Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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where is sherri----looking for cheap gore pictures?

for sherri-----I have seen lots of gore up close. I have also seen lots of PICTURES of gore----because austopsies include
I cannot post any of them up because doing so is
contrary to ETHICS AND RELIGION of lots of people ----very contrary to jewish ethics which is why your fellow ISA RESPECTERS like it so much

I have noticed that your fellow isa-respecters DEPEND on it. Gore is very easy. even a wisdom tooth extraction can ----using a camera ----be made to appear BARBARIC.
The whores of propaganda love it. I am making no comment on abortion----but my feelings about your gore postings are about the same as my feelings about the whores of the ANTI ABORTION movement that stand outside of planned parenthood clinics with PICTURES of aborted fetuses They, like you, are propaganda whores. For the record----a miscarriage LOOKS just as gory Even a D & C (that is a diagnostic or sometimes therapeutic scrape of the lining of the Uterus) looks GORY if photographed.

The results of the filth of islamic terrorism looks a lot more gory than the stuff your fellow respecter of isa propaganda whores post up. I cannot post it up ----since it is contrary to both the religion of Jesus (greek form of Yeshua) and my ethics to do so----I will describe it--------simply A LOT MORE SHOCKING THAN YOUR MATERIAL.

Now sherri----stop playing games with those pictures------you are demonstrating the fact that you are a vulgar unprincipled bitch. I have known LOTS OF MUSLIMS----and have been told that they too------"respect the dead" hard to believe considering what they are into lately or what they allow propaganda whores to do with pictures of their dead children.
Is there any muslim out there who wants to object to these very cheap displays?
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We read in the letter below what life is like in Gaza, as civilians everywhere are targets for Israeli bombs and weapons, nowhere is safe, the woman below speaks about how her family members stay together, huddled together in their homes, any moment could be their last, they at least want to die together. There are no bomb shelters, and they get regular texts from Israel, terror texts, that promise them more violence is to come.

"This morning, the Israeli F16 military jets hit our area twice. The first time, they hit the building of the council of ministers with 5 huge missiles just a few homes away from our home. Our home was shaking like an earthquake and our windows broke and shattered everywhere, and I felt the missiles inside our home. It was very scary. Of course serious damages happened to all surrounding buildings in the area. The first time, the Israeli F16 military jets hit Palestine stadium, which is located in the neighborhood next to my neighborhood, with 4 huge missiles, and caused some damages to my home as well. I heard the huge explosions and saw the flames and it was very terrifying. We see and feel death very close with each bombing. Israel is bombing everywhere in Gaza all the time by air, sea and land. Nowhere to hide … Nowhere is safe … We don’t have shelters … We just stay at home so all of us can die at once if a missile would strike our home.

We are still recovering from the trauma of the first war [Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9 - editor]. How will we recover from this? Also the Israeli army (IDF) is sending text messages to us on mobile phones in Gaza with a warning in Arabic: “The next phase is on the way.” They are trying to intimidate us like what happened in the first Gaza war four years ago.This is insane … How much is too much? … I hope this madness will stop as quickly as possible."

Life in Gaza: Letter from a Palestinian woman | +972 Magazine

There is absolutely no evidence in the New Testament that given the circumstances---jesus would oppose FIGHTING ---in battle----against the roman occupation His action in the Temple Court Yard against the FOREIGN EXCHANGE that was know by the pharisees to be rife with a SADDUCEE/ROMAN collaborative graft program -------was actually violent

poor sherri knows nothing about the ISA she imagines she "worships"


I do not think you read my posts, Jesus words were love your enemies. We do not love our enemies by taking their lives, that is not that difficult to understand, the words are simple and straightforward. The words come from The Sermon On the Mount. We are to love our enemies, because God loves them, too. God made the sun rise on and the rain come down on all of us, all of us, His creations. That is all set forth in those verses, in Matthew 6, I think. Love is not just for any one group of people, whether they be Jews or Christians or Muslims or Americans or Israelis or Iranians or any other group.

Sherri be not deceived I read your posts they are idiotic

good of you to admit that you are quoting a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation---that was compiled a few hundred years after Jesus died the compilers being very much POLITICALLY MOTIVATED and somewhat as idiotic as are you. Jesus was a good pharisee jew------too bad the people of your ilk perverted his words and later on USED them to justify the murder of hundreds of millions
Sherri be not deceived I read your posts they are idiotic

good of you to admit that you are quoting a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation---that was compiled a few hundred years after Jesus died the compilers being very much POLITICALLY MOTIVATED and somewhat as idiotic as are you. Jesus was a good pharisee jew------too bad the people of your ilk perverted his words and later on USED them to justify the murder of hundreds of millions

Jesus a Pharisee? I always thought of him as more of a Sadducee because of his efforts to reform Temple worship.
Sherri be not deceived I read your posts they are idiotic

good of you to admit that you are quoting a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation---that was compiled a few hundred years after Jesus died the compilers being very much POLITICALLY MOTIVATED and somewhat as idiotic as are you. Jesus was a good pharisee jew------too bad the people of your ilk perverted his words and later on USED them to justify the murder of hundreds of millions

Jesus a Pharisee? I always thought of him as more of a Sadducee because of his efforts to reform Temple worship.

what "efforts" are those? There is not a word in the New Testament suggesting a "reformation" of the temple----other than his insistence that the foreign exchange of money in the temple court yard be terminated THAT WAS A SADDUCEEAN project and a pet peeve of the pharisees
Whoever sick f*** burned alive this 11-month old baby is a sicko and deserves to burn in hell for of all eternity, in the situation that they were intentionally trying to harm civilians. If not, they still are a very messed up person. I think that both sides are doing wrong, evil things, in this Israel-Palestine Conflict. There is no good or evil side, just a gray areas..............

Both sides commit evil deeds in war. Also, Jesus would not approve of the bastard soldier that harmed an innocent baby...............

No one intentionally burned this baby. The Gaza terrorists hide personnel and weapons in densely populated residential areas using the civilians as human shields and this makes some civilian casualties inevitable as the IDF goes after legitimate military targets.
Sherri hates Jews.

No, Sherri hates seeing civilians murdered, as Israel is doing right now in Gaza.

Both the Israelis and the Palestinians are racists who don't want to coexist with each other. Somebody should just unify the two groups into one country. The racist Zionists are now forced to live with the Palestinians, and the racist Palestinians now have to live in the same country as the Israelis.

Hamas is a bunch of sickos for targeting Israeli civilians/citizens...................

Israel doesn't even allow Bedouins to live on their land, suck racist Zionist freaks!!!!!

Honestly, both sides/groups are evil. Why can't we just accept that?????

Racism is so ******* stupid........

Both Arabs and Jews live peacefully in Israel, but Jews are unwelcome in Gaza or in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, under PA law, it is a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. Bedouins do live on their land in Israel, and many of them join the IDF to fight against Israel's enemies.
There is no question that RACISM in the MIDDLE EAST is the major problem But the issue does not exist as an isolated problem between Israel and the "palestinians" Racism plagues THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and even includes IRAN. Unless the IMPERIALIST AND RACIST ambitions of arabist islamicists can be ended-----there can be no peace. The most logical place to start is SAUDI ARABIA a complete end to the concept of the ISLAMIC STATE will bring peace to the entire region. A good place to start would be ----the construction of CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, HINDU TEMPLES and SYNAGOGUES in Mecca
Sherri be not deceived I read your posts they are idiotic

good of you to admit that you are quoting a translation of a translation of a translation of a translation---that was compiled a few hundred years after Jesus died the compilers being very much POLITICALLY MOTIVATED and somewhat as idiotic as are you. Jesus was a good pharisee jew------too bad the people of your ilk perverted his words and later on USED them to justify the murder of hundreds of millions
J esus words, Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thy enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh the sun rise on the just and the unjust. Matthew 6: 43-45
whoever sick f*** burned alive this 11-month old baby is a sicko and deserves to burn in hell for of all eternity, in the situation that they were intentionally trying to harm civilians. If not, they still are a very messed up person. I think that both sides are doing wrong, evil things, in this israel-palestine conflict. There is no good or evil side, just a gray areas..............

Both sides commit evil deeds in war. Also, jesus would not approve of the bastard soldier that harmed an innocent baby...............

no one intentionally burned this baby. The gaza terrorists hide personnel and weapons in densely populated residential areas using the civilians as human shields and this makes some civilian casualties inevitable as the idf goes after legitimate military targets.

is that what they told you
irosie, I reject and renounce Hate, hate that fuels all wars. I reject a nd renounce war, in all circumstances. And that is following Jesus teachings. Sherri
Whoever sick f*** burned alive this 11-month old baby is a sicko and deserves to burn in hell for of all eternity, in the situation that they were intentionally trying to harm civilians. If not, they still are a very messed up person. I think that both sides are doing wrong, evil things, in this Israel-Palestine Conflict. There is no good or evil side, just a gray areas..............

Both sides commit evil deeds in war. Also, Jesus would not approve of the bastard soldier that harmed an innocent baby...............

No one intentionally burned this baby. The Gaza terrorists hide personnel and weapons in densely populated residential areas using the civilians as human shields and this makes some civilian casualties inevitable as the IDF goes after legitimate military targets.

It is also inevitable that enemy soldiers die during a wars. However, killing women, children, and citizens/civilians is a TOTALLY different story. No offense, I'm am not questioning your intelligence or your knowledge or anything like that, but how do you know that the Israelis were not intentionally trying to kill/harm innocent civilians???????

Skywalker ---all science depends on DATA There is absolutely no evidence to support the contention that Israelis are seeking to kill arab children but there is OVERWHELMING evidence that many arab muslims seek to kill Israeli children. A simple example >>> have you ever heard of an Israeli SNEAKING INTO A HOUSE for the purpose of slittng the throat of an arab child? Slitting throats is a "HONORABLE" feat for muslims-----christians, jews, hindus etc in many placed in the world EVEN NOW. In Kenya christians and HINDUS are the victims------the heads of little girls end up in the dust -----hindu and christian YOU NEED DATA
There is absolutely no evidence in the New Testament that given the circumstances---jesus would oppose FIGHTING ---in battle----against the roman occupation His action in the Temple Court Yard against the FOREIGN EXCHANGE that was know by the pharisees to be rife with a SADDUCEE/ROMAN collaborative graft program -------was actually violent

poor sherri knows nothing about the ISA she imagines she "worships"

I am a Christian but I am still confused on this issue. Does War go against the Bible? Is it a sin? I think it is, because, when somebody dies during/in a war, their soul either goes to heaven or to hell, and if they had lived on, they could have been saved and gone to heaven;the enemy soldier during the war ended their chance at salvation for some temporary/earthly goal.................

The same questions could be asked about a firefighter who dies on the job, so I'm not sure you can draw any conclusions about war on this basis. Some Christian denominations believe you can attain Grace if you accept Christ as your Saviour, so in these cases, I suppose a soldier or fire fighter would go to heaven or hell depending on what was in his/her heart at the time of his/her death. Other denominations believe that your eternal abode has been predetermined so which place you go to won't be effected by going to war or not.

So there's no one answer for all Christians, but for all people war, even for the best of reasons, is a horrible thing that requires even the best people to behave in barbaric ways, and even if it does not effect whether you will go to heaven or hell, if you are a person worth saving, it will trouble your heart and mind long after it is over.
Whoever sick f*** burned alive this 11-month old baby is a sicko and deserves to burn in hell for of all eternity, in the situation that they were intentionally trying to harm civilians. If not, they still are a very messed up person. I think that both sides are doing wrong, evil things, in this Israel-Palestine Conflict. There is no good or evil side, just a gray areas..............

Both sides commit evil deeds in war. Also, Jesus would not approve of the bastard soldier that harmed an innocent baby...............

No one intentionally burned this baby. The Gaza terrorists hide personnel and weapons in densely populated residential areas using the civilians as human shields and this makes some civilian casualties inevitable as the IDF goes after legitimate military targets.

It is also inevitable that enemy soldiers die during a wars. However, killing women, children, and citizens/civilians is a TOTALLY different story. No offense, I'm am not questioning your intelligence or your knowledge or anything like that, but how do you know that the Israelis were not intentionally trying to kill/harm innocent civilians???????

No offense taken. No one can answer for every soldier, but as matter of policy, it is safe to say that child was not the intended victim. Civilian deaths, especially those of children, does nothing to advance any Israeli objective and does great harm to Israel by lowering morale among the soldiers and the Israeli public and they weaken international support for Israel. Here is an article that describes some of the efforts Israel has taken to avoid killing civilians.

The radio message to the Israel Air Force pilot en route to bombing a Hamas rocket launcher in Gaza came in loud and clear: Abort mission.

Civilians spotted, the pilot was told.

It was one of many occasions in which pilots were ordered to call off air strikes in the last moment, after real-time footage of the target area revealed the presence of Palestinian non-combatants.

The IAF is dealing with an enemy keen on using the densely populated Gaza Strip as a rocket base, often shooting the projectiles from the tops of residential buildings, or near schools, mosques, and other public places.

While the IDF makes major efforts to avoid harming civilians, such as distributing warning leaflets instructing noncombatants to stay away from areas used by Hamas to fire on Israel, phoning- in warnings, and deliberately missing targets on the first strike, to give civilians time to leave, these attempts at caution don’t always succeed.

Dealing with Hamas

Just today, in anticipation of an intensified operation, the IDF dropped leaflets over Gaza City advising civilians to evacuate the northern part of the city to the open area just south of Gaza City where humanitarian aid will be available through one of the border crossings. Hours later, Hamas broadcast advice to the civilians to remain because civilian deaths help Hamas' propaganda campaign and harm Israel's war effort.
Both the Israelis and the Palestinians are racists who don't want to coexist with each other. Somebody should just unify the two groups into one country. The racist Zionists are now forced to live with the Palestinians, and the racist Palestinians now have to live in the same country as the Israelis.

Hamas is a bunch of sickos for targeting Israeli civilians/citizens...................

Israel doesn't even allow Bedouins to live on their land, suck racist Zionist freaks!!!!!

Honestly, both sides/groups are evil. Why can't we just accept that?????

Racism is so ******* stupid........

Both Arabs and Jews live peacefully in Israel, but Jews are unwelcome in Gaza or in the areas of the West Bank controlled by the Palestinian Authority. In fact, under PA law, it is a capital offense to sell land to a Jew. Bedouins do live on their land in Israel, and many of them join the IDF to fight against Israel's enemies.

So, the Palestinians are racists too.......... Why, though, why do they hate Jews so much????? Why can't people agree to coexist and let go of racial/ethnic differences. Racism is one thing, starting wars and armed conflicts over it is a totally different story. This war is so sickening and unnecessary, that it's is beyond sad...........

Really good questions and I don't think there are any easy answers. Arab anti semitism dates back to the founding of Islam and the persecution of Jews in Arab/Muslim lands was codified into the legal systems of most of these countries. The first pogroms (massacres) of Jews on European soil were committed by Muslims in Cordoba in 1011 and in Granada in 1066, and there have been a steady stream of Arab/Muslim pogroms rivaling in frequency and intensity the persecution of Jews in Europe until the mid 20th century. So while the precipitating events that lead to violence may be current disputes, the distrust and antipathy that has grown for centuries tends to make it more difficult to have meaningful negotiations.

Pogrom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Eastern Theater during WW2 was all to retaliate against Pearl Harbor. So I wouldn't doubt that Israel did the same........
the eastern theatre in ww2??

you usa folx must mean japan and the pacific

we in europe have that phrase but mean the eastern font; hitler vs soviet union

that's where hitler was defeated; 25 million red army and civilians dead
they are the no 1 heroes in the fight against hitler

usa and uk were sideshows who did at most 20% of the fighting against the nazis

did you yankees know that???

you won the war against japan
but soviet union won the war against hitler
with usa and uk help, of course
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