Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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The guy is an idiot he'[s a cheerleader for the death to Israel squad.


Speaking Truth about Israel, as that man was so boldly doing, is what people of conscience all over our world are increasingly and in ever larger numbers turning towards doing.

The photo below and article it is included in illustrates the truth of this, the fast growing international movement to free Gaza from Occupation.


He spoke against Israel's killing of civilians in Gaza and attacks on civilians in Gaza and the Blockade of Gaza and war crimes committed in Gaza, he urged noone to kill. There really is a difference between these two things, opposing killing and supporting killing. And it is extremely insulting to all of us who abhor Israel's killing in Gaza to see our words expressing criticism of that killing turned around and falsely called support of other's killings.

I do not support anyone's killings of civilians, and the fact I criticize Israel's child killing in Gaza and other deliberate targeting of civilians in Gaza by Israel does not mean I support the launching of rockets into Israel or any killings of Israelis.

More photos from the killing fields of Gaza, as I read a recap, after Sunday, November 18, the deadliest day yet, reported on 972 Magazine:

"The Al-Dalou family was almost entirely wiped out, with 11 members, including four women and four children, killed when an Israeli missile destroyed their home in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood of Gaza City on Sunday afternoon. Israel clearly targeted Gaza’s media, with the two towers which host many TV channels and agencies being hit. Seven journalists were injured, one of them had his leg amputated. To recap until now: women, including pregnant women, children, and babies have been killed. Mosques and a church have been damaged. Several hospitals and schools, a graveyard, sports facilities, civilian government buildings, and police stations have been targeted. Journalists and medics have been targeted and injured. According to most recent reports, some 84 Palestinians have been killed and hundreds injured, the vast majority of them civilians. This is not Israel defending itself, this is Israel attacking with full force a population which has no shelter and nowhere to escape. The figures speak for themselves."

Photos: Deadliest day yet in Gaza | +972 Magazine


That's what happens when you allow people that are terrorist to live among you and are being used as a human shield. I am hard hearted to people who allow that.

It has nothing to do with terrorism, it's wartime, plain and simple, and how many civilians did the US kill in Iraq and Afghanistan? Hundreds of thousands?
No vote from me for that Ashrawi shrew. She recently denied the 950,000 Jewish victims of Arab League land grabs existed. Claims they all left 'voluntarily'.....

PLO's Ashrawi: No such thing as Jewish ref... JPost - Middle East
that wasn't what she said

it was the sheer cynicism of danny ayalon that shocked her
and lots of the jews themselves who were outraged
at being called refugees and not proud zionists
and wanted nothing to do with being hasbara pawns

it shocked even me that ayalon should be quite that sick
as to equate pal and jewish regugees
as tho israel is goin to do anything at all for the pals, anyway
which it will not and cannot do

smokescreen 1001
Sherri, they're at war, Gazans can surrender if they've had enough.

Leave sherri alone----she is using dead bodies to excite herself-----collecting pictures like her fellow peverts collect the more obscene S & M pornography.

I came from a very secular background----but am culturally jewish-----You may have noticed that you do not seen pictures of the mutilated bodes of the jews who were tortured in OBSENCE MANNER in the islamic mode, on-line. ---ie the way SHERRI FAVORS----genitalia cut off and stuffed down still living throats-----fetuses cut out of still living wombs---etc. There is a reason-----it is simply not allowed to DISPLAY dead bodies nor to MUTILATE them in pharasaical Judaism of of which Jesus was an adherent. The crucifixtions enacted by
people of sherri's ilk ----were a form used to further the oppression in a manner that sherri's hero PILATE knew would aggravate them. As to the pictures post up by that pervert------
they are simply pictures of dead people-----anyone with a camera can get similar pictures in any inner city hospital in the USA over a single weekend. They are shocking----I can never forget something I saw from a HOUSE FIRE -----a mother and three children virtually MELTED TOGETHER IN A CHARRED HEAP Sherri would love to have a picture of that.
In the course of my life I have pulled cameras out of the hands of sherri like perverts in hosptial emergency rooms
Long ago----muslims I encountered insisted that muslims have the same "do not touch or depict" attitude that jews have toward the dead. ---clearly they were liars like sherrie


I am confronting Injustice with Truth, and I intend to keep right on doing it as long as Nazi Israel keeps up the civilian Gentile killings and the Occupation and the Apartheid and the ethnic cleansing and the genocide and the war crimes and the crimes against humanity and the human rights abuses against all of the nonJewish people in the land of Palestine!











What you call lies, I do not.

Let's look a little bit closer at what you call lies in my post.

I called Zionists Nazis, and there are similarities between Zionism and Naziism, and it all starts with a Regime that bestows on one group of people a superior status, a Regime that actively is engaging in discrimination and unequal treatment and crimes against a group of people in the land, taking their property, depriving them of freedom and liberties and life itself. In Palestine, we have ethnic cleansing and Apartheid and genocide, for close to 70 years now. And there are legal papers all can read on the Internet that take each one of these legal concepts and analyze intl law and conclude Israel is guilty of all of these crimes against Palestinians, applying legal definitions we have established in the world's body of international Law.

I refer to Gentile killings, Gentile means nonJews, if you really are going to continue to insist these are not Gentile killings, can you please present evidence of that? Are you saying Israel is killing Jews in Gaza?

Human rights abuses against nonJews are a part of life everywhere in Palestine, from Gaza to the West Bank, to Israel itself. Laws discriminate against nonJews, there is not equal treatment of Jews and nonJews anywhere in Palestine.

Israel Law Resource Center

I think I responded to all your claimed lies, and explained how they are in fact not lies at all. Of course, some matters people see from different perspectives and have different views about. That is part of why we have discussion boards like this, to speak of our different views about matters.

And, of course, it is Jesus you address in that question you raise, but I would express it a bit differently, I would say Jesus is the Truth who sets us free!

31 And Yeshua said to those Judeans who trusted in him, “If you will continue in my word, you are truly my disciples.” 32“And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free.” 33And they were saying to him, “We are the seed of Abraham, and never have we served in bondage to a man; how do you say, “You shall be children of liberty”?

John 8:31-33

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

John 14:6

Now, I amusing an Aramaic version of the Bible, translated into English, just for the benefit of irosie. But, a caution is needed here. The earliest Bibles found are in Greek, not Aramaic, any Aramaic Bibles are in Aramaic, because they have been translated from Greek to Aramaic.

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what a joke is sherri----she describes the people of Gaza as HELPLESS HOPELESS, ----then shows injured persons getting care in hospital intensive care units with tens of thousands of dollars worth of SOPHISTICATED EQUIPMENT-------a bomb shelter is a hole in the ground------anyone can make'one with a soup spoon.

for reality----there are nations in the world where the injured and sick lie on the floor----which is often a mud floor------if they have relatives ----the relatives bring a ---mat-----and the care consists of sips of contaminated water until they die. Long ago-----people I knew described some of the problems of medical care in the remote areas of India ---where people are the TRUE NEEDY----not the FAUX needy
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Sherri, they're at war, Gazans can surrender if they've had enough.

Anyone who is attacked can save lives by surrendering.

Palestinians are not the surrender type.

Palestinians have been "educated" to believe that if they DIE IN THE SERVICE OF ALLAH-----which includes slitting the throat of a jewish infant------THEN GETTING CAUGHT AND KILLED-----they have orgasms in paradise for eternity-----and even BETTER ---their families are PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM
Sherri, they're at war, Gazans can surrender if they've had enough.

Anyone who is attacked can save lives by surrendering.

Palestinians are not the surrender type.

That's what they said about the Japs, and we got them to surrender unconditionally. israel is just using the wrongs tactics to end the war.

Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be
Anyone who is attacked can save lives by surrendering.

Palestinians are not the surrender type.

That's what they said about the Japs, and we got them to surrender unconditionally. israel is just using the wrongs tactics to end the war.

Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be

Why would anyone do that? That has nothing to do with Gaza. But i would carpet bomb Gaza until they surrender.
That's what they said about the Japs, and we got them to surrender unconditionally. israel is just using the wrongs tactics to end the war.

Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be

Why would anyone do that? That has nothing to do with Gaza. But i would carpet bomb Gaza until they surrender.

I believe that HIROSHIMA was chosen more for its SYMBOLIC value than any strategic value
"The front page photo on Thursday’s Washington Post tells, in a single frame, a very personal story from Wednesday’s Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Jihad Misharawi, a BBC Arabic journalist who lives in Gaza, carries the body of his 11-month old son, Omar, through al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

An Israeli round hit Misharawi’s four-room home in Gaza Wednesday, killing his son, according to BBC Middle East bureau chief Paul Danahar, who arrived in Gaza earlier Thursday. Misharawi’s sister-in-law was also killed, and his brother wounded. Misharawi told Danahar that, when the round landed, there was no fighting in his residential neighborhood."

Isreal targeted a house, where no fighting was even taking place.

This type of targeting of civilian homes and civilians in them is a war crime.


The story behind the photo: Journalist’s 11-month-old son killed in Gaza strikes

The picture itself does not say anything. But it does demonatrate your vulgarity, Sherri------you are exploiting a tragic death of a child using the techniques of maudlin slobs. In as sense----you are also acting like the barbarians of rome-----for example PONTIUS PILATE who crucified some 20,000 innocent jews for the sake of the same sorts of EFFECTS you seek---vulgar SHOCK VALUE In fact you are demonstrating the same traits as
your forebears who enacted the very public execution spectacles of the Inquisition-----the AUTO DE FE 'acts of faith' related to your perverted creed. Do you fantasize about living humans being eaten by lions, too?
Sherri was the bombing of the house of 27 year old pregnant MERAH SCHARF a war crime? no fighting there either------she was just visiting----to see her friend's orphaned child-------the child whose parents were mutilated to death in Mumbai by the respecters of Isa------his mother was also pregnant back then ----but the respecters of isa-----cut the fetus from her womb in honor of the allah-isa-jesus while she was still alive and screaming. Do not worry----YOUR VERSION OF Yehoshua ben yosef would approve-------the one I read about would not, however
Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be

Why would anyone do that? That has nothing to do with Gaza. But i would carpet bomb Gaza until they surrender.

I believe that HIROSHIMA was chosen more for its SYMBOLIC value than any strategic value
Saudi Arabia isn't involved, why bomb them?
Why would anyone do that? That has nothing to do with Gaza. But i would carpet bomb Gaza until they surrender.

I believe that HIROSHIMA was chosen more for its SYMBOLIC value than any strategic value
Saudi Arabia isn't involved, why bomb them?
Ima----you were never this dense before----cynical and unappealing----but not dense.

what is being called Palestine in some quarters is ----a COLONY OF THE HOLY KINGDOM OF ARABIA -----epicenter of the CALIPHATE home of the two mosques----resting place of the holy founder of DAR AL ISLAM----the damn ROCK is there
Sherri quoted:

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD,
The Way and The Truth and The Life;
no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

this is the worst lie in the whole new testament
or possibly a miss translation thro the various lingos

if it had said, A way A truth......
i.e. one of many ways
which is indeed true,
then no problem at all

but in saying THE ONE AND ONLY WAY

I also hold this wrong exclusive tribal phrase responsibe for your problems here Sherri

I faced them myself when I was a borh again christian

I just could not accept even as a teenager that Jesus or anyone else was

the jews and muslims have similar problems

muslims think their scriptures give them a right to kill all those of other faiths,
e.g. hindu idol worshippers
or "apostates" who convert out of islam

the jewish settlers think they have a right
to push palestinian arabs out of the "promised land"
given to jews only by their god

the Indian faiths are so much more civilised in this non exclusive regard
than all the 3 abrahamic faiths

so sherri, this the big issue behind all the others
is this verse from john's dodgy gospel;
the last one written down

exactly literally true?

a miss translation

or something than needs urgently to be changed
in the minds of every decent christian

please answer, which is it??

all other issues flow from this one, including gazan ones
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