Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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Once I got to the "Gentile" part, is when I stopped reading.

Antisemitism is in your saliva, spit it out, then come back to me.


Gentile is not a dirty word, Jesus used that word Gentile three times in The Sermon On the Mount!

I do not care how many more years of Zionist baby killing and seeing the images of dead children Israel murders, the world must face and endure, you will never make the words Jesus spoke dirty!

Jesus, unlike Zionists, loved children, all children!

Jesus, unlike Zionists, did not support or participate in killing children!


Sherri, your cheap use of words like "Gentile" and "None-Jew" compared to "Jew" makes your entire argument a bunch of nonsense made up of dirty words.

that's not the word itself, but your way of using it. Even a blind man could see that your only interest of the Israeli Palestinian conflict is driven by Jew hatred and nothing more.

Jesus may love all children, but obviously you don't.

Jesus, was also a Jew, in case you forget. Hating Jews is against everything Jesus stood for.
Sherri, your cheap use of words like "Gentile" and "None-Jew" compared to "Jew" makes your entire argument a bunch of nonsense made up of dirty words.

that's not the word itself, but your way of using it. Even a blind man could see that your only interest of the Israeli Palestinian conflict is driven by Jew hatred and nothing more.

Jesus may love all children, but obviously you don't.

Jesus, was also a Jew, in case you forget. Hating Jews is against everything Jesus stood for.


To hate Israel's murder of children is not to hate Jews, there is a difference!

I do not hate Jews, I hate Israel's murder of children and innocent civilains, which this 64 year old Nation has been doing ever since it was created.

Israel just spent 8 days killing 43 Palestinain children in Gaza, killing a total of 160 (a figure I just read in Richard Falk's blog article), who were mostly civilians, injuring over 1000, who were mostly civilains and included hundreds of children, I hate that, get your facts straight, please!

In your hate, you project Hate onto me, I guess if you did not you could not live with yourself and all the killings of innocent children and civilians Zionists participate in and support!

Hate Lies In Israel's Murder Of Children

The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.


you poor misguided and ignorant twit. do you really think that's worse than terrorists blowing up a school bus?

how many missiles across its borders should israel have to take to satisfy your insanity?


jillian, you apologist for baby killers, there is simply no defense for Israel's deliberate murders of children and defenseless civilains in Gaza, like the 11 month old in the OP!


Just accept that some Israelis like so many others are just SHITS

You need to stop with the drugs.



Beside that baby, your Avatar, you need to edit Proud Zionist to Proud Baby Killer!

Be Truthful about who you are!

You might as well boldly embrace Zionism and all that it is!

As you have embraced Naziism? :D
You need to stop with the drugs.



Beside that baby, your Avatar, you need to edit Proud Zionist to Proud Baby Killer!

Be Truthful about who you are!

You might as well boldly embrace Zionism and all that it is!

As you have embraced Naziism? :D


Is that the best you can do?

I mean Zionism is today's Naziism, I am certainly not embracing it, I am speaking against it!

Beside that baby, your Avatar, you need to edit Proud Zionist to Proud Baby Killer!

Be Truthful about who you are!

You might as well boldly embrace Zionism and all that it is!

As you have embraced Naziism? :D


Is that the best you can do?

I mean Zionism is today's Naziism, I am certainly not embracing it, I am speaking against it!

Why do you support Hamas and their tactic of launcing rockets from civilian areas?
Why do you hate Muslim children so much?
Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.
Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.

they are not firing missiles from civilian areas

Yes they are.

I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians.

Then you'll be happy that Israel is not targeting civilians, unlike Hamas.
Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.
IDF legally targets rocket firing sites and if there are civilians at the location,well, Que sera sera. Tough titty.
The photo above was taken by French photographer Anne Paq, a father in Gaza holding the dead body of his 11 month old son who was burned to death by Israel in an airstrike in Gaza today, on November 14, 2012.


you poor misguided and ignorant twit. do you really think that's worse than terrorists blowing up a school bus?

how many missiles across its borders should israel have to take to satisfy your insanity?


jillian, you apologist for baby killers, there is simply no defense for Israel's deliberate murders of children and defenseless civilains in Gaza, like the 11 month old in the OP!


Were not YOU the one who tried to make excuses for the killing of Hadas Fogel? You said it was justified, because she was daughter of settlers.

Your hypocrisy knows no limits.
Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.

they are not firing missiles from civilian areas

Yes they are.

I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians.

Then you'll be happy that Israel is not targeting civilians, unlike Hamas.

Toddy Child,

That baby, witnesses say there was no fighting anywhere around the house Israel deliberately targeted.

And they hit the house of civilians, and killed the 11 month old baby, the baby of a BBC journalist, and also killed that baby's 19 year old aunt, who was 6 months pregnant.

Now, you obviosly can keep kissing Zionist ass and supporting their baby and civilian slaughtering forays and murders, if that be your choice, but when you do we all see you for the Zionist ass kisser and apolost for baby killers that you are!


Have a good day, now!

Someone needs to make up her mind about whether she is a Christian pacifist humanitarian who wishes the best for all human beings, even those who don't agree with her views - or a raving loon who whores for HAMAS on message boards and spits venomous personal attacks between dehumanizing and demonizing 'Zionists' as her code for 'Jews-and-whoever-doesn't-hate-them'.

I wouldn't say Sherri is a Nazi: that's far too generous. She's a fake Christian. A total FRAUD ......reminds me of a line from a certain Phil Ochs song "That beneath 'the greatest love' is a hurricane of hate"

Hurricane Sherri........ scooping up Nazi filth, spinning it around and hurling it out as 'Bible-believing Christianity'. After she's gorged her soul on that toxic hate, whatever's left of that pure bit of Heaven GOD adorned her with, once upon a time.

She posts her love of Humanity (and pimps for Hamas) all over the net, and with all that practice, she still fails to pass herself off as a Christian.
Give it up, sherri, you are hopeless.
Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.

Have a good day, now!


Sherri, are you somehow under the mistaken impression that anyone takes your feverish, saliva-slinging tirades as anything but a pathetic joke?
you poor misguided and ignorant twit. do you really think that's worse than terrorists blowing up a school bus?

how many missiles across its borders should israel have to take to satisfy your insanity?


jillian, you apologist for baby killers, there is simply no defense for Israel's deliberate murders of children and defenseless civilains in Gaza, like the 11 month old in the OP!


Were not YOU the one who tried to make excuses for the killing of Hadas Fogel? You said it was justified, because she was daughter of settlers.

Your hypocrisy knows no limits.


I did not make excuses for her murder.

I did not defend the baby's murderers, I do not even know who really killed her.

I think the parents have a lot of responsibility for this, they chose to take their family and live as illegal settlers on lands they had no right to, in an extremist religious settlement in the Occupied West Bank. Children with parents like that should be taken away by the state and raised in the lawful borders of Israel. The parents place the lives of their children in danger by moving their children onto lands unlawfully, the settlers do not live lawfully in the West Bank, under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

But we do reap what we sow, perhaps I pointed that out, as the facts of that case cried out that that was exactly why members of that family died! The mother taught hate to young settler girls in a Kahanist school! The settlement was filled with religious extremist illegal settlers, whose existence where they are is itself a war crime, they do not legally live within the Occupied West Bank, I point out one more time.

And Israelis falsely accused and convicted Palestinians for her killing, torturing Palestinian boys into false confessions, which is a standard practice of the IDF. How many can withstand torture and not confess, confess to whatever they have to confess to to stop their torture, especially when they are kids? I point out, here, Bassem Tamimi was once falsely accused of killing a settler, he was tortured so severely by the IDF trying to force him into a false confession, that he suffered paralysis and permanent physical injuries. But he withstood his torture, and would not confess to the killing he was falsely accused of.

There is no justice for Palestinians in Palestine, living under Occupation and Apartheid and subjected to deacades of ethnic cleansing and genocide at the hands of Zionists, Zionists just like you, Lipush!

What amazes me is the OP apparently uses her real name? across the Internet and it's message boards, and yet is so Blatantly/Transparently Trying to INCITE Hatred.

The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
Sherri would have you believe otherwise with her FLAME headline of "Israel Burns 11 month old baby alive".
Gratuitously reposting pictures as well

This really is the most Rabid and Rank Incitement one can imagine.

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Hi, Abu - and as we've just seen, the maniac will tell teh most blatant falsehoods to prop up her 'cause' of Jew-murdering hate.

That whole 'the poor little boys were tortured into confessing' just clashes so much with the pride of their Moms in acknowledging their sons committed multiple murders.

Any minute now I expect Sherri to accuse the surviving Fogel children of perpetrating the murders - or claim that Mossad relocated the murdered Fogels to Flatbush or something.........
What amazes me is the OP apparently uses her real name, profession, etc across the Internet, and yet is so Blatantly/Transparently Trying to INCITE Jew Hatred.

The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact, and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
Sherri would have you believe otherwise with her headline of "Israel Burns 11 month old alive".

This really is the most Rank Incitement one can imagine.

You are quite right, AA. Its surprising she hasn't been prosecuted. I wouldn't be surprised if she's on a watchlist. She even admits to propagandising the poor innocent children in her 'Sunday School' class. I hope the parents are aware of her brand of 'teaching' and 'Christianity' but I doubt they are.
Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.

Have a good day, now!


Sherri, are you somehow under the mistaken impression that anyone takes your feverish, saliva-slinging tirades as anything but a pathetic joke?

Dear Hollie,

As I keep telling you, my goal is to keep eyes focused on the children who Israel is murdering and to make this information as widely known as I can.

Of course, Zionists like you want to hush up talk about Israel's baby killing and child killing and civilains killing.

And I expect it is likely you and Zionists like you dance with joy every time a child is killed by Israel, I say that because you so eagerly defend Israel's killings!

The world will remember this baby and all the other children and civilians Israel is murdering, people of conscience in our world will see to that.


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