Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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Kvetch: My (chabad) copy of the Torah online has this translation of Devarim:

6 For you are a holy people to the Lord, your God: the Lord your God has chosen you to be His treasured people, out of all the peoples upon the face of the earth.

7 Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples

8 But because of the Lord's love for you, and because He keeps the oath He swore to your forefathers, the Lord took you out with a strong hand and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.


It should be clear from those verses - more in context - that we are NOT to view ourselves as special, but GOD's Love. And that it is GOD's Grace that He chose us, not on account of any merit of our own. Indeed we remind ourselves of that every Yom Kippur in prayers such as the 'Aveinu Malkeinu'........

It is specifically to AVOID that possible sin, that the Reconstructionists have replaced 'chosen' references in their liturgy, even within the blessings over Torah. They do not say 'Who has chosen us from among all the nations.....' instead it's 'Who has drawn us near to serve Him'.

While I see the Torah as an eternal love letter from our Creator - I see Judaism as our response to His Love, and in that our understanding of the text is continually 'unfolding', blossoming into greater revelations as we grow in spiritual stature and are able to perceive more and more. That is a Jewish vision of 'progressive revelation'......

Speaking of spiritual stature, this quote I find applies - though it was initially made with regard to science. Of course to a Jew (or a Scholastic Christian!), the physical natural world is a function of GOD's Creativity - so it can only show us Truth.

"If we see far, it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants."

Goodness Me "Jewish VISION OF PROGRESSIVE REVELATION.....????????????NO THANK YOU Marg.............
i have good news for you mamzer------as a jew you are not in the only
group that goes to heaven ----or----the garden of eden-----or -----well --i will tell you the bad news later

the good news is that the righteous of all nations (goyiim) get to
the place with all the good stuff you are chosen to be a good mamzer---and to tell all people-----that the only way to run a society is to have fair
courts with impartial judges. It is an interesting factoid that those ____nice pharisees and the gloom and doom prophets before then did
come up with the single most important feature of a righteous society----------and if you have ever been in court for any reason you might vomit right now a court system.

You have been chosen to teach that fact to everyone-----even those
people who ---have lingams and yonis in their temples

the second thing you are chosen to teach is sacrificing children by
throwing them in fire is.....not nice

now the bad news-----heaven for you as a mamzer jew----is....a kinda big yeshiva in the sky where you got to discuss philosophy with maimonides and rashi and moses ------and the other wiseguys. Women get to talk to sarah and rebecca etc ---maybe miriam we mostly talk about the men over there

what a total load of crap
Kvetch: My (chabad) copy of the Torah online has this translation of Devarim:

6 For you are a holy people to the Lord, your God: the Lord your God has chosen you to be His treasured people, out of all the peoples upon the face of the earth.

7 Not because you are more numerous than any people did the Lord delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples

8 But because of the Lord's love for you, and because He keeps the oath He swore to your forefathers, the Lord took you out with a strong hand and redeemed you from the house of bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.


It should be clear from those verses - more in context - that we are NOT to view ourselves as special, but GOD's Love. And that it is GOD's Grace that He chose us, not on account of any merit of our own. Indeed we remind ourselves of that every Yom Kippur in prayers such as the 'Aveinu Malkeinu'........

It is specifically to AVOID that possible sin, that the Reconstructionists have replaced 'chosen' references in their liturgy, even within the blessings over Torah. They do not say 'Who has chosen us from among all the nations.....' instead it's 'Who has drawn us near to serve Him'.

While I see the Torah as an eternal love letter from our Creator - I see Judaism as our response to His Love, and in that our understanding of the text is continually 'unfolding', blossoming into greater revelations as we grow in spiritual stature and are able to perceive more and more. That is a Jewish vision of 'progressive revelation'......

Speaking of spiritual stature, this quote I find applies - though it was initially made with regard to science. Of course to a Jew (or a Scholastic Christian!), the physical natural world is a function of GOD's Creativity - so it can only show us Truth.

"If we see far, it is because we stand on the shoulders of giants."

that's a beautiful version you have there!

i used the exact words in the Christian King James Bible

in another verse in Deuteronomy, in this bible
Jews are not just above all other peoples
but HIGH above all other peoples!

actually as I have said before
i think it's all human nature to think
that " ours" is the bestest

but only us khutzpah freax
wrote anything of that level of tribal ego
in our holy scriptures

and its surely true
that jews are the most talented and influential people on this planet
relative to our small numbers

so who are we to disagree with our torah
or gods allocation of talent and influence, anyway

i have kvetched at god about it many times
but he just said use what i gave you
and dont compare yourself with anyone else
it might be too painful!!!

good advice i think!!

Jews High Above and most talented and influential people on this planet...........Apart from being not true,your summation like your mind is corrupted

All those hypocrites who believe,yet act in a debased way,will never be accepted by "GOD".

Sorry but there you all GO.

So can those who truly love properly and fully in their lives
but do not follow jesus also be redeemed..........

I aaked this question so much as a worried teenager...........
And got no satisfactory answer from my christian teachers back then

so i left their christianity in protest
and slept with my girlfiend, too

or do they have to take jesus and jesus alone as their personal saviour?

E.g...the countless thousands of good loving palestinian or gazans muslims
that you wish to save from the wicked zionists??
What's the point in you saving them from burning by the idf
if they are only going to burn in hell later anyway
better get it over with, perhaps???

Or devout hindus, buddhists, or jews who truly love their fellow creatures?

What about the dalai lama of tibet who certainly knows about jesus
but chooses to follow that fat atheist buddha....
Can or will he be saved??

the above commentry,is the biggest load of of scantamonious sic shit i have ever had the misfortune to read.

Vetch you are dishonourable.....this thread is for those that live in the real world,what on earth is going through your head at this time.

How dare you speak of the dalai lama in such a way:mad:
how should i speak of his holiness
i admire him enormously

i have met him and listened to him lecturing for 3 days

what did i say wrong?

Tell me please, sir

preferably when sober and not under liquour or liquidation either

i see you dont like cricket either

you just came to shoot us up

well be our honoured guest

i have thanked you accordingly

hope you feel better now, sir


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Isn't that the 'Law of Similarity' from magic?

Well you should know a lot more about magic than me, from all those Wiccan friends of yours!

You might think about asking your friends about all your questions pertaining to Magic.

Gee, Sherri - do you think there's something *BAD* about Wiccans per se, or just about anyone who'd be friends with me??? Have you ever met an actual Wiccan?

BTW, most of 'em spell it 'Magick' to distinguish it. And I chose the lower-case 'm' to indicate I was *NOT* referring to some part of that faith. I could've just as easily posted 'alchemy'....the idea of 'magic' with a lower-case 'm' is present in virtually every culture all around the world. It has a specific meaning and definition *not* attached to any particular culture's beliefs (see Mircea Eliade's work, or Joseph Campbell's).

If you're going to make noises now that you recoil at the study of such beliefs as 'unGODly': let's recall that studying a topic doesn't mean one believes or agrees with the content. I'm certainly not a medieval (Catholic) Christian - yet I studied the theology extensively because it was relevent to my particular major.

You are making much too much of my comment, which I only made because I was not the one anyone should be discussing magic with, as I saw it.

And I did recall you had Wiccan friends, who I have nothing against.
I've titled this so you'll know it's directed to you, Sherri. My initial comment about 'magic' was directed to another poster, which you apparently failed to realize.

So when you felt it necessary to intrude yourself and you mean-spirited ideas in that feeble attempt to take a swat at me, I replied.....

And now you want to prolong the farce. :lame2:
Speaking of Nabi Saleh, a Palestinian man participating in a demonstration against the assault on Gaza has been killed by Israel.

The man is 31 year old Rushdi Tamimi.

Here is his photo.


Breaking: Protester in West Bank dies of injuries inflicted by Israeli soldiers | Mondoweiss

He was struck by a live ammunition bullet shot at his back.

Here is a more detailed description of how he was killed:

"According to eyewitnesses, Rushdi Tamimi (31) was shot first with a rubber coated steel bullet that hit him in the back, he fell on the ground. Afterward soldiers shot him again, this time with a live ammunition bullet which entered through his hip and into his gut.

When soldiers came closer to Rushdi, they gave him a blow to the head with the butt of one of their rifles, even though he told them he was injured, and then shot him with another rubber coated steel bullet in the stomach. Soldiers then attempted to drag him through the rocky terrain instead of providing him with medical treatment."

Eyewitnesses further report soldiers continued to shoot live ammunition towards residents and prevented them from approaching him and bringing him to an ambulance.

First West Bank Martyr in Demonstrations Against the Assault on Gaza killed in Nabi Saleh | nabi saleh solidarity

don't you have the pictures of the GORE sherri? Islamo nazi pigs LOVE GORE Dead ---with eyes wide opened for EFFECT ----- For those who have not seen death-----I got news for you -----it is never pretty. Even old people who die in bed "peacefully' ------well when I was around it I always fixed it up a bit-------closed the eyes-----got rid of the syringes sticking here and there put a sheet over the mess It must be my upbringing I was brought up in a very secular but JEWISH family------the customs and aesthetics of my people ------simply never went away Sherri is heiress to the REICHS ----the first reich that invented NAZISM ----the second REICH that adapted that nazism to the INQUIISITION and the AUTO DE FE in which sherri alikes tossed babies into bon fires and the THIRD REICH -----well most people know enough details of sherri's NOBLE HERITAGE. It oozes out of her every post
And here is the second part of John 3:16, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Believeth in Him is living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life, however God shows any of us anywhere in our world those teachings. And we may not see it, fully, either, the truth of this, I mean within any religions we have so many divisions, and I think some ideas being embraced that are not of God at all. Wow, I want you to look upon the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and see the truth of what I just stated, there right before us, in a Palestinian village where Palestinian Muslims live. The nonviolent resistance they embrace, since 2009, is living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life. Read Bassem Tamimi's statement, it is all there. Read all that people all over our world have to say about the people in this village. I was reading, I think it was Phil Weiss article on Mondoweiss, he just visited the village a week ago, the most amazing things, like survivors from The Civil Rights Movement visiting and crying on the roofs as demonstrators were attacked, they siad what you are encountering is exactly what we lived through. And it was a believer in Jesus Christ who led The Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King, Jr, a nonviolent resistance movement, he had a dream, a dream from God, and he was living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life and the people followed him. I do not claim Salvation is only for Christians, I claim Salvation is for the world. And my God is great, and my God is mighty to save, and great and mighty enough to achieve His goals, as He deems fits to do! It is His will that will be done. And He will be our God, the God of all, and we will all be His people!
Half-crazed drivel.

Only half?
mamzer---I love all of my children I am mother to PHEEUP and mother to a MONKEY and mother to a DINO and Mother to a MAMZER you will always be the child of my heart -----along with the others

Lol. You are such a sweetie, sometimes :cool:
mamzer---I love all of my children I am mother to PHEEUP and mother to a MONKEY and mother to a DINO and Mother to a MAMZER you will always be the child of my heart -----along with the others
rosie dahling

what about AngelicaT?

she adores and reveres you

have you adopted her?

or accepted her as your true disciple?

pity she isn't with us yet....
maybe wait until she is with us before you decide,
if you wish to answer at all

after all its none of my business
tho i would rather she aint my sister
cos i fancy her big time

I have my own mummy, Kvetchie. I'm not going to pretend she is perfect, but I adore her regardless, almost all of the time. She's an atheist, former Catholic, and she has issues, without a doubt, and they have sadly always impacted on me, they couldnt not do that. They have also affected my sibs to a lesser degree. she is opinionated and incredibly annoying, and the simplest and most innocent of beginnings to a conversation will inevitably turn into something else entirely, ending with her saying - 'but I thought you liked debating daaaaaahling?'. Lol. Yet I love her still. But what are families really about? They are about conflicting opinions, getting through them and still loving each other once you come out the other end, imho. Having said that, I've been reading Rosie now for about 7 years and if I could have a second ma, or a replacement ma if I needed one, I don't think I could come up with anyone better than Rosie.
I have good news for you mamzer------as a jew you are not in the only
group that goes to HEAVEN ----or----the garden of eden-----or -----well --I will tell you the bad news later

the good news is that THE RIGHTEOUS OF ALL NATIONS (GOYIIM) get to
the place with all the good stuff YOU are chosen to be a GOOD MAMZER---and to tell all people-----that the only way to run a society is to have fair
courts with impartial judges. It is an interesting factoid that those ____NICE PHARISEES and the gloom and doom prophets before then did
come up with the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF A RIGHTEOUS society----------and if you have ever been in court for any reason you might vomit right now A COURT SYSTEM.

you have been chosen to teach that fact to everyone-----even those
people who ---have lingams and yonis in their temples

the second thing you are chosen to teach is sacrificing children by
throwing them in fire is.....not nice

Now the bad news-----HEAVEN FOR YOU AS A MAMZER JEW----is....a kinda big yeshiva in the sky where you got to discuss philosophy with maimonides and rashi and moses ------and the other wiseguys. Women get to talk to Sarah and Rebecca etc ---maybe Miriam we mostly talk about THE MEN OVER THERE
what can I say sweetheart

pure unadulterated genius

so I henceforth aspire to be a righteous jewish bastard mamzer

yours of course

can't I hang out with the ladies

i have had too much study for this lifetime

yes i have been in court, and in jail too, in 3 different countries including yours

1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.....disorderly conduct.....jumped bail and fled to Canada
twice in india...great system...500 rupees 1st time and papers just "lost" ; 2,000 Rupees 2nd time and guilty as charged
judge said, "dont ask me what the fine will be for your charas (hashish) because it will be 2,000 Rupees!"

twice in UK....cautioned both times on assurances of future bad conduct to get rid of the sight of me

each time locked up for one night only
highly educational

all the courts involved were MUCH cooler than the cops were, for sure!!

So we are talking drugs?
I have good news for you mamzer------as a jew you are not in the only
group that goes to HEAVEN ----or----the garden of eden-----or -----well --I will tell you the bad news later

the good news is that THE RIGHTEOUS OF ALL NATIONS (GOYIIM) get to
the place with all the good stuff YOU are chosen to be a GOOD MAMZER---and to tell all people-----that the only way to run a society is to have fair
courts with impartial judges. It is an interesting factoid that those ____NICE PHARISEES and the gloom and doom prophets before then did
come up with the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF A RIGHTEOUS society----------and if you have ever been in court for any reason you might vomit right now A COURT SYSTEM.

you have been chosen to teach that fact to everyone-----even those
people who ---have lingams and yonis in their temples

the second thing you are chosen to teach is sacrificing children by
throwing them in fire is.....not nice

Now the bad news-----HEAVEN FOR YOU AS A MAMZER JEW----is....a kinda big yeshiva in the sky where you got to discuss philosophy with maimonides and rashi and moses ------and the other wiseguys. Women get to talk to Sarah and Rebecca etc ---maybe Miriam we mostly talk about THE MEN OVER THERE[/

That's right up Kvetch Street, he'll love it ::lol:
I have good news for you mamzer------as a jew you are not in the only
group that goes to HEAVEN ----or----the garden of eden-----or -----well --I will tell you the bad news later

the good news is that THE RIGHTEOUS OF ALL NATIONS (GOYIIM) get to
the place with all the good stuff YOU are chosen to be a GOOD MAMZER---and to tell all people-----that the only way to run a society is to have fair
courts with impartial judges. It is an interesting factoid that those ____NICE PHARISEES and the gloom and doom prophets before then did
come up with the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FEATURE OF A RIGHTEOUS society----------and if you have ever been in court for any reason you might vomit right now A COURT SYSTEM.

you have been chosen to teach that fact to everyone-----even those
people who ---have lingams and yonis in their temples

the second thing you are chosen to teach is sacrificing children by
throwing them in fire is.....not nice

Now the bad news-----HEAVEN FOR YOU AS A MAMZER JEW----is....a kinda big yeshiva in the sky where you got to discuss philosophy with maimonides and rashi and moses ------and the other wiseguys. Women get to talk to Sarah and Rebecca etc ---maybe Miriam we mostly talk about THE MEN OVER THERE
what can I say sweetheart

pure unadulterated genius

so I henceforth aspire to be a righteous jewish bastard mamzer

yours of course

can't I hang out with the ladies

i have had too much study for this lifetime

yes i have been in court, and in jail too, in 3 different countries including yours

1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.....disorderly conduct.....jumped bail and fled to Canada
twice in india...great system...500 rupees 1st time and papers just "lost" ; 2,000 Rupees 2nd time and guilty as charged
judge said, "dont ask me what the fine will be for your charas (hashish) because it will be 2,000 Rupees!"

twice in UK....cautioned both times on assurances of future bad conduct to get rid of the sight of me

each time locked up for one night only
highly educational

all the courts involved were MUCH cooler than the cops were, for sure!!

So we are talking drugs?
Kvetch is a crackhead.
what's disgusting is pigs like you supporting the murder of a 13 year old little boy playing soccer, who was shot and killed by idf forces from a helicopter, as a way to infuriate and instigate the people in the gaza prison camp.

what's disgusting is pigs.


I thought we could all agree on something.
well you are all wrong then

pigs are far more intelligent than you posters

never saw no pig firing rockets or lying about it


I lurve piggies x
don't you have the pictures of the GORE sherri? Islamo nazi pigs LOVE GORE Dead ---with eyes wide opened for EFFECT ----- For those who have not seen death-----I got news for you -----it is never pretty. Even old people who die in bed "peacefully' ------well when I was around it I always fixed it up a bit-------closed the eyes-----got rid of the syringes sticking here and there put a sheet over the mess It must be my upbringing I was brought up in a very secular but JEWISH family------the customs and aesthetics of my people ------simply never went away Sherri is heiress to the REICHS ----the first reich that invented NAZISM ----the second REICH that adapted that nazism to the INQUIISITION and the AUTO DE FE in which sherri alikes tossed babies into bon fires and the THIRD REICH -----well most people know enough details of sherri's NOBLE HERITAGE. It oozes out of her every post

Yet Another INSANE,INANE THE FUCKARD.....Sherri keep the pressure on,they only have personal INSANE,INANE INSULTS to combat you,as you full well know their SPEW IS ALL SHIT OFF A DUCKS BACK,PATHETIC CRETIN THEY ARE.

That's Zionist Terrorists FOR YOU,say:Boom2: to TERRORISTS ZIONIST NAZIS
And here is the second part of John 3:16, "that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Believeth in Him is living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life, however God shows any of us anywhere in our world those teachings. And we may not see it, fully, either, the truth of this, I mean within any religions we have so many divisions, and I think some ideas being embraced that are not of God at all. Wow, I want you to look upon the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh and see the truth of what I just stated, there right before us, in a Palestinian village where Palestinian Muslims live. The nonviolent resistance they embrace, since 2009, is living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life. Read Bassem Tamimi's statement, it is all there. Read all that people all over our world have to say about the people in this village. I was reading, I think it was Phil Weiss article on Mondoweiss, he just visited the village a week ago, the most amazing things, like survivors from The Civil Rights Movement visiting and crying on the roofs as demonstrators were attacked, they siad what you are encountering is exactly what we lived through. And it was a believer in Jesus Christ who led The Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King, Jr, a nonviolent resistance movement, he had a dream, a dream from God, and he was living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life and the people followed him. I do not claim Salvation is only for Christians, I claim Salvation is for the world. And my God is great, and my God is mighty to save, and great and mighty enough to achieve His goals, as He deems fits to do! It is His will that will be done. And He will be our God, the God of all, and we will all be His people!
Half-crazed drivel.

Only half?

Yeah ... the other half is BS. :D
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