Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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Anyone who is attacked can save lives by surrendering.

Palestinians are not the surrender type.

That's what they said about the Japs, and we got them to surrender unconditionally. israel is just using the wrongs tactics to end the war.

Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be
no but roudy already has posted a cartoon here
of nuking mecca

so israel wont

but roudy-wood !!!
That's what they said about the Japs, and we got them to surrender unconditionally. israel is just using the wrongs tactics to end the war.

Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be
no but roudy already has posted a cartoon here
of nuking mecca

so israel wont

but roudy-wood !!!

Mamzer----do you do everything depicted in your favorite cartoons? well---
mamzer---you are what you are-----you probably try
"The front page photo on Thursday’s Washington Post tells, in a single frame, a very personal story from Wednesday’s Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. Jihad Misharawi, a BBC Arabic journalist who lives in Gaza, carries the body of his 11-month old son, Omar, through al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

An Israeli round hit Misharawi’s four-room home in Gaza Wednesday, killing his son, according to BBC Middle East bureau chief Paul Danahar, who arrived in Gaza earlier Thursday. Misharawi’s sister-in-law was also killed, and his brother wounded. Misharawi told Danahar that, when the round landed, there was no fighting in his residential neighborhood."

Isreal targeted a house, where no fighting was even taking place.

This type of targeting of civilian homes and civilians in them is a war crime.


The story behind the photo: Journalist’s 11-month-old son killed in Gaza strikes


It might be useful to remember Jesus was a Jew and I understand His Father has a temper.:D
Sherri quoted:

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD,
The Way and The Truth and The Life;
no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

this is the worst lie in the whole new testament
or possibly a miss translation thro the various lingos

if it had said, A way A truth......
i.e. one of many ways
which is indeed true,
then no problem at all

but in saying THE ONE AND ONLY WAY

I also hold this wrong exclusive tribal phrase responsibe for your problems here Sherri

I faced them myself when I was a borh again christian

I just could not accept even as a teenager that Jesus or anyone else was

the jews and muslims have similar problems

muslims think their scriptures give them a right to kill all those of other faiths,
e.g. hindu idol worshippers
or "apostates" who convert out of islam

the jewish settlers think they have a right
to push palestinian arabs out of the "promised land"
given to jews only by their god

the Indian faiths are so much more civilised in this non exclusive regard
than all the 3 abrahamic faiths

so sherri, this the big issue behind all the others
is this verse from john's dodgy gospel;
the last one written down

exactly literally true?

a miss translation

or something than needs urgently to be changed
in the minds of every decent christian

please answer, which is it??

all other issues flow from this one, including gazan ones

Indeed. :D


I am confronting Injustice with Truth, and I intend to keep right on doing it as long as Nazi Israel keeps up the civilian Gentile killings and the Occupation and the Apartheid and the ethnic cleansing and the genocide and the war crimes and the crimes against humanity and the human rights abuses against all of the nonJewish people in the land of Palestine!











What you call lies, I do not.

Let's look a little bit closer at what you call lies in my post.

I called Zionists Nazis, and there are similarities between Zionism and Naziism, and it all starts with a Regime that bestows on one group of people a superior status, a Regime that actively is engaging in discrimination and unequal treatment and crimes against a group of people in the land, taking their property, depriving them of freedom and liberties and life itself. In Palestine, we have ethnic cleansing and Apartheid and genocide, for close to 70 years now. And there are legal papers all can read on the Internet that take each one of these legal concepts and analyze intl law and conclude Israel is guilty of all of these crimes against Palestinians, applying legal definitions we have established in the world's body of international Law.

I refer to Gentile killings, Gentile means nonJews, if you really are going to continue to insist these are not Gentile killings, can you please present evidence of that? Are you saying Israel is killing Jews in Gaza?

Human rights abuses against nonJews are a part of life everywhere in Palestine, from Gaza to the West Bank, to Israel itself. Laws discriminate against nonJews, there is not equal treatment of Jews and nonJews anywhere in Palestine.

Israel Law Resource Center

I think I responded to all your claimed lies, and explained how they are in fact not lies at all. Of course, some matters people see from different perspectives and have different views about. That is part of why we have discussion boards like this, to speak of our different views about matters.

And, of course, it is Jesus you address in that question you raise, but I would express it a bit differently, I would say Jesus is the Truth who sets us free!

31 And Yeshua said to those Judeans who trusted in him, “If you will continue in my word, you are truly my disciples.” 32“And you will know the truth, and that truth will set you free.” 33And they were saying to him, “We are the seed of Abraham, and never have we served in bondage to a man; how do you say, “You shall be children of liberty”?

John 8:31-33

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD, The Way and The Truth and The Life; no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

John 14:6

John 8 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

John 14 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

Now, I amusing an Aramaic version of the Bible, translated into English, just for the benefit of irosie. But, a caution is needed here. The earliest Bibles found are in Greek, not Aramaic, any Aramaic Bibles are in Aramaic, because they have been translated from Greek to Aramaic.

The vulgarity of sherri is unmatched ----but when she throws in that PEDANTIC TONE-----I am actually amused Look who is telling us that the
new testament was written in Greek even more idiotic the jerk does me a favor by using the THIRD HAND TRANSLATION into aramaic-----an aramaic that bears only superficial similarity to the aramaic spoken by jesus, then FOURTH HANDED INTO ENGLISH

then she comes up with little snippets that are all but meaningless out of context "I AM THE LIFE" "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"
Didn't we all just love the sophistry of Sherri's little word games? I suppose she fancies herself a mistress of dialectic for that little tour de verbal diarrhea.....

Claiming 'Zionists are like Nazis' is exactly the same sort of LIE as pretending that 'Christian Identity' is Christianity - or that all Muslims adore Al Quaeda and the Taliban.

Suggesting that Israeli forces are actively seeking to harm civilians directly in Gaza is simply a BIG LIE - one which only really really stupid people tell.

And the whole 'Gentile' thing is simply a word game: the fact is, anyone in Gaza who gets TARGETED as ordered by the Israeli high command is targeted *for being part of the effort to incinerate Israeli civilians by shooting rockets into Israel*

The residents of the WB are also 'Gentiles' and the Israeli military isn't shooting at them. Nor are the 20% or so of 'Gentile' citizens of Israel commonly subjected to random violence.
(I'm certain that will be disputed: the point is nothing like the riots Kvetch describes is going on there - and the violence IS investigated and treated as criminal, even if the response is less than optimal......just as 'domestic disturbance' violence in so much of the world is not criminally investigated, especially if the victims are 'non adult /non male'!)

So it's entirely specious to claim the Gazans are ALL being targeted - or that they are targets of Israeli military action *because* they are not Jewish. It's a LIE.

All of the 'dialectic' and imappropriate 'buzz words' of 'collective punishment' and 'killing fields' will never change that, make the LIES Sherri insists on repeating turn magically into 'truth' - let alone 'Truth'.

Fake ewe Sherri should read that stuff in GoMatt again......
Sherri quoted:

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD,
The Way and The Truth and The Life;
no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

this is the worst lie in the whole new testament
or possibly a miss translation thro the various lingos

if it had said, A way A truth......
i.e. one of many ways
which is indeed true,
then no problem at all

but in saying THE ONE AND ONLY WAY

I also hold this wrong exclusive tribal phrase responsibe for your problems here Sherri

I faced them myself when I was a borh again christian

I just could not accept even as a teenager that Jesus or anyone else was

the jews and muslims have similar problems

muslims think their scriptures give them a right to kill all those of other faiths,
e.g. hindu idol worshippers
or "apostates" who convert out of islam

the jewish settlers think they have a right
to push palestinian arabs out of the "promised land"
given to jews only by their god

the Indian faiths are so much more civilised in this non exclusive regard
than all the 3 abrahamic faiths

so sherri, this the big issue behind all the others
is this verse from john's dodgy gospel;
the last one written down

exactly literally true?

a miss translation

or something than needs urgently to be changed
in the minds of every decent christian

please answer, which is it??

all other issues flow from this one, including gazan ones

Indeed. :D

Was it C S Lewis who said that 'Every religion must either ultimately be Hinduism or Christianity'? Or was it Gandhi?

This is a Christian apologetics blog entry on just that topic: Eternity Matters | Christianity, politics, family and general ramblings. But mostly Christianity.

And, lest anyone be confused about this: I reject the view of the Jewish settlers about disposessing others who aren't Jews, utterly. What I cannot do is shove them outside of Judaism: I will say I think they suck at being Jewish, though!

That is because of a technicality: Judaism doesn't have a lot of 'doctrine', so I can't point to a dogma and say 'these guys are violating this one'. What I can do - and many many other Jews of very diverse backgrounds and Zionism also do! - is examine their interpretations of Torah and Talmud and vigorously dispute their interpretation.

Which, I suppose, is exactly what Christians and Muslims do (with their respective extremists and Scriptures, etc) with those who are 'too far out' ? I've seen some Sunni refer to Shi'a as 'those animals' - and I've seen some Protestants state flat-out that Catholics are 'idol-worshippers'.

But all we Jews can say is "That's not the way I see it at all because....(and the content here is generally something a non-Jew can't even understand because half of it's in Hebrew or Aramaic)" About the most we can say is "I don't know of any rabbi or school which endorses such a view - they'd have been asked to leave by the school I went to!" : ((

I'd love to be able to say 'Those aren't actual Jews behaving so terribly' - but it's simply not honest. They *believe* they are being Jewish by doing so: it's the job of all the rest of us to try to get them to understand differently.
The vulgarity of sherri is unmatched ----but when she throws in that PEDANTIC TONE-----I am actually amused Look who is telling us that the
new testament was written in Greek even more idiotic the jerk does me a favor by using the THIRD HAND TRANSLATION into aramaic-----an aramaic that bears only superficial similarity to the aramaic spoken by jesus, then FOURTH HANDED INTO ENGLISH

then she comes up with little snippets that are all but meaningless out of context "I AM THE LIFE" "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"


The fact is the earliest Bible (New Testament) found is written in Greek, that certainly does not mean there was not a prior Aramaic version, but so far it has not been found.

It is what it is.

Ima----Israel is not going to drop a nuclear bomb on Mecca---no matter how effective you may imagine such a move would be

Why would anyone do that? That has nothing to do with Gaza. But i would carpet bomb Gaza until they surrender.

I believe that HIROSHIMA was chosen more for its SYMBOLIC value than any strategic value

What Brilliant thinking, that we nuke a people for Symbolism!
Sherri, they're at war, Gazans can surrender if they've had enough.

Anyone who is attacked can save lives by surrendering.

Palestinians are not the surrender type.

Palestinians have been "educated" to believe that if they DIE IN THE SERVICE OF ALLAH-----which includes slitting the throat of a jewish infant------THEN GETTING CAUGHT AND KILLED-----they have orgasms in paradise for eternity-----and even BETTER ---their families are PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTION TO THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM


You certainly have a creative imagination, even if it is a bit on the dark side!

Do you think they think much the same about you and all Zionist Jews in the world, I mean similar dark fantasies?

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Sherri quoted:

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD,
The Way and The Truth and The Life;
no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

this is the worst lie in the whole new testament
or possibly a miss translation thro the various lingos

if it had said, A way A truth......
i.e. one of many ways
which is indeed true,
then no problem at all

but in saying THE ONE AND ONLY WAY

I also hold this wrong exclusive tribal phrase responsibe for your problems here Sherri

I faced them myself when I was a borh again christian

I just could not accept even as a teenager that Jesus or anyone else was

the jews and muslims have similar problems

muslims think their scriptures give them a right to kill all those of other faiths,
e.g. hindu idol worshippers
or "apostates" who convert out of islam

the jewish settlers think they have a right
to push palestinian arabs out of the "promised land"
given to jews only by their god

the Indian faiths are so much more civilised in this non exclusive regard
than all the 3 abrahamic faiths

so sherri, this the big issue behind all the others
is this verse from john's dodgy gospel;
the last one written down

exactly literally true?

a miss translation

or something than needs urgently to be changed
in the minds of every decent christian

please answer, which is it??

all other issues flow from this one, including gazan ones

Indeed. :D

Was it C S Lewis who said that 'Every religion must either ultimately be Hinduism or Christianity'? Or was it Gandhi?

This is a Christian apologetics blog entry on just that topic: Eternity Matters | Christianity, politics, family and general ramblings. But mostly Christianity.

And, lest anyone be confused about this: I reject the view of the Jewish settlers about disposessing others who aren't Jews, utterly. What I cannot do is shove them outside of Judaism: I will say I think they suck at being Jewish, though!

That is because of a technicality: Judaism doesn't have a lot of 'doctrine', so I can't point to a dogma and say 'these guys are violating this one'. What I can do - and many many other Jews of very diverse backgrounds and Zionism also do! - is examine their interpretations of Torah and Talmud and vigorously dispute their interpretation.

Which, I suppose, is exactly what Christians and Muslims do (with their respective extremists and Scriptures, etc) with those who are 'too far out' ? I've seen some Sunni refer to Shi'a as 'those animals' - and I've seen some Protestants state flat-out that Catholics are 'idol-worshippers'.

But all we Jews can say is "That's not the way I see it at all because....(and the content here is generally something a non-Jew can't even understand because half of it's in Hebrew or Aramaic)" About the most we can say is "I don't know of any rabbi or school which endorses such a view - they'd have been asked to leave by the school I went to!" : ((

I'd love to be able to say 'Those aren't actual Jews behaving so terribly' - but it's simply not honest. They *believe* they are being Jewish by doing so: it's the job of all the rest of us to try to get them to understand differently.
very good post hunter ji

often the worst conflicts are within faiths and closely related ethnic groups such as hutus and tutsis in rwanda, and within political groups and family feuds

as a socialist the israeli politician i hate the most is not nut-yahoo nor even liebermann but that ultra hypocrite peres. i heard him on the radio yesterday and felt hot hatred...liebermann just scares me.

and as i see it the gaza confict is not really between arab and jew at all but 2 family feuds which have been projected on to each other by mutual expediency
Sherri does the similarities game nazis wore socks----jews wear socks

its fun

Isn't that the 'Law of Similarity' from magic?

Well you should know a lot more about magic than me, from all those Wiccan friends of yours!

You might think about asking your friends about all your questions pertaining to Magic.

i have wiccan friends and know how to cast wiccan spells, so be careful

but if i cast a spell at you sherri

i promise i would do it in jesus name

sometimes i really wonder what it would take to shake you out of your present stubbornness

all the mules in the world who have ever lived ..................put together
can't equal one one cent of your ultra stubborn refusal

to follow jesus and the path of love
The vulgarity of sherri is unmatched ----but when she throws in that PEDANTIC TONE-----I am actually amused Look who is telling us that the
new testament was written in Greek even more idiotic the jerk does me a favor by using the THIRD HAND TRANSLATION into aramaic-----an aramaic that bears only superficial similarity to the aramaic spoken by jesus, then FOURTH HANDED INTO ENGLISH

then she comes up with little snippets that are all but meaningless out of context "I AM THE LIFE" "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"


The fact is the earliest Bible (New Testament) found is written in Greek, that certainly does not mean there was not a prior Aramaic version, but so far it has not been found.

It is what it is.


Chances are the the FIRST was written in GREEK some of the writers did not know
aramaic ----for example LUKE but Greek was considered the most scholarly of
languages by lots of people back then---even by Romans and----PAUL was greek and----the christian religion was AIMED at greeks at first ---it was a HELLENIZED
form of Judaism . There is so much that you do not know about that time period.
Even though ROME was strong----GREECE WAS THE MODEL back then for philosphy,
art, science---etc etc. NEW THINGS had to be adapted to Greek modes.
Now the world adapts to the USA---but a bit over a century ago----the BRITISH
and FRENCH modes were the standards-----even in the USA

The new testament was COMPILED out of a bunch of different writings ----you
mention an aramaic original as if you believe that the new testament was put
together -----before it was put together
Sherri quoted:

6 Yeshua said to him, “I AM THE LIVING GOD,
The Way and The Truth and The Life;
no man comes to my Father but by me alone.”

this is the worst lie in the whole new testament
or possibly a miss translation thro the various lingos

if it had said, A way A truth......
i.e. one of many ways
which is indeed true,
then no problem at all

but in saying THE ONE AND ONLY WAY

I also hold this wrong exclusive tribal phrase responsibe for your problems here Sherri

I faced them myself when I was a borh again christian

I just could not accept even as a teenager that Jesus or anyone else was

the jews and muslims have similar problems

muslims think their scriptures give them a right to kill all those of other faiths,
e.g. hindu idol worshippers
or "apostates" who convert out of islam

the jewish settlers think they have a right
to push palestinian arabs out of the "promised land"
given to jews only by their god

the Indian faiths are so much more civilised in this non exclusive regard
than all the 3 abrahamic faiths

so sherri, this the big issue behind all the others
is this verse from john's dodgy gospel;
the last one written down

exactly literally true?

a miss translation

or something than needs urgently to be changed
in the minds of every decent christian

please answer, which is it??

all other issues flow from this one, including gazan ones


The problem, I submit, is not in the words of the Scriptures but in your interpretations of them.

And my eyes were not truly opened to the meaning of these words until I spent some time in discussions with Christians I would call Progressive Christians.

What the words above address are the Crufixion and Resurrection, Jesus sacrifice on the cross. And the fact that Jesus died on the cross for the Salvation of all, for the world, for every man, woman and child who lived from the beginning of time until the end of time.

And this is the meaning of the first half of the key Christian verse, John 3:16, as well.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son..."

These words have nothing to do with Belief.

Now, there certainly is more in John 3:16, but I will address that in a later post.


that is not an answer to the key point i asked

is jesus the ONE AND ONLY WAY to salvation for the whole word
and all other ways lead to hell and damnation?

which is what makes you so self righteous
high above the rest of us mere sinners or unbelievers

this is your way of being ONE OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE, aint it

what you hate in the jews
is what you yourself are playing at here

it is like you are looking at the jews thro a mirror

what is truly hateful in your own view
is what you are projecting on to jews

both hateful things are indeed in the bible

the Jewish version is in Deuteronomy Ch 7 vs 5

"For the jews are a holy people
above all other nations on the earth"

Your view based on John 14:6
is that you are the saved, born again ones

and the rest of us unsaved sinners
are all going to hell

tell me, what's the difference, please?

I'll tell you what it is

you are in hell right now
and so is everyone who thinks
that they and they alone are god's chosen

spiritual nazis you all are

only those who have room in their hearts for all true faiths, and none
stand any chance of heaven, now or in future
that is how I see the "word of god"
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I have good news for you mamzer------as a jew you are not in the only
group that goes to HEAVEN ----or----the garden of eden-----or -----well --I will tell you the bad news later

the good news is that THE RIGHTEOUS OF ALL NATIONS (GOYIIM) get to
the place with all the good stuff YOU are chosen to be a GOOD MAMZER---and to tell all people-----that the only way to run a society is to have fair
courts with impartial judges. It is an interesting factoid that those ____NICE PHARISEES and the gloom and doom prophets before then did
come up with the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF A RIGHTEOUS society----------and if you have ever been in court for any reason you might vomit right now A COURT SYSTEM.

you have been chosen to teach that fact to everyone-----even those
people who ---have lingams and yonis in their temples

the second thing you are chosen to teach is sacrificing children by
throwing them in fire is.....not nice

Now the bad news-----HEAVEN FOR YOU AS A MAMZER JEW----is....a kinda big yeshiva in the sky where you got to discuss philosophy with maimonides and rashi and moses ------and the other wiseguys. Women get to talk to Sarah and Rebecca etc ---maybe Miriam we mostly talk about THE MEN OVER THERE
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