Things are getting done but congress doesn't move at the speed of business.

By this time, Obama had already passed his stimulus bill, and the Lily Leadbetter Act, among other things. But then Obama spent the transition time hiring a team, getting them vetted and ready for confirmation hearings, and getting his legislation ready. Trump spent the transition time on a victory tour and attacking Saturday Night Live and Meryl Streep via Twitter, and declaring the media an enemy of the people.

And republicans didn't use every delaying tactic in the books to keep the dear leaders cabinet from being seated.

That's because Obama nominated people who were qualified for the positions he appointed them to. Obama appointed a nuclear physicist to be Energy Secretary. Trump appointed Rick Perry - a guy who thought that the Energy Secretary was a promo man for the oil business, and who had previously suggested he would abolish the department.

Perry was shocked to learn that the Energy Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of the nuclear arsenal. So Obama appointed a nuclear physicist for the job, and Trump appointed a guy who didn't finish college to take care of the nukes. And you wonder why people are slow to approve his choices.

Also, Obama had 94 of his picks confirmed by his Inauguration. Trumps' people hadn't finished their paperwork with the Ethics Office, or their security clearance before the confirmation hearings started.

Also, Trump's claim that his confirmations are going slower than any other President is patently false. Obama's cabinet wasn't all confirmed until the end of March, even with him having put forward nearly 3 times the number of appointees for approval by Inauguration Day, than Trump.

In addition, would it be impolite to point out that there are a lot of political appointees that do not require Senate approval in a lot of these agencies and they haven't gotten close to appointing them? In one agency I know of, there are ZERO non Senate political appointments in place. That's screwy.

Which one is that?
I agree that he is the most productive POTUS in recent memory if you mean by "recent memory" the last four weeks.
Well of course, he's only been President for 4 weeks. I'm addressing the OP, who is trying to make the case that Trump has done nothing. Surely you know this, right?
What we've seen is as good as it gets. Four years from now, we will still be hearing about he should act presidential. He will still be bragging about what he has done while actually doing nothing but taking from the poor and giving the rich - just as he has already done.

The saddest part is the poor dump RWNJs will still be on their knees to him and he will not have done a damn thing for them.

--- And it will STILL all the fault of HillaryObamaMedia.

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He lacks the ability to "walk the walk". He always has lacked the ability. It's why he can't take criticism because in his heart of hearts he knows he's in way over the head.

The current chaos in the White House is the proof. Management style comes from the top down, and Trump has the attention span of a gnat, never sweats the details, and give broad orders and expects others to work out the details.

But he has no team to work out the details, because he's too busy attacking the media and holding love-in rallies to bother hiring anyone.

Really, Ryan says taxes and the maobamacare repeal will be done this year. He's already signed two CRA bills doing away with regs and there's a dozen more in the pipeline. To this point only one CRA had been signed by a president in US history. Things are getting done but congress doesn't move at the speed of business.

By this time, Obama had already passed his stimulus bill, and the Lily Leadbetter Act, among other things. But then Obama spent the transition time hiring a team, getting them vetted and ready for confirmation hearings, and getting his legislation ready. Trump spent the transition time on a victory tour and attacking Saturday Night Live and Meryl Streep via Twitter, and declaring the media an enemy of the people.
what about golf ? you know who has time for golf ? hillary.
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
He's the most productive president in recent history. Congress, OTOH, is more concerned with inventing fake news stories and looking for reasons to impeach him than they are with doing their jobs (like confirming cabinet appointees).

Yep - if you're his 1% capitalist cronies, you couldn't ask for more.

If you're working class or poor, he has not done anything to help you get to a better place. In fact, good ole Agent Orange has actually done several things that will harm you.

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It took Obama eight years to fuck things up this completely.

Cleanup ought take an actual president about eight months to get the bulk of it done. Remember, a lot of it has to be done through congress and without Republicans going nuclear eight months won't be enough. It'll take another round of house and senate elections to unclog the plumbing. Watch for Democrats to push hard for legislation giving unemployment bennies to defeated incumbents!

Veto bait or what????
Yep - if you're his 1% capitalist cronies, you couldn't ask for more.
Which candidate took more money from corporate cronies in this election?
If you're working class or poor, he has not done anything to help you get to a better place. In fact, good ole Agent Orange has actually done several things that will harm you.
Yep, bringing jobs back to the U.S. is really bad news for the unemployed, isn't it?
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
So you're eager for him to start deporting illegal immigrants like he promised, and to block refugees from dangerous countries like he promised to do and to get the ball rolling on the border wall like he promised to do and persuade companies not to move their factories to Mexico like he promised he would and to roll back Obama's regulations like he promised he would?

Guess what, he has done it already.

Ummm, he's actually done something about deportations through ICE, that's true. He set back his extreme vetting with rushing it. That was stupid because it impacts the ultimate passage of a lawful order. Don't know what "get the ball rolling" on the wall means at all. He said it would start on Day One. He said Mexico would pay for it. I didn't believe et
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
He's the most productive president in recent history. Congress, OTOH, is more concerned with inventing fake news stories and looking for reasons to impeach him than they are with doing their jobs (like confirming cabinet appointees).

I agree that he is the most productive POTUS in recent memory if you mean by "recent memory" the last four weeks. Otherwise, historically this is an opinion which indicates you really like President Trump and believe in him wholeheartedly. I myself am more from Missouri on pretty much every issue. He said he'd build a wall on Day One and Mexico would pay for it. Not yet (although I never believed that promise anyway). He ham handed the Muslim ban bigly. That might hurt extreme vetting (which I TOTALLY support) in the long run, even when he comes out with a lawful order. He has continued supporting deportations through ICE, I give him credit for that.
On day one he did
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
So you're eager for him to start deporting illegal immigrants like he promised, and to block refugees from dangerous countries like he promised to do and to get the ball rolling on the border wall like he promised to do and persuade companies not to move their factories to Mexico like he promised he would and to roll back Obama's regulations like he promised he would?

Guess what, he has done it already.

Ummm, he's actually done something about deportations through ICE, that's true. He set back his extreme vetting with rushing it. That was stupid because it impacts the ultimate passage of a lawful order. Don't know what "get the ball rolling" on the wall means at all. He said it would start on Day One. He said Mexico would pay for it. I didn't believe et
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
He's the most productive president in recent history. Congress, OTOH, is more concerned with inventing fake news stories and looking for reasons to impeach him than they are with doing their jobs (like confirming cabinet appointees).

I agree that he is the most productive POTUS in recent memory if you mean by "recent memory" the last four weeks. Otherwise, historically this is an opinion which indicates you really like President Trump and believe in him wholeheartedly. I myself am more from Missouri on pretty much every issue. He said he'd build a wall on Day One and Mexico would pay for it. Not yet (although I never believed that promise anyway). He ham handed the Muslim ban bigly. That might hurt extreme vetting (which I TOTALLY support) in the long run, even when he comes out with a lawful order. He has continued supporting deportations through ICE, I give him credit for that.
The travel ban was lawful, but the courts' actions were not, the ban will be implemented despite this illegal interference by the courts. He never said the wall would be built on day one. Have you suffered
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
So you're eager for him to start deporting illegal immigrants like he promised, and to block refugees from dangerous countries like he promised to do and to get the ball rolling on the border wall like he promised to do and persuade companies not to move their factories to Mexico like he promised he would and to roll back Obama's regulations like he promised he would?

Guess what, he has done it already.

Ummm, he's actually done something about deportations through ICE, that's true. He set back his extreme vetting with rushing it. That was stupid because it impacts the ultimate passage of a lawful order. Don't know what "get the ball rolling" on the wall means at all. He said it would start on Day One. He said Mexico would pay for it. I didn't believe et
We have all heard Trumps agenda of what he will do and how he will do it.

Trump and his supporters won.

Now is time for Trump to deliver on his promises.

Trump is spending more time trying to taking down his critics rather than pushing through his agenda.

It is time for Trump to shut the F up and work within our system to do what he said he would do.

It is easy to talk the talk but now is the time to walk the walk. Trump is a better talker than walker.
He's the most productive president in recent history. Congress, OTOH, is more concerned with inventing fake news stories and looking for reasons to impeach him than they are with doing their jobs (like confirming cabinet appointees).

I agree that he is the most productive POTUS in recent memory if you mean by "recent memory" the last four weeks. Otherwise, historically this is an opinion which indicates you really like President Trump and believe in him wholeheartedly. I myself am more from Missouri on pretty much every issue. He said he'd build a wall on Day One and Mexico would pay for it. Not yet (although I never believed that promise anyway). He ham handed the Muslim ban bigly. That might hurt extreme vetting (which I TOTALLY support) in the long run, even when he comes out with a lawful order. He has continued supporting deportations through ICE, I give him credit for that.
I understand. You don't like Trump and you have no interest in the facts.
I agree that he is the most productive POTUS in recent memory if you mean by "recent memory" the last four weeks.
Well of course, he's only been President for 4 weeks. I'm addressing the OP, who is trying to make the case that Trump has done nothing. Surely you know this, right?
I am saying it is time for Trump to do more and talk less no matter what he has done.
I agree that he is the most productive POTUS in recent memory if you mean by "recent memory" the last four weeks.
Well of course, he's only been President for 4 weeks. I'm addressing the OP, who is trying to make the case that Trump has done nothing. Surely you know this, right?
I am saying it is time for Trump to do more and talk less no matter what he has done.
And what, exactly, do you think he should do that he isn't doing?

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