Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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If only Hamas stopped putting their launchers near children.

Of course the only thing Hamas enjoys more than a dead Muslim child is a dead Jewish child.

Keep on defending the Israeli child killers

The children dying are all Palestinian children, there are no dead Jewish children here.

Human rights groups never find those Hamas launchers invented to justify killing of children with!

The lies get so old!

And we watch human beings actually keep on defending Israel as she continues with her Gentile killing of children all around her!

Your comments obviously speak of your very own lust for the blood of children!

You are Disgusting!

Yes, Hamas Lust For blood Of Palestinian Children Is Disgusting!

And so is your defense of Hamas.

From all these pictures I see of fathers holding their dead children, why are the fathers always unharmed???? IT makes no sense. If your area is under military attack, don't you think you should be WITH your children, protecting them ?? I would not be surprised if these kids were thrown into the street to kill them during the airstrikes in order to villify Israel.

Also, has anyone ever seen a woman in ANY of these pictures coming from Gaza?? Oh wait, women have no rights, sorry.

These Arabs NEVER cease to amaze me !


Philip Weiss is still in Israel, and interviewing Jewish Israelis there, and we see they do not want to ever allow a Palestinian State, and they support even more killing of children and civilians in Gaza! see comments below

I see you do not even seem to see as human, every word you just wrote was filled with hate and prejudice and loathing and judgment and dehumanization of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children!

We see in the Zionist State, the lust for blood of the Palestinian only growing stronger, the more they see die, the more the attraction to killing grows in their hearts and minds and souls!

"Jewish Israelis see no solution to their conflict with the Palestinians living alongside them, and wholly approve of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s aggressive response to Gaza. That was the takeaway from interviews I did with about three dozen Jewish Israelis this past week on the street in Jerusalem and in towns hit by rockets from Gaza. Like American soccer moms who voted for George Bush in '04, these Jewish Israelis overwhelmingly support their government’s militant answers to a horizon crowded with ominous forces.

But when asked what the solution was to the Palestinian political issue, the people I talked to shrugged. None of them paid even lip service to the two-state solution. Many expressed fears of Islamists taking power in the Arab spring. "In my life I don't see a solution with the Arab," said a young woman server at the Aroma coffee shop in Kiryat Gat, which has been struck by rocket fire."A solution? I hope-- next generation,” said a father in Sederot, walking to his car.
And shockingly, several Jewish Israelis I spoke to called for genocide in Gaza. "Kill them all," said Chen, 23, in Ashkelon."

On the Jewish Israeli street, there's no solution to Palestinian issue but more violence


Where do your claims come from that Israel has a lust for blood ? Saying things like that Sherri, you Islamic Nazi, just makes you look even dumber then you already are. You responded to my post, yet failed to answer what I asked. Just another deflection !

Hamas, on the other hand, has quite the lust for blood

You're a sick fuck Sherri. Do us a favor and take the path of Rachel Corrie
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Todd you don't know the half of it-----she actually claims that the fact Israeli children were killed by her beloved hamas---is a fact only in my "imagination" Stay tuned-----more disgust to follow


I am still waiting to hear about the Israeli children you keep lying about Hamas killing in this 8 day IDF onslaught on Gaza in Novemeber of 2012!

Stop lying, the only children killed in this 8 day IDF operation in Gaza were Palestinian!

43 Children were killed by Israel inside Gaza!

There were no children killed by Hamas inside Israel!

Why do you keep defending Israel's killing of Palestinian children?

Todd you don't know the half of it-----she actually claims that the fact Israeli children were killed by her beloved hamas---is a fact only in my "imagination" Stay tuned-----more disgust to follow


I am still waiting to hear about the Israeli children you keep lying about Hamas killing in this 8 day IDF onslaught on Gaza in Novemeber of 2012!

Stop lying, the only children killed in this 8 day IDF operation in Gaza were Palestinian!

43 Children were killed by Israel inside Gaza!

There were no children killed by Hamas inside Israel!

Why do you keep defending Israel's killing of Palestinian children?


If only Hamas stopped putting their launchers near children.

Of course the only thing Hamas enjoys more than a dead Muslim child is a dead Jewish child.
Todd you don't know the half of it-----she actually claims that the fact Israeli children were killed by her beloved hamas---is a fact only in my "imagination" Stay tuned-----more disgust to follow


I am still waiting to hear about the Israeli children you keep lying about Hamas killing in this 8 day IDF onslaught on Gaza in Novemeber of 2012!

Stop lying, the only children killed in this 8 day IDF operation in Gaza were Palestinian!

43 Children were killed by Israel inside Gaza!

There were no children killed by Hamas inside Israel!

Why do you keep defending Israel's killing of Palestinian children?


In this operation Israeli children were seriously injured. Not killed, Baruch HaShem.
From all these pictures I see of fathers holding their dead children, why are the fathers always unharmed???? IT makes no sense. If your area is under military attack, don't you think you should be WITH your children, protecting them ?? I would not be surprised if these kids were thrown into the street to kill them during the airstrikes in order to villify Israel.

Also, has anyone ever seen a woman in ANY of these pictures coming from Gaza?? Oh wait, women have no rights, sorry.

These Arabs NEVER cease to amaze me !


Philip Weiss is still in Israel, and interviewing Jewish Israelis there, and we see they do not want to ever allow a Palestinian State, and they support even more killing of children and civilians in Gaza! see comments below

I see you do not even seem to see as human, every word you just wrote was filled with hate and prejudice and loathing and judgment and dehumanization of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children!

We see in the Zionist State, the lust for blood of the Palestinian only growing stronger, the more they see die, the more the attraction to killing grows in their hearts and minds and souls!

"Jewish Israelis see no solution to their conflict with the Palestinians living alongside them, and wholly approve of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s aggressive response to Gaza. That was the takeaway from interviews I did with about three dozen Jewish Israelis this past week on the street in Jerusalem and in towns hit by rockets from Gaza. Like American soccer moms who voted for George Bush in '04, these Jewish Israelis overwhelmingly support their government’s militant answers to a horizon crowded with ominous forces.

But when asked what the solution was to the Palestinian political issue, the people I talked to shrugged. None of them paid even lip service to the two-state solution. Many expressed fears of Islamists taking power in the Arab spring. "In my life I don't see a solution with the Arab," said a young woman server at the Aroma coffee shop in Kiryat Gat, which has been struck by rocket fire."A solution? I hope-- next generation,” said a father in Sederot, walking to his car.
And shockingly, several Jewish Israelis I spoke to called for genocide in Gaza. "Kill them all," said Chen, 23, in Ashkelon."

On the Jewish Israeli street, there's no solution to Palestinian issue but more violence


Where do your claims come from that Israel has a lust for blood ? Saying things like that Sherri, you Islamic Nazi, just makes you look even dumber then you already are. You responded to my post, yet failed to answer what I asked. Just another deflection !

Hamas, on the other hand, has quite the lust for blood

You're a sick fuck Sherri. Do us a favor and take the path of Rachel Corrie

Those Palestinian terrorists are the demons of modern world. that video is disgusting.
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Keep on defending the Israeli child killers

The children dying are all Palestinian children, there are no dead Jewish children here.

Human rights groups never find those Hamas launchers invented to justify killing of children with!

The lies get so old!

And we watch human beings actually keep on defending Israel as she continues with her Gentile killing of children all around her!

Your comments obviously speak of your very own lust for the blood of children!

You are Disgusting!

Yes, Hamas Lust For blood Of Palestinian Children Is Disgusting!

And so is your defense of Hamas.



But, I am not defending Hamas!

I am criticizing Israel's targeting of children and other innocent civilians to hurt and and maim and kill!

And you and your fellow Zionists keep killing Palestinian babies and children, like the one below!

And what I keep reading is that you Zionist baby killers are not satisfied with only the 43 children you just murdered, you are crying out for more killing of babies and children and iinnocent civilians in Gaza!

Zionism=Baby Killers!

That is what we see proven by Israel's last civilian killing operation in Gaza!


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Yes, Hamas Lust For blood Of Palestinian Children Is Disgusting!

And so is your defense of Hamas.



But, I am not defending Hamas!

I am criticizing Israel's targeting of children and other innocent civilians to hurt and and maim and kill!

And you and your fellow Zionists keep killing Palestinian babies and children, like the one below!

And what I keep reading is that you Zionist baby killers are not satisfied with only the 43 children you just murdered, you are crying out for more killing of babies and children and iinnocent civilians in Gaza!

Zionism=Baby Killers!

That is what we see proven by Israel's last civilian killing operation in Gaza!



Israel does not, and never did, target children.

If it did, things would have been much different.

Hamas are hiding behind their children, in hopes that the world will see Israel is subhuman, like you people do.

May HaShem have mercy on the children of Gaza, who have beastlike parents who have no problem sacrificing them just to make Israel look bad.
Have you condemned the brutal killing of the Fogels? The Shabbos? Shalhevet Pass, Sherri?

Care to comment?
Calm down folks------let sherri continue to shove a cyber foot into her cyber mouth. give her a chance----she will claim that we only IMAGINE that her co-islamo nazis are slitting
the throats of infants------and besides-----so doing does not
constitute TARGETING It is Re TURN FIRE that constitutes "TARGETING" children in the war ethic of the islamo nazis

I am still waiting for her to inform me just what is being
TARGETED when kassam rockets are launched into Israel---
waiting and waiting and waiting
sherri told us a FUNNY ONE_------missile launchers are never found by the NGO's -----ROFLMAO ----why does the idiot
imagine those MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS were invented by her co islamo nazis? oh gee----sherri claims that the nail bombs are FIGMENTS OF OUR IMAGINATION----I have no doubt that she so informs her sunday school class
Please, Rosie - let's not confuse standing for anything with the meaningless mouthings of Sherri!

She has no clear agenda beyond the perennial demonization of mainstream Judaism and Jews under the cover of being 'anti-war'.

Some of us understand that she doesn't care at all about anyone, just likes to hang out on chat boards and spew her 'holier-than-everyone' shit as she pretends to be saintly and care for all the world's afflicted.
sherri told us a FUNNY ONE_------missile launchers are never found by the NGO's -----ROFLMAO ----why does the idiot
imagine those MOBILE MISSILE LAUNCHERS were invented by her co islamo nazis? oh gee----sherri claims that the nail bombs are FIGMENTS OF OUR IMAGINATION----I have no doubt that she so informs her sunday school class

Rosie, we all have choices to make in this life - and Sherri has chosen to pretend that whatever anyone she thinks is a Zionist has to say, must be a lie. Whereas whatever is uttered by one of her 'pacifist humanitarian' idols - well, that is Gospel Truth.

The fact that such a situation is statisitically and logically impossible is something she has chosen to ignore, as she ignores all facts but those she's massaged into fitting her paradigm.
true marge------of course the problem is----that it is so easy to convince large numbers of people of utter nonsense -----a fact
that led poor magda to such distraction that she shoved cyanide down the throats of her children. Her "FAITH" was DEFINITE ----just like the "faith" that sherrie expresses
Sherri you Islamic whore, provide a link that shows Israeli pilots or soldiers were given orders to kill children or innocents?

Here is a link to prove to you that Hamas DOES target civilians:
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She won't provide such link. Her claim (Israeli pilots or soldiers were given orders to kill children or innocents), is one repeated by the rabid Jew haters who always fail to support the charge.

WIth regard to the Hamas Charter, which side is it that encourages the targeting of civilians?

Which side has a charter which calls for the death of civilians?

Which side indiscriminately fires rockets at cities?
Sherri you Islamic whore, provide a link that shows Israeli pilots or soldiers were given orders to kill children or innocents?

Here is a link to prove to you that Hamas DOES target civilians:
List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

She won't provide such link. Her claim (Israeli pilots or soldiers were given orders to kill children or innocents), is one repeated by the rabid Jew haters who always fail to support the charge.

WIth regard to the Hamas Charter, which side is it that encourages the targeting of civilians?

Which side has a charter which calls for the death of civilians?

Which side indiscriminately fires rockets at cities?


give sherri a chance----she is going to tell me which is
the "LEGAL MILITARY TARGET" at which gazans are
shooting their poison nail bombs?

an easy clue into the mindset of sherri is the title of
interesting title-----historically the people who
burned babies to death have never been jews---in
fact burning a baby to death is actually still mentioned
in the liturgy as the WORST CRIME KNOWN TO
MANKIND-----something the AMALEKIM do.

factually----there have been lots of babies burned to
death----it was a method of execution in christan
europe-----and ---lots of babies got thrown into
Lots of the BIAFRAN babies----ended up in the
fire too-----but that was a muslim on christian

in her thread title----sherri was PROJECTING


Philip Weiss is still in Israel, and interviewing Jewish Israelis there, and we see they do not want to ever allow a Palestinian State, and they support even more killing of children and civilians in Gaza! see comments below

I see you do not even seem to see as human, every word you just wrote was filled with hate and prejudice and loathing and judgment and dehumanization of the 1.7 million Palestinians in Gaza, over half of whom are children!

We see in the Zionist State, the lust for blood of the Palestinian only growing stronger, the more they see die, the more the attraction to killing grows in their hearts and minds and souls!

"Jewish Israelis see no solution to their conflict with the Palestinians living alongside them, and wholly approve of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s aggressive response to Gaza. That was the takeaway from interviews I did with about three dozen Jewish Israelis this past week on the street in Jerusalem and in towns hit by rockets from Gaza. Like American soccer moms who voted for George Bush in '04, these Jewish Israelis overwhelmingly support their government’s militant answers to a horizon crowded with ominous forces.

But when asked what the solution was to the Palestinian political issue, the people I talked to shrugged. None of them paid even lip service to the two-state solution. Many expressed fears of Islamists taking power in the Arab spring. "In my life I don't see a solution with the Arab," said a young woman server at the Aroma coffee shop in Kiryat Gat, which has been struck by rocket fire."A solution? I hope-- next generation,” said a father in Sederot, walking to his car.
And shockingly, several Jewish Israelis I spoke to called for genocide in Gaza. "Kill them all," said Chen, 23, in Ashkelon."

On the Jewish Israeli street, there's no solution to Palestinian issue but more violence


Where do your claims come from that Israel has a lust for blood ? Saying things like that Sherri, you Islamic Nazi, just makes you look even dumber then you already are. You responded to my post, yet failed to answer what I asked. Just another deflection !

Hamas, on the other hand, has quite the lust for blood

You're a sick fuck Sherri. Do us a favor and take the path of Rachel Corrie

Those Palestinian terrorists are the demons of modern world. that video is disgusting.

Yes, the video is disgusting but it speaks volumes about a Dealt-Cult fascination with causing death and promoting hate.
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