Israel Burns Alive An 11 Month Old Palestinian Baby In Gaza Air Strike

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from sherri>>>>

Rosie has been resorting, on this discussion thread, to spewing this constant barrage of words directed at attacking Jesus followers, followers of Jesus who have lived for the past 2000 years.

you have a basis for your shit finger lie Sherrie? ---- try to be honest for a change

I think most of Sherri's commentary is close to the truth,but Rosie try to inform your self of all the FACTs.steve

I am very well informed stevie ----I get my information about Gaza from Gazans----not fascists like sherri. YOu have said nothing other than "sherri is right and rosie is wrong Is that the best you can do? I doubt that sherri has ever actually had an up close candid encounter with a Gazan in her life------other than PERHAPS at some propaganda fest


If you get information from Palestinians in Gaza you want to discuss here, please provide links to documents you rely on. I do not see you doing that, what I see you doing is making sweeping statements about Muslims and applying these sweeping statements to all Palestinians. That does not give us an accurate picture of Palestinians. It simply does not, it shows us your biased view of them.

And, by the way, they are Palestinians, the people of Gaza. I was just reminded in another thread discussion that this characterization of Palestinians in Gaza as Gazans is offensive to the people there, like calling Muslims Moslems. I learn something new every day, that was simply something I was not aware of, either.

Speaking of prejudice against Palestinains in Gaza, there is a wonderful article on Mondoweiss about this, especially the comments. So often, its the comments there I learn so much from.

NYT's Jodi Rudoren responds to criticism of Facebook comments

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


someone said sherri is a ???lawyer-----a lawyer SHOULD ---at the very least know the defintion of "MURDER" According to sherri-----the RAF during world war Ii MURDERED tens of thousands of innocent people Maybe she can get them to court


Murder is unlawful killing. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes it unlawful to target civilians and civilian objects. Targeting ambulances and journalists and civilians and civilian objects is not lawful, and when people die from unlawful attacks, we have unlawful killings, which is murder.

Whether a Nation is held accountable for its unlawful killings is not the issue, unlawful killings remain murder.

We have a problem in our international law system, which I think needs fixing, we do not have effective mechanisms to deal with Nation's violations of intl law.

I think most of Sherri's commentary is close to the truth,but Rosie try to inform your self of all the FACTs.steve

I am very well informed stevie ----I get my information about Gaza from Gazans----not fascists like sherri. YOu have said nothing other than "sherri is right and rosie is wrong Is that the best you can do? I doubt that sherri has ever actually had an up close candid encounter with a Gazan in her life------other than PERHAPS at some propaganda fest


If you get information from Palestinians in Gaza you want to discuss here, please provide links to documents you rely on. I do not see you doing that, what I see you doing is making sweeping statements about Muslims and applying these sweeping statements to all Palestinians.

sherri continues to wax idiotic----I have clearly stated that my information about
Gazans comes from Gazans----so SHE DEMANDS LINKS what a joke is
Sherri----I was interviewing gazans LONG BEFORE I HAD A PC as to the DOCUMENTS
---sorry sherri----my interviews are confidential and protected by law----you are
demanding that I violate the confidence of the gazans with whom I spoke

now---SWEEPING STATEMENTS ABOUT MUSLIMS could you cite one sherri?
you need not provide documents or links


That does not give us an accurate picture of Palestinians. It simply does not, it shows us your biased view of them

wrong again sherri------I have no BIASED view of Gazans-----that which I have said
about what they told me is what they told me. I have never met a gazan as nasty
as are you. In fact I was invited to visit gaza-----were you?

And, by the way, they are Palestinians, the people of Gaza. I was just reminded in another thread discussion that this characterization of Palestinians in Gaza as Gazans is offensive to the people there, like calling Muslims Moslems. I learn something new every day, that was simply something I was not aware of, either.

PALESTINIANS were jews for almost 2000 years My own husband was a
PALESTINIAN----so described on his official paper issued by the British----as were
his parents and his sibs and lots and lots of other people I know. It would be
very difficult for me to describe arab muslims as "palestinians" ---which is why I use
quotation marks even when I use that new-speak term for arab muslims who claim to
have some connection to the erstwhile palestine aka judea/israel


Speaking of prejudice against Palestinains in Gaza, there is a wonderful article on Mondoweiss about this, especially the comments. So often, its the comments there I learn so much from.

Mondoweiss is a propaganda site----I avoid propaganda sites ----and never CITE them
as sources to support my own arguements. I consider Robert Spencer whose background
is Turkish Catholic-----to be an excellent scholar ---He wrote a book --about ---in general ISLAM---- I would not even quote him despite the fact that I find his writings absolutely
accurate simply because he does write from a specific POV------see sherrie? I am not like you-----I do not do propaganda

prejudice against "palestinians" in Gaza? is that the palestinians of the past 2000 years---ie the jewish ones-----or the new-speak arab muslims ones?
Are you referring to the hatred that the egyptians express for BALESTINIANS?
Sherri----your vulgar pedantry is wafting a stink thru cyberspace again. People do have a right to post as they please. It is a fact that you and people of your ilk engage in WAVING CORPSES about-----which is also a vulgar practice and very dishonest It is also true that you ----like virtually all hypocrites of your ilk------routinely present view so slanted that it is obscene ------your posting content makes it clear that you are delighted that Israeli children were killed in the bombing upon Israel which you enthusiastically support. a conclusion I make using your own logic.

As to that which is happening "elsewhere" ------your assertion that it is all "UNRELATED" and that others MUST post according to YOUR CRITERIA-----is comical----but also vulgar. I believe that the events in other countries in the MIDDLE EAST at this time -----are intimately related to the situation in Gaza because unlike you-----I am candid and honest and not stupid.


I am not aware of Israeli children dying in bombings in the past week, I did hear of children injured, in Democracy Now program that was aired today. Please provide links and tell us about any Israeli children who have been killed in attacks this past week, if that happened. I do not support any children being attacked and killed. And I certainly do not celebrate such things, but it is not even possible to celebrate killings if none have even occurred, I point out.

I know we can all post whatever we want to post, but it really helps to deal with what is happening today, and respond to that. Killings in the past tell us nothing about what is happening today in Israel and Palestine.

Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


someone said sherri is a ???lawyer-----a lawyer SHOULD ---at the very least know the defintion of "MURDER" According to sherri-----the RAF during world war Ii MURDERED tens of thousands of innocent people Maybe she can get them to court


Murder is unlawful killing. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes it unlawful to target civilians and civilian objects. Targeting ambulances and journalists and civilians and civilian objects is not lawful, and when people die from unlawful attacks, we have unlawful killings, which is murder.

Whether a Nation is held accountable for its unlawful killings is not the issue, unlawful killings remain murder.

We have a problem in our international law system, which I think needs fixing, we do not have effective mechanisms to deal with Nation's violations of intl law.

Then there have been an awful lot of unlawful killings committed by Muslims even though Sherri doesn't seem to pay attention to them. She is only interested in what is happening to one tiny part of the Middle East, and certainly isn't paying attention to the unlawful killings by Muslims in the rest of the Middle East as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. Even when it is Christians being unlawfully killed, this "good Christian" woman seems to have her eyes closed. I imagine because there are no Jews involved to blame these unlawful killings on.
your disclaimer of "RESPONSIBILITY FOR PAST ACTS" is hollow indeed. If you were truly sincere, you would counsel "Balestinains" to forget what happened to them in 1948 and including that which they imagine happened to them.----it might help them to give up that "BALESTINIAN" faux identity which seems to convince them of a markedly revised history----which I notice you endorse in sheer idiocy

Just what TIME period do you consider reasonable for "MEMORIES"? suggest a reasonable date.

you reimind me of an interesting comment my son made at about age 14---when he started a new high school----after being in a kind of jewish parochial thing... thence to a very culturally diverse public high school----but with a bit of a special UN type student body --------he did come up with this observation>>> When jews talk about history-----they talk about the past 5000 years----when christians talk about history---its the past 2000 years----when muslims talk about history----it starts with Muhummad

-----he had something there-----which is more pervasive in general POV of things than might be apparent to you. -----his comment reminded me of an
interaction I had with a christian minister----who told me something about the bible and he made a mistake regarding ----a character , name, place, etc----it as an "OLD" testament thing-----and I corrected the error--------in a casual way ----I was SURPRISED at the INTENSITY of the man's reaction He said YOUR PEOPLE KNOW THIS STUFF LIKE IT HAPPENED YESTERDAY.

right----I know it like it happened yesterday------that which you know only as a sunday school fairy tale in the HAZY HAZY distant---vague surreal past

here is another iinsight from my genius offspring----"ma---when christians talk about the bible----its like they are talking about fairy tales-----the BOOK OF JONAH IS ALL ABOUT SOME GUY BEING SWALLOWED BY A WHALE"

LOL he never attended sunday school-----BUT I DID-----I refrained from saying-----"yeah , I know----they do" see how POLITE I AM...
Are you saying Israel's murder of this 11 month old baby is justified?


someone said sherri is a ???lawyer-----a lawyer SHOULD ---at the very least know the defintion of "MURDER" According to sherri-----the RAF during world war Ii MURDERED tens of thousands of innocent people Maybe she can get them to court


Murder is unlawful killing. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes it unlawful to target civilians and civilian objects. Targeting ambulances and journalists and civilians and civilian objects is not lawful, and when people die from unlawful attacks, we have unlawful killings, which is murder.

Whether a Nation is held accountable for its unlawful killings is not the issue, unlawful killings remain murder.

We have a problem in our international law system, which I think needs fixing, we do not have effective mechanisms to deal with Nation's violations of intl law.

Then there have been an awful lot of unlawful killings committed by Muslims even though Sherri doesn't seem to pay attention to them. She is only interested in what is happening to one tiny part of the Middle East, and certainly isn't paying attention to the unlawful killings by Muslims in the rest of the Middle East as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. Even when it is Christians being unlawfully killed, this "good Christian" woman seems to have her eyes closed. I imagine because there are no Jews involved to blame these unlawful killings on.

I think you have already mentioned this before Hoss,repetition is ok for Cretins but you can't honestly think that you can foist this on ME,time and time again.

That's it Bend Down Low :ack-1:WACK,WACK......:D....steve:D

Murder is unlawful killing. The Fourth Geneva Convention makes it unlawful to target civilians and civilian objects. Targeting ambulances and journalists and civilians and civilian objects is not lawful, and when people die from unlawful attacks, we have unlawful killings, which is murder.

Whether a Nation is held accountable for its unlawful killings is not the issue, unlawful killings remain murder.

We have a problem in our international law system, which I think needs fixing, we do not have effective mechanisms to deal with Nation's violations of intl law.

Then there have been an awful lot of unlawful killings committed by Muslims even though Sherri doesn't seem to pay attention to them. She is only interested in what is happening to one tiny part of the Middle East, and certainly isn't paying attention to the unlawful killings by Muslims in the rest of the Middle East as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. Even when it is Christians being unlawfully killed, this "good Christian" woman seems to have her eyes closed. I imagine because there are no Jews involved to blame these unlawful killings on.

I think you have already mentioned this before Hoss,repetition is ok for Cretins but you can't honestly think that you can foist this on ME,time and time again.

That's it Bend Down Low :ack-1:WACK,WACK......:D....steve:D

Calm down folks-----Sherrie does not know the definition of MURDER
the 11 month old baby ----was not murdered by any legal definition of
the term "MURDER" nor was the kid playing soccer
at least not in any civilized country. ---like the NORTHERN PART OF THE USA----
east of the Mississippi River
Then there have been an awful lot of unlawful killings committed by Muslims even though Sherri doesn't seem to pay attention to them. She is only interested in what is happening to one tiny part of the Middle East, and certainly isn't paying attention to the unlawful killings by Muslims in the rest of the Middle East as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. Even when it is Christians being unlawfully killed, this "good Christian" woman seems to have her eyes closed. I imagine because there are no Jews involved to blame these unlawful killings on.

I think you have already mentioned this before Hoss,repetition is ok for Cretins but you can't honestly think that you can foist this on ME,time and time again.

That's it Bend Down Low :ack-1:WACK,WACK......:D....steve:D

Calm down folks-----Sherrie does not know the definition of MURDER
the 11 month old baby ----was not murdered by any legal definition of
the term "MURDER" nor was the kid playing soccer
at least not in any civilized country. ---like the NORTHERN PART OF THE USA----
east of the Mississippi River

o Yeah...but I'm ENJOYING WACKING Hoss's:ack-1: BUTT,stop being a spoil sport,anyway he enjoys it......BIG TIME:D...mind you I have to be careful:9: You know what I mean:clap2:
Then there have been an awful lot of unlawful killings committed by Muslims even though Sherri doesn't seem to pay attention to them. She is only interested in what is happening to one tiny part of the Middle East, and certainly isn't paying attention to the unlawful killings by Muslims in the rest of the Middle East as well as Africa and Southeast Asia. Even when it is Christians being unlawfully killed, this "good Christian" woman seems to have her eyes closed. I imagine because there are no Jews involved to blame these unlawful killings on.

I think you have already mentioned this before Hoss,repetition is ok for Cretins but you can't honestly think that you can foist this on ME,time and time again.

That's it Bend Down Low :ack-1:WACK,WACK......:D....steve:D

Calm down folks-----Sherrie does not know the definition of MURDER
the 11 month old baby ----was not murdered by any legal definition of
the term "MURDER" nor was the kid playing soccer
at least not in any civilized country. ---like the NORTHERN PART OF THE USA----
east of the Mississippi River


The US and Israel are both signatories to The Fourth Geneva Convention, by Treaty the nations are bound to its provisions.


I think you have already mentioned this before Hoss,repetition is ok for Cretins but you can't honestly think that you can foist this on ME,time and time again.

That's it Bend Down Low :ack-1:WACK,WACK......:D....steve:D

Calm down folks-----Sherrie does not know the definition of MURDER
the 11 month old baby ----was not murdered by any legal definition of
the term "MURDER" nor was the kid playing soccer
at least not in any civilized country. ---like the NORTHERN PART OF THE USA----
east of the Mississippi River


The US and Israel are both signatories to The Fourth Geneva Convention, by Treaty the nations are bound to its provisions.


so? you got your idiotic definition of "MURDER" from the Fourth Geneva Convention? or Mondojerk told you? As to the fourth Geneva Convention------there is no provision
barring RETURN FIRE as your perverted friends have been claiming. Your problem is that you consider the details of the JUSTINIAN CODE----consistent with something some guy you call "jesus" would like You should watch the video that roudy cited in his post-----with the knowlege that part of the filth detailed therin regarding Shariah law-----was actually lifted from the Justinian code. Now that we have determined that you are not a lawyer-----I will help you----the JUSTINIAN CODE was put together by the grandson of Constantine---the man who imposed christianity on the Roman empire------and is essential CANON LAW----the laws of the CHRISTIAN STATE-----back then ----before Henry VIII decide to dump Catherine for Anne Boelyn
It becomes clear Israel targeteted civilians and civilian objects when one hears from people inside Gaza, speaking about the military strikes, the people who personally witnessed those Israeli military strikes, like journalists who have personally experienced unlawful targeting themselves.

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt

Democracy Now yesterday aired a segment on their spokesman in Gaza, speaking about the air strikes, from Gaza City, on Day 8 of the miliary operation:

"SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well Amy, I got into Gaza through the Rafah border crossing, which is the only border that Gaza has to the outside world that is not controlled by Israel. I had to wait three days on the border to get in from Egypt, but I eventually did. It is really a dystopian reality here, one of widespread violence and suffering. There is heavy naval bombing, there are F-16s strikes, there’s an incessant buzz of the drones overhead that really gives you the feeling of being under constant threat. You can also hear the outgoing rockets being fired into Israel. The streets are quite empty, shops are closed, there’s a heavy tension in the air. Last night, as these talks of a cease-fire were under way. It was particularly brutal. There was a nonstop barrage of bombing that made the ground literally shake every 10 minutes. This was as Clinton, I believe, was arriving in Israel for these talks.

At around 2:00 AM, there was a missile strike that landed in an open area not more than 30 yards from where I’m staying in my hotel and two hotels near by that’s housing many foreign journalists, it blew out the windows of all the surrounding buildings including in my hotel room, left a massive crater in the ground. One journalist told me — all these journalists were out in the lobby, some in shock, some kind of laughing nervously. One said, this is intimidation, there is no other reason to do this. Of course, this is a fraction of what many Palestinians in Gaza have gone through. As you mentioned, nearly 140 have been killed, mostly civilians, 34 of them children."

It becomes clear Israel targeteted civilians and civilian objects when one hears from people inside Gaza, speaking about the military strikes, the people who personally witnessed those Israeli military strikes, like journalists who have personally experienced unlawful targeting themselves.

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt

Democracy Now yesterday aired a segment on their spokesman in Gaza, speaking about the air strikes, from Gaza City, on Day 8 of the miliary operation:

"SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well Amy, I got into Gaza through the Rafah border crossing, which is the only border that Gaza has to the outside world that is not controlled by Israel. I had to wait three days on the border to get in from Egypt, but I eventually did. It is really a dystopian reality here, one of widespread violence and suffering. There is heavy naval bombing, there are F-16s strikes, there’s an incessant buzz of the drones overhead that really gives you the feeling of being under constant threat. You can also hear the outgoing rockets being fired into Israel. The streets are quite empty, shops are closed, there’s a heavy tension in the air. Last night, as these talks of a cease-fire were under way. It was particularly brutal. There was a nonstop barrage of bombing that made the ground literally shake every 10 minutes. This was as Clinton, I believe, was arriving in Israel for these talks.

At around 2:00 AM, there was a missile strike that landed in an open area not more than 30 yards from where I’m staying in my hotel and two hotels near by that’s housing many foreign journalists, it blew out the windows of all the surrounding buildings including in my hotel room, left a massive crater in the ground. One journalist told me — all these journalists were out in the lobby, some in shock, some kind of laughing nervously. One said, this is intimidation, there is no other reason to do this. Of course, this is a fraction of what many Palestinians in Gaza have gone through. As you mentioned, nearly 140 have been killed, mostly civilians, 34 of them children."


Nothing in the article would support your claims to targeting of civilians.

Your need to vilify Israel for defending itself against idslamist terrorists isn't served by invented conspiracy theories.
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sherri is again desperate to justify her baby throat slitting heroes and their 1400 year and COINTINUING campaign of filth-------Have you yet determined the actual definition of "MURDER" sherri, or is the task too difficult for you. Got any figures on haw many
men, women and children your fellow "isa-respectors murdered yet TODAY----thanksgiving USA --------reminds me of my tiime in the mosque ----long ago on GOOD FRIDAY-----I wonder if the Imams in the USA will deliver their KHUTBAH JUMAAT----re: thanksgiving tomorrow as that genius Imam did-----long ago on GOOD FRIDAY I was too young to enjoy the harrangue against the PEVERSE LIE which is, as the good imam professor of Al azhar University delcared----the "New Testiment" ------silly me-----I was actually distressed.
You should not be-----after all ISA was a muslim and had every right to reject the PERVERSE LIARS WHO WROTE THE "NEW TESTAMENT" I will never forget----the little boys sitting on the floor next to their smiling nodding fathers ------smiling and nodding every time the scholarly Imam bashed the idiot MYTH created by "PERVERSE LIARS -----of Good Friday. It was long ago------before the WORLD'S TRADE CENTER WAS BUILT-----but walking distance from the site where the WORLD'S TRADE CENTER would later be built. As I looked at the little boys learning about the PERVERSE LIARS-----I did wonder how the educaton would effect them-------gee-----I even imagined I heard the screams of their future victims -----is that not fascinating?? It is quite a coincidence that I happened again to be in New York City, years late to see the Towers fall What a rare coincidence. You think '
'someone' was trying to tell me something and you are not the only person GETTING MESSAGES? I wonder if the KHUTBAH JUMAAT tomorrow will include a BASH on Thanksgiving -----invented by the PERVERSE LIARS Could the next victim be a Turkey farm?

The deliberate Israeli unlawful targeting and unlawful killing of civilians and civilian objects we have seen carried out by Israel in the recent 8 day military operation in Gaza....

What deliberate targeting would that be?

You rattle on with these conspiracy theories of your own manufacture yet are unable to offer support for your claims.
Nothing in the article would support your claims to targeting of civilians. Your need to vilify Israel for defending itself against idslamist terrorists isn't served by invented conspiracy theories.[/quote said:
Hollie----meet sherri-----nothing deters her from incessant lies She is not the only liar. In a prior messageboard in which I used to participate----one of the posters INVENTED LIBELOUS thread title just as sherri does Notice the libelous filth which is the title of this thread------she has ISRAELIS BURNING BABIES TO DEATH------just as did her fellows during the INQUISTION and her fellow ISA-respecters in Biafra I will leave the obvious adolf abu ali out of this discussion
It becomes clear Israel targeteted civilians and civilian objects when one hears from people inside Gaza, speaking about the military strikes, the people who personally witnessed those Israeli military strikes, like journalists who have personally experienced unlawful targeting themselves.

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt

Democracy Now yesterday aired a segment on their spokesman in Gaza, speaking about the air strikes, from Gaza City, on Day 8 of the miliary operation:

"SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Well Amy, I got into Gaza through the Rafah border crossing, which is the only border that Gaza has to the outside world that is not controlled by Israel. I had to wait three days on the border to get in from Egypt, but I eventually did. It is really a dystopian reality here, one of widespread violence and suffering. There is heavy naval bombing, there are F-16s strikes, there’s an incessant buzz of the drones overhead that really gives you the feeling of being under constant threat. You can also hear the outgoing rockets being fired into Israel. The streets are quite empty, shops are closed, there’s a heavy tension in the air. Last night, as these talks of a cease-fire were under way. It was particularly brutal. There was a nonstop barrage of bombing that made the ground literally shake every 10 minutes. This was as Clinton, I believe, was arriving in Israel for these talks.

At around 2:00 AM, there was a missile strike that landed in an open area not more than 30 yards from where I’m staying in my hotel and two hotels near by that’s housing many foreign journalists, it blew out the windows of all the surrounding buildings including in my hotel room, left a massive crater in the ground. One journalist told me — all these journalists were out in the lobby, some in shock, some kind of laughing nervously. One said, this is intimidation, there is no other reason to do this. Of course, this is a fraction of what many Palestinians in Gaza have gone through. As you mentioned, nearly 140 have been killed, mostly civilians, 34 of them children."


Nothing in the article would support your claims to targeting of civilians.

Your need to vilify Israel for defending itself against idslamist terrorists isn't served by invented conspiracy theories.

Zionist cheerleader Hollie,

The article does support that Israel is targeting civilians, they targeted journalists, some were killed, one lost his legs. Tthe journalist who is reporting from Gaza City, interviewed by Democracy Now, personally witnessed and was the victim in an Israeli terror attack himself which he speaks of, what else describes the air strike 30 yards from the hotel he was in and foreign journalists are staying at? The window of his very own hotel room was blown out by its strength!

And he speaks of other targetings of civilians, as he speaks from Gaza City in that interview, as well, journalists targeted in strikes on buildings that housed Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP, jornalists in a car killed in an airstrike right on the corner of a school run by the United Nations that had been turned into a UN shelter for displaced people inside Gaza. Targeting Journalists, targeting UN shelters, is unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian objects under The Fourth Geneva Convention. You hear and read of leaflets being distributed to warn people to leave their homes, and then you read of strikes on the UN Shelters they flee to!!!!! Nowhere in Gaza is safe and no civilian in Gaza is safe from Israeli terror attacks when Israel starts these airstrikes inside Gaza! No civilain is safe from Israeli targeting in these so called military strikes.

"That attack last night, which was terrifying, it followed attacks that hit the buildings of — that houses Agence France Presse, the offices of Al Jazeera and AP were also damaged by a nearby attack. Yesterday, Israel targeted and then proudly admitted killing two Palestinian journalists in their car. That strike in the car actually happened on the corner of a school run by the United Nations, which yesterday was turned into a massive shelter for displaced Gazans. More than 1800 of them came to the school yesterday — I visited it today — after the Israeli military dropped leaflets on towns in northern Gaza, ordering residents to evacuate their houses. Many I spoke to fled after reading these leaflets. They were hit with fear and panic. Then the bombings started, so they fled. Many of them leaving behind most of their belongings.

These families are now crammed into these classrooms of this schools, sleeping on the floor, they have little water, they have not eaten since last night. There’s many traumatized children. One of them could not stop wailing and throwing herself on the floor. Her mother said she had been like that since the bombing last week. Another mother told me her 13-year-old daughter could not stop crying unless she is being held by someone and embraced because she’s overcome by fear. This is what’s Gaza is like here. People have no where to go. The threat of bombing and violence is ever-present. The infrastructure here is being systematically destroyed. Israel targeted a large bank, they targeted one of the biggest strikes so far was the civil administration building. They target police stations. The edifices of the state are being destroyed. The people have little recourse for any kind of safety."

As Bus Bomb Hits Tel Aviv, Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt

Sherri, it's wartime, get over it, shit happens during a war, like thousands of rockets falling in civilian areas...

The deliberate Israeli unlawful targeting and unlawful killing of civilians and civilian objects we have seen carried out by Israel in the recent 8 day military operation in Gaza....

What deliberate targeting would that be?

You rattle on with these conspiracy theories of your own manufacture yet are unable to offer support for your claims.


I keep offering proof, you keep cheerleading the Zionists on to kill more defenseless babies!

I find that SAD!

Sherri, it's wartime, get over it, shit happens during a war, like thousands of rockets falling in civilian areas...

how many times does sherri HAVE TO TELL YOU------flinging thousands of poison nail bombs on Israel is LEGAL TO ISA RESPECTERS------in fact you can find the details
in both the Justinian code and Shariah law
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