Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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"Children with parents like that should be taken away by the state...." - I wonder if Sherri has ever considered that her words on this board may have some people thinking this would be a good idea - but not quite how she intended it?

She sure does the Klan proud, doesn't she?
What amazes me is the OP apparently uses her real name? across the Internet and it's message boards, and yet is so Blatantly/Transparently Trying to INCITE Hatred.

The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
Sherri would have you believe otherwise with her headline of "Israel Burns 11 month old baby alive".

This really is the most Rabid and Rank Incitement one can imagine.



I do not hide behind aliases, that is true.

And what I am doing is speaking the Truth, and I feel no fear in doing that, because I have my faith and Jesus to lead and guide me!

I know I am hated, but Jesus tells his followers to expect that from the world.

The baby was burned alive, burned to death, murdered by an Israeli air strike, there was no fighting around the house that was targeted.

The Isreali airstrike murdered the 11 month old baby, and his 19 year old aunt who was 6months pregnant.


Toddy, I do not support Hamas or their firing of missiles, they are not firing missiles from civilian areas, and I point out even if they were Israel cannot unlawfully target civilians. The point I am making, I think is best illustrated by a hypothetical. An apartment building is bombed because rockets are launches from a field nearby, killing about 39 who are mostly women and children.This attack on the apartment is not lawful. There is a duty owed to civilian populations by warmongers like Israel who iniate attacks upon densely populated civilian areas. This hypothetical describes an actual incident that happened in Gaza in 2006.

Have a good day, now!


Sherri, are you somehow under the mistaken impression that anyone takes your feverish, saliva-slinging tirades as anything but a pathetic joke?

Dear Hollie,

As I keep telling you, my goal is to keep eyes focused on the children who Israel is murdering and to make this information as widely known as I can.

Of course, Zionists like you want to hush up talk about Israel's baby killing and child killing and civilains killing.

And I expect it is likely you and Zionists like you dance with joy every time a child is killed by Israel, I say that because you so eagerly defend Israel's killings!

The world will remember this baby and all the other children and civilians Israel is murdering, people of conscience in our world will see to that.


Sherri, your self-hate makes you a danger to yourself and others. If you believe that spewing lies furthers your hate, you are mistaken.

Your feverish, sweaty posts only serve to derail the arguments you hope to make. Your careless refusal to acknowledge facts that contradict your false claims only serves to make you appear to be just another islamic terrorist supporter, incapable of making moral distinctions.

Drink the Kool-Aid, dear.
What amazes me is the OP apparently uses her real name? across the Internet and it's message boards, and yet is so Blatantly/Transparently Trying to INCITE Hatred.

The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
Sherri would have you believe otherwise with her headline of "Israel Burns 11 month old baby alive".

This really is the most Rabid and Rank Incitement one can imagine.



I do not hide behind aliases, that is true.

And what I am doing is speaking the Truth, and I feel no fear in doing that, because I have my faith and Jesus to lead and guide me!

I know I am hated, but Jesus tells his followers to expect that from the world.

The baby was burned alive, burned to death, murdered by an Israeli air strike, there was no fighting around the house that was targeted.

The Isreali airstrike murdered the 11 month old baby, and his 19 year old aunt who was 6months pregnant.


You give the impression that you would have lovingly followed Charlie Manson. All of his followers say he was "Christlike." And they all lived happily ever after.
Seems to me Sherri mentioned spending time in Cali - I wonder if she didn't keep trying to meet Charlie and become one of his 'angels' (of death, that is)?
To others in the string.
By 'Quoting' Sherri's multiply/osessively posted (but unverified by Any credible source) Baby Picture, YOU are only Helping FOIST Her Hate Agenda.
Please Halt this UNWITTING bad practice.

Not to mention making this string difficult reading and wasting bandwidth

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To others in the string.
By Quoting Sherri's multiply posted Baby Pictures, YOU are only Helping FOIST Her Hate Agenda.
Please Halt this UNWITTINGLY bad practice.

Sherri, according to her (now admitted thx) other mb profiles is Married to an Iranian Muslim.
One can only imagine.....

The truth always hurts you Lemmings.
What amazes me is the OP apparently uses her real name, profession, etc across the Internet, and yet is so Blatantly/Transparently Trying to INCITE Jew Hatred.

The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact, and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
Sherri would have you believe otherwise with her headline of "Israel Burns 11 month old alive".

This really is the most Rank Incitement one can imagine.

You are quite right, AA. Its surprising she hasn't been prosecuted. I wouldn't be surprised if she's on a watchlist.

It wouldn't be surprised if she is currently or has been treated by a professional. She clearly needs help.
Sherri, are you somehow under the mistaken impression that anyone takes your feverish, saliva-slinging tirades as anything but a pathetic joke?

Dear Hollie,

As I keep telling you, my goal is to keep eyes focused on the children who Israel is murdering and to make this information as widely known as I can.

Of course, Zionists like you want to hush up talk about Israel's baby killing and child killing and civilains killing.

And I expect it is likely you and Zionists like you dance with joy every time a child is killed by Israel, I say that because you so eagerly defend Israel's killings!

The world will remember this baby and all the other children and civilians Israel is murdering, people of conscience in our world will see to that.


Sherri, your self-hate makes you a danger to yourself and others. If you believe that spewing lies furthers your hate, you are mistaken.

Your feverish, sweaty posts only serve to derail the arguments you hope to make. Your careless refusal to acknowledge facts that contradict your false claims only serves to make you appear to be just another islamic terrorist supporter, incapable of making moral distinctions.

Drink the Kool-Aid, dear.



Self Hate?

You really are stretching, dear.

And, one more time, let it sink into that dense, Zionist, apologist for baby killing brain of yours, my thread here is all about exposing and speaking about Israel's deliberate baby killing and child murdering offenses inside Gaza, which are crimes against humanity, unlawful killings under the Fourth Geneva Convention, collective punishment, deliberate targeting of civilians and civilain objcts, indiscriminate attacks on a civilian population, and disproportionate attacks on a civilian population, all of these offenses unlawful under The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Here are photos for you to look at, one more time, and the video of the burned body of the baby Israel murdered addressd in the OP.



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The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
You are so full of shit.

From the people pulling the trigger...

Testimony 50 – Rules of Engagement

All Palestinians were suspects, so even ones waving white flags were shot. Orders were to shoot at everyone, “even an old woman – take them down.”

Testimony 43 – Rules of Engagement

“One guy said he just couldn’t finish this operation without killing someone. So he killed someone….” It was war.

Testimony 31 – Rules of Engagement

“We weren’t told outright to shoot anything we saw moving but that was the implication. I asked, ‘What if I see a girl outside?’ She has no business being outside. ‘So what do I do?’ Check if she’s armed – then shoot her.”

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement

Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.” Free fire used all weapons against “everything (including) houses,” whether or not they looked suspect.
It's pretty obvious, to IDF soldiers, killing arab babies is no big deal.
The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
You are so full of shit.

From the people pulling the trigger...

Testimony 50 – Rules of Engagement

All Palestinians were suspects, so even ones waving white flags were shot. Orders were to shoot at everyone, “even an old woman – take them down.”

Testimony 43 – Rules of Engagement

“One guy said he just couldn’t finish this operation without killing someone. So he killed someone….” It was war.

Testimony 31 – Rules of Engagement

“We weren’t told outright to shoot anything we saw moving but that was the implication. I asked, ‘What if I see a girl outside?’ She has no business being outside. ‘So what do I do?’ Check if she’s armed – then shoot her

Testimony 10 – Briefings

Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”

Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement

Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.” Free fire used all weapons against “everything (including) houses,” whether or not they looked suspect.
It's pretty obvious, to IDF soldiers, killing arab babies is no big deal.

Quite the opposite loiney, Israelis cherish life, while Hamas seeks death. Just ask this guy

[ame=]Hamas - "We desire death like you desire life" - YouTube[/ame]
The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
You are so full of shit.

From the people pulling the trigger...

[="http://www.GlobalResearch.cabreaking-the-silence-testimonies-of-israeli-soldiers"]Testimony 50 – Rules of Engagemen[b ] [/URL][/SI zE ][/FON T]

All Palestinians were suspects, so [B ]even ones waving white flags were shot[/B]. Orders were to shoot at everyone, “even an old woman – take them down.”

[FONT vc="Arial Bla"][SIZE = "3"]Testimony 43 – Rules of Engagement [/SIZE][/FO NT]
“[B ]One guy said he just couldn’t finish this operation without killing someone[/B ]. So he killed someone….” It was war.

Testimony 31 – Rules of Engagement

“We weren’t told outright to shoot anything we saw moving but that was the implication. I asked, ‘What if I see a girl outside?’ She has no business being outside. ‘So what do I do?’ [B ]Check if she’s armed – then shoot her[/B].”
[FOT="Arial Black"][SIZE=" 3"]Testimony 10 – Briefings[/SIZE][/FONT]
Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”
[SIE="3"]Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement [/SIZE]
[B ]Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in[/B ]. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.” Free fire used all weapons against “everything (including) houses,” whether or not they looked suspect.
It's pretty obvious, to IDF soldiers, killing arab babies is no big deal.
It's "Pretty Obvious" ..
1. you are another Global/GullibleResearch Clown
2. You have ZERO info this was targeting
3. In fact, we even have NO knowledge this isn't Pallywood or the Baby killed by a Hamas Shell.
4. Israel has called off Several strikes MID-AIR because civilians were around.

(Cockpit pix/audio posted on the net to that effect)

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The fact of the babies death, if it is a fact and not Pallywood, is unfortunate, but certainly not intentional/targeted.
You are so full of shit.

From the people pulling the trigger...

[="http://www.GlobalResearch.cabreaking-the-silence-testimonies-of-israeli-soldiers"]Testimony 50 – Rules of Engagemen[b ] [/URL][/SI zE ][/FON T]

All Palestinians were suspects, so [B ]even ones waving white flags were shot[/B]. Orders were to shoot at everyone, “even an old woman – take them down.”

[FONT vc="Arial Bla"][SIZE = "3"]Testimony 43 – Rules of Engagement [/SIZE][/FO NT]
“[B ]One guy said he just couldn’t finish this operation without killing someone[/B ]. So he killed someone….” It was war.

Testimony 31 – Rules of Engagement

“We weren’t told outright to shoot anything we saw moving but that was the implication. I asked, ‘What if I see a girl outside?’ She has no business being outside. ‘So what do I do?’ [B ]Check if she’s armed – then shoot her[/B].”
[FOT="Arial Black"][SIZE=" 3"]Testimony 10 – Briefings[/SIZE][/FONT]
Formal briefings covered “going off to war (and in war) no consideration of civilians was to be taken. Shoot anyone you see….this pretty much disgusted me. There was a clear feeling, and this was repeated whenever others spoke to us, that no humanitarian consideration played any role in the army at present.”
[SIE="3"]Testimony 8 – Rules of Engagement [/SIZE]
[B ]Some of the younger soldiers “think it’s cool to wield such power with no one wanting to rein them in[/B ]. They (were given) permission to open fire” even at most people who “definitely (are) not terrorists.” Free fire used all weapons against “everything (including) houses,” whether or not they looked suspect.
It's pretty obvious, to IDF soldiers, killing arab babies is no big deal.
It's "Pretty Obvious" ..
1. you are another Global/GullibleResearch Clown
2. You have ZERO info this was targeting
3. In fact we even have NO knowledge this isn't Pallywood or the Baby killed by a Hamas Shell.
4. Israel has called off Several strikes MID-AIR because civilians were around.

Cockpit pix posted on the net.


abu afak,


Idiot, educate yourself a bit, PLEASE!

Loinboy's source is Breaking The Silence, these are the words of soldiers who served in the IDF speaking of their experiences!


You can go directly to their website for more!

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It's "Pretty Obvious" ..
1. you are another Global/GullibleResearch Clown
2. You have ZERO info this was targeting
3. In fact, we even have NO knowledge this isn't Pallywood or the Baby killed by a Hamas Shell.
4. Israel has called off Several strikes MID-AIR because civilians were around.

(Cockpit pix/audio posted on the net to that effect)

Those are comments from the boots on the ground that were there.

Were you? Then shut the fuck up!
SherriMunnerlyn said:
abu afak,
Idiot, educate yourself a bit, PLEASE!
Loinboy's source is Breaking The Silence, these are the words of soldiers who served in the IDF speaking of their experiences!
You are a total Wack Job full of Nothing but Hated.
You need reprogramming.
Or perhaps your Iranian Inculcation is irreversible.

You quoted but Didn't respond to ANY of my 4 points ... including my pointing to your OCD-like posting of that Unverified-as-to-cause-or-anything picture.
GroinBoy also Fanned on ALL 4 points I Porked him with.

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Testimony 43 – Rules of Engagement “One guy said he just couldn’t finish this operation without killing someone. So he killed someone….” It was war. - Google Search

Wheeeee - look at that list of blogs, etc -

Rense, David Icke, Uruknet, ' Global Research' - it reads like 'Who's Who of Hate Speech Sites'!!! LOL!

Now who but a conspiranutter idiot is gonna take that BS seriously? People who believe in Icke's 'reptilian shape-shifting alien' theory of world history?

Dear apologist of baby killers,

You know who Breaking The Silence is, what is all this crap you are posting here?

Breaking the Silence › Israeli soldiers talk about the occupied territories

It's "Pretty Obvious" ..
1. you are another Global/GullibleResearch Clown
2. You have ZERO info this was targeting
3. In fact, we even have NO knowledge this isn't Pallywood or the Baby killed by a Hamas Shell.
4. Israel has called off Several strikes MID-AIR because civilians were around.

(Cockpit pix/audio posted on the net to that effect)

Those are comments from the boots on the ground that were there.

Were you? Then shut the fuck up!

You mad bro :lol:
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