Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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I was very much surprised at the idea that arabs left some place in the western part of Israel EIGHT YEARS AFTER 1956-------for Gaza. Some of the islamo nazi pig propaganda I read as a child ------focused on GAZA as "THE CONCENTRATION CAMP THE JEWS MADE" and the stuff was written BEFORE 1956 What is 1956? as to Russian immigrants-----that did not happen way back then------it is far more recent
Is Benny Morris, Israel's leading expert on the Arab Exodus from Palestine,
who is quoting from Israeli Govt Archives............

1) An islamo nazi pig?
2) A Mamzer Historian
3) Something else that only your unique poetic skills can do justice to?

Note that he now thinks Israel should have chased All the Arabs out of all of Palestinel
The new war math invented by a respecter of isa -------do terror-----slit the throats of infants----toss baby brain smashing nail bombs randomly into residential areas----make sure you do nothing to protect your own-----throw your own children under the RETURN FIRE bombs-------count up the dead------you will definitely have more DEAD-------
***** YOU WIN ********

in fact the new war math as per sherri------GERMANY WON WORLD WAR II----thanks to the islamo nazi hero ADOLF ABU ALI who hid in his Berlin
bunker whilst the starving children of berlin------got bombed just as NUS-KHARAH-ALLAH hid in a steel walled bunker whilst the children of Lebanon took RETURN FIRE
The baby killers are all Jews, why do you not respond to the Jews killing operation in the Gaza killing fields!
How conveniently Sherri overlooks the Muslim baby killers in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. I guess this is a good example of Muslims not saying anything against their fellow Muslims no matter what they do. This is probably the reason that Sherri is no doubt only on message boards where she can bash the Jews and Israel and not on any message boards condemning what her brethren are doing to others.
toomuch----kvetch is in MAMZER mode-----do not bother to contradict him-----nothing will help right now
did you see the photos i sent you sweetie

mamzer indeed!!

trouble with e-mail-----haven't looked at it for weeks and now it seems to have mostly disappeared -----the only thing there is the large teddy and the small teddy and the grapes----ALL OTHER MAIL IS GONE
sweetie the photo of your Mamzer is an attachment to the email

just click on the paper clip or whatever system your email has and you will see what you have adopted!!

the Teddy Bears depict how I the pink loony mamzer bear feel towards mummy bear, the brown teddy!

there was no text in the email, so nothing has disappeared!
anyone interested in just what makes sherri tick------read the writings of MAGDA GOEBBELS in the Berlin Bunker------she considered herself a
PIOUS CHRISTIAN and did indeed look angelic in her white veil that
she wore to church-----the church scene of her wedding with Adolf
abu Ali in attendance is, indeed, lovely She adored her six kids
(i hope got that number right) and her handsome husband Josef
---and her hero ADOLF ABU ALI ------she had to shove cyanide
down the throats of five (?) of the little kids-----but managed
to write a heartfelt letter to her eldest son fighing for the VATERLAND
at the front before doing so-------a noble woman---she did come
to her stated conclusion that her children would not be able to live down
the workings of their parents ----thus the cyanide. well---she was shit--
but not as stupid as is sherri
Do you remember when Sherri showed up and got so excited like a little girl being given a handful of lollipops? Another poster had said something and Sherri seemed so ecstatic and asked the poster if he was so and so posting on some other board. I think Sherri thought it was going to be a walk in the park for her here and everyone was going to believe her Taqiyya She was in for a rude surprise.
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words attributed to him and his actions against rome


Jesus says, love your enemy. We do not love our enemy by killing him.

He said what He said, as recorded in the Christian Gospels, not the words you desire to place in His mouth.

It sure would be nice if Sherri could take her message over to her fellow Muslims and tell them to stop murdering people who are non Muslims and Muslims of different sects. Jesus would so be proud of her if she would do this. Are you up to this challenge, Sherri, since there are so many people being killed in Muslim countries?
mamzer------in context------at the time to which you refer----large portions of the jewish population in Israel were also in CAMPS There was a huge demographic shift going on----the welfare of the arabs in the "camp" gaza-----was the business of EGYPT not Israel try to remember GAZA WAS PART OF EGYPT The 1950s was virtually the dark ages in that area of the world at that time As for the arabs who left Ashkelon------under just what sort of conditions do you imagine they lived in Ashkelon before they left? uhm for someone who knows India--------you should be a bit more informed regarding------shanty towns ---mud floors ---no electricity etc etc There is no question----Gaza DID REMAIN HELL a lot longer than the transition camps in Israel --------what a shame-----the place had potential if only the UMMAH had not decided to turn them into an HEREDITARY un-SCHEDULED CASTE

for the record-----I am not sure----I think the mud floor---no electricity etc camps for jews were called MABARAH hubby is sleeping-----sorry will let you know tomorrow
There are LOTS OF JEWISH PACIFISTS in the world Sherri some even went to jail rather than fight in world war II-----along side QUAKERS
see? I have known a few. both jewish pacifist and quaker pacifists
right here in the USA Your Israeli pacifist does not impress me any
more than the quaker and jewish pacifists who spent time in Leavenworth.

I do have a high regard for quakers in other contexts-----they opposed slavery
in the USA adamantly and actively -----as opposed to people of your ilk.
Isa respectors do not oppose killing nor to they oppose slavery as even a
mininal review of history reveals
As to the historic Jesus aka Yeshua aka Yehoshua ben Mara-----there is clear indication that he was not a pacifist in the sense that Quakers often are---he was a pacifist in the sense that HILLEL and AARON was as is clearly indicated in the words
attributed to him and his actions against rome


Jesus says, love your enemy. We do not love our enemy by killing him.

He said what He said, as recorded in the Christian Gospels, not the words you desire to place in His mouth.

It sure would be nice if Sherri could take her message over to her fellow Muslims and tell them to stop murdering people who are non Muslims and Muslims of different sects. Jesus would so be proud of her if she would do this. Are you up to this challenge, Sherri, since there are so many people being killed in Muslim countries?

Hoss---sherri insists that muslims are ALREADY FOLLOWERS OF "JESUS" (her version)
Her version of jesus approves of muslims slitting the throats of kaffirin
---especially if they are jews she never mentioned if it is ok to kill hindus
and christians
mamzer------in context------at the time to which you refer----large portions of the jewish population in Israel were also in CAMPS There was a huge demographic shift going on----the welfare of the arabs in the "camp" gaza-----was the business of EGYPT not Israel try to remember GAZA WAS PART OF EGYPT The 1950s was virtually the dark ages in that area of the world at that time As for the arabs who left Ashkelon------under just what sort of conditions do you imagine they lived in Ashkelon before they left? uhm for someone who knows India--------you should be a bit more informed regarding------shanty towns ---mud floors ---no electricity etc etc There is no question----Gaza DID REMAIN HELL a lot longer than the transition camps in Israel --------what a shame-----the place had potential if only the UMMAH had not decided to turn them into an HEREDITARY un-SCHEDULED CASTE

for the record-----I am not sure----I think the mud floor---no electricity etc camps for jews were called MABARAH hubby is sleeping-----sorry will let you know tomorrow
I dont deny a word of what you say, sweetie

it was indeed a desperate time for all; jew and arab
and israel was accepting tens of thousands of arab jewish refugees too
i read they were sprayed with DDT insecticide on arrival in israel

as for mud floors and india
they aint exactly mud
they are covered with holy cow shit...lterally
i have done it myself with my own hands
it is clean, easy to clean and holy, too

maybe the syoopid arabs don't know that
the cow is worshipped in india as the mother
giving milk, shit and piss....all are used and revered

in USA the cow is tortured, genocided, eaten and milked to hell
by the cowboy culture on huge ranches like auschwitz
drugged up, over fed, separated from her calves
then you go buy what they call CREAM
tastes like it never heard of no cows

you wouldn't think in your ultra male USA culture
that a cow was a female animal at all, would ya

indian milk tastes divine and all the products they make from it
sadly india is now adopting USA Auschwitz cow cultire

who is more developed, eh????
There is no question that RACISM in the MIDDLE EAST is the major problem But the issue does not exist as an isolated problem between Israel and the "palestinians" Racism plagues THE ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST and even includes IRAN. Unless the IMPERIALIST AND RACIST ambitions of arabist islamicists can be ended-----there can be no peace. The most logical place to start is SAUDI ARABIA a complete end to the concept of the ISLAMIC STATE will bring peace to the entire region. A good place to start would be ----the construction of CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, HINDU TEMPLES and SYNAGOGUES in Mecca

Freedom of religon for all, bro. People have the right to practice Islam and be Muslims, just like they have the right to be Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, and stuff like that. However, I'm am strongly against Saudi Arabia's strict discriminatory laws against other religions; theocracy is a very bad idea!!!!!!!!!!
That is why civilized people are for freedom of religion. It's a shame you can't tell the extremist Muslims this who are busy murdering and also destroying the houses of worship of others. It is not only the Saudis who are against freedom of religion, but also many Muslims in different locations of the world. Do you think it is right for Shiites and Sunnis to be killing each other just for small differences in their religions. Do you think it right for the Ahmadi Muslims to be harassed and murdered by other Muslims? Don't you think that Buddhists, Christians and Hindus ahould be allowed to practice their beliefs in peace in majority Muslim countries?
Any of you actually following the developing ceasefire news?

or just hurling rockets and dead babies at each other

from what i hear:

israel wants hamas and gaza permanently disarmed, not just a truce

gaza wants the blockade and siege totally lifted

sounds very sensible to me

then both sides can declare victory and win their elections, or lack of them.

and both sides are abusing the last hours of war to bash the shit out of the other side

just so they are the MOST macho ones

mamzer dear----the DRIED cow dung is-----safe------yes---well-----in israel they simply did not develope that custom in the 50s and no hindus around to teach them -------THE GOOD NEWS is that sometime in the mid 50s hubby's older brother began hanging around carpenter workshops -----learning and he made ------get this-----a WOOD FLOOR and an ACTUAL TABLE!!!!!!!!! The entire family sunk into materialism since that jump into---------well you know----then a fridge---telephone-------nirvana lost

I just heard on BBC while writin the last post
that the one surviving Pakistani Mumbai Terrorist was hanged just now.

Where he was hanged is just 2 miles away from where I lived
and where my sweet sister in law lives, too

It aint in Mumbai, but it has a bigger jail
and also a bigger mental hospital than any in mumbai

I have visted friends in both institutions
but failed the entrance tests for either!
mamzer dear----the DRIED cow dung is-----safe------yes---well-----in israel they simply did not develope that custom in the 50s and no hindus around to teach them -------THE GOOD NEWS is that sometime in the mid 50s hubby's older brother began hanging around carpenter workshops -----learning and he made ------get this-----a WOOD FLOOR and an ACTUAL TABLE!!!!!!!!! The entire family sunk into materialism since that jump into---------well you know----then a fridge---telephone-------nirvana lost
same story with my family now
no holy cow dung floors, sadly
i used to love spreading it with my hands
lovingly over the floor

now fridges, the god is the TV
they watch ghastly soap operas on star plus tv
owned by rupert murdoch, owner of Fox News
and all the worst of the west

floor is now fake marble
also easy to clean
no carpets; its never cold

no tables tho
they eat with their right hands
sittin cross legged on the floor
and sissy bear prefers sleepin on the floor to beds
both very very good for the body
better than decadent furniture
keeps them supple and elegant and very sexy
and no ghastly western toilets or toilet rolls either
or panties!

much much better and more natural and closer to nature
we had 3 hens and a they dont do that
they have tasteless auschwitz chicken and eggs
and all india even villages are getting less "developed" all the time
goin backwards fast.............under western bad influence

bloody decadence rules..........sad
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Why don't you have a nice day, Sherri, while we think about the over 40,000 murdered so far in Syria, the Christians presently being killed by Muslims in Nigeria, the murders in Mali, etc. etc. It seems like practically every day the Muslims are busy murdering this one and that one, and Sherri is just obsessed over Israel and apparently not any other place in the world. For all we know, it is Sherri who is the cheerleader for what the Muslims are doing to others. She never seems to post any pictures of Muslim atrocities on innocent people.[/QUOTE]

Sorry Israel does not allow the publication of pictures of the mutilated results the Isa loving islamic actions Its the rabbis who object since even pictures of the dead are FROWNED UPON------and MUTILATED BODIES are not to be displayed ------something about being made "in the image of G-d"

I can describe it a bit-----that which Sherri so loves. most of the cases I saw were children-----their soft baby brains oozing out of their cracked skulls to the delight of sherri the xrays and C-T scans reveal the metal bits ----sometimes SCREWS ---LARGE SCREWS stuck right thru the brain for the glory of allah and according to sherri ---isa These pictures will probably never appear on the internet ----which ----I have to say is ok with me--------publishing gore is for PROPAGANDA WHORES
Back when Jewish Fast For Gaza was regularly calling for monthly fasts for Gaza, was when I first read posts on the blog of this American Jewish Rabbi, and I so admired this man and respected his viewpoints.

Outrage in Gaza Redux « Shalom Rav

I am reading his comments about the present Gaza operation, and his views are so much like mine. Wow, he speaks of people praying for peace on both sides as essentially revolting him, but I do get the point he is making. It's like if someone said when the people of South Africa struggled for freedom from Apartheid, we must equally pray for each side to renounce violence, as if that were simply a war between two nations.

And he says about the conflict in Palestine:

"When will we be ready to accept that this is not a “balanced” conflict or even a “war” by any reasonable definition – and that it never was? When will we face the painful truth that this is not a story about one side versus the other but about one side oppressing the other? Frankly, all the well-meaning liberal comments about “praying for peace on both sides” and leave me cold. Worse, I find them insidious because they simply serve to support the myth that this is a conflict between two equal parties. It is not. And peace will not come until we admit this – until we admit that there is an essential injustice at the heart of this tragedy and that try as it might, Israel will never be able to make it go away through the sheer force of its increasingly massive military might."

And he speaks about the growing international movement of people of conscience everywhere in the world, to take a stand against the Occupation of Palestine, I think about the amazing BDS Movement.

"Beyond the rage, I’m heartened that this time around there is a growing community of conscience that is speaking out publicly and in no uncertain terms to protest Israel’s latest outrage in Gaza. I am so deeply grateful for my friends and colleagues at Jewish Voice for Peace, who is alone in the Jewish world in condemning this latest assault. I urge you to read JVP’s courageous statement, which I know gives voice to increasing numbers of Jews and non-Jews, young and old, religious and secular, who are coming together through the courage of their conscience."

Jewish Voice For Peace is a wonderful organization. When Christain churches were trying to vote on Divestment from Companies profiting off the Occupation earlier this year, Methodists and Presbytereans, it was amazing to watch how this Jewish organization and Christians worked together to try to get Divestment proposals passed. I think Jewish Voice For Peace committed more resources into that cause than the Presbyterean Christians themselves did. People of conscience working together to oppose the Occupation and all of the Injustices and human rights abuses embraced by it, that is something beautiful to watch.

And Rabbi Brant Rosen says about the present Gaza operation:

"It’s happening again. Once again 1.7 million people, mostly refugees, who have been living in what amounts to the world’s largest open air prison, are being subjected to a massive military assault at the hands of the world’s most militarized nation, using mostly US-made weapons. And our President is not only looking on – he is defending Israel’s onslaught by saying it has a right to “self-defense in light of the barrage of rocket attacks being launched from Gaza against Israeli civilians.”"

And there appers in his article a photo of the baby burned alive that I address in the OP of this thread.


anyone interested in just what makes sherri tick------read the writings of MAGDA GOEBBELS in the Berlin Bunker------she considered herself a
PIOUS CHRISTIAN and did indeed look angelic in her white veil that
she wore to church-----the church scene of her wedding with Adolf
abu Ali in attendance is, indeed, lovely She adored her six kids
(i hope got that number right) and her handsome husband Josef
---and her hero ADOLF ABU ALI ------she had to shove cyanide
down the throats of five (?) of the little kids-----but managed
to write a heartfelt letter to her eldest son fighing for the VATERLAND
at the front before doing so-------a noble woman---she did come
to her stated conclusion that her children would not be able to live down
the workings of their parents ----thus the cyanide. well---she was shit--
but not as stupid as is sherri
Do you remember when Sherri showed up and got so excited like a little girl being given a handful of lollipops? Another poster had said something and Sherri seemed so ecstatic and asked the poster if he was so and so posting on some other board. I think Sherri thought it was going to be a walk in the park for her here and everyone was going to believe her Taqiyya She was in for a rude surprise.

i wouldn't know sherri's her-story here or elsewhere as i'm a relatively newbie here

but you gotta give the gal credit for stickin it out here

what would you zionuts and especially my mata ji rosie do without her??
You see? The Israelis are a bunch of sick f****s, this is not accidentally killing innocent civilians, this is intentional...... Remember they killed a 31-year old man, an unarmed civilian, just for protesting???? I'm am not talking about a bombing where some civilians unintentionally died. This was so intentional. Sick bastards...........
"He should have armed himself."
rosie amma

have you seen my ugly mug yet?

i would love to have a photo of you

i would print it out, frame it in pure gold
and look at it while writing to you

then i would put it on my hindu shrine
with the gods and goddesses
while i do my hinjew pujas...prayers
that's what they do with parents in india
its called respecting your elders
also lost in the barbarian west

i am sending you as an email attachment
my fave Bollywood love song

that's classic old Bollywood not the modern shit

its called




IF YOU LIKE IT I'LL SEND YOU MORE..................................
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thqanx a whole lot eots
i can post them here, of course
if they are on you tube

here's one of my fave Tamil songs(further south than telegana..that's hyderabad)

sexy dancing girls and all.........i married a tamil girl!!

[ame=]Velli Malare - YouTube[/ame]
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