Israel attacks civilians

WEST BANK, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Friday afternoon the peaceful marches against the segregation wall and settlement in the West Bank villages of Masarah and Nabi Saleh.

The Israeli troops intercepted Palestinian villagers of Masarah and foreign activists as they were trying to reach the Palestinian land near the apartheid wall, and physically assaulted them.

The protestors, afterwards, responded by throwing stones at the Israeli troops who attempted to advance into the village.

IOF persist in suppressing W. Bank peaceful marches
WEST BANK, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Friday afternoon the peaceful marches against the segregation wall and settlement in the West Bank villages of Masarah and Nabi Saleh.

The Israeli troops intercepted Palestinian villagers of Masarah and foreign activists as they were trying to reach the Palestinian land near the apartheid wall, and physically assaulted them.

The protestors, afterwards, responded by throwing stones at the Israeli troops who attempted to advance into the village.

IOF persist in suppressing W. Bank peaceful marches
Why do 'peaceful' marchers always wind up hurling rocks. Did they never hear of MLK,Jr?
WEST BANK, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Friday afternoon the peaceful marches against the segregation wall and settlement in the West Bank villages of Masarah and Nabi Saleh.

The Israeli troops intercepted Palestinian villagers of Masarah and foreign activists as they were trying to reach the Palestinian land near the apartheid wall, and physically assaulted them.

The protestors, afterwards, responded by throwing stones at the Israeli troops who attempted to advance into the village.

IOF persist in suppressing W. Bank peaceful marches
Why do 'peaceful' marchers always wind up hurling rocks. Did they never hear of MLK,Jr?

It is simple. When the Palestinians have a peaceful march, Israel sends in its goontards to start a fight.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed Palestinian cultivated land lots near Dura town in Al-Khalil province on Sunday morning, security sources said.

The sources told the PIC reporter that the IOF bulldozers damaged land in Kharsa village owned by two families.

Meanwhile, Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian homes in Salaima suburb in the Old City of Al-Khalil.

IOF soldiers bulldoze Palestinian cultivated land
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed Palestinian cultivated land lots near Dura town in Al-Khalil province on Sunday morning, security sources said.

The sources told the PIC reporter that the IOF bulldozers damaged land in Kharsa village owned by two families.

Meanwhile, Jewish settlers attacked Palestinian homes in Salaima suburb in the Old City of Al-Khalil.

IOF soldiers bulldoze Palestinian cultivated land
Doesn't appear to be any dozers in that picture. Just some road crew fixing the road.
WEST BANK, (PIC)-- The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked on Friday afternoon the peaceful marches against the segregation wall and settlement in the West Bank villages of Masarah and Nabi Saleh.

The Israeli troops intercepted Palestinian villagers of Masarah and foreign activists as they were trying to reach the Palestinian land near the apartheid wall, and physically assaulted them.

The protestors, afterwards, responded by throwing stones at the Israeli troops who attempted to advance into the village.

IOF persist in suppressing W. Bank peaceful marches
Why do 'peaceful' marchers always wind up hurling rocks. Did they never hear of MLK,Jr?

It is simple. When the Palestinians have a peaceful march, Israel sends in its goontards to start a fight.


And it has even been uncovered that the Palestinians who we are told are throwing stones and rocks at these demonstrations are often actually Israelis.

So, when we hear a demonstration has become violent because of stone throwing Palestinians, it as likely that the ones throwing stones are Israelis.

Tuesday, June 12 2012|Noam Sheizaf WATCH: IDF officer stones, shoots at Palestinian protesters

The video below was taken by Palestinian photographer Bilal Tamimi in Nabi Saleh on June 1, 2012. I received it from the spokeswoman for the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee, an umbrella organization for various local unarmed resistance initiatives in the West Bank (like the ones in Bil’in, Ni’lin and many other places).

The video was taken during the weekly unarmed protest in the Nabi Saleh. It clearly shows an IDF officer throwing stones and shooting at two Palestinian stone throwers. The delay between the shots and their sound can be explained by the fact that the photographer is standing on an opposite hill. You can see the dust rise next to the Palestinians, from the bullets fired at around 1:20, and again later in slow motion. According to local testimonies, the officer was shooting live ammunition (that’s what the video seems to indicate as well). I will update this post later with an IDF spokesperson response, if and when I get one.

Palestinians in the tiny village of Nabi Saleh have been holding weekly demonstrations since 2009, protesting the seizure of a local spring by settlers from the nearby settlement of Halamish. So far, one protester was killed, and dozens suffered serious injuries by IDF soldiers during the Nabi Saleh demonstrations. Hundreds, including Israelis and internationals who take part in the protest, have been arrested.

The struggle in Nabi Saleh is so important, because it’s one of the only efforts taking place right now to directly confront Israel’s policy of settlements and land confiscation, which had such enormous effects on the Palestinian population in the West Bank’s rural areas. The measures against the people of Nabi Saleh are not limited to the demonstrations: There are night raids, long prison terms, and what seems like arbitrary punishment against the residents, like the one caught on camera.

WATCH: IDF officer stones, shoots at Palestinian protesters

Commander admits: Undercover Israeli officers threw stones at soldiers in Bil’in

Seven years after the incident took place, an officer in the elite ‘Metzada’ unit of the Israel Prison Service admits that his subordinates threw stones at soldiers in Bil’in – as part of their mission

Now, seven years later, the IPS admits that its combatants threw stones at soldiers. As published in Haaretz Monday morning, a commander in the Metzada unit admitted as much in a trial against MK Mohammed Barake (Hadash). Barake, who attended the demonstration, is charged with assault against a Border Police officer at the scene, apparently as an attempt to de-arrest a local activist captured by the undercover agents. During his testimony the commander told the court that his subordinates had thrown stones “in the general direction” of soldiers. He and other unit members also repeated the claim that they saw Barake strangling a policeman.

Commander admits: Undercover Israeli officers threw stones at soldiers in Bil’in

Commander admits: Undercover Israeli officers threw stones at soldiers in Bil’in

Those are police provocateurs they are used by crooked police around the world to provide an excuse to send in the goons to bust heads.
GAZA, (PIC)-- A Palestinian man was wounded to the east of Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza Strip afternoon Sunday as a result of Israeli army shooting.

Spokesman for the higher committee of ambulance and emergency Adham Abu Salmiya said that a man was moderately wounded in the shooting.

Israeli occupation forces have advanced into the area since the early morning hours amidst indiscriminate shooting and bulldozing of land.

Palestinian man wounded in IOF shooting in Gaza
RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli warplanes raided a foundry in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, on Sunday night wounding five citizens and destroying the foundry, local sources said.

Adham Abu Salmiya, the spokesman for ambulance and emergency services, told the PIC that a woman and her son were among the wounded, describing their injuries as moderate.

Israeli air raid wounds five citizens including woman and her child
It would seem so to a Hamas-lovin' fool but the "Palestinians" on the WB are doing much better than their Gaza brethren. In fact, West Bankers consider Gazans to be violent radicals while Gazans consider WBers to be arrogant and pompous.
You only like Hamas because of their strident Israel-must-go stance and their willingness, even eagerness, to employ violence.

I listed some examples where the people in Gaza are better off. What can you say about the people in the West Bank?

You're kidding, right? You can't possibly be as dim as you pretend. You are pretending, right?
Tinmore is reading from his check list.
GAZA, (PIC)-- 39 fishermen have been kidnapped and attacked off the coast of Gaza by the Israeli navy since the beginning of the current year according to the Palestinian prisoner center for studies.

The center said the Palestinian fishermen in Gaza are exposed to systematic arrests and armed attacks and their boat are damaged deliberately as part of the Israeli economic blockade on Gaza people and their government.

The center stressed that the fishing profession is the first source of livelihood for thousands of Gazans.

It pointed that when the Gazan fishermen are kidnapped, they are taken to Ashdod port for interrogation and then they are pressured to work as informers for the Israeli intelligence.

The center appealed to the international community to protect the Palestinian fishermen from Israel's piracy and violations.

Report: 39 fishermen kidnapped by the Israeli navy since the start of this year
RAFAH, (PIC)-- Israeli warplanes raided a foundry in Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, on Sunday night wounding five citizens and destroying the foundry, local sources said.

Adham Abu Salmiya, the spokesman for ambulance and emergency services, told the PIC that a woman and her son were among the wounded, describing their injuries as moderate.

Israeli air raid wounds five citizens including woman and her child

South Israel: Terrorists from Sini shoot and kill an Israeli civilian, injuring others.

Sa'eed Pashpashe from haifa was shot dead in line of duty, leaving wife, four children.

South border clash leaves civilian, terrorists dead - Israel News, Ynetnews
South Israel: Terrorists from Sini shoot and kill an Israeli civilian, injuring others.

Sa'eed Pashpashe from haifa was shot dead in line of duty, leaving wife, four children.

South border clash leaves civilian, terrorists dead - Israel News, Ynetnews
I wouldn't mind so much of you posting a story of your own, if you would've at least spent a little time commenting on the point you were responding to. You say nothing about that, yet you post this. Which leads one to believe, you think air strikes (which kill many Palestinian civilians) are okay, but shooting one Israeli civilian, is not. I personally, condemn both of them. But that's not the point of this post.

The point of this post, is what you said earlier about not believing everything the media says. And the example I'm about to use, I have you to thank for.

When I went to your link about the story you posted, there was another link listed as a related story. When I went to that one, I got this...

So far so good? Nothing surprizing there. Looks like typical stuff for that part of the world. IDF hits terror cells, destroys weapons mill and calls it a day. Then I got a little curious. Do you notice the blue highlighted portion of that attachment? That's what I Googled. And what I found, is that the IDF's story, is a bunch of bullshit!

Now here's what really happened...

On the night of June 3, 2012, Israel conducted a series of air raids hitting several areas in the Gaza Strip. At about 2:00 am, the Israeli Air Force struck:

■an inhabited house in Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip. The house was struck by 4 missiles. Seven people were injured including 4 children;
■an uninhabited area to the west of Nuseirat, in this case the missile has remained unexploded;
■an uninhabited area between a mosque and a house, always in Nuseirat;
■a farm in Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip;
■a farm in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza Strip;
■an uninhabited house in Deir el Balah, in the central Gaza Strip;​

The following night, June 4, 2012, the Israeli Air Force struck again several areas in the Gaza Strip:

■a farm that produces cheese in the Zaitoun, east of Gaza City;
■an uninhabited area in El Kashif mountain, north of Gaza City.​

On June 4, in the morning, I went to visit the house in Nuseirat. The house is completely destroyed. Two missiles have left two deep holes in the ground. Inside the house, two missiles punctured the ceiling of the bedroom, one of which also went through a wall. Debris and glass were scattered everywhere.

Another home nearby was heavily damaged. Part of the ceiling collapsed on a cot where a little girl of 3 months named Deema was sleeping.
How do I know which one is the truth? Whenever someone lies about an event of this magnitude and nature, they don't get very specific about their version of what took place. They use buzzwords (ie, Hamas, Islamic Jihadists, etc) and vague references (ie, terror tunnels), to describe the event. Which basically paints a picture of innuendo's that lead the reader to believe this is what occured.

But just as you were claiming, "you have to be there", in order to really know (which I do agree with), the people who were at the places that were bombed, describe what happened in great detail. It wasn't a "terrorist weapons depot", it was a "milk and cheese" factory.

And it wasn't a "terror tunnel", it was a farm.

BTW, in case you're interested, here's a picture of the "rubble baby",
found under the collapsed ceiling.

So I guess you were right to warn people about the dangers of automatically believing the media, but were you also including yourself (and your countryman) in that boat as well?
It is against international law to settle families above terror sites (like rockets centrals etc).

(Which is what they do. IDF shoot terror sites. It's not our fault that they locate civilians there. It is known that they do it all the time, to make the IDF hesitate before attacking. Which is known as the human shields policy)

I am talking about the same international law you wave to me every 3 posts, Mr Loinboy.

Btw, where was the picture of the baby taken from? i am constantly going through Hamas and Jihad forums (they like showing babies and children. Where are all the adults, I find myself asking) and couldn't find anything resembling that photo
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Yes, it shows that your terrorist buddies should not attack Israeli civilians.

Post quote.

You want me to show you that civilians should not be attacked?
Damn, you have got to be the stupidest person I have ever dealt with.
Try this, you single digit IQ cretin.....

Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949
Here Toddster

International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention
specific link please

B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.

International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

I'm searching for the words "not civilians" and "it's ok to shoot at them".

Can't find it.

That is because "civilian" is not the definitive term. The term used is "protected person." Not all civilians are protected persons. Palestine has no military. All Palestinians are civilians. Are all Palestinians protected persons?

The nationals of an occupying state (in this case Israeli citizens) are not protected persons. It is only terrorism when protected persons are targeted.

I posted the specific link.
B. -- ' In occupied territories; ' protection is accorded to all persons who are not of the nationality of the occupying State.

International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention

I'm searching for the words "not civilians" and "it's ok to shoot at them".

Can't find it.

That is because "civilian" is not the definitive term. The term used is "protected person." Not all civilians are protected persons. Palestine has no military. All Palestinians are civilians. Are all Palestinians protected persons?

The nationals of an occupying state (in this case Israeli citizens) are not protected persons. It is only terrorism when protected persons are targeted.

I posted the specific link.

Israel doesn't occupy Gaza. Launching attacks on civilians with rockets from Gaza is attacking protected persons.

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