Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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thanks sherri------far more muslim girls die of "HONOR KILLINGS" each year than die of Israeli bombs however---this stat like yours ----is meaningless
Damn shame Hamas keeps shooting rockets into Israel and causing the pain to the Palestinians....

The pain is ceing caused by continuing deliberate targeting and killing of civilians in Gaza and in the West Bank, too, by Israel.

They burned to death another baby, this time in the West Bank, i just read about that this morning, and murdered two who were protesting the civilian massacres in Gaza.

Why are you defending the deliberate Israeli killing of babies, like this one below, the baby of a BBC jornalist deliberately targeted for death by Zionists in Israel, that is the baby addressed in the OP?


The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as AND DEFENDING THUS NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE

My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?

You may not have noticed, but most of us are discussing the state of your mental health.

I suggest you look closer at your computer screen, this is a discussion thread about Israel and Palestine.

We are discussing all the civilians Israel is targeting and killing right now inside Gaza!

Read the title of the thread, it addresses a baby Israel burned alive!

The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as AND DEFENDING THUS NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE

My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?
Because muslims are carpet kissing child rapists.
My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?

You may not have noticed, but most of us are discussing the state of your mental health.

I suggest you look closer at your computer screen, this is a discussion thread about Israel and Palestine.

We are discussing all the civilians Israel is targeting and killing right now inside Gaza!

Read the title of the thread, it addresses a baby Israel burned alive!


Actually, most people have been responding to your posts with expressions of concern for your mental health. Even Kvetch, who is no slouch when it comes to bashing Israel, seems to see you as needing serious help. Jos, of course, is gentler, seeing you as a potential recruit to be a suicide bomber.
anyone interested in just what makes sherri tick------read the writings of MAGDA GOEBBELS in the Berlin Bunker------she considered herself a
PIOUS CHRISTIAN and did indeed look angelic in her white veil that
she wore to church-----the church scene of her wedding with Adolf
abu Ali in attendance is, indeed, lovely She adored her six kids
(i hope got that number right) and her handsome husband Josef
---and her hero ADOLF ABU ALI ------she had to shove cyanide
down the throats of five (?) of the little kids-----but managed
to write a heartfelt letter to her eldest son fighing for the VATERLAND
at the front before doing so-------a noble woman---she did come
to her stated conclusion that her children would not be able to live down
the workings of their parents ----thus the cyanide. well---she was shit--
but not as stupid as is sherri
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as AND DEFENDING THUS NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE

My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?
Because muslims are carpet kissing child rapists.

First carpet bombing and now this? Henceforth you shall be known as Ima the Arab Slayer (and name caller).
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as AND DEFENDING THUS NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE

My God, we are discussing here the deliberate ISRAELI KILLING OF BABIES AND CHILDREN and CIVILIANS! HOW CAN YOU KEEP ON SUPPORTING and defending this?
Because muslims are carpet kissing child rapists.


So that leads you to support murder of children, by Israel!

May you reap what you sow, ima!

You certainly deserve it!

Irosie has always been a complete and utter bitch including an advocate of hatred for anything Palestinian. I see you haven't changed one you unforgiving piece of human slime.
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome
Sherri, what's a few dead sand monkeys between enemies? Anyways, they lose a child, they still have 9 more.
sherri-----my comments alluded to your fellow isa respecters regarding the style of propaganda which your fellow isa respecters, to wit Josef Geobbles with the loving support of the very pious Magda Goebbles , used to justify their murder of millions which is is very similar to yours.
If not for their fear of the RUSSIAN ARMY----your fellow isa respecters Josef and Magda goebbels and kids and adolf abu ali-----would have SURIVIVED THAT BOMBING

How about you comment on the ongoing program of YOUR FELLOW isa respecters in murdering children----not only in Israel ---but also in Kenya, the USA, India, Nigeria, Indonesia etc etc Israel has no program of killing children------you and your ilk do. The hiindu and christian victims of
your fellow isa respecters in those countries do not either.

The USA and Great Britain did not have a program of killing children during world war II either-----but like those of your ilk------the respecters of isa stayed safe in a heavily fortified bunker whilst the bombing of Berlin and other parts of THE THIRD REICH killed tens of thousands of children. Similarly---your hero Nus kharah allah----stayed safe in a STEEL WALLED BUNKER respecting ISA whilst return fire ----from the bombed out HAIFA ----killed Lebanese children to his delight

Even PONTIUS PILATE ----survived his murder of 20,000 jews yet there are actually some sects of ISA RESPECTERS who somehow consider him a "saint" just as your fellow isa respecters in Iran and the middle east consider ADOLF ABU ALI a saint

The deaths of gazan children due to return fire is tragic ----just as was the deaths of Lebanese children due to return fire ---------just as was the deaths of the children or Berlin due to BOMBS from the allied powers mostly great britain----some from the USA etc etc etc If Nuskharahallah were close to a decent person------he would have let the kids use the steel walled bunkers and used the gasoline powering his MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS for transport of the kids to North Lebanon If hamas were close to decent ---the kids would be in Egypt

My baby----now in israel-----carried a lebanese baby to his ship docked up north-----on the shore of lebanon saved the kid from the filth of those ISA RESPECTERS south of the LITANI RIVER who used the children there as if they were dirt
sherri-----my comments alluded to your fellow isa respecters regarding the style of propaganda which your fellow isa respecters, to wit Josef Geobbles with the loving support of the very pious Magda Goebbles , used to justify their murder of millions which is is very similar to yours.
If not for their fear of the RUSSIAN ARMY----your fellow isa respecters Josef and Magda goebbels and kids and adolf abu ali-----would have SURIVIVED THAT BOMBING

How about you comment on the ongoing program of YOUR FELLOW isa respecters in murdering children----not only in Israel ---but also in Kenya, the USA, India, Nigeria, Indonesia etc etc Israel has no program of killing children------you and your ilk do. The hiindu and christian victims of
your fellow isa respecters in those countries do not either.

The USA and Great Britain did not have a program of killing children during world war II either-----but like those of your ilk------the respecters of isa stayed safe in a heavily fortified bunker whilst the bombing of Berlin and other parts of THE THIRD REICH killed tens of thousands of children. Similarly---your hero Nus kharah allah----stayed safe in a STEEL WALLED BUNKER respecting ISA whilst return fire ----from the bombed out HAIFA ----killed Lebanese children to his delight

Even PONTIUS PILATE ----survived his murder of 20,000 jews yet there are actually some sects of ISA RESPECTERS who somehow consider him a "saint" just as your fellow isa respecters in Iran and the middle east consider ADOLF ABU ALI a saint

The deaths of gazan children due to return fire is tragic ----just as was the deaths of Lebanese children due to return fire ---------just as was the deaths of the children or Berlin due to BOMBS from the allied powers mostly great britain----some from the USA etc etc etc If Nuskharahallah were close to a decent person------he would have let the kids use the steel walled bunkers and used the gasoline powering his MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS for transport of the kids to North Lebanon If hamas were close to decent ---the kids would be in Egypt

My baby----now in israel-----carried a lebanese baby to his ship docked up north-----on the shore of lebanon saved the kid from the filth of those ISA RESPECTERS south of the LITANI RIVER who used the children there as if they were dirt

you really are crazy
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome


Jesus says, love your enemy. We do not love our enemy by killing him.

He said what He said, as recorded in the Christian Gospels, not the words you desire to place in His mouth.

There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome


Jesus says, love your enemy. We do not love our enemy by killing him.

He said what He said, as recorded in the Christian Gospels, not the words you desire to place in His mouth.


Very good Sherri-----so who are the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS that the respecters of isa have MURDERED------not enemies? why did your fellow respecters of isa murder hundreds of millions IN HIS NAME ? because they were NOT ENEMIES respecters of isa murder their FRIENDS? What "jesus" said-----were quotations from the talmud and ----a person you know nothing of------HILLEL an interesting person who lived a few centuries before "jesus" how many children did your fellow respecters of isa murder today? why do you support murder at the hands of your fellow respecters of isa? just how do you JUSTIFY the murder of the people the respecters of isa "LOVE"? ie their "enemies" ------or do their murder their "NON ENEMIES" just for fun? oh I got it-------you fellow respecters of isa murder their NON ENEMIES FOR FUN---------it took me along time to understand that MURDER FOR FUN that you advocate-------no wonder that you fellow respecters of isa sluts DANCE on the dead bodies of the infants their brothers murder----IT'S FUN
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome


Jesus says, love your enemy. We do not love our enemy by killing him.

He said what He said, as recorded in the Christian Gospels, not the words you desire to place in His mouth.


Very good Sherri-----so who are the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS that the respecters of isa have MURDERED------not enemies? why did your fellow respecters of isa murder hundreds of millions IN HIS NAME ? because they were NOT ENEMIES respecters of isa murder their FRIENDS? What "jesus" said-----were quotations from the talmud and ----a person you know nothing of------HILLEL an interesting person who lived a few centuries before "jesus" how many children did your fellow respecters of isa murder today? why do you support murder at the hands of your fellow respecters of isa? just how do you JUSTIFY the murder of the people the respecters of isa "LOVE"? ie their "enemies" ------or do their murder their "NON ENEMIES" just for fun? oh I got it-------you fellow respecters of isa murder their NON ENEMIES FOR FUN---------it took me along time to understand that MURDER FOR FUN that you advocate-------no wonder that you fellow respecters of isa sluts DANCE on the dead bodies of the infants their brothers murder----IT'S FUN

There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome


Jesus says, love your enemy. We do not love our enemy by killing him.

He said what He said, as recorded in the Christian Gospels, not the words you desire to place in His mouth.


But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Luke 19:27

But this is just a foretaste of the Second Coming according to Revelations 19,

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war”, “His eyes were as a flame of fire”, clothed in a vesture dipped in blood“, and “out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."

So Jesus said a lot of things. Who's to say when nations go to war they are not doing the work of Jesus?
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There is absolutely no evidence in the New Testament that given the circumstances---jesus would oppose FIGHTING ---in battle----against the roman occupation His action in the Temple Court Yard against the FOREIGN EXCHANGE that was know by the pharisees to be rife with a SADDUCEE/ROMAN collaborative graft program -------was actually violent

poor sherri knows nothing about the ISA she imagines she "worships"
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