Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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"Among the latest horrifying examples of incitement to mass murder by Israeli public figures, Gilad Sharon, the son of former prime minister and notorious war criminal Ariel Sharon, has called for the Israeli army to “flatten” Gaza as the US flattened the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945 with an atomic bomb. “The residents of Gaza are not innocent, they elected Hamas. The Gazans aren’t hostages; they chose this freely, and must live with the consequences,”
Collective choices entail collective responsibilities, of course.

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


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That being the case, why in later videos is the boy alive? :confused:
yet another hate post by sherri----complete with a hate cartoon-------I stumbled upon nazi propaganda as a child-------those cartoons have been the out put of shit like sherri for more than 100 years and were very responsible for the facilitation of the genocide of the ass she and her fellow jihadist sluts---- lick-----that of ADOLF ABU ALI
I am reading an article on Mondoweiss about the funeral of the protester killed in Nabi Saleh, and there is a photo of his family, it looks like he had three small children, he was a police officer for the Palestinian Authority.



"Around noon, dressed in blue and gray fatigues, PA officers lined the flatbed of a pickup truck where Tamimi’s body lay. Following, twenty other policemen walked hand to shoulder, forming a ring around the deceased’s family. To activists working in the occupied Palestinian territories, their faces were familiar. Nariman Tamimi, Rushdi’s sister was nearly carried by the support of other female relatives. In front, Bilal Tamimi, the village videographer and journalist, chronicled the funeral as the latest chapter of his family’s hardships. “It’s ok, this is our destiny,” he said softly, only momentarily moving the shield of the camera from his face. In a crowd of 2,000, nearly everyone I spoke with had met Rushdi, even if briefly on the proverbial rite of passage demonstrations in Nabi Saleh."

A funeral in Nabi Saleh signals new political consciousness in West Bank | Mondoweiss


The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.
"Around noon, dressed in blue and gray fatigues, PA officers lined the flatbed of a pickup truck where Tamimi’s body lay. Following, twenty other policemen walked hand to shoulder, forming a ring around the deceased’s family. To activists working in the occupied Palestinian territories, their faces were familiar. Nariman Tamimi, Rushdi’s sister was nearly carried by the support of other female relatives. In front, Bilal Tamimi, the village videographer and journalist, chronicled the funeral as the latest chapter of his family’s hardships. “It’s ok, this is our destiny,” he said softly, only momentarily moving the shield of the camera from his face. In a crowd of 2,000, nearly everyone I spoke with had met Rushdi, even if briefly on the proverbial rite of passage demonstrations in Nabi Saleh."
We should commend them for burying him/her instead of typically dragging his/her body around for a photo-op, shouldn't we?

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area nearDo the research and then you will know the truth.

Ancient Greece ?.....what of all the Israelis that came from Europe ...what a nonsense argument

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?

"According to the last week, the media doesn't matter and neither do ambulance workers. According to Dr. Abu Foul, “We are protected by the Geneva conventions we should not be targetted, we are trying to save lives. It is obvious who we are, we have sirens wailing and fluorescent rescuer jackets. Yet nine of our ambulance workers have been injured so far by return attacks and seventeen were killed before in the Cast Lead attacks.”

Gaza on the precipice | Mondoweiss

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News Nosh from Israeli Press:

"The political echelons of Israel don't want a paper, for the same reason that Hamas wants one.

The Israelis prefer to make a verbal agreement.

Putting the conditions on paper will limit Israel's freedom to act militarily in the future..."

--Senior Israeli political analyst Nahum Barnea in Yedioth today.**
News Nosh Summary:

Ceasefire gets stuck and Israel suffers the hardest day so far making top news in the Israeli papers today. Israel continues to pound the Gaza Strip, a building is hit near Tel-Aviv for the first time, Jerusalem gets another siren, and Yedioth offers some numbers.

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi said Tuesday that the conflict would end later that day. The Egyptians are hosting and mediating the indirect negotiations between Israel and Hamas. German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle also was involved. He left Israel en route to Cairo yesterday, assumably to introduce amendments to the ceasefire agreement draft, Yedioth's diplomatic affairs correspondent Itamar Eichner wrote. Israel Hayom reported that Morsi also telephoned Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to ask him to convince Islamic Jihad head Ramadan Salah to stop attacks on Israel. Hamas, wrote Israel Hayom, was furious because Salah was not being flexible in the talks and is making demands that even the Egyptians do not agree with.

Early yesterday evening, Hamas said a deal was struck and the ceasefire would be announced at 7PM and go into effect at 9PM. But an Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said, "We're not there yet." Indeed, the ceasefire was delayed. According to Maariv and the Israelis, it was Hamas' fault. According to the nuanced analysis by Nahum Barnea, that is not completely true (see translation below). According to Haaretz, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Ehud Barak disagreed on the terms. A statement by Hamas and Islamic Jihad said that the imminent lull in the fighting was delayed at the last minute over 'Israeli requests.' One Israeli official told Haaretz that Egypt wants to see gains for Hamas. Maariv writes that Israel demands that a two-stage outline: first stopping the fire and only after will they get the perks.

Maariv's Gaza stringer, Sami Ajrami, wrote in a small piece on the bottom of page eight that all the talk in Gaza was about a ceasefire. "In the evening the conditions were released and at 10PM a press conference was supposed to take place during which it was to be officially announced. Everyone waited for (the ceasefire) to commence at midnight, they hoped. When it became clear that the announcement was delayed, the disappointment was great." Ajrami writes that people in Gaza understand that "Israel's air force has the upper hand and that the Israeli army can do whatever it wants. The hope of the residents is that tomorrow morning everything will change, there will be a ceasefire and it will be the last. That after that there won't be any more bombing. Until that happens, people are passing the time hoping they won't be hurt in the hours that are left."

Meanwhile, all day while the back and forth of negotiations took place, Israel made a 'blitz' on Gaza with massive bombing of infrastructure, Maariv wrote. For the most part, Israeli press did not mention how many people were killed in Gaza. Ynet writes that the IDF identified the Islamic Jihad and the Popular Resistance Committees as the perpetrators of Tuesday morning's rocket fire, but that Hamas was responsible for the intense rocket salvo fired at Beersheva. "Despite the ongoing rocket fire, the IDF recognizes a reduction in its scope, noting that most of the rockets aimed at Ashdod and Ashkelon." The IDF also attacked the central bank in Gaza claiming it doubled as a Hamas headquarters. It also struck the homes of Hamas commanders at the levels of company and regiment commander, after shooting preliminary warning shots at the building, which residents were supposed to understand meant that an airstrike was imminent.

Islamic Jihad fired a rocket fired which landed between two Palestinian villages in the West Bank, south of Jerusalem. Some of the Israeli media reported it as if it were a shot on Jerusalem. The first direct hit on a house in the Gush Dan region (Tel-Aviv surroundings) made headlines. No one was hurt.

The papers reported that hundreds demonstrated in Beersheva, Ashkelon and Ashdod against a ceasefire. The demos were organized by students through social media networks and when they saw that few people had showed up, they moved to where the TV stations were broadcasting live and tried to voice their protests on camera while the reporters were giving their live reports, Maariv wrote.

Barak Ravid reported that for the first time, the state ceremony in memory of Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, at his Negev kibbutz of Sde Boker, was held under a media blackout because of the concern that Hamas in Gaza would try to target the gravesite where senior Israeli officials gathered. "This may seem an insignificant anecdote, but it says something about the situation in which Israel finds itself at the end of a week of hostilities in the Gaza Strip and on the cusp of a potential cease-fire. When dozens of kilometers from Gaza, the prime minister of Israel was unable to speak live on Israeli television, it's difficult to convince the Israeli public that the Israeli military operation, Pillar of Defense, had been replete with success," writes Ravid.

Haaretz's Amos Harel and Avi Issacharoff write that neither Israel nor Hamas thinks a truce would last forever. Diplomats told them that the hope is for a couple of years of quiet. Indeed, the IDF Spokesman told Ynet that there is no operation that can restore calm 'once and for all.' And the normally war-mongering Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Ynet: "We can't invade Gaza before elections."

With all the soldiers lined up in waiting outside the rim of the Gaza Strip, it's no wonder that one was killed yesterday by a mortar and there were many complaints from reservists who say they are being used as pawns.
"Around noon, dressed in blue and gray fatigues, PA officers lined the flatbed of a pickup truck where Tamimi’s body lay. Following, twenty other policemen walked hand to shoulder, forming a ring around the deceased’s family. To activists working in the occupied Palestinian territories, their faces were familiar. Nariman Tamimi, Rushdi’s sister was nearly carried by the support of other female relatives. In front, Bilal Tamimi, the village videographer and journalist, chronicled the funeral as the latest chapter of his family’s hardships. “It’s ok, this is our destiny,” he said softly, only momentarily moving the shield of the camera from his face. In a crowd of 2,000, nearly everyone I spoke with had met Rushdi, even if briefly on the proverbial rite of passage demonstrations in Nabi Saleh."
We should commend them for burying him/her instead of typically dragging his/her body around for a photo-op, shouldn't we?

Now, why would they do that?

You are obviously reading too much Hasbara BS!

Burying the murdered man did not go without further attacks on the villagers of Nabi Saleh, as the article in Mondoweiss speaks about.


Some day, I expect we will see the Popular Resistance Movement take off, it is certainly heating up!

Remember what happened in Egypt, the Arab Spring, it can happen anywhere in the Middle East!


The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

If your terrorist buddies were as good at math as you, and if they cared about their own people, they'd see those numbers and stop firing rockets at Israel.
How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

If your terrorist buddies were as good at math as you, and if they cared about their own people, they'd see those numbers and stop firing rockets at Israel.

and then live as perpetual victims of the Israelis....
As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

If your terrorist buddies were as good at math as you, and if they cared about their own people, they'd see those numbers and stop firing rockets at Israel.

and then live as perpetual victims of the Israelis....

Living as victims is the one thing your pals are good at.

That and attacking civilians.

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


So what you are saying Sherri, is that because Hamas has shitty aim and crappy weapons, we should give them a pass??? You're delusional !

If the number of civilian casualties was reversed, would you still be a Pali supporter?
Another point Sherri, how can one tell if a dead Pali is a plain civilian or a Hamas fighter or other combatant ??? They don't wear uniforms ! Therefore when looking at 'civilian casualties', you can never be too sure.
How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


So what you are saying Sherri, is that because Hamas has shitty aim and crappy weapons, we should give them a pass??? You're delusional !

If the number of civilian casualties was reversed, would you still be a Pali supporter?

Also, the disruption of normal daily activities, like work, school or shopping, as people have to run for cover, even if the casualties aren't so high. Children, and even pets, are now suffering from anxiety symptoms.

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

Very Few YOU Idiot.......more bais opinion from yet another Cretin,for your information,since 1949.....the DEATH RATIO







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