California Reparations bill dies before even being heard

What are the checks for? I'm guessing the same types of checks that those poor black, single mothers get in urban areas. It's depressing. or maybe the free lodging, food, clothing and other items that hundreds of thousands of illegals are getting.
People living close to squalor, very few jobs, high unemployment, drug and alcohol addiction rampant.
Just another day of living in just and righteous red (white) America.
But hey, let's complain about those black people. :)
Farm subsidies for one very large instance. Especially rural areas.
You mean like direct payments, crop insurance, disaster assistance, conservation programs, short-term loans to finance crops, speciality crop programs to encourage growth of certain crops, etc.? Gosh, such a terrible thing for farmers who work, and work hard.
What are these few white people getting free checks for all their lives?
Phony disabilities for starters. A person can get disability payments because they would rather drink and do drugs than go to work. In my decades of heavy industry work, I`ve known several of them and absolutely they are considered to be disabled. We agree that it`s bullshit.
Phony disabilities for starters. A person can get disability payments because they would rather drink and do drugs than go to work. In my decades of heavy industry work, I`ve known several of them and absolutely they are considered to be disabled. We agree that it`s bullshit.
The same "phony" disabilities that black people do? or how about hispanics? or any other race?
Community activists excite the blacks into demanding reparations, knowing it will never happen. The activists do this not to get actual reparations. They want to be on the committee to study reparations. They will be highly paid. That's the goal. They did it before.

Community activists excite the blacks into demanding reparations, knowing it will never happen. The activists do this not to get actual reparations. They want to be on the committee to study reparations. They will be highly paid. That's the goal. They did it before.

They scream it loudly right before elections and their Idiot followers believe them.
People living close to squalor, very few jobs, high unemployment, drug and alcohol addiction rampant.
Just another day of living in just and righteous red (white) America.
But hey, let's complain about those black people. :)

Its a Shithole created by Dems
"People" like you should be forced to eat Chi-Com imported bugs.
YOu forget I live in Kansas. My folks live in the reddest county in Kansas. Sumner county.

It's also the county that receives the most federal money in Kansas if you take out military stuff like the air force base.

And very one of them folks has a new caddy and an unsctratched 1 ton 4x4 crew cab dually. Mostly bought with taxpayer money.
You mean like direct payments, crop insurance, disaster assistance, conservation programs, short-term loans to finance crops, speciality crop programs to encourage growth of certain crops, etc.? Gosh, such a terrible thing for farmers who work, and work hard.
They pay my folks thousands of dollars a year to not plant anything.

LOL....When you do something that's so retarded that even CA liberals don't like it, you've completely failed in life.

Take heart though, CA has decided to give 100 billion to illegals instead......I wonder if the blacks there are getting that replaced feeling yet?

Sigh, I guess I'll toss my business plan for a chain of rims-n-wheels rental shops in the garbage.

It's better than giving that money to brain-dead, white supremists.
What are these few white people getting free checks for all their lives?
More than a few, actually.

SSI Disability, usually. A lot of fraud..a lot of exaggeration. Some really tragic stories as well-especially in Appalachia. Big coal has a lot to answer for..but Uncle ends up paying the bills.
For most though, disability is a well known hustles practiced by more than a few---Beats having to move to the city to get a job though, so there's that~

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