Israel attacks civilians

There are settlers in Gaza?

Perhaps they're liars, like you.

Nobody mentioned settlers in Gaza.

Then why are Gazan attacks on Israeli civilians justified by the GC?

Try this....

The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949: Military Legal Resources (Federal Research Division: Customized Research and Analytical Services, Library of Congress)

From your link:

Even when the definition of protected persons is set out in this way, it may seem rather complicated. Nevertheless, disregarding points of detail, it will be seen that there are two main classes of protected person : (1) enemy nationals within the national territory of each of the Parties to the conflict and (2) the whole population of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power). The other distinctions and, exceptions extend or restrict these limits, but not to any appreciable extent.

Thank you.
That's great.
Try showing me that from the original text.
Linked in my post above.
Good luck!
Para-phrasing what was stated, does not change it's meaning. National's of the occupying power are not protected persons, is the same thing as saying Israeli insurgents (my word) are not civilians. And if they are not civilians in an area under occupation, nor are they protected persons, then they are legal targets. Unless, of coarse, they are fleeing fascist Israel and seeking asylum in Palestine.
Then why are Gazan attacks on Israeli civilians justified by the GC?

Try this....
Don't even go there! You fuckers attack hospitals with white phosphorous and routinely target civilian infra-structure, so for you to bring that up, after what you've done, shows just how big of a fucking hypocrite you are.

5. Obligation to take feasible precautions to protect civilian population and objects by Israel in Gaza

39.Israeli forces directly and intentionally attacked the Al Quds Hospital in Gaza City and the adjacent ambulance depot with white phosphorous shells. The attack caused fires which took a whole day to extinguish and caused panic among the sick and wounded who had to be evacuated. The Mission finds that no warning was given at any point of an imminent strike. On the basis of its investigation, the Mission rejects the allegation that fire was directed at Israeli forces from within the hospital.

40. The Mission also examined the intense artillery attacks, again including white phosphorous munitions, on Al Wafa hospital in eastern Gaza City, a facility for patients receiving long-term care and suffering from particularly serious injuries. On the basis of the information gathered, the Mission found a violation of the prohibition of attacks on civilian hospitals in the cases of both hospitals.​
Do you fuckers get some kind of sexual gratification by targeting the sick and infirm? Do you climax after popping a cap in someone carrying a white flag?

7. Deliberate attacks against the civilian population

43. The Mission investigated eleven incidents in which Israeli forces launched direct attacks against civilians with lethal outcome (Chapter XI). The cases examined in this part of the report are, with one exception, all cases in which the facts indicate no justifiable military objective pursued by the attack.

The first two incidents are attacks against houses in the Samouni neighbourhood south of Gaza City, including the shelling of a house in which Palestinian civilians had been forced to assemble by the Israeli forces.

The following group of seven incidents concern the shooting of civilians while they were trying to leave their homes to walk to a safer place, waving white flags and, in some of the cases, following an injunction from the Israeli forces to do so.

The facts gathered by the Mission indicate that all the attacks occurred under circumstances in which the Israeli forces were in control of the area and had previously entered into contact with or at least observed the persons they subsequently attacked, SO that they must have been aware of their civilian status. In the majority of these incidents, the consequences of the Israeli attacks against civilians were aggravated by their subsequent refusal to allow the evacuation of the wounded or to permit access to ambulances.
Ya know, the more research I do into this subject, the more you fuckers come off as inhuman animals that don't deserve a country.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) bulldozed 30 dunums of Palestinian land in Baka area to the east of Al-Khalil on Tuesday.

The PIC reporter said that the land was cultivated with vegetables, adding that the IOF soldiers damaged the irrigation network in the area and confiscated part of it.

He said that the measure was meant to expand the nearby Kharsina settlement at the expense of this land, noting that the IOF had served notices to farmers not to approach the area. He added that the Israeli occupation authority was planning to build 500 new housing units in that settlement.

IOF bulldozes 30 dunums of Palestinian cultivated land
BETHLEHEM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked a group of farmers in Taku village, south east of Bethlehem, on Friday, local sources said.

The Taku municipality chairman Tayseer Abu Mufareh told Quds Press that the farmers were tending to their land when the soldiers converged on them.

He said that one of the farmers, Yasser Jibril, suffered various injuries as a result of the unwarranted attack.

IOF soldiers attack farmers, injure one
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli navy gunboats fired at Palestinian fishing boats off the coast of Sudaniya, to the north west of Gaza city, on Friday.

Palestinian fishermen syndicate sources told the PIC reporter that the gunboats opened heavy machinegun fire at the boats forcing fishermen on board to abandon them. They said that no casualties were suffered.

The Israeli navy arrested four fishermen from one family while fishing off the coasts of Gaza on Wednesday.

Israeli gunboats fire at Palestinian fishing boats
GAZA, (PIC)-- Israeli navy gunboats fired at Palestinian fishing boats off the coast of Sudaniya, to the north west of Gaza city, on Friday.

Palestinian fishermen syndicate sources told the PIC reporter that the gunboats opened heavy machinegun fire at the boats forcing fishermen on board to abandon them. They said that no casualties were suffered.

The Israeli navy arrested four fishermen from one family while fishing off the coasts of Gaza on Wednesday.

Israeli gunboats fire at Palestinian fishing boats
BETHLEHEM, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked a group of farmers in Taku village, south east of Bethlehem, on Friday, local sources said.

The Taku municipality chairman Tayseer Abu Mufareh told Quds Press that the farmers were tending to their land when the soldiers converged on them.

He said that one of the farmers, Yasser Jibril, suffered various injuries as a result of the unwarranted attack.

IOF soldiers attack farmers, injure one
If the Israelis don't shoot at civilians, who are they going to shoot at?

GAZA, (PIC)-- A series of Israeli aerial raids on various areas of the Gaza Strip at dawn Sunday inflicted seven casualties in one building in Nuseirat refugee camp, medical sources said.

Adham Abu Salmiya, the spokesman for emergency and ambulance services, told the PIC that an Israeli F-16 warplane fired a missile into a building in the camp wounding seven people including four children, one of them a five-month-old infant.

Local sources told the PIC reporter that vast destruction was inflicted on a number of nearby buildings in the same area.

Other sources in northern Gaza said that Israeli F-16s fired two missiles at a poultry farm and a cultivated land lot north of Beit Lahia town causing material damage.

The Israeli warplanes fired a missile at a deserted area in between Khan Younis and Rafah in southern Gaza and a wood warehouse to the south of Deir Al-Balah in central Gaza with no casualties reported.

Series of Israeli raids injure seven in Gaza including 5-month-old infant
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) attacked the funeral procession of the remains of a martyr in Beit Uwa village, west of Al-Khalil, on Friday, local sources said.

They said that the attack occurred after the mourners laid to rest the remains of Jihad Suweiti, whose body was delivered to his relatives on Thursday after years of dumping him in the Israeli cemetery of numbers.

IOF soldiers attack funeral of martyr in Al-Khalil
NORTHERN JORDAN VALLEY,(PIC)-- Occupation bulldozers started on Tuesday morning demolishing Palestinian houses in Al-Meeta hamlet in Wadi-Al-Maleh northern Jordan Valley in the eastern West Bank.

Daraghmeh added that the bulldozers and demolition machinery accompanied by Israeli Military forces prevented citizens from addressing them or to get close of the area under the pretext that it is a closed military area, effectively banning Palestinian access to it.

Daraghmeh pointed out that the Israeli military forces have ordered a large number of Palestinian families to leave their homes in Wadi-Al-Maleh a couple of days as the army prepares to carry out military maneuvers in the area. He added that this systematic Israeli aggression aims to evacuate the area from its Palestinian residents and to take control over it.

Occupation destroys Palestinian houses in the northern Jordan Valley
JORDAN VALLEY, (PIC)-- Israeli occupation forces (IOF) forced 20 families in the northern Jordan Valley out of their homes to pave the way for military exercises.

A member of one of the families told the PIC reporter that the IOF soldiers kicked out the families on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

He said that the families were left in the open land without any shelter while the IOF maneuvers were progressing.

He said that 200 individuals were forced out of their homes mostly women and children.

IOF expels families from their homes to launch maneuvers

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