Israel attacked Syria

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What the hell is Obama doing giving $375 million to Hamas and Al Queda in Syria? I wold trust Israel's judgment before I would trust Obama's.

Israel counts on you right wing morons for saying things like that.:eusa_whistle:

מיר אידן לאַכן אין שטום קריסטלעך פּאַפּאַץ :laugh2:

What the hell is Obama doing giving $375 million to Hamas and Al Queda in Syria? I wold trust Israel's judgment before I would trust Obama's.

Israel counts on you right wing morons for saying things like that.:eusa_whistle:

מיר אידן לאַכן אין שטום קריסטלעך פּאַפּאַץ :laugh2:

Hey, and Liberals like you are a Palestinian's best friend. Quiet you.
So the news now says, 9:30 AM, that the U.S. may also bomb Syria along with Israel. See Google News. What is going on, anyone have an idea?

I'm not very interested in U.S. liberal/conservative bashing crap, but I am interested in whether we are going to war again....... and why.

Seems like an important topic, maybe even more important than who is worse, liberals or conservatives.

Note that yesterday we threatened Iran with very big bunker buster bombs, interesting timing.
Granny says tell Israel to hit `em again...
Israel airstrikes loom over US diplomacy on Syria
May 6,`13 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Israel's willingness to hit Syrian targets it sees as threats to its own existence has complicated the Obama administration's internal debate over arming President Bashar Assad's foes and may change the way U.S. approaches allies as it tries to boost the rebels, including with possible military aid.
As Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Russia on Monday for talks with the Assad regime's most powerful ally, the administration remained tight-lipped on both Israel's weekend air strikes and their implications for Washington decision-making. Israeli warplanes targeted caches of Iranian missiles that were bound for Hezbollah, the Lebanon-based terror group that has threatened Israel. The weapons would have allowed Hezbollah to strike Tel Aviv and as far as southern Israel from inside Lebanese territory.

Still, Israel's actions put Damascus and Moscow on notice that the U.S. and its allies may not wait for an international green light to become more actively engaged. The administration said last week it was rethinking its opposition to arming the rebels or taking other aggressive steps to turn the tide of the two-year-old civil war toward the rebels. At the same time, Israeli involvement in the war carries risks. Instead of prodding Russia into calling for Assad's ouster, it could bring greater Arab sympathy for Assad and prompt deeper involvement from Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, actors committed as much to preserving Assad as to fighting the Jewish state.

Although Israel hasn't officially acknowledged it carried out the airstrikes, Syrian officials on Monday were blaming Israel, calling it a "declaration of war" that would cause the Jewish state to "suffer." Russia, alongside China, has blocked U.S.-led efforts three times at the United Nations to pressure Assad into stepping down. Officials said Kerry hopes to change Moscow's thinking with two new arguments: American threats to arm the Syrian rebels and evidence of chemical weapon attacks by the Assad regime.

Kerry, U.S. officials said Monday, hopes that may be enough to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin to support, or at least not veto, a fresh effort to impose UN sanctions on Syria if Assad doesn't begin transition talks with the opposition. The officials demanded anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly about the confidential diplomacy. "We have consistently, in our conversations with the Russians and others, pointed clearly to Assad's behavior as proof that further support for the regime is not in the interest of the Syrian people or in the interest of the countries that have in the past supported Assad," White House spokesman Jay Carney said. "We have been clear in the past about our disappointment with Russia over their opposition to resolutions at the Security Council with regards to this matter. But this is an ongoing conversation," he said.


See also:

Israeli airstrike in Syria aimed at Iran
May 6,`13 -- From Israel's perspective, its airstrikes near Damascus were more about Iran than Syria: Tehran's shipment of guided missiles destroyed in the weekend attacks would have posed a potent threat had the weapons reached Iranian proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon.
While Israel says it has no interest getting involved in the Syrian civil war, it could find itself drawn into the conflict if Syrian leader Bashar Assad's Iranian patrons continue to use his territory to ship arms to Hezbollah. Repeated Israeli strikes would almost certainly prompt Syrian retaliation, yielding a nightmare scenario in which Israel finds itself in a Syrian morass teeming with jihadi rebels, sectarian hatred and chemical weapons. For the West, it offers another compelling argument that the Syrian war must somehow be brought to an end. Since the uprising in Syria began in March 2011, Israel has carefully avoided taking sides. At the same time, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly declared a series of red lines that could trigger Israeli military intervention, including the delivery of "game-changing" weapons to Hezbollah.

The first test of this policy came in January when an Israeli airstrike in Syria destroyed a shipment of advanced anti-aircraft missiles bound for Hezbollah, according to U.S. officials. Israel and Hezbollah fought an inconclusive monthlong war in 2006 and are bitter enemies. When Israeli intelligence determined last week that sophisticated Iranian-made Fateh-110 missiles had entered Syria, the military prepared to strike again. Although Israel has not officially confirmed the operation, a senior official said a first airstrike at a Damascus airport early Friday destroyed most of the shipment, while a series of subsequent airstrikes on nearby locations Sunday took out the remnants of the missiles. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss a covert military mission.

Residents in Damascus said they felt and heard several huge blasts before dawn Sunday. Radwan Midani, a 25-year-old office assistant, said he "saw the sky light up." Midani and others in the Syrian capital said they were more concerned about random mortar attacks by the rebels on their areas than Israeli strikes. The rebels' weapons are less accurate than Israeli missiles, said Fadi, a 29-year-old businessman who would not give his last name for fear of repercussions for talking to the foreign media. While also less concerned about the Israeli strikes, "it's very disgusting to have the Israeli mess around with our country's sovereignty," he said in a phone interview.

Assad's regime has tried to portray the rebels as traitors engaged in a foreign-led conspiracy. Syrian officials stepped up those claims after Sunday's strikes, alleging the opposition is cooperating with Israel. The Israeli attacks pose a problem for those trying to topple Assad because ordinary Syrians might be convinced that there is something to the regime claims, said Elizabeth O'Bagy of the Institute for the Study of War, a Washington think tank. "The idea of the conspiracy of Israel working with the opposition becomes that more real," she said. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an anti-regime group, said at least 42 Syrian soldiers were killed in Sunday's strike, citing information from military hospitals.

Israel isn't attacking the nation of Syria, but has been forced to defend itself against the potential use of deadly missiles and weapons supply by Iran and bound for the terrorist group Hezbollah, by pinpoint and accurate attacks against the areas containing this weaponry.

Iran and Hezbollah are the enemy

Israel does not wish to get involved in the Syrian religious and political war.
Many in the nation of Syria are thankful for those attack. They're basically trying and urge Israel to attack again.

however if another attack occurs it will be accrding to our needs, not theirs. the IDF will keep protecting the people of Israel at all costs.
What the hell is Obama doing giving $375 million to Hamas and Al Queda in Syria?
Oh God, you and I are in agreement there!

I think I'm going to be sick!

I wold trust Israel's judgment before I would trust Obama's.
You might wanna re-think that, because their goal wasn't about Hezbollah and the missles, it was to drag us into this conflict.
Israel isn't attacking the nation of Syria, but has been forced to defend itself against the potential use of deadly missiles and weapons supply by Iran and bound for the terrorist group Hezbollah, by pinpoint and accurate attacks against the areas containing this weaponry.

Iran and Hezbollah are the enemy

Israel does not wish to get involved in the Syrian religious and political war.
You're so fuckin' nuts!

You don't defend yourself against people who haven't attacked you!
Many in the nation of Syria are thankful for those attack. They're basically trying and urge Israel to attack again.

however if another attack occurs it will be accrding to our needs, not theirs. the IDF will keep protecting the people of Israel at all costs.
Yeah, right. And victims of spousel abuse are thankful their husbands care so much about their lives.
The op is a retard.
A shipment of weapons, heading to Hezbollah were bombed in Syria.

Nothing to do with supporting MB or al Quaida.

Everything to do with Israel defending itself.

Retarded libersls( that being all liberals) rage about Israel constantly.
You would only be happy if Israel started a policy of self genocide.
Then you would rant about that too.

Liberals don't want Israel to defend itself. If libs told the truth, they want all Jews dead just as much as muslims and nazis ever did.

What the hell is Obama doing giving $375 million to Hamas and Al Queda in Syria? I wold trust Israel's judgment before I would trust Obama's.

Israel counts on you right wing morons for saying things like that.:eusa_whistle:

מיר אידן לאַכן אין שטום קריסטלעך פּאַפּאַץ :laugh2:

Umm...Terrorist with chemical weapons and missles is not a good thing idiot. Hezbollah and The Syrian government are proxies of Iran
Israel isn't attacking the nation of Syria, but has been forced to defend itself against the potential use of deadly missiles and weapons supply by Iran and bound for the terrorist group Hezbollah, by pinpoint and accurate attacks against the areas containing this weaponry.

Iran and Hezbollah are the enemy

Israel does not wish to get involved in the Syrian religious and political war.
You're so fuckin' nuts!

You don't defend yourself against people who haven't attacked you!

Hezbollah has attacked Israel.

Israel has to prevent shipments of missiles to Lebanon before they fall into Hezbollah's hands.

Their action saved Jewish lives.
The op is a retard.
A shipment of weapons, heading to Hezbollah were bombed in Syria.

Nothing to do with supporting MB or al Quaida.

Everything to do with Israel defending itself.

Retarded libersls( that being all liberals) rage about Israel constantly.
You would only be happy if Israel started a policy of self genocide.
Then you would rant about that too.

Liberals don't want Israel to defend itself. If libs told the truth, they want all Jews dead just as much as muslims and nazis ever did.

This is an idiotic statement.

Most Jews are liberal.

Are you saying Jews want Jews dead as much as muslims and nazis?

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