Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

You can get the exact numbers for any timeframe to compare for yorself, by going to Btslem's website, statistics of the casualties on both sides.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


As thousands of Palestinians, most of them civilians, have been killed by Israel in the past 10 years, a few dozen Israelis have been killed by Hamas rockets!

If your terrorist buddies were as good at math as you, and if they cared about their own people, they'd see those numbers and stop firing rockets at Israel.

and then live as perpetual victims of the Israelis....

I suppose Egypt could let them in so they could be victimized by other Muslims if that would make you feel better.
"Around noon, dressed in blue and gray fatigues, PA officers lined the flatbed of a pickup truck where Tamimi’s body lay. Following, twenty other policemen walked hand to shoulder, forming a ring around the deceased’s family. To activists working in the occupied Palestinian territories, their faces were familiar. Nariman Tamimi, Rushdi’s sister was nearly carried by the support of other female relatives. In front, Bilal Tamimi, the village videographer and journalist, chronicled the funeral as the latest chapter of his family’s hardships. “It’s ok, this is our destiny,” he said softly, only momentarily moving the shield of the camera from his face. In a crowd of 2,000, nearly everyone I spoke with had met Rushdi, even if briefly on the proverbial rite of passage demonstrations in Nabi Saleh."
We should commend them for burying him/her instead of typically dragging his/her body around for a photo-op, shouldn't we?

Now, why would they do that?

You are obviously reading too much Hasbara BS!

Burying the murdered man did not go without further attacks on the villagers of Nabi Saleh, as the article in Mondoweiss speaks about.


Some day, I expect we will see the Popular Resistance Movement take off, it is certainly heating up!

Remember what happened in Egypt, the Arab Spring, it can happen anywhere in the Middle East!

I wonder if Sherri has any pictures of the Muslims who were blown up by Muslims of different sects while they were in the cemetery attending the funerals of some friends and relatives who were previously killed by Muslims. It seems very pathetic that the Muslims can't even let other Muslims bury their dead in peace.

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

Very Few YOU Idiot.......more bais opinion from yet another Cretin,for your information,since 1949.....the DEATH RATIO







Of course little Stevie here doesn't care how many children and women the Muslims have killed in different places. The Jews are not involved so he is not interested. Give us a ballpark figure, Stevie. How many women and children do you think have been killed of the over 40,000 Syrians who have been killed?
I am reading an article on Mondoweiss about the funeral of the protester killed in Nabi Saleh, and there is a photo of his family, it looks like he had three small children, he was a police officer for the Palestinian Authority.



"Around noon, dressed in blue and gray fatigues, PA officers lined the flatbed of a pickup truck where Tamimi’s body lay. Following, twenty other policemen walked hand to shoulder, forming a ring around the deceased’s family. To activists working in the occupied Palestinian territories, their faces were familiar. Nariman Tamimi, Rushdi’s sister was nearly carried by the support of other female relatives. In front, Bilal Tamimi, the village videographer and journalist, chronicled the funeral as the latest chapter of his family’s hardships. “It’s ok, this is our destiny,” he said softly, only momentarily moving the shield of the camera from his face. In a crowd of 2,000, nearly everyone I spoke with had met Rushdi, even if briefly on the proverbial rite of passage demonstrations in Nabi Saleh."

A funeral in Nabi Saleh signals new political consciousness in West Bank | Mondoweiss

With over 40,000 Syrians killed so far, one would think that Sherri would have at least one or two pictures of their funerals. What happened, Sherri? Did they just throw these 40,000 Syrians on a big bonfire and did not conduct any funerals? I wonder also if Sherri has any pictures of funerals for the Christians who have been killed by Muslims recently in Nigeria. I would think that the "good Christian" Sherri would be keeping up on this.


This is a discussion baord for discussing Israel and Palestine, not Syria, and not Africa. So, no I don't find it strange I am not discussing those matters here.

And you keep asking me this essentially same question over and over and over.

Why do you desire I hate Muslims and Arabs?

Why is refusing to Hate people who you think I should hate so horrible?

I don't know why I care so much about Palestine today, just like I don't know why I once cared a lot about was happening in Darfur, and once I cared a lot about what was happening in Lebanon.

I see it as a God thing, He gives me people and causes to care about, and I try to follow where Christ leads me to go!

I don't claim to have it all figured out or that I get it all right, but I am really trying to do the best I can, and to answer here your questions the best I can.

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sherri continues her shit finger lies------she continues to describe a child who died in a bombing as being "BURNED ALIVE" despite the fact that she has no idea if he was alive at the time his skin was burned-----becasue saying "BURNED ALIVE" suits her AGENDA OF HATRED -----and the DECIDES what other people insist that she "HATE" arabs ----yet another shit finger lie from the lying hater propagandaist whore, sherri. Such a disgusting sow
We should commend them for burying him/her instead of typically dragging his/her body around for a photo-op, shouldn't we?

Now, why would they do that?

You are obviously reading too much Hasbara BS!

Burying the murdered man did not go without further attacks on the villagers of Nabi Saleh, as the article in Mondoweiss speaks about.


Some day, I expect we will see the Popular Resistance Movement take off, it is certainly heating up!

Remember what happened in Egypt, the Arab Spring, it can happen anywhere in the Middle East!

I wonder if Sherri has any pictures of the Muslims who were blown up by Muslims of different sects while they were in the cemetery attending the funerals of some friends and relatives who were previously killed by Muslims. It seems very pathetic that the Muslims can't even let other Muslims bury their dead in peace.


Why are Palestinians burying a fellow Palestinian responsible for what some Muslims somewhere in the world are doing to other Muslims at a funeral somewhere else in the world? Come on, stop judging the Palestinian people based on what is happening somewhere else in the world to somebody else in the world.

Deal with what is happening in Palestine, please.

In Nabi Saleh, Israel is killing Protesters and Israel is interfering with the burial of the ones they kill!

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now, why would they do that?

You are obviously reading too much hasbara bs!

Burying the murdered man did not go without further attacks on the villagers of nabi saleh, as the article in mondoweiss speaks about.


some day, i expect we will see the popular resistance movement take off, it is certainly heating up!

Remember what happened in egypt, the arab spring, it can happen anywhere in the middle east!

i wonder if sherri has any pictures of the muslims who were blown up by muslims of different sects while they were in the cemetery attending the funerals of some friends and relatives who were previously killed by muslims. It seems very pathetic that the muslims can't even let other muslims bury their dead in peace.


why are palestinians burying a fellow palestinian responsible for what some muslims somewhere in the world are doing to other muslims at a funeral somewhere else in the world? Come on, stop judging the palestinian people based on what is happening somewhere else in the world to somebody else in the world.

Deal with what is happening in palestine, please.

Sherri----your vulgar pedantry is wafting a stink thru cyberspace again. People do have a right to post as they please. It is a fact that you and people of your ilk engage in WAVING CORPSES about-----which is also a vulgar practice and very dishonest It is also true that you ----like virtually all hypocrites of your ilk------routinely present view so slanted that it is obscene ------your posting content makes it clear that you are delighted that Israeli children were killed in the bombing upon Israel which you enthusiastically support. a conclusion I make using your own logic.

As to that which is happening "elsewhere" ------your assertion that it is all "UNRELATED" and that others MUST post according to YOUR CRITERIA-----is comical----but also vulgar. I believe that the events in other countries in the MIDDLE EAST at this time -----are intimately related to the situation in Gaza because unlike you-----I am candid and honest and not stupid.
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How many children did the RAF USAF kill in their bombing of Berlin and other parts of Germany----1945?
from sherri>>>>

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years.

you have a basis for your shit finger lie Sherrie? ---- try to be honest for a change
How many infants, children and pregnant women have been killed in Israel by HAMAS rockets? The Palestinians are neither Arabs or Semites. They came to the Middle East by ships in an area near Ancient Greece. Do the research and then you will know the truth.

Very Few YOU Idiot.......more bais opinion from yet another Cretin,for your information,since 1949.....the DEATH RATIO







Of course little Stevie here doesn't care how many children and women the Muslims have killed in different places. The Jews are not involved so he is not interested. Give us a ballpark figure, Stevie. How many women and children do you think have been killed of the over 40,000 Syrians who have been killed?

Not True Hoss,on different threads I have given,quite CANDIDLY my opinion regarding this,above you should note what I said.You seem to take pride in trying to contradict what I say.

In much of our dialogue we agree on much,so STOP being Naughty or I shall have to SPANK YOU.....Again:D

What is happening in Syria and around the world at the moment IS A DISGRACE,including the Holy Land.

Hoss Matey,......Never assume my kindness as weakness.....or I'll RIP YOUR ARMS OFF:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:steve
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The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.

The baby, 11 month old Ahmad, was burnt alive in his family home in Gaza City. His father, Jihad Masharawi, is holding him in his arms in the photo above.


News of the world in pictures -


That being the case, why in later videos is the boy alive? :confused:

no wonder and thank GOD you are RETIRED

The baby's name was Omar Al-Mashharawi, 11 months old. His aunt, who was killed in the same attack was named Heba Al-Mashharawi, age 19, she was 6 months pregnant.

#GazaUnderAttack| Names and ages of killed people in the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza « PALESTINE FROM MY EYES

"Stay Human" 7 Days of Bombing. The Crime and the Victims. | Letters from Palestine |

He remains dead!
Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


someone said sherri is a ???lawyer-----a lawyer SHOULD ---at the very least know the defintion of "MURDER" According to sherri-----the RAF during world war Ii MURDERED tens of thousands of innocent people Maybe she can get them to court
from sherri>>>>

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years.

you have a basis for your shit finger lie Sherrie? ---- try to be honest for a change

I think most of Sherri's commentary is close to the truth,but Rosie try to inform your self of all the FACTs.steve
from sherri>>>>

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years.

you have a basis for your shit finger lie Sherrie? ---- try to be honest for a change

I think most of Sherri's commentary is close to the truth,but Rosie try to inform your self of all the FACTs.steve

I am very well informed stevie ----I get my information about Gaza from Gazans----not fascists like sherri. YOu have said nothing other than "sherri is right and rosie is wrong Is that the best you can do? I doubt that sherri has ever actually had an up close candid encounter with a Gazan in her life------other than PERHAPS at some propaganda fest
from sherri>>>>

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years.

you have a basis for your shit finger lie Sherrie? ---- try to be honest for a change

I think most of Sherri's commentary is close to the truth,but Rosie try to inform your self of all the FACTs.steve

I am very well informed stevie ----I get my information about Gaza from Gazans----not fascists like sherri. YOu have said nothing other than "sherri is right and rosie is wrong Is that the best you can do? I doubt that sherri has ever actually had an up close candid encounter with a Gazan in her life------other than PERHAPS at some propaganda fest

Well actually Rosie,not all you say is wrong(for the record)But most of it is BIAS,why can't diseminate the facts on issues occassionally.stevie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!who said anyone can call me stevie?????????That's for when THE BETTER HALF,whispers sweetly into my ear,just sayin steve
from sherri>>>>

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years.

you have a basis for your shit finger lie Sherrie? ---- try to be honest for a change


I do not feel guilty over what people who lived before I was ever born did. Do you feel guilt over everything every Jew has ever done? This guilt you try to lay on Christians is baseless and completely unwarranted.

I am not responsible for what people calling themselves Christians have done since Christianity was a religion, I am simply not.

I really would think about reconsidering my position on this if anyone could point to any Religious Scriptures that tell me I have guilt over the acts of people who lived before I was born.

Now, what I do feel guilt about is what my country is doing to people today, like killing innocent civilians and funding the Occupation in Palestine, what Christians today do to people, like excluding people and judging people and not following Jesus teachings. The world I live in Today is something I feel I should be concerned about, and feel guilt about. I really can relate to the Prophet Isaiah's image of blood on his hands over the sin of his own people, I feel that, too. But what his guilt was over was what the peple were doing then, while he was alive, not what the people did before he was even born.

I am sorry about Christians who have hurt and hated and killed others, including Jews. I wish it did not happen, and all that has happened, all that hurting, hating, and killing had never happened. Jesus does not call on us to hurt, hate, and kill anyone. Every person, their lives have value, and God loves all of us, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and everyone else. We all matter.

I don't mean by anything I say in these discussions that I want harm for anyone, what my criiticism is directed at is the Occupation and human rights abuses a part of it (that includes the unlawful acts carried out in Gaza this past week)that denies basic human rights and equal rights to all of the people of Palestine, the Occupation is the problem here.

I think most of Sherri's commentary is close to the truth,but Rosie try to inform your self of all the FACTs.steve

I am very well informed stevie ----I get my information about Gaza from Gazans----not fascists like sherri. YOu have said nothing other than "sherri is right and rosie is wrong Is that the best you can do? I doubt that sherri has ever actually had an up close candid encounter with a Gazan in her life------other than PERHAPS at some propaganda fest

Well actually Rosie,not all you say is wrong(for the record)But most of it is BIAS,why can't diseminate the facts on issues occassionally.stevie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!who said anyone can call me stevie?????????That's for when THE BETTER HALF,whispers sweetly into my ear,just sayin steve

I understand----steviekins-----you are suggesting that a lean a bit -------that might be correct. Unlike Sherrie----I do not lie and engage in maudlin histrionics and filthy propaganda . I admit----in politics I do lean-----I simply cannot vote REPUBLICAN-----something related to my grandmother----a bit active in her youth in labor union marches after the triangle fire
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