Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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They're so cute when they float conspiracy theories as a defense mechanism.

Well, I'm sorrry to have to put the brakes on this runaway train of heady optimism and artless faith in a magical, overnight turnaround from Jihad Intl., Inc.'s Jew extermination goals, but reality must trump fantasy in the end. Yes, I'm talking about the Arab Street™, and its feelings about disposable pal/arabs:

Hamas exploitation of civilians as human shields: Photographic evidence

The Threat of the Human Shield Strategy Hamas Uses Extends Beyond Israel, Gaza - US News and World Report

Hamas Proud To Use Human Shields In Gaza [Video]

Hamas Sacrifices Civilians as a Military Tactic
The killings by Israel in Gaza are real, your defending child killers, you might as well be killing those children yourself? Why do you want those chidren dead so badly? Why all this hate for them?
A cartoon image comes to mind. A mother breaks up a fight between two children, one of whom offers this defense: “It started when he hit me back.”

Remember that mentality when you hear Palestinians call Israel “the aggressor.” Hamas fired hundreds, perhaps 1,000 missiles into Israel from Gaza. They hit schools, apartment buildings, streets and vacant lots. The aim was to kill and, if not to kill, at least to terrorize. Mission accomplished.

Finally, Israel responded, first by “droning” the Hamas military leader, then by airstrikes against the terror group’s ammunition dumps and rocket launchers, some intentionally placed near mosques and houses.

So, yes, naturally, the war started when Israel hit back.

ALSO Applies vice versa don't it????

Five lessons from the Gaza conflict

By Tobias Buck in Jerusalem

Israel has learnt to end a war

Israel has now fought three inconclusive wars in six years: Lebanon 2006, Gaza 2008-09 and Gaza 2012, none of which produced a clear-cut Israeli victory. All three started in the same way, with a massive aerial bombardment that severely degraded the military capability of Israel’s adversary. In all three conflicts, the apparent success of the opening assault led to calls for a sweeping ground operation, in the hope of addressing the threat posed by Hizbollah and Hamas “once and for all”.

This time, however, the Israeli leadership decided to step back, and enter a ceasefire before the tanks started rolling. Most military analysts believe it was the right decision.

In Lebanon, the ground operation achieved little, and at a significant cost in Israeli lives and the country’s international standing. The last war in Gaza turned swaths of the densely populated strip into rubble, cost 1,400 Palestinian lives and triggered a UN investigation suggesting that Israel may have committed war crimes. This time, Israeli leaders seemed ready to accept that a small war with limited gains is better than a big war with limited gains.

Hamas is a legitimate regional player

Hamas may still be listed as a terrorist organisation by Israel, the US and the EU, but few dare to treat it that way now. In the Arab and Muslim world, Hamas lost its pariah status long ago: its leaders have long been welcome guests in royal palaces and presidential residences from Turkey to Qatar and from Tunisia to Jordan.

Naturally, the new Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt is particularly close to its Palestinian offshoot. But governments in the west, and even Israel itself, appear to be modifying their stance as well.

Israeli officials insist they are no closer to recognising Hamas as a legitimate political actor than before. But the ceasefire deal clearly implies that the Islamist group is here to stay. What is more, it offers several concrete measures that will serve to bolster Hamas rule in Gaza.

It was also noteworthy that not once during the ceasefire discussions was there talk of the famous Quartet conditions – a set of political commitments the international community wants Hamas to make in return for engagement. These included forswearing violence and recognising Israel. In the end, Hamas appears to have forced Israel, the US and others to engage with it largely on its terms – as a powerful political force that will no longer be ignored.

Morsi has passed his first test

Mohamed Morsi was bathed in praise on Wednesday night, and it was easy to see why. All kinds of things could have gone wrong for the Egyptian leader, who was walking a political tightrope throughout the conflict.

A show of unconditional support for Hamas would have damaged his credibility as a mediator, deepened the rift with Israel and damaged relations with the US. Failure to come to the aid of Hamas and the Gaza population, meanwhile, would have angered his base and undermined his claim to regional (and moral) leadership.

In the end, Mr Morsi seemed to get it just right: he dispatched his prime minister to Gaza less than 48 hours after the conflict started, in a strong show of solidarity. He sharply condemned what he called Israel’s “aggression”. But in the end, he delivered a crucial service to Israel by brokering a ceasefire that prevented a potentially devastating land incursion and restoring calm to southern Israel and Gaza alike.

Mahmoud Abbas is a spent force

This was supposed to be the moment of Mahmoud Abbas, the veteran leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization and president of the Palestinian Authority.

After years of failed diplomacy, he was poised to win recognition for an independent Palestinian state in the UN general assembly. A resolution to that effect, asking for an upgrade in the Palestinians’ UN status to that of a non-member “observer state”, could still win a majority in the assembly later this month. But it would be a limp and hollow victory, at a time when Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank alike are celebrating the “resistance” offered by Hamas and other groups.

Those celebrations may, of course, turn out to be misguided. The UN vote may still lead to more important political gains.

But Palestinians will not easily forget that their president declined to visit the Gaza Strip when it was under Israeli bombardment. That failure seemed all the more striking given the long list of political leaders and senior officials from the Arab world that did make the trip.

Missile defence saves lives in Israel (and Gaza too)

This was the first real, large-scale test of Israel’s new Iron Dome system. The missile defence shield passed that test with flying colours, effectively blunting the very weapon that has become the hallmark of Hamas and other militant groups in Gaza.

Though three Israelis were killed by rocket fire on the second day of the conflict, the system managed to intercept a critical number of rockets and missiles that were heading for built-up areas. The Iron Dome saved Israeli lives, while giving the government and army more operational flexibility.

Most importantly, it may have helped Israel – and Gaza – avoid a ground invasion: military officials say that the system managed to keep Israeli casualties so low that the pressure to invade the Palestinian territory was far weaker than it otherwise would have been.
sherri and all the hasbara finatix on both sides

either a cease fire





Not interested in your Hasbara Propaganda!

They're so cute when they float conspiracy theories as a defense mechanism.

Well, I'm sorrry to have to put the brakes on this runaway train of heady optimism and artless faith in a magical, overnight turnaround from Jihad Intl., Inc.'s Jew extermination goals, but reality must trump fantasy in the end. Yes, I'm talking about the Arab Street™, and its feelings about disposable pal/arabs:

Hamas exploitation of civilians as human shields: Photographic evidence

The Threat of the Human Shield Strategy Hamas Uses Extends Beyond Israel, Gaza - US News and World Report

Hamas Proud To Use Human Shields In Gaza [Video]

Hamas Sacrifices Civilians as a Military Tactic
The killings by Israel in Gaza are real, your defending child killers, you might as well be killing those children yourself? Why do you want those chidren dead so badly? Why all this hate for them?
How sad for you that your hate runs so deep. You're in denial that pal/Arabs use civilians as human shields.
they're so cute when they float conspiracy theories as a defense mechanism.

Well, i'm sorrry to have to put the brakes on this runaway train of heady optimism and artless faith in a magical, overnight turnaround from jihad intl., inc.'s jew extermination goals, but reality must trump fantasy in the end. Yes, i'm talking about the arab street™, and its feelings about disposable pal/arabs:

hamas exploitation of civilians as human shields: Photographic evidence

the threat of the human shield strategy hamas uses extends beyond israel, gaza - us news and world report

hamas proud to use human shields in gaza [video]

hamas sacrifices civilians as a military tactic
the killings by israel in gaza are real, your defending child killers, you might as well be killing those children yourself? Why do you want those chidren dead so badly? Why all this hate for them?
how sad for you that your hate runs so deep. You're in denial that pal/arabs use civilians as human shields.
and you hollie are in equally deep zionut de-nile too
both of you go jump in de nile river

and if you dont get out of de-nile soon enough
or accept president morsi's cease fire

da nile crocodiles are goin to bite ur finatical arwese big time
they're so cute when they float conspiracy theories as a defense mechanism.

Well, i'm sorrry to have to put the brakes on this runaway train of heady optimism and artless faith in a magical, overnight turnaround from jihad intl., inc.'s jew extermination goals, but reality must trump fantasy in the end. Yes, i'm talking about the arab street™, and its feelings about disposable pal/arabs:

hamas exploitation of civilians as human shields: Photographic evidence

the threat of the human shield strategy hamas uses extends beyond israel, gaza - us news and world report

hamas proud to use human shields in gaza [video]

hamas sacrifices civilians as a military tactic
the killings by israel in gaza are real, your defending child killers, you might as well be killing those children yourself? Why do you want those chidren dead so badly? Why all this hate for them?
how sad for you that your hate runs so deep. You're in denial that pal/arabs use civilians as human shields.
and you hollie are in equally deep zionut de-nile too
both of you go jump in de nile river

and if you dont get out of de-nile soon enough
or accept president morsi's cease fire

da nile crocodiles are goin to bite ur finatical arses big time
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Zionist cheerleader Hollie,

The article does support that Israel is targeting civilians, they targeted journalists, some were killed, one lost his legs. Tthe journalist who is reporting from Gaza City, interviewed by Democracy Now, personally witnessed and was the victim in an Israeli terror attack himself which he speaks of, what else describes the air strike 30 yards from the hotel he was in and foreign journalists are staying at? The window of his very own hotel room was blown out by its strength!

And he speaks of other targetings of civilians, as he speaks from Gaza City in that interview, as well, journalists targeted in strikes on buildings that housed Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP, jornalists in a car killed in an airstrike right on the corner of a school run by the United Nations that had been turned into a UN shelter for displaced people inside Gaza. Targeting Journalists, targeting UN shelters, is unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects under The Fourth Geneva Convention. You hear and read of leaflets being distributed to warn people to leave their homes, and then you read of strikes on the UN Shelters they flee to!!!!! Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

"That attack last night, which was terrifying, it followed attacks that hit the buildings of — that houses Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP were also damaged by a nearby attack. Yesterday, Israel targeted and then proudly admitted killing two Palestinian journalists in their car. That strike in the car actually happened on the corner of a school run by the United Nations, which yesterday was turned into a massive shelter for displaced Gazans. More than 1800 of them came to the school yesterday — I visited it today — after the Israeli military dropped leaflets on towns in northern Gaza, ordering residents to evacuate their houses. Many I spoke to fled after reading these leaflets. They were hit with fear and panic. Then the bombings started, so they fled. Many of them leaving behind most of their belongings.

These families are now crammed into these classrooms of this schools, sleeping on the floor, they have little water, they have not eaten since last night. There’s many traumatized children. One of them could not stop wailing and throwing herself on the floor. Her mother said she had been like that since the bombing last week. Another mother told me her 13-year-old daughter could not stop crying unless she is being held by someone and embraced because she’s overcome by fear. This is what’s Gaza is like here. People have no where to go. The threat of bombing and violence is ever-present. The infrastructure here is being systematically destroyed. Israel targeted a large bank, they targeted one of the biggest strikes so far was the civil administration building. They target police stations. The edifices of the state are being destroyed. The people have little recourse for any kind of safety."

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt


Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.

Kinda' like this?

Israel: Hamas using journalists and children as 'human shields' - Virginia Beach Conservative |

What BOLLOCKS, you spew on your shoe,it sticks like glue,a blood like hue,one day you'll rue,that you too,SPEWED WITHOUT A CLUE.:D

Like a cat you mew,things totally untrue,if you were in Australia I'd be able to sue,you and your crew.........and have YOU,put back into the ZOO.:D

A lot of Americans like YOU are MAD,but I ain't SAD,cos I know your MAD,BAD and SAD.:D

I'm the Liq,I take NO SHIT,from fools of ZION,I AM JAH LION.:cool::clap2::meow:
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Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.

Kinda' like this?

Israel: Hamas using journalists and children as 'human shields' - Virginia Beach Conservative |

What BOLLOCKS, you spew on your shoe,it sticks like glue,a blood like hue,one day you'll rue,that you too,SPEWED WITHOUT A CLUE.:D

Like a cat you mew,things totally untrue,if you were in Australia I'd be able to sue,you and your crew.........and have YOU,put back into the ZOO.:D

A lot of Americans like YOU are MAD,but I ain't SAD,cos I know your MAD,BAD and SAD.:D

I'm the Liq,I take NO SHIT,from fools of ZION,I AM JAH LION.:cool::clap2::meow:
How nice, theliq and his fellow traveler Sherri have not a care in the world regarding the Syrian Air Force bombing a suburb of Damascus the other day. Of course they never stop to think that the children in Syria have been traumatized for months and months on end. What do they care since there are no Jews involved that they can blame this on. Go back into your own cage where you belong. Stevie and take Sherri with you.
Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

Especially when Hamas puts a rocket launcher inside a civilian area. Outside a mosque or next to a school or hospital.

Kinda' like this?

Israel: Hamas using journalists and children as 'human shields' - Virginia Beach Conservative |

Not interested in your Hasbara Propaganda!
So sad that this supposed "good Christian woman" doesn't keep track of what is going on in other places other than her obsession with one little piece of land only because there happens to be Jews involved. Now someone said that Sherri is supposed to be a lawyer, but it is difficult to give credence to that. Meanwhile, if Sherri actually were a lawyer, it's too bad that she isn't a lawyer like this Jewish lawyer who, unlike Sherri, actually went to help the Black Muslim women from Darfur (who are now living in tents in Chad) with other Jewish women. Of course, Sherri stays home to spew her nonsense on message boards since it is more important to her than actually going to help people. Are you willing to take the time out to send the following letter on as this Jewish woman lawyer suggests, or don't you care what happens to the innocents in the Congo since no Jews are involved in the fighting? By the way, it seems if the Muslims and their fellow travelers don't like what they hear, right away they are quick to post "hasbera propaganda." Meanwhile, the propaganda coming out of the Arab world is excellent, although Sherri and gang will never admit it. By now Sherri should know loads of people from the Middle East. She should ask some of them if they have ever seen a protest by the Muslims where the children are put in the front lines, the women in the middle, and the men shooting over the heads of both the children and women. I think if they were honest with her, they would tell her that of course they have.

New violence in the Congo: Having a conscience means working overtime

by Janice Kamenir-Reznik

People gather around a tank abandoned by fleeing Congolese army in Ndosho, near Goma, on Nov. 21. Photo by James Akena/Reuters
With rockets raining down on Israel, it’s hard to focus on anything else. Our families, our friends, our compatriots are under attack, and our hearts ache for them. But Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis, who co-founded Jewish World Watch, reminds us that the needs of our own families and communities do not preclude us from caring for others who are unknown and far away, as well. The base question – should I care for Israel or for civilians under attack in Congo (or Sudan, or wherever genocide and mass atrocities rear their ugly heads) – is a false choice. The question might present as “either/or,” but the Jewish response to an “either/or” question, is “both/and.” There is no question that people with a conscience are required to work overtime. We are concerned and work for Israel’s security and safety, and we do not stand idly by when atrocities are being committed against targeted populations in a place like eastern Congo. This week, I was supposed to travel to Darfuri Refugee Camps to visit our newest Solar Cooker Project installation and to Eastern Congo to visit our newest project, a Women’s Rape and Crisis Center in a remote area in Eastern Congo where the systematic gang rapes of women abound. While we will travel to the Darfuri camp (stay tuned for our blogs…), we cannot go to Congo this week, as fighting with rebel troops, the M23, escalates. The United Nations has accused the M23 of recruiting child soldiers, as well as arbitrary executions and rape, according to a report to be released on Nov. 23.

Violence is not a new phenomenon in Congo. Congo is a country enormously rich in natural resources, but instead of enabling the country and its inhabitants to prosper, the resource grab of militias and rogue groups from surrounding countries and of rebel groups from within Congo itself, has caused millions of deaths and has made Congo the rape capital of the world. Weak leadership, porous and uncontrolled borders, and pervasive lawlessness conspire to impoverish and enslave the Congolese people, with primary impacts on the women and the children. But this week, even for a country prone to unrest, there has been a dramatic and alarming surge in the violence, particularly in Eastern Congo.
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What BOLLOCKS, you spew on your shoe,it sticks like glue,a blood like hue,one day you'll rue,that you too,SPEWED WITHOUT A CLUE.:D

Like a cat you mew,things totally untrue,if you were in Australia I'd be able to sue,you and your crew.........and have YOU,put back into the ZOO.:D

A lot of Americans like YOU are MAD,but I ain't SAD,cos I know your MAD,BAD and SAD.:D

I'm the Liq,I take NO SHIT,from fools of ZION,I AM JAH LION.:cool::clap2::meow:
How nice, theliq and his fellow traveler Sherri have not a care in the world regarding the Syrian Air Force bombing a suburb of Damascus the other day. Of course they never stop to think that the children in Syria have been traumatized for months and months on end. What do they care since there are no Jews involved that they can blame this on. Go back into your own cage where you belong. Stevie and take Sherri with you.

But you loved the poetry Hoss.......I will tell you for the last time,I have on Gravs Syrian thread said in no uncertain manner that what has happened in Syria is an abomination.What do you not understand.....STOP TELLING LIES.

This is a thread about Israel and Palestine.FULL STOP.






You have an obligation to speak the truth,START NOW.


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the lq and hossy and rosie and everyone

watch the goddess allat escaping the zio-hamas nazi pigs and finding her long lost lover

this will calm you down

[ame=]Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai - O Basanti Pawan Paagal Na - Lata Mangeshkar - YouTube[/ame]
the lq and hossy and rosie and everyone

watch the goddess allat escaping the zio-hamas nazi pigs and finding her long lost lover

this will calm you down

Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai - O Basanti Pawan Paagal Na - Lata Mangeshkar - YouTube

I don't need to "CALM DOWN" because I am neither angry,upset or annoyed,I am talking to Hoss about himself,I like the Guy,although I don't agree with some of what he says,I feel it a duty to correct inacuracies (probably sic)THAT'S ALL.

Everyone have a Great Day because at the moment worldwide good folk are having a SHIT DAY.

Our thoughts should not be argueing amongst ourselves,but giving thought to those people in Gaza and Israel.steven but thanks for your post Kvetch
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here's the business...ecstatic dance in colour this one:

,era naam joker = my name is the joker!! very apt
i've had a wonder full day so sharing it!

[ame=]Padmini's dance in Mera Naam Joker (1970) - YouTube[/ame]
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India eyes Israel's Iron Dome to counter Pak, puppets

India eyes Israel's Iron Dome to counter Pak, puppets - The Times of India

told you the iron dome was going to be a huge world class industry

israel has hamas to thank for that, at least!!

Actually, Israel has the U.S. to thank as the Israelis are using an adaptation of the Patriot Missle system which is a U.S. design.

The Hamas'istan terrorists can similarly thank the U.S. for this system. I was reading an article that noted the success of our missile system meant that there was less pressure on the Israelis to begin a ground offensive rooting out the islamic terrorist infrastructure.

Allah has played a cruel joke on the "palestinians".
hollie i agree with all but the last line of your post

Allah has played a cruel joke on the "palestinians".

what is sauce for the palestinian goose
is also sauce for the israeli gander
and above all,
sauce for allh / hashem

what you zios dont realise in your tribal ghetto
is that it is the same sauce for all

and neither you zionuts nor gaza-freax get to decide the recipe

guess who does that?

5 letters beginning with A.......
mamzer dear-----Israel does not depend on ground ---surface to surface missiles for its warfare----nor is it engaging in a war of "attrition" that depends on smashed infant brains in gutters AS to India----the fact is that so far the Mujahadeen who battle india------are not depending on missiles either-----when they blow the brains out of hindu children they plant the nail bombs in piles of Divali candy send their sluts out with bombs on stinking shahidah ass
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mamzer dear-----Israel does not depent on ground ---surface to surface missiles for its warfare----nor is it engaging in a war of "attrition" that depends on smashed infant brains in gutters AS to India----the fact is that so fare the Mujahadeen who battle india------are not depending on missiles either-----when they blow the brains out of hindu children they plant the nail bombs in piles of Divali candy send their sluts out with bombs on stinking shahidah ass

ISRAEL Civilian killing is their Forte!
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