Israel Approves 1200 New Settlement Homes

Caroline -

I don't believe any honest commentator believes Israel has a right to build on the West Bank.

Even you cannot think of a single precedent for doing so.

What you are suggesting is that Israel act out of rampant greed, that it scorns public opinion and flick a finger to the US and global community, much as South Africa did in the 1980s. And we know how well that turned out.

While you may hold on to the 'justice extends from the barrel of a gun' mentality, I suspect you also realise that to do so endangers Israel far more than terrorism does.

Obviously you haven't studied the situation. Israel was offered that land, for a Jewish State in 1922. Israel's rights to that section of land is protected. Countries have an OBLIGATION by law to encourage settlement. The fact you don't like that idea is neither here nor there. Israel is a tiny area compared to the rest of the arab world. I really don't think I can say any more than I have done on this subject.
Caroline -

And I think fairly obviously that "offer" was superceded by the UN partition plan of 1948, which was in turn superceded by the 1967 Green Line.

The Palestinians could as well turn to the Churchill White Paper of 1922, which stated:

"The tension which has prevailed from time to time in Palestine is mainly due to apprehensions, which are entertained both by sections of the Arab and by sections of the Jewish population. These apprehensions, so far as the Arabs are concerned are partly based upon exaggerated interpretations of the meaning of the [Balfour] Declaration favouring the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, made on behalf of His Majesty's Government on 2 November 1917."

btw, I studied Middle Eastern history in Israel. In Hadera.
Caroline -

And I think fairly obviously that "offer" was superceded by the UN partition plan of 1948, which was in turn superceded by the 1967 Green Line.

The Palestinians could as well turn to the Churchill White Paper of 1922, which stated:

"The tension which has prevailed from time to time in Palestine is mainly due to apprehensions, which are entertained both by sections of the Arab and by sections of the Jewish population. These apprehensions, so far as the Arabs are concerned are partly based upon exaggerated interpretations of the meaning of the [Balfour] Declaration favouring the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, made on behalf of His Majesty's Government on 2 November 1917."

btw, I studied Middle Eastern history in Israel. In Hadera.

Which was ILLEGAL. Anything after the Mandate which contradicts it is illegal in Law.

Caroline -

Congratulations, you have just made the borders of South Korea, Taiwan, Armenia and Latvia illegal.

Borders are not decided only by conferences or wars, but by cease-fire lines and by the actuality on the ground.

The border between North and South Korea may be illegal, but it appears on every map in every atlas in the world. Everyone knows there it is, and if the lines are every re-drawn, that line is where both sides start their negotiation - not from some line that divided the two in 1920.

Likewise, the 1967 Green Line exists. It may not be accepted by either party as a final border line, but it is the starting point for any serious negotiation. Particularly the line which marks the western extent of the West Bank is the only logical starting point for any discussion about where the final border should run. Slamming it as being illegal because of some little-known letter from the 1920s is simply silly.
Caroline -

Congratulations, you have just made the borders of South Korea, Taiwan, Armenia and Latvia illegal.

Borders are not decided only by conferences or wars, but by cease-fire lines and by the actuality on the ground.

The border between North and South Korea may be illegal, but it appears on every map in every atlas in the world. Everyone knows there it is, and if the lines are every re-drawn, that line is where both sides start their negotiation - not from some line that divided the two in 1920.

Likewise, the 1967 Green Line exists. It may not be accepted by either party as a final border line, but it is the starting point for any serious negotiation. Particularly the line which marks the western extent of the West Bank is the only logical starting point for any discussion about where the final border should run. Slamming it as being illegal because of some little-known letter from the 1920s is simply silly.

Little known letter??? :cuckoo: :eek:

Look, you obviously have trouble understanding Law. Please, watch this, it is so simple to understand I am sure even you will grasp it. This will be the seventh time I have posted it on various threads on here. You should pause, rewind etc where there is something that disagrees with your view. I will leave you to view while I go for a break.

Hopefully you will have learnt something after watching this.

[ame=]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]
Caroline -

This worries anyone who both understands the situation and cares about Israel's long term security.

btw. I am still waiting for you to provide an example of a country building on acquired territory (in which it has not history of residence) that you consider a good precedent for Israel.

As I keep saying the land belongs to Israel. Watch the videos above.

There is nothing to stop Israel building in the West Bank. No UN Resolutions to say that Israel should not build there are valid.

You want to argue the case with someone clueless - go ahead. I will stick to my views which are the correct ones.

The amount of times I have showed Israel's absolute and total legal right to build in the WB and the amount of times people dispute it because they follow others like sheep is incredible.

If you are referring to the Howard Grief interview, I did watch it. I had seen it before. He takes some giant leaps to draw the conclusions that he has.
Caroline -

Would you mind telling us what it is about that video that you find convincing?

The San Remo conference really can not be seen to have any binding IN REALITY from the time Israel declared independence - because from that time on Israel existed as an entity, and not as a proposal. Ok, so General Assembly Resolutions are not binding - I would agree with that - but the fact that Israel sprang into being in 1948 did actually happen. Just as the war in 1967 happened, not by UN decree, but in actual reality.

Hence, negotiation about Israel's borders - as with Korea's - begins at the cease fire line because they have served as de facto international borders, and are recognised by Israel as doing so. Given you live in Israel (you do live in Israel, right?), you have obviously seen these borders yourself. How are they NOT borders?!

You should pause, rewind etc where there is something that disagrees with your view.

As opposed to do what you do - ignore whatever is said, and keep parroting the same line again and again?
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Caroline -

Would you mind telling us what it is about that video that you find convincing?

Because it looks like fairly desperate stuff to me. Ok, so General Assembly Resolutions are not binding - I would agree with that - but the fact that Israel sprang into being in 1948 did actually happen. Just as the war in 1967 happened, not by UN decree, but in actual reality.

Hence, negotiation about Israel's borders - as with Korea's - begins at the cease fire line because they have served as de facto international borders, and are recognised by Israel as doing so. Given you live in Israel (you do live in Israel, right?), you have obviously seen these borders yourself. How are they NOT borders?!

You should pause, rewind etc where there is something that disagrees with your view.

As opposed to do what you do - ignore whatever is said, and keep parroting the same line again and again?

Wow, so you still believe the Mandate is invalidated.
Then I am sorry - I have nothing more to say to you on the matter.
Carry on your argument with someone who agrees with you.

In the meantime perhaps you can get a hold of this book which should not really be beyond your comprehension, given that you have studied the history of the region.

[ame=] Customer Reviews: The Legal Foundation And Borders Of Israel Under International Law: A Treatise on Jewish Sovereignty over the Land of Israel[/ame]
Caroline -

We could probably say that 99% of the people in the world - including most of Israel - also agrees that the mandate ended when Israel declared independence.

By all means jam your fingers in your eara in you wish, but in doing so you simply opt out of the debate.
Caroline -

We could probably say that 99% of the people in the world - including most of Israel - also agrees that the mandate ended when Israel declared independence.

By all means jam your fingers in your eara in you wish, but in doing so you simply opt out of the debate.

The Mandate did not end. The Jews' rights to the land are protected. You know that full well. I don't mind opting out, because I know my view is right and there is no debate to be had. You can't argue against Law, much as you want to. The fact that you are trying to shows that your viewpoint is incorrect.
Caroline -

We could probably say that 99% of the people in the world - including most of Israel - also agrees that the mandate ended when Israel declared independence.

By all means jam your fingers in your eara in you wish, but in doing so you simply opt out of the debate.

The Mandate did not end. The Jews' rights to the land are protected. You know that full well. I don't mind opting out, because I know my view is right and there is no debate to be had. You can't argue against Law, much as you want to. The fact that you are trying to shows that your viewpoint is incorrect.

Where, exactly, does anything give the Jews the exclusive rights to Palestine?
Caroline -

We could probably say that 99% of the people in the world - including most of Israel - also agrees that the mandate ended when Israel declared independence.

By all means jam your fingers in your eara in you wish, but in doing so you simply opt out of the debate.

The Mandate did not end. The Jews' rights to the land are protected. You know that full well. I don't mind opting out, because I know my view is right and there is no debate to be had. You can't argue against Law, much as you want to. The fact that you are trying to shows that your viewpoint is incorrect.

Where, exactly, does anything give the Jews the exclusive rights to Palestine?

Read the last few posts
The Mandate did not end. The Jews' rights to the land are protected. You know that full well. I don't mind opting out, because I know my view is right and there is no debate to be had. You can't argue against Law, much as you want to. The fact that you are trying to shows that your viewpoint is incorrect.

Where, exactly, does anything give the Jews the exclusive rights to Palestine?

Read the last few posts

I did. That is why I asked.
Where, exactly, does anything give the Jews the exclusive rights to Palestine?

Read the last few posts

I did. That is why I asked.

Then you obviously haven't grasped the facts, so go over them again. I cannot do any more to help you Tinmore. You really need to comprehend the facts of the situation which will avoid you asking the same questions on different threads on the forums here.
"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine..."

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Israel's settler policies in the Occupied Territories clearly "prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine" exactly as the Founding Fathers of Zionism intended; it has always been about the colonization of Palestine and not about the national liberation of ALL Palestinians.
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And Israel has been attacked several times since then. Forgive me but I think Israel is quite within its rights to defend itself, rather than roll over and accept death at the hands of the arab armies, and daily attacks.
Caroline -

We could probably say that 99% of the people in the world - including most of Israel - also agrees that the mandate ended when Israel declared independence.

By all means jam your fingers in your eara in you wish, but in doing so you simply opt out of the debate.

The Mandate did not end. The Jews' rights to the land are protected. You know that full well. I don't mind opting out, because I know my view is right and there is no debate to be had. You can't argue against Law, much as you want to. The fact that you are trying to shows that your viewpoint is incorrect.

Firstly, yes you CAN argue against law, which is why we have courts.

Secondly, the mandate DID end.

Thirdly, if you are right - why does no one agree with you?

Lastly, where in Israel do you live?
And Israel has been attacked several times since then. Forgive me but I think Israel is quite within its rights to defend itself, rather than roll over and accept death at the hands of the arab armies, and daily attacks.

So you are saying the Balfour Decleration no longer applies, because realities on the ground have changed?

Are you sure you have thought this through?
How much simpler can I put it. The Mandate from 1922 is still valid. Israel has total rights to all the land.

People certainly need a lot of patience when chatting to the likes of some on here. :lol:

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