Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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what can I say sweetheart

pure unadulterated genius

so I henceforth aspire to be a righteous jewish bastard mamzer

yours of course

can't I hang out with the ladies

i have had too much study for this lifetime

yes i have been in court, and in jail too, in 3 different countries including yours

1968 Chicago Democratic Convention.....disorderly conduct.....jumped bail and fled to Canada
twice in india...great system...500 rupees 1st time and papers just "lost" ; 2,000 Rupees 2nd time and guilty as charged
judge said, "dont ask me what the fine will be for your charas (hashish) because it will be 2,000 Rupees!"

twice in UK....cautioned both times on assurances of future bad conduct to get rid of the sight of me

each time locked up for one night only
highly educational

all the courts involved were MUCH cooler than the cops were, for sure!!

So we are talking drugs?
Kvetch is a crackhead.

didn't like crack or coke eiither

strictly responsible pacololo and magic mushrooms in india and hawaii in well spent middle age

now so fucked up the plants dont work any more

sad, aint it

like you hossy...put out to graze here but no grass
news nosh today

"And I know that every moment that passes in this war, more parents lose their beautiful, sweet, innocent children. Yes, I am scared. I cannot fall asleep. But more than that, I am angry."

--Gaza Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, formerly a doctor at the Israeli Sheba Hospital, who lost his three daughters and niece form an Israeli shell shot at his home during Operation Cast Lead, writes to Israelis in Yedioth

he now lives in toronto....wonderful guy
a true saint..even israeli tv loved him during cast lead

So can those who truly love properly and fully in their lives
but do not follow jesus also be redeemed..........

I aaked this question so much as a worried teenager...........
And got no satisfactory answer from my christian teachers back then

so i left their christianity in protest
and slept with my girlfiend, too

or do they have to take jesus and jesus alone as their personal saviour?

E.g...the countless thousands of good loving palestinian or gazans muslims
that you wish to save from the wicked zionists??
What's the point in you saving them from burning by the idf
if they are only going to burn in hell later anyway
better get it over with, perhaps???

Or devout hindus, buddhists, or jews who truly love their fellow creatures?

What about the dalai lama of tibet who certainly knows about jesus
but chooses to follow that fat atheist buddha....
Can or will he be saved??

the above commentry,is the biggest load of of scantamonious sic shit i have ever had the misfortune to read.

Vetch you are dishonourable.....this thread is for those that live in the real world,what on earth is going through your head at this time.

How dare you speak of the dalai lama in such a way:mad:
how should i speak of his holiness
i admire him enormously

i have met him and listened to him lecturing for 3 days

what did i say wrong?

Tell me please, sir

preferably when sober and not under liquour or liquidation either

i see you dont like cricket either

you just came to shoot us up

well be our honoured guest

i have thanked you accordingly

hope you feel better now, sir



To bring my Mom into your weird world is beyond redemption.It needs no answer.

I am a great cricket officinardo

I have know the Dalai Lama personally for 30 were disrespectful,you spent 3 days with him........WELL YOU LEARN'T NOTHING from the Great Man.

Unlike you I am not a PISSHEAD.
Last edited:
the above commentry,is the biggest load of of scantamonious sic shit i have ever had the misfortune to read.

Vetch you are dishonourable.....this thread is for those that live in the real world,what on earth is going through your head at this time.

How dare you speak of the dalai lama in such a way:mad:
how should i speak of his holiness
i admire him enormously

i have met him and listened to him lecturing for 3 days

what did i say wrong?

Tell me please, sir

preferably when sober and not under liquour or liquidation either

i see you dont like cricket either

you just came to shoot us up

well be our honoured guest

i have thanked you accordingly

hope you feel better now, sir



To bring my Mom into your weird world is beyond redemption.It needs no answer.

I am a great cricket officinardo

I have know the Dalai Lama personally for 30 we disrespectful,you spent 3 days with him........WELL YOU LEARN'T NOTHING from the Great Man.

Unlike you I am not a PISSHEAD.

sorry you just dont get my twisted english jewish sense of humour, sir

no harm to you, your mum, koalas, or his holiness intended

it was the buddha i was joikng about anyway, not him

wonderful india beat that arrogant bunch of yobs known as england cricket team, aint it??
how should i speak of his holiness
i admire him enormously

i have met him and listened to him lecturing for 3 days

what did i say wrong?

Tell me please, sir

preferably when sober and not under liquour or liquidation either

i see you dont like cricket either

you just came to shoot us up

well be our honoured guest

i have thanked you accordingly

hope you feel better now, sir

love your koala bear

was that your mum??

to bring my mom into your weird world is beyond needs no answer.

I am a great cricket officinardo

i have know the dalai lama personally for 30 we disrespectful,you spent 3 days with him........well you learn't nothing from the great man.

Unlike you i am not a pisshead.

sorry you just dont get my twisted english jewish sense of humour, sir

no harm to you, your mum, koalas, or his holiness intended

it was the buddha i was joikng about anyway, not him

wonderful india beat that arrogant bunch of yobs known as england cricket team, aint it??

sigh indeed.
to bring my mom into your weird world is beyond needs no answer.

I am a great cricket officinardo

i have know the dalai lama personally for 30 we disrespectful,you spent 3 days with him........well you learn't nothing from the great man.

Unlike you i am not a pisshead.

sorry you just dont get my twisted english jewish sense of humour, sir

no harm to you, your mum, koalas, or his holiness intended

it was the buddha i was joikng about anyway, not him

wonderful india beat that arrogant bunch of yobs known as england cricket team, aint it??

sigh indeed.
nothin more to say, sir, than just 4 letters....sigh ??????

i really truly meant no offence but you took plenty

not my intention at all; your sharp do that a lot here

sorry, if that helps,,,truly
All should read about this interview with Zionist Spokesman Mark Regev, explaining how Palestinian journalists are not civilians and are proper targets to bomb and kill. And there is supposed to be a video there, too, but I have been unable to play it, on my computer, anyway.

"After a second Israeli attack on a media building in two days, this time killing two journalists, the spokesman for the Israeli Prime Minister, Mark Regev explains to al-Jazeera English that because the journalists were Palestinian the Israel military considered them legitimate "targets." Regev's remarks were made just a few hours after the November 19, 2012 bombing of al-Shuruq Tower and another building used to house the offices of several media outlets, including both Palestinian and international networks."

Israel's explanation for killing two journalists in Gaza? Palestinians aren't journalists, they're 'targets'


sorry you just dont get my twisted english jewish sense of humour, sir

no harm to you, your mum, koalas, or his holiness intended

it was the buddha i was joikng about anyway, not him

wonderful india beat that arrogant bunch of yobs known as england cricket team, aint it??

sigh indeed.
nothin more to say, sir, than just 4 letters....sigh ??????

i really truly meant no offence but you took plenty

not my intention at all; your sharp do that a lot here

sorry, if that helps,,,truly

I do it a lot when dealing with obvious CRETINS
BBC latest...ceasefire latest

hamas says 80% of case fire has been worked out
nut-yahoo's flunkey says israel will be giving diplomacy a chance and not invading gaza

quite sure israel had no real intention whatsoever of invading anyway
nut-yahoo is a rational guy....too sensible and barak too

talk of egypt having a greater role in gaza and responsibility there

the response of the USA and Britain too
when Hitler started kiiiing Jews

was to shut their doors to all Jewish Refugees
so hundreds of thousands of jews diied
who should have been helped to the lands of the freer

there was an ecoomic depression at that time in the 1930s
and so jobs were scarce and that's why they were kept out

i would be surprised if you knew that

the response of both england and the USA in the 1930s which facilitated the murder of millions of jewish CHILDREN----- was a result of the fact that there were lots of SHERRIS
in both the USA and in england In fact the shit she posts is almost identical to the shit her colleagues promulgated in the 1930s and even INCLUDED the libel that she send into cyberspace in which her fellow shit insisted "JEWS KILL GENTILES". Shit like sherri has been using that libel to justify the murder of millions ever since the filth of HER CREED got spread around by the first adolf abu ali dog-----CONSTANTINE (see justinian law----forerunner to the nuremburg laws which legalized sherri's favorite GENOCIDE OF JEWS)
news nosh today

"And I know that every moment that passes in this war, more parents lose their beautiful, sweet, innocent children. Yes, I am scared. I cannot fall asleep. But more than that, I am angry."

--Gaza Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, formerly a doctor at the Israeli Sheba Hospital, who lost his three daughters and niece form an Israeli shell shot at his home during Operation Cast Lead, writes to Israelis in Yedioth

he now lives in toronto....wonderful guy
a true saint..even israeli tv loved him during cast lead


How can anyone forget this man? He, himself widowed, lost three daughters, ages 13, 15, and 20, when an Israeli tank or tanks opened fire on his house in Gaza in Cast Lead, he publicly stated he forgave Israel, he wrote about it in a book.

Here is another illustration of a nonChristian man living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life.

I go look up more on his life on the internet, I read him referred to as a Palestinian Martin Luther King, I even read he said, "Like Martin Luther King Jr, I too have a dream...," and he said, "I shall not hate." This resolve is the resolve he shares with Martin Luther King, this resolve is the resolve he shares with so many others, whose names will never even be written of publicly. I embrace this resolve, too, and claim it for my own, as well. This is the resolve he shares with so many in Nabi Saleh, like Baseem Tamimi (and Im sorry if I am spelling his name wrong, I always have to look up the correct spelling). And this resolve is right at the very center of Jesus words to mankind, His words for All, Jesus command to all. And He gave them a new command, love one another as I have loved you. Some want to read those words so very much, much too narrowly, they want to read the words as speaking only of what Christians are to be doing with respect to other Christians. I even recently listened to a Sermon where my own preacher spoke of these words as directing us how to respond to the people in our own Church. Now, I am not saying there is not a call to treat one's own Church members that way, my problem is reading it so narrowly that it only proscribes how one Christian is to act towards another Christian in one's own church. (Allowances are in order, his mind was on the Election, and none of us always get it all right, we are human, after all). Goodness, none of us know what is in the hearts of another, and we don't just encounter anyone and know whether they are a Christian or not! Christians, myself included, fault the Pharisees for Legalism, there is a bit of Hypocrisy in all of that! I have simply concluded, on the issue of Hypocrisy, that we are all Hypocrites! May God forgive me and us all, and show me and us our sins and shortcomings, we all have them.

I think I am rambling a bit here, but I want to try to rap this up with the words of Bassem Tamimi, the final two paragraphs below, a Palestinian Muslim man living under Occupation in Occupied Nabi Saleh in Palestine, words presented in a statement to an Israeli Apartheid Court trying him for acts of nonviolent resistnace, ie following the teachings of Jesus in a life, he sees exactly what he is doing.

Bassem Tamimi’s full statement to the Israeli Military Court on 5 June, 2011: | nabi saleh solidarity

"These demonstrations that I organize have had a positive influence over my beliefs; they allowed me to see people from the other side who believe in peace and share my struggle for freedom. Those freedom fighters have rid their conscious from the Occupation and put their hands in ours in peaceful demonstrations against our common enemy, the Occupation. They have become friends, sisters and brothers. We fight together for a better future for our children and theirs.

If released by the judge will I be convinced thereby that justice still prevails in your courts? Regardless of how just or unjust this ruling will be, and despite all your racist and inhumane practices and Occupation, we will continue to believe in peace, justice and human values. We will still raise our children to love; love the land and the people without discrimination of race, religion or ethnicity; embodying thus the message of the Messenger of Peace, Jesus Christ, who urged us to “love our enemy.” With love and justice, we make peace and build the future."

His statement is what the struggle of Palestinians for freedom from Occupation is all about, and nowhere have I read it more eloquently set forth.

He speaks of the nature of their actions in the Popular Resistance to the Occupation:

"The civil nature of our actions is the light that will overcome the darkness of the Occupation, bringing a dawn of freedom that will warm the cold wrists in chains, sweep despair from the soul and end decades of oppression."

Obviously, Bassem Tamimi had a dream, too, a dream he is still living out in a life, a life lived in Palestine.

You fault me for not seeing both sides, but I submit to you that you fail to properly acknowledge the fact that the entire conflict revolves all around the Occupation ,and Peace will never come to the land of Palestine, that includes Israel, until that Occupation ends. And taking a stand against that Injustice is a cause that can unite all of us, it is not a cause that has to divide, it can tear down walls and unite us all.

Freedom means many things, and freedom from Hate, that is certainly a struggle worth fighting for, in a life, for a person to seek to love and not hate, despite our circumstances! And we vanquish Hate with Love. I see that as a universal truth.


when are you goin to reply to my post to you about healing?

took me quite some time and effort

do it by private message if you like.

or if you did reply, can you tell me where so i can find it

looks like the gaza - geddon is coming to an end thank god

so that gaza doctor is definitely saved by god although i think he's a muslim

is that what you are saying?

very important if you are, tho of course that's the lord's decision not ours!

bbc took him to his family's original home near siderot and interviewed him and the local israelis

very good interview indeed

the response of the USA and Britain too
when Hitler started kiiiing Jews

was to shut their doors to all Jewish Refugees
so hundreds of thousands of jews diied
who should have been helped to the lands of the freer

there was an ecoomic depression at that time in the 1930s
and so jobs were scarce and that's why they were kept out

i would be surprised if you knew that

the response of both england and the USA in the 1930s which facilitated the murder of millions of jewish CHILDREN----- was a result of the fact that there were lots of SHERRIS
in both the USA and in england In fact the shit she posts is almost identical to the shit her colleagues promulgated in the 1930s and even INCLUDED the libel that she send into cyberspace in which her fellow shit insisted "JEWS KILL GENTILES". Shit like sherri has been using that libel to justify the murder of millions ever since the filth of HER CREED got spread around by the first adolf abu ali dog-----CONSTANTINE (see justinian law----forerunner to the nuremburg laws which legalized sherri's favorite GENOCIDE OF JEWS)


Can you please try to get over your obsession with dwelling on the past and blaming people living today for it? You are in Bondage, in Bondage to all this Hate filled garbage, please get a chain saw or something and break those chains, saw through those chains now. Life is too short to waste on all of that Hate.

Why hate me for pointing out truths about Israel and about Palestine?

I am not the one killing anyone there.

So what if I said Jews killed Gentiles in Gaza, is it true or is it not true?

If you want to claim it is not true, prove it, then.

news nosh today

"And I know that every moment that passes in this war, more parents lose their beautiful, sweet, innocent children. Yes, I am scared. I cannot fall asleep. But more than that, I am angry."

--Gaza Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, formerly a doctor at the Israeli Sheba Hospital, who lost his three daughters and niece form an Israeli shell shot at his home during Operation Cast Lead, writes to Israelis in Yedioth

he now lives in toronto....wonderful guy
a true saint..even israeli tv loved him during cast lead


How can anyone forget this man? He, himself widowed, lost three daughters, ages 13, 15, and 20, when an Israeli tank or tanks opened fire on his house in Gaza in Cast Lead, he publicly stated he forgave Israel, he wrote about it in a book.

Here is another illustration of a nonChristian man living out the teachings of Jesus Christ in a life.

I go look up more on his life on the internet, I read him referred to as a Palestinian Martin Luther King, I even read he said, "Like Martin Luther King Jr, I too have a dream...," and he said, "I shall not hate." This resolve is the resolve he shares with Martin Luther King, this resolve is the resolve he shares with so many others, whose names will never even be written of publicly. I embrace this resolve, too, and claim it for my own, as well. This is the resolve he shares with so many in Nabi Saleh, like Baseem Tamimi (and Im sorry if I am spelling his name wrong, I always have to look up the correct spelling). And this resolve is right at the very center of Jesus words to mankind, His words for All, Jesus command to all. And He gave them a new command, love one another as I have loved you. Some want to read those words so very much, much too narrowly, they want to read the words as speaking only of what Christians are to be doing with respect to other Christians. I even recently listened to a Sermon where my own preacher spoke of these words as directing us how to respond to the people in our own Church. Now, I am not saying there is not a call to treat one's own Church members that way, my problem is reading it so narrowly that it only proscribes how one Christian is to act towards another Christian in one's own church. (Allowances are in order, his mind was on the Election, and none of us always get it all right, we are human, after all). Goodness, none of us know what is in the hearts of another, and we don't just encounter anyone and know whether they are a Christian or not! Christians, myself included, fault the Pharisees for Legalism, there is a bit of Hypocrisy in all of that! I have simply concluded, on the issue of Hypocrisy, that we are all Hypocrites! May God forgive me and us all, and show me and us our sins and shortcomings, we all have them.

I think I am rambling a bit here, but I want to try to rap this up with the words of Bassem Tamimi, the final two paragraphs below, a Palestinian Muslim man living under Occupation in Occupied Nabi Saleh in Palestine, words presented in a statement to an Israeli Apartheid Court trying him for acts of nonviolent resistnace, ie following the teachings of Jesus in a life, he sees exactly what he is doing.

Bassem Tamimi’s full statement to the Israeli Military Court on 5 June, 2011: | nabi saleh solidarity

"These demonstrations that I organize have had a positive influence over my beliefs; they allowed me to see people from the other side who believe in peace and share my struggle for freedom. Those freedom fighters have rid their conscious from the Occupation and put their hands in ours in peaceful demonstrations against our common enemy, the Occupation. They have become friends, sisters and brothers. We fight together for a better future for our children and theirs.

If released by the judge will I be convinced thereby that justice still prevails in your courts? Regardless of how just or unjust this ruling will be, and despite all your racist and inhumane practices and Occupation, we will continue to believe in peace, justice and human values. We will still raise our children to love; love the land and the people without discrimination of race, religion or ethnicity; embodying thus the message of the Messenger of Peace, Jesus Christ, who urged us to “love our enemy.” With love and justice, we make peace and build the future."

His statement is what the struggle of Palestinians for freedom from Occupation is all about, and nowhere have I read it more eloquently set forth.

He speaks of the nature of their actions in the Popular Resistance to the Occupation:

"The civil nature of our actions is the light that will overcome the darkness of the Occupation, bringing a dawn of freedom that will warm the cold wrists in chains, sweep despair from the soul and end decades of oppression."

Obviously, Bassem Tamimi had a dream, too, a dream he is still living out in a life, a life lived in Palestine.

You fault me for not seeing both sides, but I submit to you that you fail to properly acknowledge the fact that the entire conflict revolves all around the Occupation ,and Peace will never come to the land of Palestine, that includes Israel, until that Occupation ends. And taking a stand against that Injustice is a cause that can unite all of us, it is not a cause that has to divide, it can tear down walls and unite us all.

Freedom means many things, and freedom from Hate, that is certainly a struggle worth fighting for, in a life, for a person to seek to love and not hate, despite our circumstances! And we vanquish Hate with Love. I see that as a universal truth.


Great post, Sherri, thanks.

the response of the USA and Britain too
when Hitler started kiiiing Jews

was to shut their doors to all Jewish Refugees
so hundreds of thousands of jews diied
who should have been helped to the lands of the freer

there was an ecoomic depression at that time in the 1930s
and so jobs were scarce and that's why they were kept out

i would be surprised if you knew that

the response of both england and the USA in the 1930s which facilitated the murder of millions of jewish CHILDREN----- was a result of the fact that there were lots of SHERRIS
in both the USA and in england In fact the shit she posts is almost identical to the shit her colleagues promulgated in the 1930s and even INCLUDED the libel that she send into cyberspace in which her fellow shit insisted "JEWS KILL GENTILES". Shit like sherri has been using that libel to justify the murder of millions ever since the filth of HER CREED got spread around by the first adolf abu ali dog-----CONSTANTINE (see justinian law----forerunner to the nuremburg laws which legalized sherri's favorite GENOCIDE OF JEWS)
there was one lousy UK newspaper, the daily mail which led the cry to close the doors to jews in the 1930s

also supported hitler early on, as did the whole UK conservative establishment except churchill

they wanted to ally with hitler against stalin , but stalin beat them to it

now the UK's no1 pro israel hackette, melanie phillips writes for the same paper

i call it the daily the daily kvetch!

i emailed her tellin her that this lousy xenophobic paper still uses the same old arguments now against immigrants they once used to shut out jews

she wrote about obama's victory..."back to the darkness"....racist bitch!

she is so paranoid and over the top she is pallywood's best friend and i have told her so!

are you up all night, sweetie...must be 3:40 a.m. your time
hubby readin rashi??
Spare me the liberal many Israeli children have been killed by those Muslim bombs for decades?
liberal means freedom

from the Latin

how come it is an insult in the USA...the "land of the free"

here in england, conservatives are happy to be liberal, too

i think USA is disordered in its use of english-latin lingo

time we brits took you over again
and knocked some sense into your stoopid tea party heads
Spare me the liberal many Israeli children have been killed by those Muslim bombs for decades?
liberal means freedom

from the Latin

how come it is an insult in the USA...the "land of the free"

here in england, conservatives are happy to be liberal, too

i think USA is disordered in its use of english-latin lingo

time we brits took you over again
and knocked some sense into your stoopid tea party heads

Since when do YOU speak for Brits?
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