Israel attacks Soros for fueling mass unrest behind curtain


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Israel Attacks Soros For Fueling Mass Unrest Behind Curtain

Israel says globalist billionaire George Soros continuously undermines democratically-elected governments.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs backs Hungary's criticism of Soros

Nothing would be sweeter than to see this SOB go totally under and lose support from Countries around the world.

Hopefully people around the world are picking up on this scum bag. ----------------
Israel Attacks Soros For Fueling Mass Unrest Behind Curtain

Israel says globalist billionaire George Soros continuously undermines democratically-elected governments.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs backs Hungary's criticism of Soros

Nothing would be sweeter than to see this SOB go totally under and lose support from Countries around the world.

Hopefully people around the world are picking up on this scum bag. ----------------

^ This is directly then from Bibi, Bibi is Prime Minister and also Foreign Minister.

For those who might say but but but InfoWars.

Here's the Reuters article.

Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat

Here's the Haaretz article.

On Netanyahu’s orders: Israel's Foreign Ministry retracts criticism of anti-Semitism in Hungary and slams George Soros
Israel Attacks Soros For Fueling Mass Unrest Behind Curtain

Israel says globalist billionaire George Soros continuously undermines democratically-elected governments.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs backs Hungary's criticism of Soros

Nothing would be sweeter than to see this SOB go totally under and lose support from Countries around the world.

Hopefully people around the world are picking up on this scum bag. ----------------

George Soros is a Far Left nut, not too surprising the Far Left nut Zehava Gal-On who is the leader of the Far Left Meretz Party in Israel is attacking Bibi for attacking the Far Left nut George Soros, I don't think Bibi is afraid of that Commie bitch.
Israel Attacks Soros For Fueling Mass Unrest Behind Curtain

Israel says globalist billionaire George Soros continuously undermines democratically-elected governments.

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs backs Hungary's criticism of Soros

Nothing would be sweeter than to see this SOB go totally under and lose support from Countries around the world.

Hopefully people around the world are picking up on this scum bag. ----------------

We'll bookmark this from Bibi, this for the next time someone mentions George Soros and Bode invades the thread gibbering her Mantra of "Soros is CodeWord for anti-Jew"

Lol, so yes Bibi is now obviously anti-Jew :rolleyes-41:
I thought it was anti-Semitism when Hungary did the same thing, so what is it when Israel does it?

Well according to Bode it must be the same thing when Bibi does it.

bodecea Bibi has said that your lovely George Soros who pays you to post or whatever, Bibi has said what NORMAL people say about George Soros and you say that "Soros is CodeWord for anti-Jew", um so Bibi must be anti-Jew?
I thought it was anti-Semitism when Hungary did the same thing, so what is it when Israel does it?

I never thought it was anti-semitism when Hungary did it!

Good on Hungary! Good on Bibi's Israel! :clap:

Only the Leftist Open Borders crowd say that it is on all counts and who funds most of the Open Border's advocacy groups? That's correct George Soros Open Foundation.

They are getting desperate now, this illustrates that they are, now they are attacking Bibi for saying what NORMAL people say about George Soros.

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