Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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The deliberate Israeli unlawful targeting and unlawful killing of civilians and civilian objects we have seen carried out by Israel in the recent 8 day military operation in Gaza....

What deliberate targeting would that be?

You rattle on with these conspiracy theories of your own manufacture yet are unable to offer support for your claims.


I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!


I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.
What deliberate targeting would that be?

You rattle on with these conspiracy theories of your own manufacture yet are unable to offer support for your claims.


I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!


I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.

sherri is a lesson on Goebellian propaganda ----she simply repeats lies. There is extensive evidence that arab muslims actively seek to kill babies----but none at all
which could support a basis for the sherri gobbellian assertion that the IDF does .

In simple intro to Abnormal Psych -----101 hundreds of thousands of liberal
arts students learn about the basic ego defense that she exhibits ----REACTION FORMATION.

This very basic ego defense is so widely known---that it can be termed "COMMON
What deliberate targeting would that be?

You rattle on with these conspiracy theories of your own manufacture yet are unable to offer support for your claims.


I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!


I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.


I can't help people who don't want help, to see the truth about Zionism and the truth about the way they always carry out their so called military operations in lands of Palestine they Occupy, by deliberately targeting civilians and civilian objects.

The Correspondent for Democracy Now specifically address the issue of Israel's targeting of civilaians, the issue coming up when he starts speaking about threatening texts people in Gaza are receiving from Israel:

"Civilians are being killed. That is a fact. That is what is happening here. Either Israel has pinpoint accuracy and is targeting these civilians, or they don’t have pinpoint accuracy and they’re raining hellfire down on one of the most densely populated places on earth. There is no other explanation."

Let's take these two possibilities, that describes the deaths of most of the 139 Israel just killed in Gaza, the majority of those Israel has killed have been reported to be civilians, I think a percentage I read in one article was over 70%. If they are being killed with pinpoint accuracy, that is a deliberate targeting of a civilian and that is unlawful under The Fourth Geneva Convention and it is a war crime. If they are being killed in indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population, that is also a war crime, because anyone whould expect civilians to die in such attacks. Either way, the ones mostly dying and the ones being targeted are civilians and the killings are unlawful killings.

It's A Lie! I am, of course I am referring here to your claims in your post above, what else could I be referring to?

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I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!


I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.

sherri is a lesson on Goebellian propaganda ----she simply repeats lies. There is extensive evidence that arab muslims actively seek to kill babies----but none at all
which could support a basis for the sherri gobbellian assertion that the IDF does .

In simple intro to Abnormal Psych -----101 hundreds of thousands of liberal
arts students learn about the basic ego defense that she exhibits ----REACTION FORMATION.

This very basic ego defense is so widely known---that it can be termed "COMMON


We are, one more time, discussing Israel and Israel's actual killing of Palestinian babies in Gaza and children in Gaza. We are speaking of real children and we have their names and can identify how Israel killed each one.

And we are dealing with real babies and children dying, I repeat, 34 killed by Israel in this last Zionist civilian targeting exercise in Gaza, not the imaginery Israeli babies you think are dying, but who are only dying in your head!

I do not know this Goebels dude you seem fixated on talking about all the time, but I submit to you nothing he said or did, in reality or in your head, justifies Israel's unlawful killings of babies and children in Gaza or anywhere else in Palestine!

Sherri, it's wartime, get over it, shit happens during a war, like thousands of rockets falling in civilian areas...

how many times does sherri HAVE TO TELL YOU------flinging thousands of poison nail bombs on Israel is LEGAL TO ISA RESPECTERS------in fact you can find the details
in both the Justinian code and Shariah law


Stop lying, I never said such a thing!


I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!


I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.


I can't help people who don't want help, to see the truth about Zionism and the truth about the way they always carry out their so called military operations in lands of Palestine they Occupy, by deliberately targeting civilians and civilian objects.

The Correspondent for Democracy Now specifically address the issue of Israel's targeting of civilaians, the issue coming up when he starts speaking about threatening texts people in Gaza are receiving from Israel:

"Civilians are being killed. That is a fact. That is what is happening here. Either Israel has pinpoint accuracy and is targeting these civilians, or they don’t have pinpoint accuracy and they’re raining hellfire down on one of the most densely populated places on earth. There is no other explanation."

Let's take these two possibilities, that describes the deaths of most of the 139 Israel just killed in Gaza, the majority of those Israel has killed have been reported to be civilians, I think a percentage I read in one article was over 70%. If they are being killed with pinpoint accuracy, that is a deliberate targeting of a civilian and that is unlawful under The Fourth Geneva Convention and it is a war crime. If they are being killed in indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population, that is also a war crime, because anyone whould expect civilians to die in such attacks. Either way, the ones mostly dying and the ones being targeted are civilians and the killings are unlawful killings.

It's A Lie! I am, of course I am referring here to your claims in your post above, what else could I be referring to?


How typical that you would regard Israeli airstrikes as war crimes yet make no mention of rockets fired indiscriminately into Israel by Hamas. Do you think the rockets are aimed at military targets? No. They are fired indiscriminately in the hope that they will cause death and destruction to anyone and anything. So, in your terms, that must be a war crime.
I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.

sherri is a lesson on Goebellian propaganda ----she simply repeats lies. There is extensive evidence that arab muslims actively seek to kill babies----but none at all
which could support a basis for the sherri gobbellian assertion that the IDF does .

In simple intro to Abnormal Psych -----101 hundreds of thousands of liberal
arts students learn about the basic ego defense that she exhibits ----REACTION FORMATION.

This very basic ego defense is so widely known---that it can be termed "COMMON


We are, one more time, discussing Israel and Israel's actual killing of Palestinian babies in Gaza and children in Gaza. We are speaking of real children and we have their names and can identify how Israel killed each one.

And we are dealing with real babies and children dying, I repeat, 34 killed by Israel in this last Zionist civilian targeting exercise in Gaza, not the imaginery Israeli babies you think are dying, but who are only dying in your head!

I do not know this Goebels dude you seem fixated on talking about all the time, but I submit to you nothing he said or did, in reality or in your head, justifies Israel's unlawful killings of babies and children in Gaza or anywhere else in Palestine!


Arabs breed like cockroaches anyways, so what's your problem, it's WARTIME!
I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.

sherri is a lesson on Goebellian propaganda ----she simply repeats lies. There is extensive evidence that arab muslims actively seek to kill babies----but none at all
which could support a basis for the sherri gobbellian assertion that the IDF does .

In simple intro to Abnormal Psych -----101 hundreds of thousands of liberal
arts students learn about the basic ego defense that she exhibits ----REACTION FORMATION.

This very basic ego defense is so widely known---that it can be termed "COMMON


We are, one more time, discussing Israel and Israel's actual killing of Palestinian babies in Gaza and children in Gaza. We are speaking of real children and we have their names and can identify how Israel killed each one.

And we are dealing with real babies and children dying, I repeat, 34 killed by Israel in this last Zionist civilian targeting exercise in Gaza, not the imaginery Israeli babies you think are dying, but who are only dying in your head!

I do not know this Goebels dude you seem fixated on talking about all the time, but I submit to you nothing he said or did, in reality or in your head, justifies Israel's unlawful killings of babies and children in Gaza or anywhere else in Palestine!


Sherri, you are delusional. Where is there proof that any of the pilots were given orders to kill babies???????????
Where ??!! Please show me ! Where ????????????

Link ?? Source ?!?!

Or is it your Jihadist brain spewing more crap?? I suspect the latter
sherri is into the IMPERIAL "we" which complicates her diagnosis. I will comment no further on her mental derrangement----each of you can check the DSM.

I believe that she is trying to get me to violate my oaths and actually post up pictures of the results of OBSCENE MUTILATION accomplished to her orgiastic pleasure on chrildren by the "isa respecters" she so ardently adores. She wants to SEE ----the genitalia hanging out of the dead mouths
of the victims-----such sights EXCITE HER ----maybe the little slit throats even excite her-----I cannot comment----perhaps she will tell us

I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!


I saw no proof in the article you posted. I suspect that your frantic need to vilify Israel will allow you to see "proof" where no such thing exists.


I can't help people who don't want help, to see the truth about Zionism and the truth about the way they always carry out their so called military operations in lands of Palestine they Occupy, by deliberately targeting civilians and civilian objects.

The Correspondent for Democracy Now specifically address the issue of Israel's targeting of civilaians, the issue coming up when he starts speaking about threatening texts people in Gaza are receiving from Israel:

"Civilians are being killed. That is a fact. That is what is happening here. Either Israel has pinpoint accuracy and is targeting these civilians, or they don’t have pinpoint accuracy and they’re raining hellfire down on one of the most densely populated places on earth. There is no other explanation."

Let's take these two possibilities, that describes the deaths of most of the 139 Israel just killed in Gaza, the majority of those Israel has killed have been reported to be civilians, I think a percentage I read in one article was over 70%. If they are being killed with pinpoint accuracy, that is a deliberate targeting of a civilian and that is unlawful under The Fourth Geneva Convention and it is a war crime. If they are being killed in indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population, that is also a war crime, because anyone whould expect civilians to die in such attacks. Either way, the ones mostly dying and the ones being targeted are civilians and the killings are unlawful killings.

It's A Lie! I am, of course I am referring here to your claims in your post above, what else could I be referring to?


You're getting a little frothy.

You still have offered nothing to support your claim that Israeli's were targeting civilians. I understand that you have a desperate need to believe that scenario but I would offer that your posts have a slant that would define you as a hateful zealot.
sherri is a lesson on Goebellian propaganda ----she simply repeats lies. There is extensive evidence that arab muslims actively seek to kill babies----but none at all
which could support a basis for the sherri gobbellian assertion that the IDF does .

In simple intro to Abnormal Psych -----101 hundreds of thousands of liberal
arts students learn about the basic ego defense that she exhibits ----REACTION FORMATION.

This very basic ego defense is so widely known---that it can be termed "COMMON


We are, one more time, discussing Israel and Israel's actual killing of Palestinian babies in Gaza and children in Gaza. We are speaking of real children and we have their names and can identify how Israel killed each one.

And we are dealing with real babies and children dying, I repeat, 34 killed by Israel in this last Zionist civilian targeting exercise in Gaza, not the imaginery Israeli babies you think are dying, but who are only dying in your head!

I do not know this Goebels dude you seem fixated on talking about all the time, but I submit to you nothing he said or did, in reality or in your head, justifies Israel's unlawful killings of babies and children in Gaza or anywhere else in Palestine!


Arabs breed like cockroaches anyways, so what's your problem, it's WARTIME![/QUOTE
Your racism is disgusting! And it is not war. It is Occupation ad Israel war crimes against those living in Palestine under Occupation!

We are, one more time, discussing Israel and Israel's actual killing of Palestinian babies in Gaza and children in Gaza. We are speaking of real children and we have their names and can identify how Israel killed each one.

And we are dealing with real babies and children dying, I repeat, 34 killed by Israel in this last Zionist civilian targeting exercise in Gaza, not the imaginery Israeli babies you think are dying, but who are only dying in your head!

I do not know this Goebels dude you seem fixated on talking about all the time, but I submit to you nothing he said or did, in reality or in your head, justifies Israel's unlawful killings of babies and children in Gaza or anywhere else in Palestine!


Arabs breed like cockroaches anyways, so what's your problem, it's WARTIME![/QUOTE
Your racism is disgusting! And it is not war. It is Occupation ad Israel war crimes against those living in Palestine under Occupation!

Is it a fact or not that arabs breed more children than the average?
And yes, it is wartime, anything goes.
It becomes clear Israel targeteted civilians and civilian objects when one hears from people inside Gaza, speaking about the military strikes, the people who personally witnessed those Israeli military strikes, like journalists who have personally experienced unlawful targeting themselves.

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt

Democracy Now yesterday aired a segment on their spokesman in Gaza, speaking about the air strikes, from Gaza City, on Day 8 of the miliary operation:

"SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well Amy, I got into Gaza through the Rafah border crossing, which is the only border that Gaza has to the outside world that is not controlled by Israel. I had to wait three days on the border to get in from Egypt, but I eventually did. It is really a dystopian reality here, one of widespread violence and suffering. There is heavy naval bombing, there are F-16s strikes, there’s an incessant buzz of the drones overhead that really gives you the feeling of being under constant threat. You can also hear the outgoing rockets being fired into Israel. The streets are quite empty, shops are closed, there’s a heavy tension in the air. Last night, as these talks of a cease-fire were under way. It was particularly brutal. There was a nonstop barrage of bombing that made the ground literally shake every 10 minutes. This was as Clinton, I believe, was arriving in Israel for these talks.

At around 2:00 AM, there was a missile strike that landed in an open area not more than 30 yards from where I’m staying in my hotel and two hotels near by that’s housing many foreign journalists, it blew out the windows of all the surrounding buildings including in my hotel room, left a massive crater in the ground. One journalist told me — all these journalists were out in the lobby, some in shock, some kind of laughing nervously. One said, this is intimidation, there is no other reason to do this. Of course, this is a fraction of what many Palestinians in Gaza have gone through. As you mentioned, nearly 140 have been killed, mostly civilians, 34 of them children."


Nothing in the article would support your claims to targeting of civilians.

Your need to vilify Israel for defending itself against idslamist terrorists isn't served by invented conspiracy theories.

Zionist cheerleader Hollie,

The article does support that Israel is targeting civilians, they targeted journalists, some were killed, one lost his legs. Tthe journalist who is reporting from Gaza City, interviewed by Democracy Now, personally witnessed and was the victim in an Israeli terror attack himself which he speaks of, what else describes the air strike 30 yards from the hotel he was in and foreign journalists are staying at? The window of his very own hotel room was blown out by its strength!

And he speaks of other targetings of civilians, as he speaks from Gaza City in that interview, as well, journalists targeted in strikes on buildings that housed Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP, jornalists in a car killed in an airstrike right on the corner of a school run by the United Nations that had been turned into a UN shelter for displaced people inside Gaza. Targeting Journalists, targeting UN shelters, is unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects under The Fourth Geneva Convention. You hear and read of leaflets being distributed to warn people to leave their homes, and then you read of strikes on the UN Shelters they flee to!!!!! Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

"That attack last night, which was terrifying, it followed attacks that hit the buildings of — that houses Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP were also damaged by a nearby attack. Yesterday, Israel targeted and then proudly admitted killing two Palestinian journalists in their car. That strike in the car actually happened on the corner of a school run by the United Nations, which yesterday was turned into a massive shelter for displaced Gazans. More than 1800 of them came to the school yesterday — I visited it today — after the Israeli military dropped leaflets on towns in northern Gaza, ordering residents to evacuate their houses. Many I spoke to fled after reading these leaflets. They were hit with fear and panic. Then the bombings started, so they fled. Many of them leaving behind most of their belongings.

These families are now crammed into these classrooms of this schools, sleeping on the floor, they have little water, they have not eaten since last night. There’s many traumatized children. One of them could not stop wailing and throwing herself on the floor. Her mother said she had been like that since the bombing last week. Another mother told me her 13-year-old daughter could not stop crying unless she is being held by someone and embraced because she’s overcome by fear. This is what’s Gaza is like here. People have no where to go. The threat of bombing and violence is ever-present. The infrastructure here is being systematically destroyed. Israel targeted a large bank, they targeted one of the biggest strikes so far was the civil administration building. They target police stations. The edifices of the state are being destroyed. The people have little recourse for any kind of safety."

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt


Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.
Nothing in the article would support your claims to targeting of civilians.

Your need to vilify Israel for defending itself against idslamist terrorists isn't served by invented conspiracy theories.

Zionist cheerleader Hollie,

The article does support that Israel is targeting civilians, they targeted journalists, some were killed, one lost his legs. Tthe journalist who is reporting from Gaza City, interviewed by Democracy Now, personally witnessed and was the victim in an Israeli terror attack himself which he speaks of, what else describes the air strike 30 yards from the hotel he was in and foreign journalists are staying at? The window of his very own hotel room was blown out by its strength!

And he speaks of other targetings of civilians, as he speaks from Gaza City in that interview, as well, journalists targeted in strikes on buildings that housed Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP, jornalists in a car killed in an airstrike right on the corner of a school run by the United Nations that had been turned into a UN shelter for displaced people inside Gaza. Targeting Journalists, targeting UN shelters, is unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects under The Fourth Geneva Convention. You hear and read of leaflets being distributed to warn people to leave their homes, and then you read of strikes on the UN Shelters they flee to!!!!! Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

"That attack last night, which was terrifying, it followed attacks that hit the buildings of — that houses Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP were also damaged by a nearby attack. Yesterday, Israel targeted and then proudly admitted killing two Palestinian journalists in their car. That strike in the car actually happened on the corner of a school run by the United Nations, which yesterday was turned into a massive shelter for displaced Gazans. More than 1800 of them came to the school yesterday — I visited it today — after the Israeli military dropped leaflets on towns in northern Gaza, ordering residents to evacuate their houses. Many I spoke to fled after reading these leaflets. They were hit with fear and panic. Then the bombings started, so they fled. Many of them leaving behind most of their belongings.

These families are now crammed into these classrooms of this schools, sleeping on the floor, they have little water, they have not eaten since last night. There’s many traumatized children. One of them could not stop wailing and throwing herself on the floor. Her mother said she had been like that since the bombing last week. Another mother told me her 13-year-old daughter could not stop crying unless she is being held by someone and embraced because she’s overcome by fear. This is what’s Gaza is like here. People have no where to go. The threat of bombing and violence is ever-present. The infrastructure here is being systematically destroyed. Israel targeted a large bank, they targeted one of the biggest strikes so far was the civil administration building. They target police stations. The edifices of the state are being destroyed. The people have little recourse for any kind of safety."

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt


Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.

Kinda' like this?

Israel: Hamas using journalists and children as 'human shields' - Virginia Beach Conservative |

We are, one more time, discussing Israel and Israel's actual killing of Palestinian babies in Gaza and children in Gaza. We are speaking of real children and we have their names and can identify how Israel killed each one.

And we are dealing with real babies and children dying, I repeat, 34 killed by Israel in this last Zionist civilian targeting exercise in Gaza, not the imaginery Israeli babies you think are dying, but who are only dying in your head!

I do not know this Goebels dude you seem fixated on talking about all the time, but I submit to you nothing he said or did, in reality or in your head, justifies Israel's unlawful
killings of babies and children in Gaza or anywhere else in Palestine!


oh gee sherri-----I have over-estimated your educational
background-----since you did say that you teach Sunday School,
and I believe you claimed you grew up in the USA---I ASSUMED
that you graduated high school I will help you with the basic
history that most american children do learn Josef Goebbels was
the main propagandaist for ADOLF (abu ali) Hitler He was
married to MAGDA . Both Josef and Magda considered
themselves to be pious christians-----Magda had many children
---either six or seven, I think -----the family was very loyal to
Adolf abu ali Hitler and stayed with him in the BERLIN BUNKER
until "the end" They are favorites of the specific ISA
RESPECTING people with whom you ally yourself----but real
christians have repudiated the whole group. Magda is of
some fame because at "the end" she shoved cyanide down
the throats of either five or six of her children. and then her
own throat-----which would in the your creed render her eligible
for JANNAH since she did it in the name of the islamic saint---
ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER Josef died too----I am not sure
but I think by self inflicted bullet to the brain (sometimes known
as 'acute lead poisoning' ) If you need more basic high school
history----let me know Much of your content and style
of posting is very similar to the writings of Josef Goebbels
which was also recaped in the writings of those people who
elaborated literature in egypt and syria for the curriculums of
children's schools in muslim countries
oh gee sherri-----I have over-estimated your educational
background-----since you did say that you teach Sunday School,
and I believe you claimed you grew up in the USA---I ASSUMED
that you graduated high school I will help you with the basic
history that most american children do learn Josef Goebbels was
the main propagandaist for ADOLF (abu ali) Hitler He was
married to MAGDA . Both Josef and Magda considered
themselves to be pious christians-----Magda had many children
---either six or seven, I think -----the family was very loyal to
Adolf abu ali Hitler and stayed with him in the BERLIN BUNKER
until "the end" They are favorites of the specific ISA
RESPECTING people with whom you ally yourself----but real
christians have repudiated the whole group. Magda is of
some fame because at "the end" she shoved cyanide down
the throats of either five or six of her children. and then her
own throat-----which would in the your creed render her eligible
for JANNAH since she did it in the name of the islamic saint---
ADOLF ABU ALI HITLER Josef died too----I am not sure
but I think by self inflicted bullet to the brain (sometimes known
as 'acute lead poisoning' ) If you need more basic high school
history----let me know Much of your content and style
of posting is very similar to the writings of Josef Goebbels
which was also recaped in the writings of those people who
elaborated literature in egypt and syria for the curriculums of
children's schools in muslim countries


I think I already told you I am not on a guilt trip over what someone did before I was even born, none of all this crap you are discussing in this post has anything to do with Israel killing Palestinian babies and children in Gaza!

And I never told you I was a Sunday School teacher, stop lying about that!

I really hope you are not suggesting something these people did justify Israel to kill Palestinian babies or that you blame Palestinians for what these people did???????????

Zionist cheerleader Hollie,

The article does support that Israel is targeting civilians, they targeted journalists, some were killed, one lost his legs. Tthe journalist who is reporting from Gaza City, interviewed by Democracy Now, personally witnessed and was the victim in an Israeli terror attack himself which he speaks of, what else describes the air strike 30 yards from the hotel he was in and foreign journalists are staying at? The window of his very own hotel room was blown out by its strength!

And he speaks of other targetings of civilians, as he speaks from Gaza City in that interview, as well, journalists targeted in strikes on buildings that housed Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP, jornalists in a car killed in an airstrike right on the corner of a school run by the United Nations that had been turned into a UN shelter for displaced people inside Gaza. Targeting Journalists, targeting UN shelters, is unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects under The Fourth Geneva Convention. You hear and read of leaflets being distributed to warn people to leave their homes, and then you read of strikes on the UN Shelters they flee to!!!!! Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

"That attack last night, which was terrifying, it followed attacks that hit the buildings of — that houses Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP were also damaged by a nearby attack. Yesterday, Israel targeted and then proudly admitted killing two Palestinian journalists in their car. That strike in the car actually happened on the corner of a school run by the United Nations, which yesterday was turned into a massive shelter for displaced Gazans. More than 1800 of them came to the school yesterday — I visited it today — after the Israeli military dropped leaflets on towns in northern Gaza, ordering residents to evacuate their houses. Many I spoke to fled after reading these leaflets. They were hit with fear and panic. Then the bombings started, so they fled. Many of them leaving behind most of their belongings.

These families are now crammed into these classrooms of this schools, sleeping on the floor, they have little water, they have not eaten since last night. There’s many traumatized children. One of them could not stop wailing and throwing herself on the floor. Her mother said she had been like that since the bombing last week. Another mother told me her 13-year-old daughter could not stop crying unless she is being held by someone and embraced because she’s overcome by fear. This is what’s Gaza is like here. People have no where to go. The threat of bombing and violence is ever-present. The infrastructure here is being systematically destroyed. Israel targeted a large bank, they targeted one of the biggest strikes so far was the civil administration building. They target police stations. The edifices of the state are being destroyed. The people have little recourse for any kind of safety."

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt


Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.

Kinda' like this?

Israel: Hamas using journalists and children as 'human shields' - Virginia Beach Conservative |

Not interested in your Hasbara Propaganda!
Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.

Kinda' like this?

Israel: Hamas using journalists and children as 'human shields' - Virginia Beach Conservative |

Not interested in your Hasbara Propaganda!

They're so cute when they float conspiracy theories as a defense mechanism.

Well, I'm sorrry to have to put the brakes on this runaway train of heady optimism and artless faith in a magical, overnight turnaround from Jihad Intl., Inc.'s Jew extermination goals, but reality must trump fantasy in the end. Yes, I'm talking about the Arab Street™, and its feelings about disposable pal/arabs:

The Threat of the Human Shield Strategy Hamas Uses Extends Beyond Israel, Gaza - US News and World Report

Hamas Proud To Use Human Shields In Gaza [Video]

Hamas Sacrifices Civilians as a Military Tactic
All the recent killing by Israel in Gaza is raising questions for American Jews, like the one below.

Does anyone care to tackle this question?

How did Israel and mainstream Jewry get so used to targeted assassinations and bombing cities as if it was normal?

Exile and the prophetic: Gaza and the ethics of Jewish power | Mondoweiss


Targeted assassinations are a key part of the strategy employed by the US and NATO in the war against terrorism, so much of the western world now accepts them as "normal".

Israel doesn't bomb cities. It bombs terrorist targets that Hamas and other terrorist gangs locate in densely populated areas of some cities, so the damage and death that result from these bombings are collateral damage that results from the pursuit of legitimate military objectives and is recognized as acceptable by the Geneva Conventions as long as the force used is proportionate to the value of the military objective.
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