Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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here's the song i sent Rosie

do they look like her and me??

beats the hell out of fucking pictures of poor dead babies,
pallywood and zio-wood
that's for sure!!

[ame=]Na jaane kya hua - Dard - YouTube[/ame]

any requests, indian pop pickers??
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just to show my kinda zionism

jerusalem, city of gold...shel zadav

[ame=]Ofra Haza - Yerushalaim Shel Zahav - YouTube[/ame]

and israel's national anthem which i love
beaten only by south africas

it is called HA TIKVA...the hope

lets ha tikva the fucking war in gaza is over
hamas is permanently disarmed
and the siege of gaza is lifted
and shalom and salaam reign in israel and palestine FOREVER

[ame=]Hatikva-The National Anthem of Israel - YouTube[/ame]
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Rosie you can waych it here!
I just posted it....thanx to eots, and a tamil dancing tune also

i always had probs with attachments on the isp you have
its notorious................

But of course its sherri the witch WHO IS sabotagin you aint it??
IOF continue its violations in Gaza under international failure to stop it, 110 Palestinian killed and about 823 injured in Gaza on day 7 of the aggression

This is a report from a human rights organization about the attacks on Gaza, as of day 7 of this military operation of Isreal into Gaza. Israel just says all these attacks on civilians and civilian objects are attacks on military targets, and that's all it takes to make all of it OK. The problem is the uS shields Israel from being accountable for any of their violations of intl law, they veto any action proposed against Israel in the UN and pressure others to go along with them.

Look at the schools targeted, 27 of them, in a densely populated area, where 1.7 million Palestinians live, over half of whom are children.

"The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued its attacks on Gaza. While targeting civilian objects and persons, including houses and police stations, frequently deliberately, the IOF, stress that these targets have a military character. This practice has resulted in the vast majority of the victims of these attacks being civilians, for wide destruction of civilian property and infrastructure. These attacks represent grave breaches of the rules of international humanitarian law (IHL) and must be condemned and stopped immediately.

According to Al Mezan’s monitoring, since the start of the IOF aggression on 14 November 2012, by the time this press release was issued at 12 pm on 20 November 2012, at least 110 Palestinians have been killed in IOF attacks on the Gaza Strip. Of those, 23 were children and 12 women. Another 823 people were injured, including 271 children and 133 women. At least 670 houses have also been damaged or destroyed, including 57 that were destroyed completely; including 43 houses that were directly attacked. Of those 43 houses, 31 were deliberately targeted by direct IOF attacks using the roof-knocking tactic. Another 135 houses sustain serious damages.

Moreover, IOF attacks caused varying damages to 2 health centres, 28 schools, 2 universities, 10 NGO offices, 18 mosques, 10 media offices, 2 industrial plants, 56 commercial stores, 1 UNRWA food distribution Centre, 6 ministry offices, 12 police/security stations, 1 bank and one youth club>"

IOF continue its violations in Gaza under international failure to stop it, 110 Palestinian killed and about 823 injured in Gaza on day 7 of the aggression | ReliefWeb

What's is with those wierd music videos?????????

bollywood----well it WAS bollywood -----now it must be MULLYWOOD
pay attention I AM AMAZED I have no idea how they got that SEXY
thing passed the Indian censors------those two reprobates almost KISSED!!!!
First West Bank Martyr in Demonstrations Against the Assault on Gaza killed in Nabi Saleh

"When soldiers came closer to Rushdi, they gave him a blow to the head with the butt of one of their rifles, even though he told them he was injured, and then shot him with another rubber coated steel bullet in the stomach. Soldiers then attempted to drag him through the rocky terrain instead of providing him with medical treatment.

They continued to shoot live ammunition towards residents and prevented them, including Rushdi’s sister, from approaching him and bringing him to an ambulance meanwhile while saying, “I don’t care” and “it’s not my problem.”


Video by Boshra Tamimi

Rushdi was finally transferred to Ramallah Hospital where he underwent surgery. He suffered from ruptured intestines and two arteries. Today, Monday, he passed away in the hospital.

Rushdi Tamimi is the first martyr of the West Bank demonstrations which have erupted as a protest again the war on Gaza. He is also the second martyr from the village of Nabi Saleh in the past three years since the village began holding weekly Friday popular struggle demonstrations."

First West Bank Martyr in Demonstrations Against the Assault on Gaza killed in Nabi Saleh | nabi saleh solidarity
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sherri---would it cheer you up if I described the gore inflicted on people by your fellow isa respecters that I have seen----well ---in the USA I saw some of it up close----but the stuff your fellow isa respectors inflicted on Israelis-----I have seen only as autopsy pictures or intraopertive videos-----and the C-T scans but I am sure you will love it. So sorry I cannot display the gore for you-------

90% of gazans and their families used to live in the areas they are firing their pathetic f'ing psycho murdering rockets into

there were absolutely NO jews south of ashdod on the south coast, not ever in all history.

There was just ONE small jewish colony north east of gaza in 1948. Inland. That's all

Look at the map for yourself; it's crystal clear and easy to find on the net..

so the area was given to the arabs not the jews by the UN in 1948
under the partition plan and israel's legal sovereignty is doubtful in that area'

israel itself doesn't recognise the 1948 or 1967 or any borders
or international law on its borders or refugees, does it??

So why should the gazans??

ashkelon in 1948 was an arab city called Majdal
siderot a village called najaf

they were all expelled by force for 8 years after the war of 1948 ended,
then viciously oppressed by egypt then israel for 45 years
and long before they started to respond with violence

those that tried to return were shot on sight as "infiltrators"

all arab villages mosques and towns in the whole area
were systematically destroyed and replaced,
often by recent russian immigrants,
half of whom are not even jewish

the gazans wont recognise israel's right to keep their land.

they have this wierd idea that what was stolen from them by force
should be returned to them.

I think it's called property rights. ever heard of that. ???

israel in the form of that great humanitarian General Ariel Sharon himself
financed Hamas for years between 1967 and the first intifada
to divide the gazans between secular PLO and religious Hamas..

total israelis killed by ALL gazan rockets ever 17
gazans killed in cast lead alone 1300

total gazans killed by israel all together many ,many thousands...tens of thousands

Still more lies. Even the Palestinian Census Bureau estimates that only about 67%, not 90%, of the population of Gaza are refugees and of these refugees, and of these refugees, who not be considered refugees after three generation anywhere else in the world, few ever lived in what is now Israel.

The Arabs were not evacuated from Najaf or Majdal eight years after the war. Najaf was evacuated before the war as a part of Project Dan because it lay in the path the Egyptian army would take when trying to invade Israel and the Israelis wanted to deny the Egyptians a base. Majdal was an Egyptian forward base and the Arabs living it were evacuated in Nov. 1948 when Israel captured the town, not eight years later.

After the war, Israel passed laws establishing a commission to process and adjudicate claims for the return/compensation for property and the right to return to their homes from people internally and externally displaced by the war. The law specified that claimants had the right to appeal to the courts if they were not satisfied with the commission's decision. Since Israel nationalized nearly all the land not already owned by private owners still in place or by the Jewish agency, it was likely authenticated claims would be settled with compensation instead of the return of property. There were many claims from Arabs who had been internally displaced but not from those who had been externally displaced. The commission stayed open until the mid 1970's because no more claims were being filed.

Gaza was awash with UN workers and other NGO's after the war, and these people would have been able to advise the refugees of their rights, so there is no reason to believe that innocent Arabs were shot as infiltrators when merely trying to return to their old homes. The fact is Israel suffered nearly nightly raids from both Gaza and the West Bank, there is every reason to believe those Arabs who crossed the border without permission and failed to stop when ordered to were infiltrators.

Arabs who filed claims for the return of property or to return to their former homes after the war and who were turned down, might have grounds for believing their land had been stolen from them, but those who never filed claims can fairly be said to have abandoned their claims.

This pile of bullshit you are posting to try to justify Arab hate crimes against Israeli civilians mark you as no different from Sherri. Even if your rants are a little less loony than her's are, they are just as dishonest.

i have never heard those zionist rationalisations about gaza before

it takes my breath away, it really does

it's not that you are lying

it's just the lengths you and zios will go to to deny that you have done anything wrong, ever

this is what israel's leading expert on the 1948 exodus, Benny Morris writes about the ethnic cleansing of Majdal, now Ashkelon:

The Transfer of Al Majdal's Remaining Arabs to Gaza, 1950

Morris examined previously unpublished reports and memorandums pertaining to the transfer of Majdals Arabs to Gaza in 1950. The reports/memorandums were mostly in the Israel State Archive, Foreign Ministry (=ISA, FM) and the Labour Archives (Histadrut), Lavon Institute, Tel Aviv (=LA).

(p. 337–338): "At the beginning of September, Major V. H. Loriaux, a UN truce-observer and sometime acting chairman of the Israel–Egypt MAC (=Mixed Armistice Commission), interviewed some of the evacuees shortly after they reached the Gaza strip. He was told the Majdal Arabs, soon after being warned that they would shortly have to leave the town, were charged '1,650 Israeli pound for drinking water (it was free of charge previously)'. Loriaux was also told of 'delays'—before September—in the distribution of rations. The Arabs [...] had been penned in their ghetto, behind barbed wire and military checkpoints, and were rarely allowed out." (ISA-FM 2436/5bet.) Loriaux [...] complained that there had been cases were Arabs who had refused to move to Gaza being jailed. Israel denied this. (ISA FM 2436/5bet.)

Morris concludes: "Majdal officially became Ashkelon in 1956, after passing through some nominal stations—Migdal-Gad and Migdal-Ashkelon. The three-sided (Israel, Egypt and UN) debate over whether the Arab departure had been "voluntary" or "coerced" by then was something of an irrelevance. The UN calls for a return 1950 was never heeded and the Majdal transferees were fated to linger on, for decades, indefinitely, in Gaza's grim, grimy refugee camps. What is clear is that after a year and a half of bureaucratic foot-dragging, the IDF in 1950 wanted this last concentration of Arabs in the southern coastal plain to leave, and engineered their departure.. The Majdal Arabs' own uneasiness at life as a ghettoized minority, under military rule, hemmed in by barbed wire and a pass system, dependent on Israeli handouts, largely unemployed and destitute, cut of from their relatives in Gaza and from the Arab world in general, served as a preparatory background. [...] When these [methods] proved insufficient with the remaining hard-core Histadrut-protected inhabitants, the army availed itself, in September and early October, of cruder methods—shooting in the night, threatening behaviour by the soldiery, unpleasant early-hour-of-the-morning visitations, frequent summons, and occasional arrests. The use of these methods was hidden from the Israeli public and, probably, lacked Cabinet authorization. To sweeten the pill, the military government offered some fulsome carrots in the form of financial incentives [...] Until Israel's Defence Ministry and Cabinet records are opened, the exact decision-making processes behind the Majdal transfer will remain unclear."

1948 and After - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

now Benny thinks that ALL the arabs should have been cleansed from ALL of PALESTINE


So you acknowledge your story about the Arabs from Najaf and Majdal being being evacuated eight years after the war was false. Why do you feel the need to exaggerate and distort the facts? Don't you find what really happened to the Palestinian Arabs moving enough? Why do you feel the need to pretend innocent Arabs were shot on sight while trying to return to their homes when you have no idea if they were infiltrators out to do damage to the new Jewish state or not? The reason is that your purpose was to try to justify the rocket attacks coming out of Gaza while at the same time pretending to be disdainful of them and without exaggerations and distortions, the unadorned facts, while disturbing and moving just would not have been enough to accomplish your purpose.

So you were not just dishonest in some of the details, you were dishonest in your intent, you were dishonest in your purpose, you were dishonest in your heart.

In the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, Majdal was the forward position of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force based in Gaza.

the very military force the Israeli soldiers who occupied Majdal at the end of the war had just fought.

The village was occupied by Israeli forces on 5 November 1948, by which time most of the Arab population of 11,000 were forced to leave.

Ashkelon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So at the end of a bloody and bitter war, it is regrettable but not surprising that the Israeli soldiers stationed in Majdal distrusted and mistreated the few Arabs who remained. Had you been disposed to be honest about Morris, you would have mentioned that he harshly criticized Ben Gurion for not embracing a policy of ethnic cleansing during or after the war, and that Morris notes that where ethnic cleansing did place, it was at the initiative of local commanders and never endorsed by the leadership. In other words, terrible things happen in all wars, but ethnic cleansing was never the policy of the Israeli government either with respect to the Bedouins or the Arabs in 1948.
its changin now sweetie
kissin is allowed now in bollywood
but the films are crap now...the tamil and south indian ones are much better

this is my fave hindi film...set in a circus in mumbai with russian visitors
the hero, raj kapoor is india's charlie chaplin
he has blue eyes and was born in peshawar, pakistan..
the boirthplace of the fuckin taliban

and the words are so so spitritual...pure hin-jewism

[ame=]Manna Dey - Ae Bhai Zara Dekhe Chalo - Mera Naam Joker [1970] - YouTube[/ame]
I am finding lists of those killed

November 14-20, 2012

1- Ahmad Al-Ja’bary, 52 years old.
2-Mohammed Al-hams, 28 years old.
3- Rinan Arafat, 7 years old.
4- Omar Al-Mashharawi, 11 moonths old.
5-Essam Abu-Alma’za, 20 years old.
6-Mohammed Al-qaseer, 20 years old.
7- Heba Al-Mashharawi, six-month pregnant, 19 years old.
8- Mahmoud Abu Sawawin, 65 years old.

9- Habis Hassan Mismih, 29 years old.
10- Wael Haidar Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
11- Hehsam Mohammed Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
12- Rani Hammad, 29 years old.
13- Khaled Abi Nasser, 27 year old.
14- Marwan Abu Al-Qumsan, 52 years old.
15- Walid Al-Abalda, 2 years old.
16- Hanin Tafesh, 10 months old.
17- Oday Jammal Nasser, 16 years old.
18- Fares Al-Basyouni, 11 years old.
19- Mohammed Sa’d Allah, 4 years old.
20- Ayman Abu Warda, 22 years old.
21- Tahrir Suliman, 20 years old.
22- Ismael Qandil, 24 years old.
23- younis Kamal Tafesh, 55 years old.
24- Mohammed Talal Suliman, 28 years old.
25- Amjad Mohammed Abu-Jalal, 32 years old.
26- Ziyad Farhan Abu-Jalal, 23 years old.
27- Ayman Mohammed Abu Jalal, 44 years old.
28- Hassan Salem Al-Heemla’, 27 years old.
29- Khaled Khalil Al-Shaer, 24 years old.
30- Ayman Rafeeq sleem, 26 years old.
31- Ahmad Abu Musamih, 32 years old

"Stay Human" 7 Days of Bombing. The Crime and the Victims. | Letters from Palestine |
I fully support monetary compensation for all muslims and jews displaced in the conflict ------between muslims and jews. Will the afghani jews who fled afghanistan be included in the deal? Iranian jews? Iraqi Jews? for the record----I have no personal interest I was born in the USA as were my parents I am trying to be FAIR
At 8:20 am, as a result to an Israeli inhumane attack on Deel Al-Balah, central Gaza, three people were killed. The list of murdered victims goes longer>>>

32- Osama Musa Abdeljawad, 27 years old.
33- Ashraf Hassan Darwish, 22 years old.
34- Ali Abdul HakimAl-Mana’ma, 20 years old

At 8:45 am_ 9:00 am, warplanes attacked several places including Rafah, Khan-Younis, and Tal Al-Sultan, southern Gaza, leaving three killed>>

35`- Mukhlis Edwan, 30 years old.
36- Mohammed Al-Loulhy, 24 years old.
37- Ahmad Al-Atrush, 22 years old.

In a series of attacks on several places on central Gaza at noon, two more people fell victim:

38- Abderrahman Al-Masri, 31 years old.

39- Awad Hamdi Al-Nahhal, 23 years old.
40- Ali Hassan Iseed, 25 years old, killed in an attack on his motorbike in Deer Al-Balah, central Gaza, at 8:10 pm, Novebmer 17.

IOF attack another motorbike in Deer Al-Balah at 8:20 pm, leaving two more killed:
41- Mohammed Sabry Al’weedat, 25 years old.
42- Osama Yousif Al-Qadi, 26 years old.

In an attack on central Gaza, to the west of Al-Masdar area, at 9:10 pm, two more people people killed:
43- Ahmad Ben Saeed, 42 years old.
44- Hani Bre’m, 31 years old.

At 9:40 pm, Israel attacked Qdeih family’s house in west Khan-Younis, Southern Gaza and a woman got killed.
45- Samaher Qdeih, 28 years old.
46- Tamer Al-Hamry, 26 years old, died after being seriously injured in an attack on Deer Al-Balah.

On November 18, the fifth day of the Israeli ongoing aggression on Gaza:

Israeli warplanes shelled the house of Abu-Alfoul family in northern Gaza, killing two children and injuring at 13 at least, mostly children and women.

47- Gumana Salamah Abu Sufyan, 1 year old.

48- Tamer Salamah Abu Sufyan, 3 years old.

An Israeli warplanes fired missiles at a house that belongs to the family of Abu Nuqira in Rafah killing one person:

49- Muhamed Abu Nuqira

An Israeli war plane fired a missile at a house in an agricultural land east of Bureij camp, in the Central Gaza Strip, killing one child and injuring 2 other children:

50- Eyad Abu Khusa, 18 months old.

Two people were killed, one of them a child, when an Israeli missile hit a beachfront refugee camp in Gaza City:

51- Tasneem Zuheir Al-Nahhal, 13 years old.

52- Ahmad Essam Al-Nahhal, 25 years old.

Medics also reported finding the body of woman under the rubble of a house in eastern Gaza City who had been killed in a strike earlier in the morning.

53- Nawal Abdelaal, 52 years old.

At 3:10 pm, November 18, Israel rocked a house belongs to Al-Dalou family in Sheikh-Redwan area, west Gaza, killing at least 10 people, including 4 women and 4 children.

54- Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, the father.
55- Ranin Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 5 years old.
56- Jamal Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 7 year old.
57- Yousef Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 10 years old.
58- Ibrahim Mohammed Jamal Al-Dalou, 1 year old.
59- Jamal Al-Dalou, the grandfather.
60- Sulafa Al Dalou, 46 years old
61- Samah Al-Dalou, 25 years old
62- Tahani Al-Dalou, 50 years old
63- Ameina Matar Al-Mzanner, 83 years old.
64- Abdallah Mohammed Al-Mzanner, 23 years old.
Soon after Al-Dalou massacre, 2 more were killed, a father and his son, in an attack on a car for water supply in northern Gaza.
65- Suheil Hamada, 53 years old.
66-Mo’men Suheil Hamada, 13 years old.
First West Bank Martyr in Demonstrations Against the Assault on Gaza killed in Nabi Saleh

"When soldiers came closer to Rushdi, they gave him a blow to the head with the butt of one of their rifles, even though he told them he was injured, and then shot him with another rubber coated steel bullet in the stomach. Soldiers then attempted to drag him through the rocky terrain instead of providing him with medical treatment.

They continued to shoot live ammunition towards residents and prevented them, including Rushdi’s sister, from approaching him and bringing him to an ambulance meanwhile while saying, “I don’t care” and “it’s not my problem.”


Video by Boshra Tamimi

Rushdi was finally transferred to Ramallah Hospital where he underwent surgery. He suffered from ruptured intestines and two arteries. Today, Monday, he passed away in the hospital.

Rushdi Tamimi is the first martyr of the West Bank demonstrations which have erupted as a protest again the war on Gaza. He is also the second martyr from the village of Nabi Saleh in the past three years since the village began holding weekly Friday popular struggle demonstrations."

First West Bank Martyr in Demonstrations Against the Assault on Gaza killed in Nabi Saleh | nabi saleh solidarity

had enough of fucking gaza and your dead baibies

its circus time and bollywood break

so there...we cant keep hurling dead babies and rockets for ever

that last circus song has lyrics as true as anything in any bible of any faith

sorry we can only take so much of your bloody gaza horror pallywood stuff

god bless india
I am finding lists of those killed

November 14-20, 2012

1- Ahmad Al-Ja’bary, 52 years old.
2-Mohammed Al-hams, 28 years old.
3- Rinan Arafat, 7 years old.
4- Omar Al-Mashharawi, 11 moonths old.
5-Essam Abu-Alma’za, 20 years old.
6-Mohammed Al-qaseer, 20 years old.
7- Heba Al-Mashharawi, six-month pregnant, 19 years old.
8- Mahmoud Abu Sawawin, 65 years old.

9- Habis Hassan Mismih, 29 years old.
10- Wael Haidar Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
11- Hehsam Mohammed Al-Ghalban, 31 years old.
12- Rani Hammad, 29 years old.
13- Khaled Abi Nasser, 27 year old.
14- Marwan Abu Al-Qumsan, 52 years old.
15- Walid Al-Abalda, 2 years old.
16- Hanin Tafesh, 10 months old.
17- Oday Jammal Nasser, 16 years old.
18- Fares Al-Basyouni, 11 years old.
19- Mohammed Sa’d Allah, 4 years old.
20- Ayman Abu Warda, 22 years old.
21- Tahrir Suliman, 20 years old.
22- Ismael Qandil, 24 years old.
23- younis Kamal Tafesh, 55 years old.
24- Mohammed Talal Suliman, 28 years old.
25- Amjad Mohammed Abu-Jalal, 32 years old.
26- Ziyad Farhan Abu-Jalal, 23 years old.
27- Ayman Mohammed Abu Jalal, 44 years old.
28- Hassan Salem Al-Heemla’, 27 years old.
29- Khaled Khalil Al-Shaer, 24 years old.
30- Ayman Rafeeq sleem, 26 years old.
31- Ahmad Abu Musamih, 32 years old

"Stay Human" 7 Days of Bombing. The Crime and the Victims. | Letters from Palestine |
sherri what are you goin to do when the war in gaza is over

you are addicted to it, i think

why do we need to know all the dead

all the horror

you are such a lousy advocate for gaza

absolutely dreadful in every way

you need proper training in how to put a case, you really do
I would provide lists of those murdered by your fellow ISA RESPECTORS sherri------but ------I simply cannot type out hundreds of millions of names you got the list of those murdered by your fellow isa respectors JUST FOR TODAY?
at 8:20 am, as a result to an israeli inhumane attack on deel al-balah, central gaza, three people were killed. The list of murdered victims goes longer>>>

32- osama musa abdeljawad, 27 years old.
33- ashraf hassan darwish, 22 years old.
34- ali abdul hakimal-mana’ma, 20 years old

at 8:45 am_ 9:00 am, warplanes attacked several places including rafah, khan-younis, and tal al-sultan, southern gaza, leaving three killed>>

35`- mukhlis edwan, 30 years old.
36- mohammed al-loulhy, 24 years old.
37- ahmad al-atrush, 22 years old.

In a series of attacks on several places on central gaza at noon, two more people fell victim:

38- abderrahman al-masri, 31 years old.

39- awad hamdi al-nahhal, 23 years old.
40- ali hassan iseed, 25 years old, killed in an attack on his motorbike in deer al-balah, central gaza, at 8:10 pm, novebmer 17.

Iof attack another motorbike in deer al-balah at 8:20 pm, leaving two more killed:
41- mohammed sabry al’weedat, 25 years old.
42- osama yousif al-qadi, 26 years old.

In an attack on central gaza, to the west of al-masdar area, at 9:10 pm, two more people people killed:
43- ahmad ben saeed, 42 years old.
44- hani bre’m, 31 years old.

At 9:40 pm, israel attacked qdeih family’s house in west khan-younis, southern gaza and a woman got killed.
45- samaher qdeih, 28 years old.
46- tamer al-hamry, 26 years old, died after being seriously injured in an attack on deer al-balah.

On november 18, the fifth day of the israeli ongoing aggression on gaza:

Israeli warplanes shelled the house of abu-alfoul family in northern gaza, killing two children and injuring at 13 at least, mostly children and women.

47- gumana salamah abu sufyan, 1 year old.

48- tamer salamah abu sufyan, 3 years old.

An israeli warplanes fired missiles at a house that belongs to the family of abu nuqira in rafah killing one person:

49- muhamed abu nuqira

an israeli war plane fired a missile at a house in an agricultural land east of bureij camp, in the central gaza strip, killing one child and injuring 2 other children:

50- eyad abu khusa, 18 months old.

Two people were killed, one of them a child, when an israeli missile hit a beachfront refugee camp in gaza city:

51- tasneem zuheir al-nahhal, 13 years old.

52- ahmad essam al-nahhal, 25 years old.

Medics also reported finding the body of woman under the rubble of a house in eastern gaza city who had been killed in a strike earlier in the morning.

53- nawal abdelaal, 52 years old.

At 3:10 pm, november 18, israel rocked a house belongs to al-dalou family in sheikh-redwan area, west gaza, killing at least 10 people, including 4 women and 4 children.

54- mohammed jamal al-dalou, the father.
55- ranin mohammed jamal al-dalou, 5 years old.
56- jamal mohammed jamal al-dalou, 7 year old.
57- yousef mohammed jamal al-dalou, 10 years old.
58- ibrahim mohammed jamal al-dalou, 1 year old.
59- jamal al-dalou, the grandfather.
60- sulafa al dalou, 46 years old
61- samah al-dalou, 25 years old
62- tahani al-dalou, 50 years old
63- ameina matar al-mzanner, 83 years old.
64- abdallah mohammed al-mzanner, 23 years old.
Soon after al-dalou massacre, 2 more were killed, a father and his son, in an attack on a car for water supply in northern gaza.
65- suheil hamada, 53 years old.
66-mo’men suheil hamada, 13 years old.
sherri fuck off with these fucking shitty lists

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sherri---would it cheer you up if I described the gore inflicted on people by your fellow isa respecters that I have seen----well ---in the USA I saw some of it up close----but the stuff your fellow isa respectors inflicted on Israelis-----I have seen only as autopsy pictures or intraopertive videos-----and the C-T scans but I am sure you will love it. So sorry I cannot display the gore for you-------

Call me the name of any Skywalker that you can remember from the Star Wars movies/films. My profile name is Skywalker, so you and anybody/anyone call me either Skywalker, or the name of one of the Skywalker family members. First of all.....

Second of all, who the hell/heck is Sherri? Why is everybody arguing with her?? What is she some kind of troll or something like that?????


I am Sherri, and they are arguing with me because they are Zionists who do not want the attacks on the civilians in Gaza spoken about.

To them, lives of Palestinians in Gaza do not have value or worth.

Most of the people in Gaza are just civilians living under Occupation and an unlawful Blockade that multiple UN agencies call an act of collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza, that violates the Fourth Geneva Convention.

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