Israel Approves 1200 New Settlement Homes

Although I am a staunch supporter of Israel, I have to question the decision announcing the building of these homes 3 days before peace talks are to begin. They have to know it is a provocative move.

Israel approves nearly 1,200 new settlement homes

It is however the right move to make if the Israelis have the hidden agenda of having the peace talks fail. Pardon me for being jaded but i can see it now, the Palestinian people and Hamas reject this as being unacceptable and walk away from the table. After this the Israelis tell their supporters and the skeptics that see they tried but they do not have a reliable paltner in Fatah and it is not their fault that the talks failed. Implying that it is the fault of the PLO. It is a win win situation for Israel. Hopefully the world will see through this sham this time.
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Israel does not want a peace plan to work.

Because they receive around 3 billion dollars per year in U.S. aid for protection and defense.

And a viable peace plan that succeeds would put this money in jeopardy. .. :cool:
I think provocative is avery generous way of putting it.

It's like walking into a negotiation with a middle finger extended to the party across the table.

I'm really tired of both sides pretending to be interested in a peaceful settlement while their own people are literally dying for one every day.
Although I am a staunch supporter of Israel, I have to question the decision announcing the building of these homes 3 days before peace talks are to begin. They have to know it is a provocative move.

Israel approves nearly 1,200 new settlement homes

It is however the right move to make if the Israelis have the hidden agenda of having the peace talks fail. Pardon me for being jaded but i can see it now, the Palestinian people and Hamas reject this as being unacceptable and walk away from the table. After this the Israelis tell their supporters and the skeptics that see they tried but they do not have a reliable paltner in Fatah and it is not their fault that the talks failed. Implying that it is the fault of the PLO. It is a win win situation for Israel. Hopefully the world will see through this sham this time.

Are the Palestinians interested in peace?

If they are, why do they launch rockets in time of peace talks? and why do they help salafis to try and attack civilian airports in Israel?
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.

The Negev cries for help, i believe our government should invest in us more than in the settlements right now.
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.

For the nine months that the negotiations are to take place, the Israelis can build in the Negev instead. Otherwise, the negotiations are not in good faith.
Although I am a staunch supporter of Israel, I have to question the decision announcing the building of these homes 3 days before peace talks are to begin. They have to know it is a provocative move.

Israel approves nearly 1,200 new settlement homes

From your link:

"The announcement by Israeli Housing Minister Uri Ariel came just hours before Israel was to announce the names of 26 veteran Palestinian prisoners to be freed later this week.

"In all, Israel has promised to free 104 such prisoners in four stages over the course of nine months of negotiations.

"The release of the prisoners is part of a U.S.-brokered deal that brought the two sides back to the table after a five-year freeze. Sunday's new settlement announcement and the expected decision on choosing the prisoners slated for release highlighted the apparent tradeoff: Israel releases some prisoners, but gets to keep building in settlements during the negotiations."

Israel approves nearly 1,200 new settlement homes

After decades of blood shedding on both sides, it's hard to see a two-state solution that wouldn't require UNSC peacekeepers in the Jordan Valley for at least a generation.
Face it.
Israel releases a few prisoners but makes sure talks will fail by doing the very thing that made the last lot go down the toilet.

It's doomed to fail and will until the idiots on both sides see sense and stop being bloody idiots.
Yes, the idiots on both sides.
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

Religious Zionism believes that the Jewish view of the complete land of Israel helps bringing the redemption of the Jews, and therefor, the world.

As a Muslim, you are not in a good place to ridicule others' views of redemption. Your friends believe they can sleep with 72 virgins in paradise.

Each and his own belief.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.

For the nine months that the negotiations are to take place, the Israelis can build in the Negev instead. Otherwise, the negotiations are not in good faith.

If people would have taken the south as a project, things would have looked much different here, and we wouldn't have gone through 10 years of rocket fire.

This place is amazing, the people are amazing, the government is sadly neglecting.

I love the settlers, and I love the settlements. But I don't love them more than my district.
Face it.
Israel releases a few prisoners but makes sure talks will fail by doing the very thing that made the last lot go down the toilet.

It's doomed to fail and will until the idiots on both sides see sense and stop being bloody idiots.
Yes, the idiots on both sides.

That actually makes sense, you know.
The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.

For the nine months that the negotiations are to take place, the Israelis can build in the Negev instead. Otherwise, the negotiations are not in good faith.

If people would have taken the south as a project, things would have looked much different here, and we wouldn't have gone through 10 years of rocket fire.

This place is amazing, the people are amazing, the government is sadly neglecting.

I love the settlers, and I love the settlements. But I don't love them more than my district.

How many of the 500,000 illegal settlers living in the Occupied Territories would fit into your district?
For the nine months that the negotiations are to take place, the Israelis can build in the Negev instead. Otherwise, the negotiations are not in good faith.

If people would have taken the south as a project, things would have looked much different here, and we wouldn't have gone through 10 years of rocket fire.

This place is amazing, the people are amazing, the government is sadly neglecting.

I love the settlers, and I love the settlements. But I don't love them more than my district.

How many of the 500,000 illegal settlers living in the Occupied Territories would fit into your district?

I believe all of them will. On the way between Eilat and Be'er Sheva there is an open desert just waiting to be settled.
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.

Exactly. I'm not saying they shouldn't build. I'm just saying the timing to announce this wasn't the wisest thing to do.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.

Exactly. I'm not saying they shouldn't build. I'm just saying the timing to announce this wasn't the wisest thing to do.

The tenders to the building companies have to be sent out, then approved. That takes months, as things don't move fast. By the time the tenders have been received there will be a better idea on the outcome of the peace talks. If the talks succeed and Israel keeps the land then the building starts. If the talks fail, then no building will have taken place.

If the talks are continuing while the building is being carried out, and the Israelis win, then fine - there are more housing to ease the shortage. If the talks fail, then the Palestinians will have lots of lovely new houses. Win-win, wouldn't you say?
The struggle initiated by the Jewish House party is fair game, but personally, it would have been much more appreciated if they would have spent their time more on the Negev developing inside the green line, built more houses here, instead of trying to repair the world outside the green line.
So in the warped zionist mindset......illegal settlements are somehow 'repairing the world" and making it better?? :cuckoo:

The settlements are not illegal. As I continue to say, there is nothing to say that the Israelis cannot build in the WB. The only people who say the lie that it is illegal are those who think by giving up the WB peace will come to the region. So like speaking to a naughty child they say to the Israelis "you cannot build because it will be part of a Palestinian State there."

The Israelis should build, and of course it provides work for the Arabs who depend on the continuing construction industry for work, or they would be unemployed.

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A half-million "Jews" many recent migrants from Europe have been transferred into the Occupied Territories since 1967. Should BDS make the Israeli economy scream loudly enough, many of those illegal settlers will be looking for shelter within the Green Line.

Then what?

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