Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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yet another cretin
cretins R us


everyone's a cretin except our LIQ

Yet more Cretinism from the CRET,again wrong in your dreary summation.

the Liq:

i aint tryin to fight with you, liq

your phoney war reminds me of don quixote tilting at windmills
shielded with the golden helmet of mandino which was in reality a soup dish!

enjoy anyway; you can Liq my sorry asshole all you like!

i'm rooting for you, don quixote the liq!!!
what a typical nice libtard you are :lol:

Priceless! Someone puts you in your place, or disagrees with your opinions and you immediately slot them into the opposite political spectrum to yourself. I'm not sure whether Vetch is a liberal. I suspect not, but one thing is for are a glaring example of ignorance and twattery.

your suspicions are wrong sir

i am a very liberal kinda guy

and voted for the liberal party in our last UK election and the 2 before that

so just maybe...your other suspicions may be a bit off track, too

watch this free liberal space.................libtards R us !!!

pretty crazy aint it,,,a yank from the "land of the free"...liberal means free
accusing a free liberal of bei ng a retard

so what is cranium or branium or a fascist

more likely a bogstandard ignorant right wing yank
brain dirtied by your army of shock jocks,..........a pox on all of them to be sure

So YOU were the one! I've always wondered who it was. :D
Now, here is a very interesting collection of numbers, addressing fatalities in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

So many Palestinians being massacred, and all being killed by Israel, and so few Israelis dying. More, by far, die in traffic accidents then from Palestinian rockets!

The rockets are simply an excuse to kill Gentile children with, an excuse to continue the ethnic cleansing operation planned so long ago by the oh so moral Zionists!

"Number of Israelis killed by fire from Gaza between January 1st 2012 and November 11th 2012: 1 (Source: Wikipedia) Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire during the same period: 78 (Source: United Nations)

Number of Israelis killed by fire from Gaza, November 13th-19th 2012: 3 (Source: press reports) Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire, November 13th-19th: 95 (Source: IDF) Number of those killed in Gaza under 15 years of age: 19 (Source)

Total number of Israelis killed by rocket, mortar or anti-tank fire from Gaza since 2006: 47
(Source: Wikipedia. This is disputed; another source says 26)

Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire from April 1st 2006 to July 21st 2012: 2,879 (Source: United Nations)

Number of people killed in traffic accidents in Israel in 2011: 384 (Source: Wikipedia)

Israeli assault on Gaza by the numbers | Mondoweiss

Now, here is a very interesting collection of numbers, addressing fatalities in the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

So many Palestinians being massacred, and all being killed by Israel, and so few Israelis dying. More, by far, die in traffic accidents then from Palestinian rockets!

The rockets are simply an excuse to kill Gentile children with, an excuse to continue the ethnic cleansing operation planned so long ago by the oh so moral Zionists!

"Number of Israelis killed by fire from Gaza between January 1st 2012 and November 11th 2012: 1 (Source: Wikipedia) Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire during the same period: 78 (Source: United Nations)

Number of Israelis killed by fire from Gaza, November 13th-19th 2012: 3 (Source: press reports) Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire, November 13th-19th: 95 (Source: IDF) Number of those killed in Gaza under 15 years of age: 19 (Source)

Total number of Israelis killed by rocket, mortar or anti-tank fire from Gaza since 2006: 47
(Source: Wikipedia. This is disputed; another source says 26)

Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire from April 1st 2006 to July 21st 2012: 2,879 (Source: United Nations)

Number of people killed in traffic accidents in Israel in 2011: 384 (Source: Wikipedia)

Israeli assault on Gaza by the numbers | Mondoweiss

Let's outlaw them terrorist cars.
Israeli strategy is unsuccessful, just foments hostility by oppressed — Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan, in interview with Zionist Peres:

"I think the critics would say that this particular strategy has proven over the last few years to be an unsuccessful one, and in fact all it achieves, because of the densely populated nature of the Gaza Strip in particular, it just foments more hostility among the people toward Israel and that in the long term cannot be good for Israel, and that what needs to happen is some way to make to make the people of Gaza feel less oppressed."

Israeli strategy is unsuccessful, just foments hostility by oppressed -- Piers Morgan
Number of Palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli fire from April 1st 2006 to July 21st 2012: 2,879 (Source: United Nations). Israeli assault on Gaza by the numbers | Mondoweiss
If the mondoweiss factored in 72 virgins, the picture would be a lot happier, of course.
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE
Hoss I am fascinated that Respecter of Isa, sunday school teacher SHERRI so eagerly posts up picutures of dead Gazans HUMAN BEINGS Poor Yeshua ben Yosef would be horrified. Such pictures are a reminder of the very REASON why PONTIUS PILATE so loved to crucify jews-----in fact he MOST LIKELY did so----after stripping his victims naked for the same reason RESPECTER OF ISA Sadaam Hussein initiated his successful career in the RESPECTER OF ISA world by hanging jews in the public square-----also naked

All of it-----the waving about of dead bodies-----the nake executions----the prolonged executions and the OBSCENE MUTILATIONS that sherri so enjoys is absolutely
contraindicated in Jewish Law There are hints of this reality in the New Testament.
at first opportunity the Pharisee friends of Yehoshu ben Yosef or Yehoshua ben Mara (based on the horrible way the gentile Pontius Pilate killed him----he would be designated the more gentle name----after his MOTHER) WRAPPED his dead body before placing him in the crypt owned by another pharisee friend whose name escapes me.

You will never see the autopsy photos of the obscene mutilation murders enacted by
the respecters of Isa in Mumbai, in Syria, or in Lebanon-----rabbis in Israel simply do
not allow photos of dead jews with their genitalia hanging out of their mouths to be PUBLISHED ------assuredly----if jews did that to Isa respecters-----the Isa respecters would publish them and sherri would throw them into cyber space FOR THE REST OF HER ISA RESPECTING LIFE
anyone can do what sherri does with STATS she is a joke
now tell us the number of TURKISH WOMEN WHO "COMMIT SUICIDE"----the Isa respecting way to describe "HONOR MURDERS OF TEEN AGED GIRLS"
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE
The baby killers are all Jews, why do you not respond to the Jews killing operation in the Gaza killing fields!
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE
The baby killers are all Jews, why do you not respond to the Jews killing operation in the Gaza killing fields!

easy Sherri----the baby killers are not jews------they are the ISA RESPECTERS thruout the world Isa respecters have not killed babies in the MILLIONS-----they have killed them in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS over the past 1700 years Just in the last century----at least 10 million babies murdered by Isa respecters In all of history---jews never engaged in a program of infanticide as have ----your people----THE NOTABLE ISA RESPECTERS
examples of notable isa respecters include CONSTANTINE OF THE FIRST REICH
(the very short list) ISABELLA OF SPAIN OF THE SECOND
HERNON CORTEZ (friend of isabella)
ADOLF ABU ALI (3rd reich)
I studied german ----four semesters---- "A" every time-----the only german I remember is "DU BIST EIN NARR, HEINRICH" from an account I read in that class of the life of HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN------the man who insisted that
the battle of TROY really did happen----- for instant translation of the german which was the opinion of his colleagues " you're a schmuck, heinrich" Heinrich did manage to dig out troy----and found evidence of the battles there----prior to that time-----in the minds of most TROY DID NOT EVEN EVER EXIST

deconstrution is a good thing------it is very talmudic but persons who discount ancient scriptural writings are idiots -----that includes ----the GITA and the RAMAYANA------and mostly the kama sudtra
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE
The baby killers are all Jews, why do you not respond to the Jews killing operation in the Gaza killing fields!

easy Sherri----the baby killers are not jews------they are the ISA RESPECTERS thruout the world Isa respecters have not killed babies in the MILLIONS-----they have killed them in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS over the past 1700 years Just in the last century----at least 10 million babies murdered by Isa respecters In all of history---jews never engaged in a program of infanticide as have ----your people----THE NOTABLE ISA RESPECTERS
examples of notable isa respecters include CONSTANTINE OF THE FIRST REICH
(the very short list) ISABELLA OF SPAIN OF THE SECOND
HERNON CORTEZ (friend of isabella)
ADOLF ABU ALI (3rd reich)
We are speaking here about Jews burning alive babies and other innocent civilians in Palestine. Why do you defend and support this killing?
I studied german ----four semesters---- "A" every time-----the only german I remember is "DU BIST EIN NARR, HEINRICH" from an account I read in that class of the life of HEINRICH SCHLIEMANN------the man who insisted that
the battle of TROY really did happen----- for instant translation of the german which was the opinion of his colleagues " you're a schmuck, heinrich" Heinrich did manage to dig out troy----and found evidence of the battles there----prior to that time-----in the minds of most TROY DID NOT EVEN EVER EXIST

deconstrution is a good thing------it is very talmudic but persons who discount ancient scriptural writings are idiots -----that includes ----the GITA and the RAMAYANA------and mostly the kama sudtra
Did you learn in your studies that supporting killings by Jews was good?
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as AND DEFENDING THUS NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE

My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?
Liar, they were not urged to get out.

And where would they go, into the sea?

<<<<<<from supporter of ISA RESPECTING BABY MURDERERS

poor baby murderer supporter sherri----forgot that Gaza ---borders
Isa respecting EGYPT AND there are beautiful well constructed
tunnels running from Isa respecting Gaza to Isa respecting Egypt.

well---it is understandable ----she is so busy doing the vulgar thing---
posting up GORE the cheapest trick in the gutter

(during my life time---I have, on occasion, pulled cameras from the hands of cheap scum in hospital emergency rooms)
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as AND DEFENDING THUS NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE

My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?

You may not have noticed, but most of us are discussing the state of your mental health.
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