Israel Approves 1200 New Settlement Homes

NO, Tinny: the Jews ordered out of their homes in EJ at gunpoint were not 'paid to move'.

It was the exact situation you cited as forbidden by the GC.

While you are unable to recognize that, Tinny - you give me no reason to trust your perception on any other situation you claim is similar.

I thought we were talking about settlers.

Those Jews who were forced to move have every right to return to their former homes.

Betcha didn't know there are more settlement building announcements to be made. Maybe those displaced Jews can get a good deal on one of those homes. :lol:
As they say: "build it and they will come"
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

Soon Jews will control all the land between the River and the sea.
Jew law, civil and military, will control the lives of all Semites living there.
Yet all Jews and a minority of Arabs will have votes in Israeli elections.
Self-determination or Apartheid
What would Golda do?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

Soon Jews will control all the land between the River and the sea.
Jew law, civil and military, will control the lives of all Semites living there.
Yet all Jews and a minority of Arabs will have votes in Israeli elections.
Self-determination or Apartheid
What would Golda do?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah
If you scrape up enough money, Georgie Boy, perhaps you will be allowed to buy into that brand new Arab community in the West Bank which has the name of Rawabi. It certainly looks like it will be a hit with the Arabs, and no doubt you will enjoy living alongside them too in a brand new place with lots of amenities that new communities offer. I am sure you will be able to overlook the times when they think of you as an Abd because by moving there, it will remove you from what you probably call JEWangeles, a city you probably hate because of the Jews living there.
Isn't that special. Obviously you are truly a pacifist at heart.

While you're truly in denial?

"The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies."

Fourth Geneva Convention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's hilarious, a 'communist' babbling about 'denial' ..........

Nobody's been 'deported' or 'transferred' by government order.

But it's nice of you to cite the section of the GC which covers the ethnic cleansing of East Jerusalem by the Jordanians - a crime against humanity from 1949 which has yet to be prosecuted.

Do you still think it's 'owed' the Palestinians for their 'capital' now that you know E J was a Jewish community before the Jordanian Army engaged in ethnic cleansing?
Who said anything about "government order", Hasbara.
Since 1967 the government of Israel has filled the territories it occupies with "civilian Jews" from all parts of the planet. Fourth Geneva makes such actions illegal regardless of whether the heroic Jews from bum-fuck Bulgaria migrated to Jerusalem under "government order" or not. In fact, most of the migrants came for West Bank Welfare largely paid for by US taxpayers, which is one more crime against humanity for Jew-Firsters to apologize for.
Since 1967 the government of Israel has filled the territories it occupies with "civilian Jews" from all parts of the planet. Fourth Geneva makes such actions illegal regardless of whether the heroic Jews from bum-fuck Bulgaria migrated to Jerusalem under "government order" or not. In fact, most of the migrants came for West Bank Welfare largely paid for by US taxpayers, which is one more crime against humanity for Jew-Firsters to apologize for.

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